Example #1
 private async void GlucoseServiceHandler_MeasurementNotification(GlucoseMeasurementValue measurement)
     await dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
         var value = new GlucoseMeasurementValueWrapper(measurement);
Example #2
 public GlucoseMeasurementValueWrapper(GlucoseMeasurementValue measurement)
     this.Measurement              = measurement;
     this.timeOffSet               = this.Measurement.TimeOffset.ToString();
     this.sequenceNumber           = this.Measurement.SequenceNumber.ToString();
     this.baseTime                 = this.Measurement.BaseTime.ToString();
     this.location                 = this.Measurement.Location.ToString();
     this.type                     = this.Measurement.Type.ToString();
     this.glucoseConcentrationKgL  = this.Measurement.GlucoseConcentrationKgL.ToString();
     this.glucoseConcentrationMolL = this.Measurement.GlucoseConcentrationMolL.ToString();
        public async Task CreateAndUploadMeasurementAsFhir()
            // For the sake of simplicity the measurement is created directly rather than read via bluetooth
            var measurement = new GlucoseMeasurementValue {
                GlucoseConcentrationMolL = 5.4f, BaseTime = DateTime.UtcNow

            // The measurement can then be converted to a FHIR resource by following a simple factory pattern, that fills a blueprint with values
            var observation = ObservationFactory.FromMeasurement(measurement);

            // This FHIR resource now can be uploaded to the tangle
            var interactor = new CreateResourceInteractor(new IotaFhirRepository(Repository, new FhirJsonTryteSerializer(), new InMemoryResourceTracker()));

            // The result includes all necessary data to read the FHIR resource from e.g. an FHIR API
            var result = await interactor.ExecuteAsync(new CreateResourceRequest { Resource = observation });
Example #4
        public static Observation FromMeasurement(GlucoseMeasurementValue measurement)
            var observation = new Observation
                Identifier =
                    new List <Identifier>
                    new Identifier
                        System = "http://www.bmc.nl/zorgportal/identifiers/observations",
                        Value  = "6323",
                        Use    = Identifier.IdentifierUse.Official
                Status = ObservationStatus.Final,
                Code   = new CodeableConcept
                    Coding = new List <Coding>
                        new Coding
                            System = "http://loinc.org", Code = "15074-8", Display = "Glucose [Moles/volume] in Blood"
                Issued = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                Value  = new SimpleQuantity
                    Value  = (decimal)measurement.GlucoseConcentrationMolL,
                    Unit   = "mmol/l",
                    System = "http://unitsofmeasure.org",
                    Code   = "mmol/l"

            if (measurement.BaseTime != null)
                observation.Effective = new Period {
                    StartElement = new FhirDateTime(new DateTimeOffset(measurement.BaseTime.Value))

Example #5
        public async Task RunAsync(int rounds)
            var repository = new RestIotaRepository(
                new FallbackIotaClient(
                    new List <string>
                new PoWSrvService());

            var fhirRepository     = new IotaFhirRepository(repository, new FhirJsonTryteSerializer(), new InMemoryResourceTracker());
            var resourceInteractor = new CreateResourceInteractor(fhirRepository);
            var readInteractor     = new ReadResourceInteractor(fhirRepository);

            var measurement = new GlucoseMeasurementValue {
                GlucoseConcentrationMolL = 5.4f, BaseTime = DateTime.UtcNow
            var resourceId = string.Empty;

            var n = 0;

            while (n < rounds)

                // The example sends an observation. Nevertheless it does not make a difference from a technical perspective
                // what resource is sent, as long as its size fits one IOTA transaction
                var response = await resourceInteractor.ExecuteAsync(new CreateResourceRequest { Resource = ObservationFactory.FromMeasurement(measurement) });

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourceId))
                    resourceId = response.LogicalId;

            foreach (var trackingEntry in fhirRepository.ResultTimes)
                this.Logger.Log($"Create: {trackingEntry.CreateTime:0000} | Attach: {trackingEntry.AttachTime:0000}");

            await readInteractor.ExecuteAsync(new ReadResourceRequest { ResourceId = resourceId });

            foreach (var readEntry in fhirRepository.ReadTimes)
                this.Logger.Log($"Read: {readEntry.ReadTime:0000}");