public void ItShouldExtractMerchantDetailsFromIssueTitleSuccessfully()
            var title = $"Add '{sampleMerchantName}' to the '{sampleCategory}' category";

            var detailsLoader   = new GithubIssueMerchantDetailsLoader(Mock.Of <IGitHubService>());
            var merchantDetails = new MerchantDetails();

            var result = detailsLoader.ExtractDetailsFromTitle(title, merchantDetails);

            Assert.Equal(sampleMerchantName, merchantDetails.Values["name"].Value);
            Assert.Equal(sampleCategory, merchantDetails.Values["category"].Value);
        public void ItShouldExtractYmlBlockFromIssueBody()
            var ymlString = @"- name: 9figures
      facebook: 9figuresuk
      email_address: [email protected]
      bch: Yes
      btc: No
      othercrypto: Yes

            var detailsLoader = new GithubIssueMerchantDetailsLoader(Mock.Of <IGitHubService>());

            var result = detailsLoader.ExtractYmlCodeBlockFromIssueBody(sampleBody).ValueOrFailure();

            Assert.Equal(ymlString, result);
        public async Task ItShouldAllowExecutingIfNoComments()
            var schema = new MappingSchemaItem()
                Mapping =
                    { "websites", new SequenceSchemaItem()
                                                Items =
                                                    new MappingSchemaItem()
                                                        Name    = "Website",
                                                        Mapping =
                                                            { "name", new KeyValueSchemaItem()
                                                Type = "str", Required = true, Unique = true
                                            } },
                                                            { "url", new KeyValueSchemaItem()
                                                Type = "str", Required = true, Unique = true
                                            } }
                                            } }

            var issueComments = new List <IssueComment>();

            var merchantDetails = new MerchantDetails();

            var githubService = new Mock <IGitHubService>();

            githubService.Setup(x => x.GetIssueComments(It.IsAny <RepositoryTarget>(), It.IsAny <int>())).ReturnsAsync(issueComments);

            var detailsLoader = new GithubIssueMerchantDetailsLoader(githubService.Object);

            await detailsLoader.ApplyIssueCommentCommandsToMerchantDetails(issueComments, schema, merchantDetails);

        public async Task ItShouldExtractDetailsFromIssueSuccessfully()
            var title = $"Add '{sampleMerchantName}' to the '{sampleCategory}' category";
            var issue = new Issue("", "", "", "", 0, ItemState.Open, title, sampleBody, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, DateTimeOffset.MinValue, null, 0, false, null);

            var schema = new MappingSchemaItem()
                Mapping =
                    { "websites", new SequenceSchemaItem()
                                                Items =
                                                    new MappingSchemaItem()
                                                        Name    = "Website",
                                                        Mapping =
                                                            { "name", new KeyValueSchemaItem()
                                                Type = "str", Required = true, Unique = true
                                            } },
                                                            { "url", new KeyValueSchemaItem()
                                                Type = "str", Required = true, Unique = true
                                            } },
                                                            { "img", new KeyValueSchemaItem()
                                                Type = "str", Pattern = @"/\.png$/i"
                                            } },
                                                            { "bch", new KeyValueSchemaItem()
                                                Type = "bool", Required = true
                                            } },
                                                            { "btc", new KeyValueSchemaItem()
                                                Type = "bool"
                                            } },
                                                            { "othercrypto", new KeyValueSchemaItem()
                                                Type = "bool"
                                            } },
                                                            { "facebook", new KeyValueSchemaItem()
                                                Type = "str", Pattern = @"/(\w){1,50}$/"
                                            } },
                                                            { "email_address", new KeyValueSchemaItem()
                                                Type = "str", Pattern = @"/\A([\w+\-].?)+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i"
                                            } },
                                                            { "doc", new KeyValueSchemaItem()
                                                Type = "str"
                                            } }
                                            } }

            var githubService = new Mock <IGitHubService>();

            githubService.Setup(x => x.GetIssue(It.IsAny <RepositoryTarget>(), It.IsAny <int>())).ReturnsAsync(issue);
            githubService.Setup(x => x.GetIssueComments(It.IsAny <RepositoryTarget>(), It.IsAny <int>())).ReturnsAsync(new List <IssueComment>());

            var detailsLoader = new GithubIssueMerchantDetailsLoader(githubService.Object);

            var result = await detailsLoader.ExtractDetails(schema, 0);

            var loadedMerchantDetails = result.ValueOrFailure();

            Assert.Equal(sampleMerchantName, loadedMerchantDetails.Values["name"].Value);
            Assert.Equal(sampleCategory, loadedMerchantDetails.Values["category"].Value);
            Assert.Equal("", loadedMerchantDetails.Values["url"].Value);
            Assert.Equal("", loadedMerchantDetails.Values["img"].Value);
            Assert.Equal("9figuresuk", loadedMerchantDetails.Values["facebook"].Value);
            Assert.Equal("*****@*****.**", loadedMerchantDetails.Values["email_address"].Value);
            Assert.Equal("", loadedMerchantDetails.Values["doc"].Value);
        public async Task ItShouldAllowExecutingIfLastCommentWasCommand()
            var url  = "";
            var name = "Google";

            var schema = new MappingSchemaItem()
                Mapping =
                    { "websites", new SequenceSchemaItem()
                                                Items =
                                                    new MappingSchemaItem()
                                                        Name    = "Website",
                                                        Mapping =
                                                            { "name", new KeyValueSchemaItem()
                                                Type = "str", Required = true, Unique = true
                                            } },
                                                            { "url", new KeyValueSchemaItem()
                                                Type = "str", Required = true, Unique = true
                                            } }
                                            } }

            var collaboratorUser = new User("", "", "", 0, "", DateTimeOffset.MinValue, DateTimeOffset.MinValue, 0, "", 0,
                                            0, null, "", 0, 0, "", "collaborator", null, 0, null, 0, 0, 0, "",
                                            new RepositoryPermissions(false, true, false), false, "", null);

            var externalUser = new User("", "", "", 0, "", DateTimeOffset.MinValue, DateTimeOffset.MinValue, 0, "", 0,
                                        0, null, "", 0, 0, "", "external", null, 0, null, 0, 0, 0, "",
                                        new RepositoryPermissions(false, false, false), false, "", null);

            var externalUserCommentBody = @"Wow, this looks great!

Will this be included in the next release? Can't wait!";

            var collaboratorUserCommentBody       = $"/abc url {url}";
            var secondCollaboratorUserCommentBody = $"/abc name {name}";

            var externalUserComment           = new IssueComment(0, "", "", externalUserCommentBody, DateTimeOffset.MinValue, null, externalUser);
            var collaboratorUserComment       = new IssueComment(0, "", "", collaboratorUserCommentBody, DateTimeOffset.MinValue, null, collaboratorUser);
            var secondCollaboratorUserComment = new IssueComment(0, "", "", secondCollaboratorUserCommentBody, DateTimeOffset.MinValue, null, collaboratorUser);

            var issueComments = new List <IssueComment>()

            var merchantDetails = new MerchantDetails();

            var githubService = new Mock <IGitHubService>();

            githubService.Setup(x => x.GetIssueComments(It.IsAny <RepositoryTarget>(), It.IsAny <int>())).ReturnsAsync(issueComments);
            githubService.Setup(x => x.IsCollaborator(It.IsAny <RepositoryTarget>(), It.Is <string>(y => y == "admin" || y == "collaborator"))).ReturnsAsync(true);
            githubService.Setup(x => x.IsCollaborator(It.IsAny <RepositoryTarget>(), It.Is <string>(y => y == "external"))).ReturnsAsync(false);

            var detailsLoader = new GithubIssueMerchantDetailsLoader(githubService.Object);

            await detailsLoader.ApplyIssueCommentCommandsToMerchantDetails(issueComments, schema, merchantDetails);

            Assert.Equal(url, merchantDetails.Values["url"].Value);
            Assert.Equal(name, merchantDetails.Values["name"].Value);