Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Broadcasts the player death animation, updates vitae, and sends network messages for player death
        /// Queues the action to call TeleportOnDeath and enter portal space soon
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Die(DamageHistoryInfo lastDamager, DamageHistoryInfo topDamager)
            if (topDamager?.Guid == Guid && IsPKType)
                var topDamagerOther = DamageHistory.GetTopDamager(false);

                if (topDamagerOther != null && topDamagerOther.IsPlayer)
                    topDamager = topDamagerOther;

            UpdateVital(Health, 0);
            suicideInProgress = false;

            // TODO: instead of setting IsBusy here,
            // eventually all of the places that check for states such as IsBusy || Teleporting
            // might want to use a common function, and IsDead should return a separate error
            IsBusy = true;

            // killer = top damager for looting rights
            if (topDamager != null)
                KillerId = topDamager.Guid.Full;

            // broadcast death animation
            var deathAnim = new Motion(MotionStance.NonCombat, MotionCommand.Dead);


            // create network messages for player death
            var msgHealthUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateAttribute2ndLevel(this, Vital.Health, 0);

            // TODO: death sounds? seems to play automatically in client
            // var msgDeathSound = new GameMessageSound(Guid, Sound.Death1, 1.0f);
            var msgNumDeaths = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.NumDeaths, NumDeaths);

            // send network messages for player death
            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(msgHealthUpdate, msgNumDeaths);

            if (lastDamager?.Guid == Guid) // suicide
                var msgSelfInflictedDeath = new GameEventWeenieError(Session, WeenieError.YouKilledYourself);

            // update vitae
            // players who died in a PKLite fight do not accrue vitae
            if (!IsPKLiteDeath(topDamager))

            if (IsPKDeath(topDamager) || AugmentationSpellsRemainPastDeath == 0)
                var msgPurgeEnchantments = new GameEventMagicPurgeEnchantments(Session);

            // wait for the death animation to finish
            var dieChain   = new ActionChain();
            var animLength = DatManager.PortalDat.ReadFromDat <MotionTable>(MotionTableId).GetAnimationLength(MotionCommand.Dead);

            dieChain.AddDelaySeconds(animLength + 1.0f);

            dieChain.AddAction(this, () =>

                ThreadSafeTeleportOnDeath(); // enter portal space

                if (IsPKDeath(topDamager) || IsPKLiteDeath(topDamager))
                    GlobalEventManager.SendDeathDetailsViaHTTP(topDamager, lastDamager, this);

                IsBusy = false;
