static string GlossStringFlags(GlossaryTypes glossaryTypes)
            char[] ca = new char[sKnownGlossaryLetters.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < sKnownGlossaryLetters.Length; ++i)
                ca[i] = ((glossaryTypes & (GlossaryTypes)(1 << i)) != 0) ? sKnownGlossaryLetters[i] : '-';
            return(new string(ca));

             * int result = 0;
             * for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
             * {
             *  if ((glossaryTypes & (GlossaryTypes)(1 << i)) != 0) ++result;
             * }
             * return (result == 0) ? string.Empty : result.ToString();
        // Validate the wordlist vocabulary for a particular item.
        // Returns the aggregate translation Bitflags
        private GlossaryTypes ValidateWordlistVocabulary(string bankKey, string wordlistId, ItemContext itemIt, List <int> termIndices, List <string> terms)
            // Make sure the wordlist exists
            ItemIdentifier ii = new ItemIdentifier(cItemTypeWordlist, bankKey, wordlistId);
            FileFolder     ff;

            if (!mPackage.TryGetItem(ii, out ff))
                if (!(mPackage is SingleItemPackage))
                    ReportingUtility.ReportError(itemIt, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Item references non-existent wordlist (WIT)", "wordlistId='{0}'", wordlistId);

            // Read the wordlist XML
            var xml = new XmlDocument(sXmlNt);

            if (!TryLoadXml(ff, ii.FullId + ".xml", xml))
                ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Severe, "Invalid wordlist file.", LoadXmlErrorDetail);

            // Make sure this is a wordlist
            if (!string.Equals(xml.XpEvalE("itemrelease/item/@type"), cItemTypeWordlist))
                ReportingUtility.ReportError(itemIt, ErrorCategory.Item, ErrorSeverity.Severe, "WordList reference is to a non-wordList item.", $"referencedId='{ii.ItemId}'");

            // Sanity check
            if (!string.Equals(xml.XpEvalE("itemrelease/item/@id"), ii.ItemId.ToString()))
                ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Severe, "Wordlist file id mismatch.", $"wordListId='{xml.XpEval("itemrelease/item/@id")}' expected='{ii.ItemId}'");

            // Add this to the wordlist queue (if not there already) and manage progress count
            if (mWordlistQueue.Add(ii))
                if (mItemQueue.Contains(ii))

            // Create a dictionary of attachment files
            Dictionary <string, long> attachmentFiles = new Dictionary <string, long>();

            foreach (FileFile fi in ff.Files)
                // If Audio or image file
                var extension = fi.Extension.ToLowerInvariant();
                if (!string.Equals(extension, ".xml", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    attachmentFiles.Add(fi.Name, fi.Length);

            // Create a hashset of all wordlist terms that are referenced by the item
            HashSet <int> referencedIndices = new HashSet <int>(termIndices);

            // Load up the list of wordlist terms
            List <string> wordlistTerms = new List <string>();

            foreach (XmlNode kwNode in xml.SelectNodes("itemrelease/item/keywordList/keyword"))
                // Get the term and its index
                string term  = kwNode.XpEval("@text");
                int    index = int.Parse(kwNode.XpEval("@index"));

                // Make sure the index is unique and add to the term list
                while (wordlistTerms.Count < index + 1)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wordlistTerms[index]))
                    ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Severe, "Wordlist has multiple terms with the same index.", "index='{0}'", index);
                    wordlistTerms[index] = term;

            // Keep track of term information for error checks
            Dictionary <string, TermAttachmentReference> attachmentToReference = new Dictionary <string, TermAttachmentReference>();

            // Enumerate all the terms in the wordlist (second pass)
            int           ordinal = 0;
            GlossaryTypes aggregateGlossariesFound = 0;

            foreach (XmlNode kwNode in xml.SelectNodes("itemrelease/item/keywordList/keyword"))

                // Get the term and its index
                string term  = kwNode.XpEval("@text");
                int    index = int.Parse(kwNode.XpEval("@index"));

                // See if this term is referenced by the item.
                bool termReferenced = referencedIndices.Contains(index);
                if (!termReferenced && Program.gValidationOptions.IsEnabled("uwt"))
                    ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Benign, "Wordlist term is not referenced by item.", "term='{0}' termIndex='{1}'", term, index);

                // Find the attachment references and enumberate the translations
                GlossaryTypes glossariesFound = 0;
                foreach (XmlNode htmlNode in kwNode.SelectNodes("html"))
                    var listType = htmlNode.XpEval("@listType");

                    if (sKnownGlossariesIndex.TryGetValue(listType, out GlossaryTypes gt))
                        glossariesFound |= gt;

                    // Get the embedded HTML
                    string html = htmlNode.InnerText;

                    string audioType = string.Empty;
                    long   audioSize = 0;
                    string imageType = string.Empty;
                    long   imageSize = 0;

                    // Look for an audio glossary entry
                    Match match = sRxAudioAttachment.Match(html);
                    if (match.Success)
                        // Use RegEx to find the audio glossary entry in the contents.
                        string filename = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        ProcessGlossaryAttachment(filename, itemIt, ii, index, listType, termReferenced, wordlistTerms, attachmentFiles, attachmentToReference, ref audioType, ref audioSize);

                        // Check for dual types
                        if (string.Equals(Path.GetExtension(filename), ".ogg", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".m4a";
                            ProcessGlossaryAttachment(filename, itemIt, ii, index, listType, termReferenced, wordlistTerms, attachmentFiles, attachmentToReference, ref audioType, ref audioSize);
                        else if (string.Equals(Path.GetExtension(filename), ".m4a", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".ogg";
                            ProcessGlossaryAttachment(filename, itemIt, ii, index, listType, termReferenced, wordlistTerms, attachmentFiles, attachmentToReference, ref audioType, ref audioSize);

                        // If filename matches the naming convention, ensure that values are correct
                        Match match2 = sRxAttachmentNamingConvention.Match(filename);
                        if (match2.Success)
                            // Sample attachment filename that follows the convention:
                            // item_116605_v1_116605_01btagalog_glossary_ogg_m4a.m4a

                            // Check both instances of the wordlist ID
                            if (!wordlistId.Equals(match2.Groups[1].Value, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                                !wordlistId.Equals(match2.Groups[2].Value, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Wordlist attachment filename indicates wordlist ID mismatch.", "filename='{0}' filenameItemId='{1}' expectedItemId='{2}'", filename, match2.Groups[1].Value, wordlistId);

                            // Check that the wordlist term index matches

                            /* While most filename indices match. It's quite common for them not to match and still be the correct audio
                             * Disabling this check because it's mostly false alarms.
                             * int filenameIndex;
                             * if (!int.TryParse(match2.Groups[3].Value, out filenameIndex)) filenameIndex = -1;
                             * if (filenameIndex != index && filenameIndex != ordinal
                             *  && (filenameIndex >= wordlistTerms.Count || !string.Equals(wordlistTerms[filenameIndex], term, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                             * {
                             *  ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(ItemIt, it, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Wordlist attachment filename indicates term index mismatch.", "filename='{0}' filenameIndex='{1}' expectedIndex='{2}'", filename, filenameIndex, index);
                             * }

                            // Translate from language in the naming convention to listType value
                            string filenameListType = match2.Groups[4].Value.ToLower();
                            switch (filenameListType)
                            // Special cases
                            case "spanish":
                                filenameListType = "esnGlossary";

                            case "tagalog":
                            case "atagalog":
                            case "btagalog":
                            case "ilocano":
                            case "atagal":
                                filenameListType = "tagalGlossary";

                            case "apunjabi":
                            case "bpunjabi":
                            case "punjabiwest":
                            case "punjabieast":
                                filenameListType = "punjabiGlossary";

                            // Conventional case
                                filenameListType = string.Concat(filenameListType.ToLower(), "Glossary");
                            if (!filenameListType.Equals(listType))
                                ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Wordlist audio filename indicates attachment language mismatch.", "filename='{0}' filenameListType='{1}' expectedListType='{2}'", filename, filenameListType, listType);

                    // Look for an image glossary entry
                    match = sRxImageAttachment.Match(html);
                    if (match.Success)
                        // Use RegEx to find the illustration glossary entry in the contents.
                        string filename = match.Groups[1].Value;
                        ProcessGlossaryAttachment(filename, itemIt, ii, index, listType, termReferenced, wordlistTerms, attachmentFiles, attachmentToReference, ref imageType, ref imageSize);
                    else if (listType.Equals("illustration", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Illustration glossary entry does not include image.", "term='{0}' index='{1}'", term, index);

                    // Report error if translated glossary lacks audio
                    if ((gt & sAllTranslatedGlossaries) != 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(audioType))
                        ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Translated glossary entry lacks audio.", "term='{0}' index='{1}'", term, index);

                    string folderDescription = string.Concat(mPackage.Name, "/", ii.FolderName);

                    // Folder,WIT_ID,ItemId,Index,Term,Language,Length,Audio,AudioSize,Image,ImageSize
                    if (Program.gValidationOptions.IsEnabled("gtr"))
                        mGlossaryReport.WriteLine(string.Join(",", CsvEncode(folderDescription), ii.BankKey.ToString(), ii.ItemId.ToString(), itemIt.ItemId.ToString(), index.ToString(), CsvEncodeExcel(term), CsvEncode(listType), html.Length.ToString(), audioType, audioSize.ToString(), imageType, imageSize.ToString(), CsvEncode(html)));
                        mGlossaryReport.WriteLine(string.Join(",", CsvEncode(folderDescription), ii.BankKey.ToString(), ii.ItemId.ToString(), itemIt.ItemId.ToString(), index.ToString(), CsvEncodeExcel(term), CsvEncode(listType), html.Length.ToString(), audioType, audioSize.ToString(), imageType, imageSize.ToString()));

                // Report any expected translations that weren't found
                if (termReferenced &&
                    (glossariesFound & sExpectedTranslatedGlossaries) != 0 && // at least one translated glossary
                    (glossariesFound & sExpectedTranslatedGlossaries) != sExpectedTranslatedGlossaries)    // not all translated glossaries
                    // Make a list of translations that weren't found
                    string missedTranslations = (sExpectedTranslatedGlossaries & ~glossariesFound).ToString();
                    ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Tolerable, "Wordlist term does not include all expected translations.", "term='{0}' missing='{1}'", term, missedTranslations);

                aggregateGlossariesFound |= glossariesFound;

            Porter.Stemmer stemmer = new Porter.Stemmer();

            // Make sure terms match references
            for (int i = 0; i < termIndices.Count; ++i)
                int index = termIndices[i];
                if (index >= wordlistTerms.Count || string.IsNullOrEmpty(wordlistTerms[index]))
                    ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Benign, "Item references non-existent wordlist term.", "text='{0}' termIndex='{1}'", terms[i], index);
                    if (!stemmer.TermsMatch(terms[i], wordlistTerms[index]))
                        ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Degraded, "Item text does not match wordlist term.", "text='{0}' term='{1}' termIndex='{2}'", terms[i], wordlistTerms[index], index);

            // Report unreferenced attachments
            if (Program.gValidationOptions.IsEnabled("umf"))
                foreach (var pair in attachmentFiles)
                    if (!attachmentToReference.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
                        ReportingUtility.ReportWitError(itemIt, ii, ErrorSeverity.Benign, "Unreferenced wordlist attachment file.", "filename='{0}'", pair.Key);
