/// <summary>
        ///     Constructor requires an XpProgressor, starting HP, maximum HP, and optionally, a name
        /// </summary>
        public RpgCharacterData(Guid newId,
                                XpProgressor newXpProgressor,
                                int newHP,
                                int newMaxHp,
                                GlobalSpAssignmentType typeOfSpAssignment,
                                string newName = RpgCharacterData.DefaultName)
            Debug.Assert(newXpProgressor != null, "RpgCharacterData consturctor is being given a null XpProgressor!");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newName))
                Debug.LogWarning("RpgCharacterData constructor was given a null or empty new name string");
                newName = RpgCharacterData.DefaultName;
            if (newMaxHp <= 0)
                if (newMaxHp != 0)
                    newMaxHp = -newMaxHp;
                    Debug.LogWarning("A new RPG Character " + newName + " was given negative Max HP. Negating to positive.");
                    newMaxHp = RpgCharacterData.DefaultHealthPoints;
                    Debug.LogWarning("A new RPG Character " + newName + " was given 0 Max HP. As this is not allowed, the new HP will be "
                                     + RpgCharacterData.DefaultHealthPoints.ToString());
            if (newHP <= 0)
                if (newHP != 0)
                    newHP = -newHP;
                    Debug.LogWarning("A new RPG Character " + newName + " was given negative HP. Negating to positive.");
                    newHP = newMaxHp;
                    Debug.LogWarning("A new RPG Character " + newName + " was given 0 HP. As this is not allowed at start, the new HP will be the same as the given Max HP");

            this.id                = new SaveableGuid(newId);
            this.name              = newName;
            this.hp                = newHP;
            this.maxHp             = newMaxHp;
            this.additionalMaxHp   = 0;
            this.unallocatedSpPool = 0;
            this.assignmentType    = typeOfSpAssignment;

            this.xpData           = new XpData(newXpProgressor);
            this.appliedAbilities = new List <AbilityData>();
            this.appliedStats     = new List <StatData>();

            this.numOfStats     = 0;
            this.numOfAbilities = 0;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Deserialization Constructor
        /// </summary>
        public RpgCharacterData(RpgCharacterPacket rpgCharacterPacket)
            Debug.Assert(rpgCharacterPacket != null, "RpgCharacterData could not be deserialized because the packet was null!");

            this.id                = new SaveableGuid(rpgCharacterPacket.id);
            this.name              = rpgCharacterPacket.name;
            this.hp                = rpgCharacterPacket.hp;
            this.maxHp             = rpgCharacterPacket.maxHp;
            this.additionalMaxHp   = rpgCharacterPacket.additionalMaxHp;
            this.unallocatedSpPool = rpgCharacterPacket.unallocatedSpPool;
            this.assignmentType    = rpgCharacterPacket.assignmentType;

            this.xpData           = new XpData(rpgCharacterPacket.xpDataPacket);
            this.appliedStats     = new List <StatData>();
            this.appliedAbilities = new List <AbilityData>();

            this.numOfStats     = rpgCharacterPacket.appliedStats.Count;
            this.numOfAbilities = rpgCharacterPacket.appliedAbilities.Count;

            // Deserialize abilties first, so we can just loop through stats later to apply abilities
            foreach (AbilityPacket abilityPacket in rpgCharacterPacket.appliedAbilities)
                AbilityData newAbility = new AbilityData(abilityPacket);

            foreach (StatPacket statPacket in rpgCharacterPacket.appliedStats)
                StatData newStat = new StatData(statPacket, this.appliedStats);

                // Apply all abilities that this new stat takes
                foreach (AbilityData ability in this.appliedAbilities)

