public async Task <IActionResult> PutInternship(int id, InternshipModel internshipModel)
            //if (id != internship.InternshipId)
            //    return BadRequest();
                var User_id = _customAuthManager.Tokens.FirstOrDefault().Value.Item3;

                // ToDO-> get User ID from Session
                User       user       = _context.Users.Find(User_id);
                Internship internship = new Internship();
                // SetAddorUpdateIntern(Intership - TYPE, User =TYPE, Bool -TYPE)
                // the above method fill the object with user provided values and bool if it is for update
                internship.SetAddorUpdateIntern(internshipModel, user, true, id);
            catch (Exception e)
Example #2
        public IActionResult Register(AccountRegister new_user)
            using (GlobalDBContext _context = new GlobalDBContext())
                string _domainurl = $"{this.Request.Scheme}://{this.Request.Host}{this.Request.PathBase}";
                // ->TODO Validation check on clinet side using Jquery or JavaScript

                // Password hashed with extra layer of security
                string password          = new_user.Password;
                CustomPasswordHasher pwd = new CustomPasswordHasher();
                // increse the size to increase secuirty but lower performance
                string salt   = pwd.CreateSalt(10);
                string hashed = pwd.HashPassword(password, salt);
                //new_user.Salt = salt;
                new_user.Password = hashed;
                // var errors = ModelState.Values.SelectMany(v => v.Errors);
                Role role    = _context.Roles.Find(new_user.UserRole);
                User theUser = new User();
                theUser.AddFromAccountRegsiter(new_user, role, salt);
                string uniqueToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").Substring(0, 6);
                theUser.UniqueToken = uniqueToken;

                SendEmail email    = new SendEmail(_emailSettings);
                string    fullname = theUser.UserFirstName + " " + theUser.UserLastName;
                string    msg      = "Please verify you email account for the verification. Click on the link to verify :";
                msg += _domainurl + "/Account/ConfirmEmail?email=" + theUser.UserEmail + "&token=" + theUser.UniqueToken;

                email.SendEmailtoUser(fullname, theUser.UserEmail, "Email Verification", msg);
                ViewBag.Messsage = new_user.FirstName + " " + new_user.LastName + " successfully registered. A Email has been sent for the verfication.";
Example #3
 public IActionResult ConfirmEmail(string email, string token)
     using (GlobalDBContext _context = new GlobalDBContext())
         // Recuqire Url encode - decode
         string encoded = System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode(token);
         // prevent cross site scripting.
         // Check given Email and salt(token) are in the same user
         User theUser = _context.Users.Include(r => r.Role).Where(u => u.UserEmail == email).FirstOrDefault <User>();
         // if we found the user
         if (theUser.UniqueToken != token)
             // update the EmailVerified to True in the User table
             theUser.UserEmailVerified = true;
             TempData["compeleteProfileUserId"] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(theUser.UserId);
             ViewBag.message = theUser.UserEmail + " is Verifed. Now your can login to our site.";
             // Uncommnet below line to
             // login user came via email link.
             //_auth.Authenticate(theUser.UserEmail, theUser.Role.RoleName, theUser.UserId);
Example #4
        public IActionResult Index()
            // MENUAL ENTRY for ROLE

            using (GlobalDBContext _context = new GlobalDBContext())
                if (_context.Roles.ToList().Count != 0)
                List <string> roles = new List <string>(3);
                foreach (var role in roles)
                    Role r = new Role();
                    r.RoleName = role.ToLower();
            // ENDS
Example #5
        public IActionResult GeneralProfile(GeneralProfile generalProfile)
            using (GlobalDBContext _context = new GlobalDBContext())
                if (generalProfile.UserImage != null && generalProfile.UserImage.Length > 0)
                    string uploadFolder = _env.WebRootPath + @"\uploads\UserImage\";
                    string uniqueFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "_" + generalProfile.UserImage.FileName;
                    string filePath = uploadFolder + uniqueFileName;
                    generalProfile.UserImage.CopyTo(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create));
                    // if new image is uploaded with other user info
                    _user.AddFromAccountGeneralProfile(generalProfile, uniqueFileName);
                    // Delete previous uploaded Image
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_user.UserImage))
                        string imagePath = uploadFolder + _user.UserImage;
                    // Adding generalProfile attr to user without image
                GeneralProfile gen = new GeneralProfile(_user);
                string path = _env.ContentRootPath + @"\Data\DashboardMenuOptions.json";
                ViewData["menuItems"] = HelpersFunctions.GetMenuOptionsForUser(_user.UserId, path);
                return View(gen);

        public IActionResult GeneralProfile(ProfileViewEmployer fromData)
            using (GlobalDBContext _context = new GlobalDBContext())
                if (fromData.UserImage != null && fromData.UserImage.Length > 0)
                    string uploadFolder = _env.WebRootPath + @"\uploads\UserImage\";

                    // File of code need to be Tested
                    //string file_Path = HelpersFunctions.StoreFile(uploadFolder, generalProfile.UserImage);

                    string     uniqueFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "_" + fromData.UserImage.FileName;
                    string     filePath       = uploadFolder + uniqueFileName;
                    FileStream stream         = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create);

                    // Delete previous uploaded Image
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_user.UserImage))
                        string imagePath = uploadFolder + _user.UserImage;
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(imagePath))
                            // If file found, delete it
                            Console.WriteLine("File deleted.");
                    // if new image is uploaded with other user info
                    _user.AddFromEmployerProfileView(fromData, uniqueFileName);
                    // Adding generalProfile attr to user without image
                fromData.UserImageName = _user.UserImage;

                // Display User name on the right-top corner - shows user is logedIN
                ViewData["LoggeduserName"] = new List <string>()
                    _user.UserFirstName + ' ' + _user.UserLastName, _user.UserImage
                // Geting Dashboard Menu from project/data/DashboardMenuOption.json into ViewData
                string path = _env.ContentRootPath + @"\Data\DashboardMenuOptions.json";
                ViewData["menuItems"] = HelpersFunctions.GetMenuOptionsForUser(_user.UserId, path);
                //-------------------- END

 internal void Delete(int id)
     using (GlobalDBContext dBContext = new GlobalDBContext())
         Student student = dBContext.Student(true)
                           .Where(s => s.ID == id)
         if (student != null)
        //public List<Student> GetStudents()
        //    using (GlobalDBContext dBContext = new GlobalDBContext())
        //    {
        //        return dBContext.Student().ToList();
        //    }

        public void Write(string name, string lastname, string address, string phone)
            using (GlobalDBContext dBContext = new GlobalDBContext())
                Student student = new Student()
                    Name     = name,
                    LastName = lastname,
                    Address  = address,
                    Phone    = phone
        public IActionResult DeleteUser()
            using (GlobalDBContext _context = new GlobalDBContext())
                var User_id = _customAuthManager.Tokens.FirstOrDefault().Value.Item3;

                User user = _context.Users.Find(User_id);



                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
        internal void UpDate(int ID, string name, string lastname, string address, string phone)
            using (GlobalDBContext dbContext = new GlobalDBContext())
                Student student = dbContext.Student(true)
                                  .Where(s => s.ID == ID)
                if (student != null)
                    student.Name     = name;
                    student.LastName = lastname;
                    student.Address  = address;
                    student.Phone    = phone;

Example #11
        public IActionResult GeneralProfile(ProfileViewStudent fromData)
            // Display User name on the right-top corner - shows user is logedIN
            ViewData["LoggeduserName"] = new List <string>()
                _user.UserFirstName + ' ' + _user.UserLastName, _user.UserImage

            // Geting Dashboard Menu from project/data/DashboardMenuOption.json into ViewData
            string path = _env.ContentRootPath + @"\Data\DashboardMenuOptions.json";

            ViewData["menuItems"] = HelpersFunctions.GetMenuOptionsForUser(_user.UserId, path);

            // When Save button is clicked
            using (GlobalDBContext _context = new GlobalDBContext())
                if (fromData.UserImage != null && fromData.UserImage.Length > 0)
                    string uploadFolder   = _env.WebRootPath + @"\uploads\UserImage\";
                    string uniqueFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "_" + fromData.UserImage.FileName;
                    string filePath       = uploadFolder + uniqueFileName;
                    fromData.UserImage.CopyTo(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create));

                    // Delete previous uploaded Image
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_user.UserImage))
                        string imagePath = uploadFolder + _user.UserImage;

                    // if new image is uploaded with other user info
                    _user.AddFromStudentProfileView(fromData, uniqueFileName);
                    // Adding generalProfile attr to user without image
                ProfileViewStudent gen = new ProfileViewStudent(_user);
Example #12
 public string ConfirmEmail(string email, string token)
     using (GlobalDBContext _context = new GlobalDBContext())
         // Check given Email and salt(token) are in the same user
         User theUser = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserEmail == email && u.Salt == token);
         // if we found the user
         if (theUser != null)
             // update the EmailVerified to True in the User table
             theUser.UserEmailVerified = true;
             return(theUser.UserEmail + "is Verifed. Login to our site.");
             return("Link Expired");
        public ActionResult <Internship> PostInternship(string wstring)
                Internship intern;
                // ToDO-> get User ID from Session
                User       user       = _context.Users.Find(2);
                Internship internship = new Internship();
                // SetAddorUpdateIntern(Intership - TYPE, User =TYPE, Bool -TYPE)
                // the above method fill the object with user provided values and bool if it is for update
                // internship.SetAddorUpdateIntern(intern, user);

            catch (Exception e)
Example #14
        public ActionResult Create(Internship intern)
                // ToDO-> get User ID from Session
                // geting menual user
                User       user       = _context.Users.Find(2);
                Internship internship = new Internship();
                // SetAddorUpdateIntern(Intership - TYPE, User =TYPE, Bool -TYPE)
                // the above method fill the object with user provided values and bool if it is for update
                internship.SetAddorUpdateIntern(intern, user);

        public IActionResult CreateCourses(Course NewCourse)
            // Display User name on the right-top corner - shows user is logedIN
            ViewData["LoggeduserName"] = new List <string>()
                _user.UserFirstName + ' ' + _user.UserLastName, _user.UserImage

            // Geting Dashboard Menu from project/data/DashboardMenuOption.json into ViewData
            string path = _env.ContentRootPath + @"\Data\DashboardMenuOptions.json";

            ViewData["menuItems"] = HelpersFunctions.GetMenuOptionsForUser(_user.UserId, path);

            var User_id = _customAuthManager.Tokens.FirstOrDefault().Value.Item3;

            var WhatIsThis = _customAuthManager.Tokens.FirstOrDefault().Value.Item1;

            var WhatIsThis1 = _customAuthManager.Tokens.FirstOrDefault().Value.Item2;

            //var WhatIsThis2 = _customAuthManager.Tokens.FirstOrDefault().Value.GetType;

            using (GlobalDBContext _context = new GlobalDBContext())
                Course nCourse = new Course();

                //User user = _context.Users.Find(User_id);

                User user = _context.Users.Find(User_id);

                //this creates new course
                nCourse.CreateNewCourse(NewCourse, user);



                ViewBag.Message = NewCourse.CourseTitle + " successfully created check the courses table to see if it has been created" + WhatIsThis + "//" + WhatIsThis1;
        // User should be initialized (setUser()) before using this method
        public void setUserCompany()
            if (_user == null)
            using (GlobalDBContext _context = new GlobalDBContext())
                _company = _context.UserCompany.Include(r => r.User).FirstOrDefault(u => u.User.UserId == _user.UserId);

                if (_company == null)  // If no record is found on user company
                    // inserting company with user ID
                    UserCompany userCompany = new UserCompany();
                    User        user        = _context.Users.Find(_user.UserId);
                    userCompany.User = user;
                    _company = userCompany;
        public IActionResult InternshipApply(int?id, ApplyInternship fromData)
            // the User is student

            // Make changes to AppliedInternship table.
            // make nortfication.
                using (GlobalDBContext _context = new GlobalDBContext())
                    Internship        intern     = _context.Internships.Find(id);
                    User              user       = _context.Users.Find(_customAuthManager.Tokens.FirstOrDefault().Value.Item3);
                    AppliedInternship APP_Intern = new AppliedInternship(user, intern);
            catch (Exception)
        public IActionResult GeneralProfile(User UpdateDetails)
            // Display User name on the right-top corner - shows user is logedIN
            ViewData["LoggeduserName"] = new List <string>()
                _user.UserFirstName + ' ' + _user.UserLastName, _user.UserImage

            // Geting Dashboard Menu from project/data/DashboardMenuOption.json into ViewData
            string path = _env.ContentRootPath + @"\Data\DashboardMenuOptions.json";

            ViewData["menuItems"] = HelpersFunctions.GetMenuOptionsForUser(_user.UserId, path);

            var User_id = _customAuthManager.Tokens.FirstOrDefault().Value.Item3;

            GlobalDBContext _context = new GlobalDBContext();

            //assigns the new values to the updated ones
            _user.UserFirstName = UpdateDetails.UserFirstName;
            _user.UserLastName  = UpdateDetails.UserLastName;
            _user.UserAddress   = UpdateDetails.UserAddress;
            _user.UserCity      = UpdateDetails.UserCity;
            _user.CreatedAt     = UpdateDetails.CreatedAt;
            _user.UserState     = UpdateDetails.UserState;
            _user.UserCountry   = UpdateDetails.UserCountry;
            _user.UserZip       = UpdateDetails.UserZip;
            _user.UserImage     = UpdateDetails.UserImage;
            _user.UserGender    = UpdateDetails.UserGender;



            ViewBag.Message = _user.UserFirstName + " " + _user.UserLastName + " has been updated successfully. Check the Users table to see if it has been updated.";

Example #19
 public IActionResult InternshipApply(int?id, ApplyInternship fromData)
     // the User is student
     // Make changes to AppliedInternship table.
     //  make nortfication.
     using (GlobalDBContext _context = new GlobalDBContext())
         string FinalCVPath;
         string FinalCLPath;
         string FinalCLString = null;
         // CV
         if (fromData.TemporaryCV != null && fromData.TemporaryCV.Length > 0)
             string UserCVFolder = _env.WebRootPath + @"\uploads\UserCV\";
             // File of code need to be Tested
             FinalCVPath = HelpersFunctions.StoreFile(UserCVFolder, fromData.TemporaryCV);
             if (fromData.isCVExisting)
                 UserDocument Doc = _context.UserDocuments.Include(u => u.User).FirstOrDefault(p =>
                                                                                               p.User.UserId == _user.UserId && p.DocumentType == "CV");
                 FinalCVPath = Doc.DocumentPath;
                 FinalCVPath = null;
         // COVER Letter
         if (fromData.TemporaryCL != null && fromData.TemporaryCL.Length > 0)
             string UserCLFolder = _env.WebRootPath + @"\uploads\UserCL\";
             // File of code need to be Tested
             FinalCLPath = HelpersFunctions.StoreFile(UserCLFolder, fromData.TemporaryCL);
             if (fromData.isCLExisting)
                 UserDocument Doc = _context.UserDocuments.Include(u => u.User).FirstOrDefault(p =>
                                                                                               p.User.UserId == _user.UserId && p.DocumentType == "CL");
                 FinalCLPath = Doc.DocumentPath;
                 FinalCLPath = null;
                 if (fromData.isCLTextArea)
                     FinalCLString = fromData.WrittenCL;
                     FinalCLString = null;
         Internship intern = _context.Internships.Find(id);
         // AppliedInternship constructor takes User and Internship object to create AppliedInternship object
         AppliedInternship APP_Intern = new AppliedInternship(_user, intern)
             TempCVPath      = FinalCVPath,
             TempCLPath      = FinalCLPath,
             CoverLetterText = FinalCLString,
             EmployerStatus  = "Pending"
         // Adding who applied the intership