public IEnumerable<GitExtLink> Parse(GitRevision revision) { return EffectiveLinkDefs. Where(linkDef => linkDef.Enabled). Select(linkDef => linkDef.Parse(revision)). Unwrap(); }
public void LoadRevision(GitRevision revision) { _revision = revision; _revisionFileTreeController.ResetCache(); try { tvGitTree.SuspendLayout(); // Save state only when there is selected node if (tvGitTree.SelectedNode != null) { var node = tvGitTree.SelectedNode; FileText.SaveCurrentScrollPos(); _lastSelectedNodes.Clear(); while (node != null) { _lastSelectedNodes.Push(node.Text); node = node.Parent; } } // Refresh tree tvGitTree.Nodes.Clear(); //restore selected file and scroll position when new selection is done if (_revision != null) { _revisionFileTreeController.LoadChildren(_revision, tvGitTree.Nodes, tvGitTree.ImageList.Images); //GitTree.Sort(); TreeNode lastMatchedNode = null; // Load state var currenNodes = tvGitTree.Nodes; TreeNode matchedNode = null; while (_lastSelectedNodes.Count > 0 && currenNodes != null) { var next = _lastSelectedNodes.Pop(); foreach (TreeNode node in currenNodes) { if (node.Text != next && next.Length != 40) { continue; } node.Expand(); matchedNode = node; break; } if (matchedNode == null) { currenNodes = null; } else { lastMatchedNode = matchedNode; currenNodes = matchedNode.Nodes; } } //if there is no exact match, don't restore scroll position if (lastMatchedNode != matchedNode) { FileText.ResetCurrentScrollPos(); } tvGitTree.SelectedNode = lastMatchedNode; } if (tvGitTree.SelectedNode == null) { FileText.ViewText("", ""); } } finally { tvGitTree.ResumeLayout(); } }
private void EnsureList() { if (RevisionResolver == null || GitOrigin == null) return; foreach (VisualGitRevisionType ri in new ArrayList(typeCombo.Items)) { if (!ri.IsValidOn(GitOrigin)) { if (ri == _currentRevType) { _newValue = ri.CurrentValue; _currentRevType = null; } typeCombo.Items.Remove(ri); } } if (_revTypes != null) foreach (VisualGitRevisionType rt in _revTypes) { if (rt.IsValidOn(GitOrigin) && !typeCombo.Items.Contains(rt)) typeCombo.Items.Add(rt); } else _revTypes = new List<VisualGitRevisionType>(); foreach (VisualGitRevisionType rt in RevisionResolver.GetRevisionTypes(GitOrigin)) { if (_revTypes.Contains(rt)) continue; _revTypes.Add(rt); typeCombo.Items.Add(rt); } if (_currentRevType == null && _newValue != null && _newValue != GitRevision.None) { VisualGitRevisionType rt = RevisionResolver.Resolve(GitOrigin, _newValue); if (rt != null && !rt.IsValidOn(GitOrigin)) { _newValue = GitOrigin.Target.Revision; if (_newValue == null || _newValue == GitRevision.None) _newValue = GitRevision.Base; rt = RevisionResolver.Resolve(GitOrigin, _newValue); } SetRevision(rt); } if (_currentRevType != typeCombo.SelectedItem) typeCombo.SelectedItem = _currentRevType; }
public static void BuildStatusImageColumnCellFormatting(DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e, DataGridView grid, GitRevision revision) { e.FormattingApplied = false; var cell = grid.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex]; cell.ToolTipText = GetBuildStatusMessageText(revision); }
public SimpleRevisionType(GitRevision rev, string title) { if (rev == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("rev"); else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) throw new ArgumentNullException("title"); _rev = rev; _title = title; }
public string GetTitle(GitTarget target, GitRevision revision) { if (target == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); if (revision == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("revision"); return GetTitle(target.FileName, revision); }
string GetTempPath(string filename, GitRevision rev) { string name = GetName(filename, rev); string file; if (_lastDir == null || !Directory.Exists(_lastDir) || File.Exists(file = Path.Combine(_lastDir, name))) { _lastDir = GetService<IVisualGitTempDirManager>().GetTempDir(); file = Path.Combine(_lastDir, name); } return file; }
private System.Drawing.Rectangle _headerResize; // Cache desired size for commit header private void ReloadCommitInfo() { _RevisionHeader.BackColor = ColorHelper.MakeColorDarker(BackColor); showContainedInBranchesToolStripMenuItem.Checked = AppSettings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesLocal; showContainedInBranchesRemoteToolStripMenuItem.Checked = AppSettings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesRemote; showContainedInBranchesRemoteIfNoLocalToolStripMenuItem.Checked = AppSettings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranchesRemoteIfNoLocal; showContainedInTagsToolStripMenuItem.Checked = AppSettings.CommitInfoShowContainedInTags; showMessagesOfAnnotatedTagsToolStripMenuItem.Checked = AppSettings.ShowAnnotatedTagsMessages; ResetTextAndImage(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_revision.Guid)) { Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpectedly called ReloadCommitInfo() with empty revision"); return; } _RevisionHeader.Text = string.Empty; _RevisionHeader.Refresh(); string error = ""; CommitData data = _commitDataManager.CreateFromRevision(_revision); if (_revision.Body == null) { _commitDataManager.UpdateCommitMessage(data, _revision.Guid, ref error); _revision.Body = data.Body; } ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => loadLinksForRevision(_revision)); if (_sortedRefs == null) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => loadSortedRefs()); } data.ChildrenGuids = _children; var header = _commitDataHeaderRenderer.Render(data, CommandClick != null); var body = _commitDataBodyRenderer.Render(data, CommandClick != null); _RevisionHeader.SetXHTMLText(header); _RevisionHeader.Height = GetRevisionHeaderHeight(); _revisionInfo = body; UpdateRevisionInfo(); LoadAuthorImage(data.Author ?? data.Committer); //No branch/tag data for artificial commands if (GitRevision.IsArtificial(_revision.Guid)) { return; } if (AppSettings.CommitInfoShowContainedInBranches) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => loadBranchInfo(_revision.Guid)); } if (AppSettings.ShowAnnotatedTagsMessages) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => loadAnnotatedTagInfo(_revision)); } if (AppSettings.CommitInfoShowContainedInTags) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => loadTagInfo(_revision.Guid)); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks if it is possible to reset to the revision. /// For artificial is Index is possible but not WorkTree or Combined /// </summary> /// <param name="rev">The GitRevision</param> /// <returns>If it is possible to reset to the revisions</returns> private bool CanResetToRevision(GitRevision rev) { return(rev.ObjectId != ObjectId.WorkTreeId && rev.ObjectId != ObjectId.CombinedDiffId); }
public void SetDiffSelectedRevision(GitRevision revision) { checkboxRevisionFilter.Checked = revision != null; DiffSelectedRevision = revision; }
public static (string arguments, bool abort) Parse(string arguments, IGitModule module, IWin32Window owner, RevisionGridControl revisionGrid) { GitRevision selectedRevision = null; GitRevision currentRevision = null; IReadOnlyList <GitRevision> allSelectedRevisions = Array.Empty <GitRevision>(); var selectedLocalBranches = new List <IGitRef>(); var selectedRemoteBranches = new List <IGitRef>(); var selectedRemotes = new List <string>(); var selectedBranches = new List <IGitRef>(); var selectedTags = new List <IGitRef>(); var currentLocalBranches = new List <IGitRef>(); var currentRemoteBranches = new List <IGitRef>(); var currentRemote = ""; var currentBranches = new List <IGitRef>(); var currentTags = new List <IGitRef>(); foreach (string option in Options) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments)) { continue; } if (!Contains(arguments, option)) { continue; } if (currentRevision == null && option.StartsWith("c")) { currentRevision = GetCurrentRevision(module, revisionGrid, currentTags, currentLocalBranches, currentRemoteBranches, currentBranches); if (currentRevision == null) { return(arguments : null, abort : true); } if (currentLocalBranches.Count == 1) { currentRemote = module.GetSetting(string.Format(SettingKeyString.BranchRemote, currentLocalBranches[0].Name)); } else { currentRemote = module.GetCurrentRemote(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentRemote)) { currentRemote = module.GetSetting(string.Format(SettingKeyString.BranchRemote, AskToSpecify(currentLocalBranches, revisionGrid))); } } } else if (selectedRevision == null && revisionGrid != null && DependsOnSelectedRevision(option)) { allSelectedRevisions = revisionGrid.GetSelectedRevisions(); selectedRevision = CalculateSelectedRevision(revisionGrid, selectedRemoteBranches, selectedRemotes, selectedLocalBranches, selectedBranches, selectedTags); if (selectedRevision == null) { return(arguments : null, abort : true); } } arguments = ParseScriptArguments(arguments, option, owner, revisionGrid, module, allSelectedRevisions, selectedTags, selectedBranches, selectedLocalBranches, selectedRemoteBranches, selectedRemotes, selectedRevision, currentTags, currentBranches, currentLocalBranches, currentRemoteBranches, currentRevision, currentRemote); if (arguments == null) { return(arguments : null, abort : true); } } return(arguments, abort : false); }
internal static bool RunScript(IWin32Window owner, GitModule aModule, ScriptInfo scriptInfo, RevisionGrid revisionGrid) { string originalCommand = scriptInfo.Command; string argument = scriptInfo.Arguments; string command = OverrideCommandWhenNecessary(originalCommand); GitRevision selectedRevision = null; GitRevision currentRevision = null; var selectedLocalBranches = new List <GitRef>(); var selectedRemoteBranches = new List <GitRef>(); var selectedRemotes = new List <string>(); var selectedBranches = new List <GitRef>(); var selectedTags = new List <GitRef>(); var currentLocalBranches = new List <GitRef>(); var currentRemoteBranches = new List <GitRef>(); var currentRemote = ""; var currentBranches = new List <GitRef>(); var currentTags = new List <GitRef>(); foreach (string option in Options) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(argument) || !argument.Contains(option)) { continue; } if (option.StartsWith("{c") || selectedRevision != null) { currentRevision = GetCurrentRevision(aModule, revisionGrid, currentTags, currentLocalBranches, currentRemoteBranches, currentBranches, currentRevision, option); if (currentLocalBranches.Count == 1) { currentRemote = aModule.GetSetting(string.Format("branch.{0}.remote", currentLocalBranches[0].Name)); } else { currentRemote = aModule.GetCurrentRemote(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentRemote)) { currentRemote = aModule.GetSetting(string.Format("branch.{0}.remote", askToSpecify(currentLocalBranches, "Current Revision Branch"))); } } } else if (revisionGrid != null) { selectedRevision = CalculateSelectedRevision(revisionGrid, selectedRemoteBranches, selectedRemotes, selectedLocalBranches, selectedBranches, selectedTags); } string remote; string url; switch (option) { case "{sTag}": if (selectedTags.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedTags[0].Name); } else if (selectedTags.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(selectedTags, "Selected Revision Tag")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{sBranch}": if (selectedBranches.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedBranches[0].Name); } else if (selectedBranches.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(selectedBranches, "Selected Revision Branch")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{sLocalBranch}": if (selectedLocalBranches.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedLocalBranches[0].Name); } else if (selectedLocalBranches.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(selectedLocalBranches, "Selected Revision Local Branch")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{sRemoteBranch}": if (selectedRemoteBranches.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRemoteBranches[0].Name); } else if (selectedRemoteBranches.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(selectedRemoteBranches, "Selected Revision Remote Branch")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{sRemote}": if (selectedRemotes.Count == 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); break; } if (selectedRemotes.Count == 1) { remote = selectedRemotes[0]; } else { remote = askToSpecify(selectedRemotes, "Selected Revision Remote"); } argument = argument.Replace(option, remote); break; case "{sRemoteUrl}": if (selectedRemotes.Count == 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); break; } if (selectedRemotes.Count == 1) { remote = selectedRemotes[0]; } else { remote = askToSpecify(selectedRemotes, "Selected Revision Remote"); } url = aModule.GetPathSetting(string.Format(SettingKeyString.RemoteUrl, remote)); argument = argument.Replace(option, url); break; case "{sRemotePathFromUrl}": if (selectedRemotes.Count == 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); break; } if (selectedRemotes.Count == 1) { remote = selectedRemotes[0]; } else { remote = askToSpecify(selectedRemotes, "Selected Revision Remote"); } url = aModule.GetPathSetting(string.Format(SettingKeyString.RemoteUrl, remote)); argument = argument.Replace(option, GetRemotePath(url)); break; case "{sHash}": argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRevision.Guid); break; case "{sMessage}": argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRevision.Message); break; case "{sAuthor}": argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRevision.Author); break; case "{sCommitter}": argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRevision.Committer); break; case "{sAuthorDate}": argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRevision.AuthorDate.ToString()); break; case "{sCommitDate}": argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRevision.CommitDate.ToString()); break; case "{cTag}": if (currentTags.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, currentTags[0].Name); } else if (currentTags.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(currentTags, "Current Revision Tag")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{cBranch}": if (currentBranches.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, currentBranches[0].Name); } else if (currentBranches.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(currentBranches, "Current Revision Branch")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{cLocalBranch}": if (currentLocalBranches.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, currentLocalBranches[0].Name); } else if (currentLocalBranches.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(currentLocalBranches, "Current Revision Local Branch")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{cRemoteBranch}": if (currentRemoteBranches.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRemoteBranches[0].Name); } else if (currentRemoteBranches.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(currentRemoteBranches, "Current Revision Remote Branch")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{cHash}": argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRevision.Guid); break; case "{cMessage}": argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRevision.Message); break; case "{cAuthor}": argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRevision.Author); break; case "{cCommitter}": argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRevision.Committer); break; case "{cAuthorDate}": argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRevision.AuthorDate.ToString()); break; case "{cCommitDate}": argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRevision.CommitDate.ToString()); break; case "{cDefaultRemote}": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentRemote)) { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); break; } argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRemote); break; case "{cDefaultRemoteUrl}": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentRemote)) { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); break; } url = aModule.GetPathSetting(string.Format(SettingKeyString.RemoteUrl, currentRemote)); argument = argument.Replace(option, url); break; case "{cDefaultRemotePathFromUrl}": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentRemote)) { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); break; } url = aModule.GetPathSetting(string.Format(SettingKeyString.RemoteUrl, currentRemote)); argument = argument.Replace(option, GetRemotePath(url)); break; case "{UserInput}": using (SimplePrompt Prompt = new SimplePrompt()) { Prompt.ShowDialog(); argument = argument.Replace(option, Prompt.UserInput); } break; } } if (!scriptInfo.RunInBackground) { FormProcess.ShowDialog(owner, command, argument, aModule.WorkingDir, null, true); } else { if (originalCommand.Equals("{openurl}", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Process.Start(argument); } else { aModule.RunExternalCmdDetached(command, argument); } } return(!scriptInfo.RunInBackground); }
public FormDiff(GitUICommands aCommands, GitRevision revision) : this(aCommands) { RevisionGrid.SetSelectedRevision(revision); }
public static void BuildStatusMessageCellFormatting(DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e, GitRevision revision) { e.Value = GetBuildStatusMessageText(revision); }
private void MergeDialog_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { strategyBox.Image = Properties.Resources.MergeGraph; foreach (var strategy in MergeStrategy.All) { mergeStrategyBox.Items.Add(strategy); } mergeStrategyBox.SelectedIndex = 0; using (var client = Context.GetService<IGitClientPool>().GetNoUIClient()) { currentBranchBox.Text = client.GetCurrentBranch(RepositoryPath).ShortName; localBranchBox.BeginUpdate(); localBranchBox.Items.Clear(); trackingBranchBox.BeginUpdate(); trackingBranchBox.Items.Clear(); tagBox.BeginUpdate(); tagBox.Items.Clear(); // When a revision ref was provided, try to resolve it to a branch, // tag or remote branch. bool resolved = Revision == null; GitRef resolvedRef = null; foreach (var @ref in client.GetRefs(RepositoryPath)) { bool setCurrent = false; if ( !resolved && String.Equals(Revision.Revision, @ref.Revision, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ) { resolvedRef = @ref; resolved = true; setCurrent = true; } switch (@ref.Type) { case GitRefType.Branch: localBranchBox.Items.Add(@ref); if (setCurrent) { localBranchRadioBox.Checked = true; localBranchBox.SelectedIndex = localBranchBox.Items.Count - 1; } break; case GitRefType.RemoteBranch: trackingBranchBox.Items.Add(@ref); if (setCurrent) { trackingBranchRadioBox.Checked = true; trackingBranchBox.SelectedIndex = trackingBranchBox.Items.Count - 1; } break; case GitRefType.Tag: tagBox.Items.Add(@ref); if (setCurrent) { tagRadioBox.Checked = true; tagBox.SelectedIndex = tagBox.Items.Count - 1; } break; } } if (resolvedRef != null) Revision = resolvedRef; localBranchBox.EndUpdate(); trackingBranchBox.EndUpdate(); tagBox.EndUpdate(); UpdateEnabled(); } }
public FormLog(GitUICommands commands, GitRevision revision) : this(commands) { RevisionGrid.SetSelectedRevision(revision); }
public string GetTempFile(GitTarget target, GitRevision revision, bool withProgress) { if (target == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); else if (revision == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("revision"); string file = GetTempPath(target.FileName, revision); bool unrelated = false; ProgressRunnerResult r = GetService<IProgressRunner>().RunModal("Getting file", delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs aa) { GitWriteArgs wa = new GitWriteArgs(); wa.Revision = revision; using (Stream s = File.Create(file)) aa.Client.Write(target, s, wa); }); if (!r.Succeeded || unrelated) return null; // User canceled if (File.Exists(file)) File.SetAttributes(file, FileAttributes.ReadOnly); // A readonly file does not allow editting from many diff tools return file; }
static string GetParentRef(GitRevision revision) { return(revision.FirstParentId?.ToString() ?? revision.Guid + '^'); }
static string PathSafeRevision(GitRevision revision) { if (revision.RevisionType == GitRevisionType.Time) return revision.Time.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyyMMdd_hhmmss"); return revision.ToString(); }
public void FillBuildReport(GitRevision revision) { if (EnvUtils.IsMonoRuntime()) { return; } if (selectedGitRevision != null) { selectedGitRevision.PropertyChanged -= RevisionPropertyChanged; } selectedGitRevision = revision; if (selectedGitRevision != null) { selectedGitRevision.PropertyChanged += RevisionPropertyChanged; } var buildInfoIsAvailable = !(revision == null || revision.BuildStatus == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(revision.BuildStatus.Url)); tabControl.SuspendLayout(); try { if (buildInfoIsAvailable) { if (buildReportTabPage == null) { CreateBuildReportTabPage(tabControl); } var isFavIconMissing = buildReportTabPage.ImageIndex < 0; if (isFavIconMissing || tabControl.SelectedTab == buildReportTabPage) { buildReportWebBrowser.Navigate(revision.BuildStatus.Url); if (isFavIconMissing) { buildReportWebBrowser.Navigated += BuildReportWebBrowserOnNavigated; } } if (!tabControl.Controls.Contains(buildReportTabPage)) { tabControl.Controls.Add(buildReportTabPage); } } else { if (buildReportTabPage != null && tabControl.Controls.Contains(buildReportTabPage)) { buildReportWebBrowser.Stop(); buildReportWebBrowser.Document.Write(string.Empty); tabControl.Controls.Remove(buildReportTabPage); } } } finally { tabControl.ResumeLayout(); } }
public bool EvaluateCheckable(GitItem item, GitRevision from, GitRevision to) { if (_checkableFilter == null) return true; foreach (SelectableFilter i in _checkableFilter.GetInvocationList()) { if (!i(item, from, to)) return false; } return true; }
public void SetRevisionWithChildren(GitRevision revision, List <string> children) { _revision = revision; _children = children; ReloadCommitInfo(); }
public void StartLog(GitOrigin target, GitRevision start, GitRevision end) { if (target == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); StartLog(new GitOrigin[] { target }, start, end); }
private void loadAnnotatedTagInfo(GitRevision revision) { _annotatedTagsMessages = GetAnnotatedTagsMessages(revision); this.InvokeAsync(UpdateRevisionInfo); }
public IEnumerable<GitExtLink> ParsePart(string part, GitRevision revision) { if (SearchPattern.IsNullOrEmpty() || SearchPatternRegex.Value == null) yield break; IList<Match> allMatches = new List<Match>(); MatchCollection matches = SearchPatternRegex.Value.Matches(part); for (var i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++) { var match = matches[i]; if (NestedSearchPattern.IsNullOrEmpty()) { allMatches.Add(match); } else if (NestedSearchPatternRegex.Value != null) { MatchCollection nestedMatches = NestedSearchPatternRegex.Value.Matches(match.Value); for (var n = 0; n < nestedMatches.Count; n++) { allMatches.Add(nestedMatches[n]); } } } foreach (var match in allMatches.Where(m => m.Success)) { foreach (var format in LinkFormats) { yield return format.ToGitExtLink(match, revision); } } }
public void FillBuildReport(GitRevision revision) { if (_selectedGitRevision != null) { _selectedGitRevision.PropertyChanged -= RevisionPropertyChanged; } _selectedGitRevision = revision; if (_selectedGitRevision != null) { _selectedGitRevision.PropertyChanged += RevisionPropertyChanged; } _tabControl.SuspendLayout(); try { var buildInfoIsAvailable = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(revision?.BuildStatus?.Url); if (buildInfoIsAvailable) { if (_buildReportTabPage == null) { CreateBuildReportTabPage(_tabControl); } var isFavIconMissing = _buildReportTabPage.ImageIndex < 0; if (isFavIconMissing || _tabControl.SelectedTab == _buildReportTabPage) { try { if (revision.BuildStatus.ShowInBuildReportTab) { _url = null; _buildReportWebBrowser.Navigate(revision.BuildStatus.Url); } else { _url = revision.BuildStatus.Url; _buildReportWebBrowser.Navigate("about:blank"); } if (isFavIconMissing) { _buildReportWebBrowser.Navigated += BuildReportWebBrowserOnNavigated; } } catch { // No propagation to the user if the report fails } } if (!_tabControl.Controls.Contains(_buildReportTabPage)) { _tabControl.Controls.Add(_buildReportTabPage); } } else { if (_buildReportTabPage != null && _tabControl.Controls.Contains(_buildReportTabPage)) { _buildReportWebBrowser.Stop(); _buildReportWebBrowser.Document.Write(string.Empty); _tabControl.Controls.Remove(_buildReportTabPage); } } } finally { _tabControl.ResumeLayout(); } }
public DoubleClickRevisionEventArgs(GitRevision revision) { Revision = revision; }
private DialogResult OkClick() { // Ok button set as the "AcceptButton" for the form // if the user hits [Enter] at any point, we need to trigger txtCustomBranchName Leave event Ok.Focus(); GitCheckoutBranchCmd cmd = new GitCheckoutBranchCmd(Branches.Text.Trim(), Remotebranch.Checked); if (Remotebranch.Checked) { if (rbCreateBranchWithCustomName.Checked) { cmd.NewBranchName = txtCustomBranchName.Text.Trim(); cmd.NewBranchAction = GitCheckoutBranchCmd.NewBranch.Create; if (cmd.NewBranchName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { MessageBox.Show(_customBranchNameIsEmpty.Text, Text); DialogResult = DialogResult.None; return(DialogResult.None); } if (!Module.CheckBranchFormat(cmd.NewBranchName)) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format(_customBranchNameIsNotValid.Text, cmd.NewBranchName), Text); DialogResult = DialogResult.None; return(DialogResult.None); } } else if (rbResetBranch.Checked) { IGitRef localBranchRef = GetLocalBranchRef(_localBranchName); IGitRef remoteBranchRef = GetRemoteBranchRef(cmd.BranchName); if (localBranchRef != null && remoteBranchRef != null) { string mergeBaseGuid = Module.GetMergeBase(localBranchRef.Guid, remoteBranchRef.Guid); bool isResetFastForward = localBranchRef.Guid.Equals(mergeBaseGuid); if (!isResetFastForward) { string mergeBaseText = mergeBaseGuid.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ? "merge base" : GitRevision.ToShortSha(mergeBaseGuid); string warningMessage = string.Format(_resetNonFastForwardBranch.Text, _localBranchName, mergeBaseText); if (MessageBox.Show(this, warningMessage, resetCaption.Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.No) { DialogResult = DialogResult.None; return(DialogResult.None); } } } cmd.NewBranchAction = GitCheckoutBranchCmd.NewBranch.Reset; cmd.NewBranchName = _localBranchName; } else { cmd.NewBranchAction = GitCheckoutBranchCmd.NewBranch.DontCreate; cmd.NewBranchName = null; } } LocalChangesAction changes = ChangesMode; if (changes != LocalChangesAction.Reset && chkSetLocalChangesActionAsDefault.Checked) { AppSettings.CheckoutBranchAction = changes; } if ((Visible || AppSettings.UseDefaultCheckoutBranchAction) && IsThereUncommittedChanges()) { cmd.LocalChanges = changes; } else { cmd.LocalChanges = LocalChangesAction.DontChange; } IWin32Window owner = Visible ? this : Owner; bool stash = false; if (changes == LocalChangesAction.Stash) { if (_isDirtyDir == null && Visible) { _isDirtyDir = Module.IsDirtyDir(); } stash = _isDirtyDir == true; if (stash) { UICommands.StashSave(owner, AppSettings.IncludeUntrackedFilesInAutoStash); } } ScriptManager.RunEventScripts(this, ScriptEvent.BeforeCheckout); if (UICommands.StartCommandLineProcessDialog(cmd, owner)) { if (stash) { bool?messageBoxResult = AppSettings.AutoPopStashAfterCheckoutBranch; if (messageBoxResult == null) { DialogResult res = PSTaskDialog.cTaskDialog.MessageBox( this, _applyShashedItemsAgainCaption.Text, "", _applyShashedItemsAgain.Text, "", "", _dontShowAgain.Text, PSTaskDialog.eTaskDialogButtons.YesNo, PSTaskDialog.eSysIcons.Question, PSTaskDialog.eSysIcons.Question); messageBoxResult = (res == DialogResult.Yes); if (PSTaskDialog.cTaskDialog.VerificationChecked) { AppSettings.AutoPopStashAfterCheckoutBranch = messageBoxResult; } } if (messageBoxResult ?? false) { UICommands.StashPop(this); } } UICommands.UpdateSubmodules(this); ScriptManager.RunEventScripts(this, ScriptEvent.AfterCheckout); return(DialogResult.OK); } return(DialogResult.None); }
public static void OpenWithDifftool(this RevisionGrid grid, string fileName, string oldFileName, DiffWithRevisionKind diffKind, string parentGuid) { IList <GitRevision> revisions = grid.GetSelectedRevisions(); if (revisions.Count == 0 || revisions.Count > 2) { return; } string output; if (diffKind == DiffWithRevisionKind.DiffAB) { string firstRevision = revisions[0].Guid; var secondRevision = revisions.Count == 2 ? revisions[1].Guid : null; //to simplify if-ology if (GitRevision.IsArtificial(secondRevision) && firstRevision != GitRevision.UnstagedGuid) { firstRevision = secondRevision; secondRevision = revisions[0].Guid; } string extraDiffArgs = "-M -C"; if (GitRevision.IsArtificial(firstRevision)) { bool staged = firstRevision == GitRevision.IndexGuid; if (secondRevision == null || secondRevision == GitRevision.IndexGuid) { firstRevision = string.Empty; } else { firstRevision = secondRevision; } secondRevision = string.Empty; if (staged) //rev1 vs index { extraDiffArgs = string.Join(" ", extraDiffArgs, "--cached"); } } else if (secondRevision == null) { secondRevision = parentGuid ?? firstRevision + "^"; } output = grid.Module.OpenWithDifftool(fileName, oldFileName, firstRevision, secondRevision, extraDiffArgs); } else { string revisionToCmp; if (revisions.Count == 1) { GitRevision revision = revisions[0]; if (diffKind == DiffWithRevisionKind.DiffALocal) { revisionToCmp = parentGuid ?? revision.FirstParentGuid; } else if (diffKind == DiffWithRevisionKind.DiffBLocal) { revisionToCmp = revision.Guid; } else { revisionToCmp = null; } } else { switch (diffKind) { case DiffWithRevisionKind.DiffALocal: revisionToCmp = revisions[1].Guid; break; case DiffWithRevisionKind.DiffBLocal: revisionToCmp = revisions[0].Guid; break; case DiffWithRevisionKind.DiffAParentLocal: revisionToCmp = revisions[1].FirstParentGuid; break; case DiffWithRevisionKind.DiffBParentLocal: revisionToCmp = revisions[0].FirstParentGuid; break; default: revisionToCmp = null; break; } } if (revisionToCmp == null) { return; } output = grid.Module.OpenWithDifftool(fileName, null, revisionToCmp); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(output)) { MessageBox.Show(grid, output); } }
private void UpdateSelectedFileViewers(bool force = false) { var selectedRevisions = FileChanges.GetSelectedRevisions(); if (selectedRevisions.Count == 0) { return; } GitRevision revision = selectedRevisions[0]; var children = FileChanges.GetRevisionChildren(revision.ObjectId); var fileName = revision.Name; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { fileName = FileName; } SetTitle(fileName); if (revision.IsArtificial) { tabControl1.SelectedTab = DiffTab; CommitInfoTabPage.Parent = null; BlameTab.Parent = null; ViewTab.Parent = null; } else { if (CommitInfoTabPage.Parent == null) { tabControl1.TabPages.Insert(0, CommitInfoTabPage); } if (ViewTab.Parent == null) { var index = tabControl1.TabPages.IndexOf(DiffTab); Debug.Assert(index != -1, "TabControl should contain diff tab page"); tabControl1.TabPages.Insert(index + 1, ViewTab); } if (BlameTab.Parent == null) { var index = tabControl1.TabPages.IndexOf(ViewTab); Debug.Assert(index != -1, "TabControl should contain view tab page"); tabControl1.TabPages.Insert(index + 1, BlameTab); } } if (tabControl1.SelectedTab == BlameTab) { Blame.LoadBlame(revision, children, fileName, FileChanges, BlameTab, Diff.Encoding, force: force); } else if (tabControl1.SelectedTab == ViewTab) { View.Encoding = Diff.Encoding; View.ViewGitItemRevisionAsync(fileName, revision.ObjectId); } else if (tabControl1.SelectedTab == DiffTab) { var file = new GitItemStatus { IsTracked = true, Name = fileName, IsSubmodule = GitModule.IsValidGitWorkingDir(_fullPathResolver.Resolve(fileName)) }; Diff.ViewChangesAsync(FileChanges.GetSelectedRevisions(), file, "You need to select at least one revision to view diff."); } else if (tabControl1.SelectedTab == CommitInfoTabPage) { CommitDiff.SetRevision(revision.ObjectId, fileName); } if (_buildReportTabPageExtension == null) { _buildReportTabPageExtension = new BuildReportTabPageExtension(() => Module, tabControl1, _buildReportTabCaption.Text); } _buildReportTabPageExtension.FillBuildReport(selectedRevisions.Count == 1 ? revision : null); }
static void PerformLog(IVisualGitServiceProvider context, ICollection<GitOrigin> targets, GitRevision start, GitRevision end) { IVisualGitPackage package = context.GetService<IVisualGitPackage>(); package.ShowToolWindow(VisualGitToolWindow.Log); LogToolWindowControl logToolControl = context.GetService<ISelectionContext>().ActiveFrameControl as LogToolWindowControl; if (logToolControl != null) logToolControl.StartLog(targets, start, end); }
private void resetFileToToolStripMenuItem_DropDownOpening(object sender, EventArgs e) { IList <GitRevision> revisions = _revisionGrid.GetSelectedRevisions(); int selectedRevsCount = revisions.Count; if (selectedRevsCount == 1) { if (revisions[0].Guid == GitRevision.UnstagedGuid) { resetFileToSelectedToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; } else { resetFileToSelectedToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; TranslateItem(resetFileToSelectedToolStripMenuItem.Name, resetFileToSelectedToolStripMenuItem); resetFileToSelectedToolStripMenuItem.Text += " (" + _revisionGrid.DescribeRevision(revisions[0], 50) + ")"; } if (revisions[0].HasParent) { resetFileToParentToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; TranslateItem(resetFileToParentToolStripMenuItem.Name, resetFileToParentToolStripMenuItem); GitRevision parentRev = _revisionGrid.GetRevision(revisions[0].FirstParentGuid); if (parentRev != null) { resetFileToParentToolStripMenuItem.Text += " (" + _revisionGrid.DescribeRevision(parentRev, 50) + ")"; } } else { resetFileToParentToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; } } else { resetFileToSelectedToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; resetFileToParentToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; } if (selectedRevsCount == 2) { if (revisions[1].Guid == GitRevision.UnstagedGuid) { resetFileToFirstToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; } else { resetFileToFirstToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; TranslateItem(resetFileToFirstToolStripMenuItem.Name, resetFileToFirstToolStripMenuItem); resetFileToFirstToolStripMenuItem.Text += " (" + _revisionGrid.DescribeRevision(revisions[1], 50) + ")"; } if (revisions[0].Guid == GitRevision.UnstagedGuid) { resetFileToSecondToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; } else { resetFileToSecondToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; TranslateItem(resetFileToSecondToolStripMenuItem.Name, resetFileToSecondToolStripMenuItem); resetFileToSecondToolStripMenuItem.Text += " (" + _revisionGrid.DescribeRevision(revisions[0], 50) + ")"; } } else { resetFileToFirstToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; resetFileToSecondToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; } }
public GitRevisionRange(GitRevision start, GitRevision end) { StartRevision = start; EndRevision = end; }
private void PickAnotherBranch(GitRevision preSelectCommit, ref string displayStr, ref GitRevision revision) { using (var form = new FormCompareToBranch(UICommands, preSelectCommit.Guid)) { if (form.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { displayStr = form.BranchName; revision = new GitRevision(Module, Module.RevParse(form.BranchName)); PopulateDiffFiles(); } } }
public string[] GetTempFiles(GitTarget target, GitRevision from, GitRevision to, bool withProgress) { if (target == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("target"); else if (from == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("from"); else if (to == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("to"); string f1 = GetTempFile(target, from, withProgress); if (f1 == null) return null; // Canceled string f2 = GetTempFile(target, to, withProgress); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(f1) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(f2)) return null; string[] files = new string[] { f1, f2 }; foreach (string f in files) { if (File.Exists(f)) File.SetAttributes(f, FileAttributes.ReadOnly); } return files; }
public void Add(string aId, string[] aParentIds, DataType aType, GitRevision aData) { // If we haven't seen this node yet, create a new junction. Node node; if (!GetNode(aId, out node) && (aParentIds == null || aParentIds.Length == 0)) { var newJunction = new Junction(node, node); junctions.Add(newJunction); } nodeCount++; node.Data = aData; node.DataType = aType; node.Index = AddedNodes.Count; AddedNodes.Add(node); foreach (string parentId in aParentIds) { Node parent; GetNode(parentId, out parent); if (parent.Index < node.Index) { // TODO: We might be able to recover from this with some work, but // since we build the graph async it might be tough to figure out. Debug.WriteLine("The nodes must be added such that all children are added before their parents"); continue; } if (node.Descendants.Count == 1 && node.Ancestors.Count <= 1 && node.Descendants[0].Parent == node && parent.Ancestors.Count == 0 //If this is true, the current revision is in the middle of a branch //and is about to start a new branch. This will also mean that the last //revisions are non-relative. Make sure a new junction is added and this //is the start of a new branch (and color!) && (aType & DataType.Active) != DataType.Active ) { // The node isn't a junction point. Just the parent to the node's // (only) ancestor junction. node.Descendants[0].Add(parent); } else if (node.Ancestors.Count == 1 && node.Ancestors[0].Child != node) { // The node is in the middle of a junction. We need to split it. Junction splitNode = node.Ancestors[0].Split(node); junctions.Add(splitNode); // The node is a junction point. We are a new junction var junction = new Junction(node, parent); junctions.Add(junction); } else if (parent.Descendants.Count == 1 && parent.Descendants[0].Parent != parent) { // The parent is in the middle of a junction. We need to split it. Junction splitNode = parent.Descendants[0].Split(parent); junctions.Add(splitNode); // The node is a junction point. We are a new junction var junction = new Junction(node, parent); junctions.Add(junction); } else { // The node is a junction point. We are a new junction var junction = new Junction(node, parent); junctions.Add(junction); } } bool isRelative = (aType & DataType.Active) == DataType.Active; if (!isRelative && node.Descendants.Any(d => d.IsRelative)) { isRelative = true; } bool isRebuild = false; foreach (Junction d in node.Ancestors) { d.IsRelative = isRelative || d.IsRelative; // Uh, oh, we've already processed this lane. We'll have to update some rows. var parent = d.TryGetParent(node); if (parent != null && parent.InLane != int.MaxValue) { int resetTo = d.Parent.Descendants.Aggregate(d.Parent.InLane, (current, dd) => Math.Min(current, dd.Child.InLane)); Debug.WriteLine("We have to start over at lane {0} because of {1}", resetTo, node); isRebuild = true; break; } } if (isRebuild) { // TODO: It would be nice if we didn't have to start completely over...but it wouldn't // be easy since we don't keep around all of the necessary lane state for each step. int lastLane = lanes.Count - 1; lanes.Clear(); lanes.CacheTo(lastLane); // We need to signal the DvcsGraph object that it needs to redraw everything. if (Updated != null) { Updated(this); } } else { lanes.Update(node); } }
static string GetTitle(string fileName, GitRevision revision) { string strRev = revision.RevisionType == GitRevisionType.Time ? revision.Time.ToLocalTime().ToString("g") : revision.ToString(); return fileName + " - " + strRev; }
private void PickAnotherBranch(GitRevision preSelectCommit, ref string displayStr, [CanBeNull] ref GitRevision revision) { using (var form = new FormCompareToBranch(UICommands, preSelectCommit.ObjectId)) { if (form.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { displayStr = form.BranchName; var objectId = Module.RevParse(form.BranchName); revision = objectId == null ? null : new GitRevision(objectId); PopulateDiffFiles(); } } }
string GetName(string filename, GitRevision rev) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) throw new ArgumentNullException("filename"); else if (rev == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("rev"); return (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + "." + PathSafeRevision(rev) + Path.GetExtension(filename)).Trim('.'); }
public RunScript(string script, RevisionGrid RevisionGrid) { string[] scriptInfo = Settings.GetScript(script); string command; string argument; if (scriptInfo == null) { command = "cmd"; argument = "echo \'Cannot find script: " + script + "\'"; } else { command = scriptInfo[1]; argument = scriptInfo[2]; } string[] options = { "{sTag}", "{sBranch}", "{sLocalBranch}", "{sRemoteBranch}", "{sRemote}", "{sHash}", "{sMessage}", "{sAuthor}", "{sCommitter}", "{sAuthorDate}", "{sCommitDate}", "{cTag}", "{cBranch}", "{cLocalBranch}", "{cRemoteBranch}", "{cHash}", "{cMessage}", "{cAuthor}", "{cCommitter}", "{cAuthorDate}", "{cCommitDate}" }; GitRevision selectedRevision = null; GitRevision currentRevision = null; var selectedLocalBranches = new List <GitHead>(); var selectedRemoteBranches = new List <GitHead>(); var selectedRemotes = new List <string>(); var selectedBranches = new List <GitHead>(); var selectedTags = new List <GitHead>(); var currentLocalBranches = new List <GitHead>(); var currentRemoteBranches = new List <GitHead>(); var currentBranches = new List <GitHead>(); var currentTags = new List <GitHead>(); foreach (string option in options) { if (argument.Contains(option)) { if (option.StartsWith("{s") && selectedRevision == null) { selectedRevision = RevisionGrid.GetRevision(RevisionGrid.LastRow); foreach (GitHead head in selectedRevision.Heads) { if (head.IsTag) { selectedTags.Add(head); } else if (head.IsHead || head.IsRemote) { selectedBranches.Add(head); if (head.IsRemote) { selectedRemoteBranches.Add(head); if (!selectedRemotes.Contains(head.Remote)) { selectedRemotes.Add(head.Remote); } } else { selectedLocalBranches.Add(head); } } } } else if (option.StartsWith("{c") && currentRevision == null) { currentRevision = RevisionGrid.GetCurrentRevision(); foreach (GitHead head in currentRevision.Heads) { if (head.IsTag) { currentTags.Add(head); } else if (head.IsHead || head.IsRemote) { currentBranches.Add(head); if (head.IsRemote) { currentRemoteBranches.Add(head); } else { currentLocalBranches.Add(head); } } } } switch (option) { case "{sTag}": if (selectedTags.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedTags[0].Name); } else if (selectedTags.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(selectedTags, "Selected Revision Tag")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{sBranch}": if (selectedBranches.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedBranches[0].Name); } else if (selectedBranches.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(selectedBranches, "Selected Revision Branch")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{sLocalBranch}": if (selectedLocalBranches.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedLocalBranches[0].Name); } else if (selectedLocalBranches.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(selectedLocalBranches, "Selected Revision Local Branch")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{sRemoteBranch}": if (selectedRemoteBranches.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRemoteBranches[0].Name); } else if (selectedRemoteBranches.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(selectedRemoteBranches, "Selected Revision Remote Branch")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{sRemote}": if (selectedRemotes.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRemotes[0]); } else if (selectedRemotes.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(selectedRemotes, "Selected Revision Remote")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{sHash}": argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRevision.Guid); break; case "{sMessage}": argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRevision.Message); break; case "{sAuthor}": argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRevision.Author); break; case "{sCommitter}": argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRevision.Committer); break; case "{sAuthorDate}": argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRevision.AuthorDate.ToString()); break; case "{sCommitDate}": argument = argument.Replace(option, selectedRevision.CommitDate.ToString()); break; case "{cTag}": if (currentTags.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, currentTags[0].Name); } else if (currentTags.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(currentTags, "Current Revision Tag")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{cBranch}": if (currentBranches.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, currentBranches[0].Name); } else if (currentBranches.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(currentBranches, "Current Revision Branch")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{cLocalBranch}": if (currentLocalBranches.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, currentLocalBranches[0].Name); } else if (currentLocalBranches.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(currentLocalBranches, "Current Revision Local Branch")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{cRemoteBranch}": if (currentRemoteBranches.Count == 1) { argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRemoteBranches[0].Name); } else if (currentRemoteBranches.Count != 0) { argument = argument.Replace(option, askToSpecify(currentRemoteBranches, "Current Revision Remote Branch")); } else { argument = argument.Replace(option, ""); } break; case "{cHash}": argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRevision.Guid); break; case "{cMessage}": argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRevision.Message); break; case "{cAuthor}": argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRevision.Author); break; case "{cCommitter}": argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRevision.Committer); break; case "{cAuthorDate}": argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRevision.AuthorDate.ToString()); break; case "{cCommitDate}": argument = argument.Replace(option, currentRevision.CommitDate.ToString()); break; default: break; } } } new FormProcess(command, argument).ShowDialog(); }
static void DoBlame(CommandEventArgs e, GitOrigin item, GitRevision revisionEnd, GitIgnoreSpacing ignoreSpacing) { GitWriteArgs wa = new GitWriteArgs(); wa.Revision = revisionEnd; GitBlameArgs ba = new GitBlameArgs(); ba.End = revisionEnd; ba.IgnoreSpacing = ignoreSpacing; GitTarget target = item.Target; IVisualGitTempFileManager tempMgr = e.GetService<IVisualGitTempFileManager>(); string tempFile = tempMgr.GetTempFileNamed(target.FileName); Collection<GitBlameEventArgs> blameResult = null; Dictionary<string, string> logMessages = new Dictionary<string, string>(); bool retry = false; ProgressRunnerResult r = e.GetService<IProgressRunner>().RunModal(CommandStrings.Annotating, delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs ee) { using (FileStream fs = File.Create(tempFile)) { ee.Client.Write(target, fs, wa); } try { ee.Client.GetBlame(target, ba, out blameResult); } catch (GitClientBinaryFileException) { retry = true; } }); if (retry) { using (VisualGitMessageBox mb = new VisualGitMessageBox(e.Context)) { if (DialogResult.Yes == mb.Show( CommandStrings.AnnotateBinaryFileContinueAnywayText, CommandStrings.AnnotateBinaryFileContinueAnywayTitle, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)) { r = e.GetService<IProgressRunner>() .RunModal(CommandStrings.Annotating, delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs ee) { ee.Client.GetBlame(target, ba, out blameResult); }); } } } if (!r.Succeeded) return; AnnotateEditorControl annEditor = new AnnotateEditorControl(); IVisualGitEditorResolver er = e.GetService<IVisualGitEditorResolver>(); annEditor.Create(e.Context, tempFile); annEditor.LoadFile(tempFile); annEditor.AddLines(item, blameResult, logMessages); // Detect and set the language service Guid language; if (er.TryGetLanguageService(Path.GetExtension(target.FileName), out language)) { // Extension is mapped -> user annEditor.SetLanguageService(language); } else if (blameResult != null && blameResult.Count > 0 && blameResult[0].Line != null) { // Extension is not mapped -> Check if this is xml (like project files) string line = blameResult[0].Line.Trim(); if (line.StartsWith("<?xml") || (line.StartsWith("<") && line.Contains("xmlns=\""))) { if (er.TryGetLanguageService(".xml", out language)) { annEditor.SetLanguageService(language); } } } }
public bool StartFileHistoryDialog(string fileName, GitRevision revision) { return(StartFileHistoryDialog(null, fileName, revision)); }
public VisualGitRevisionType Resolve(GitOrigin origin, GitRevision revision) { if (revision == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("revision"); switch (revision.RevisionType) { case GitRevisionType.Head: return _head; case GitRevisionType.Base: return _base; case GitRevisionType.Committed: return _committed; case GitRevisionType.Previous: return _previous; case GitRevisionType.Working: return _working; } return null; }
private bool StartBlameDialog(string fileName, GitRevision revision) { return(StartBlameDialog(null, fileName, revision)); }
/// <summary> /// Resolves the specified revision. /// </summary> /// <param name="origin"></param> /// <param name="revision">The revision.</param> /// <returns></returns> public VisualGitRevisionType Resolve(GitOrigin origin, GitRevision revision) { if (revision == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("revision"); foreach (IVisualGitRevisionProvider p in _providers) { VisualGitRevisionType r = p.Resolve(origin, revision); if (r != null) return r; } switch (revision.RevisionType) { case GitRevisionType.Hash: ExplicitRevisionType ert = new ExplicitRevisionType(Context, origin); ert.CurrentValue = revision; return ert; } return null; }
public override void OnCellPainting(DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs e, GitRevision revision, int rowHeight, in CellStyle style)
public void StartLog(ICollection<GitOrigin> targets, GitRevision start, GitRevision end) { if (targets == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("targets"); _origins = new List<GitOrigin>(targets); UpdateTitle(); logControl.StartLog(_origins, start, end); }
public FormRevertCommitSmall(GitRevision Revision) { this.Revision = Revision; InitializeComponent(); Translate(); }
public IEnumerable<GitExtLink> Parse(GitRevision revision) { List<IEnumerable<GitExtLink>> links = new List<IEnumerable<GitExtLink>>(); if (SearchInParts.Contains(RevisionPart.LocalBranches)) foreach (var head in revision.Refs.Where(b => !b.IsRemote)) links.Add(ParsePart(head.LocalName, revision)); if (SearchInParts.Contains(RevisionPart.RemoteBranches)) foreach (var head in revision.Refs.Where(b => b.IsRemote)) links.Add(ParsePart(head.LocalName, revision)); if (SearchInParts.Contains(RevisionPart.Message)) links.Add(ParsePart(revision.Body, revision)); return links.Unwrap(); }
public RevisionGraphUpdatedEventArgs(GitRevision revision) { Revision = revision; }
public GitExtLink ToGitExtLink(Match match, GitRevision revision) { GitExtLink link = new GitExtLink(); try { var groups = new List<string>(); for (int i = match.Groups.Count > 1 ? 1 : 0; i < match.Groups.Count; i++) { groups.Add(match.Groups[i].Value); } link.Caption = string.Format(Caption, groups.ToArray()); link.URI = Format.Replace("%COMMIT_HASH%", revision.Guid); link.URI = string.Format(link.URI, groups.ToArray()); IsValid = true; } catch (Exception e) { link.URI = e.Message + ": " + Format + " " + match.Value; IsValid = false; } return link; }
public static void BuildStatusMessageCellPainting(DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs e, GitRevision revision, Color foreColor, Font rowFont) { if (revision.BuildStatus != null) { var buildStatusForeColor = foreColor; switch (revision.BuildStatus.Status) { case BuildInfo.BuildStatus.Success: buildStatusForeColor = Color.DarkGreen; break; case BuildInfo.BuildStatus.Failure: buildStatusForeColor = Color.DarkRed; break; case BuildInfo.BuildStatus.InProgress: buildStatusForeColor = Color.Blue; break; case BuildInfo.BuildStatus.Unstable: buildStatusForeColor = Color.OrangeRed; break; case BuildInfo.BuildStatus.Stopped: buildStatusForeColor = Color.Gray; break; } var text = (string)e.FormattedValue; var rect = RevisionGridUtils.GetCellRectangle(e); RevisionGridUtils.DrawColumnText(e.Graphics, text, rowFont, buildStatusForeColor, rect); } }