public async Task FetchPullRequestChangesAsync(
            string project,
            string repositoryId,
            GitPullRequest pullRequest)
            var pullRequestId = pullRequest.PullRequestId;
            var outputFile    = $"{pullRequestId.ToString()}-changes.json";
            var mergeCommitId = pullRequest.LastMergeCommit?.CommitId;

            if (mergeCommitId == null)
                // A completed PR won't merge if the commit is already in the target branch
                info.Trace($"{pullRequestId} has no merge commit.");
            else if (outputFileStore.Contains(outputFile))
                info.Trace($"{outputFile} already exists. Skipping call to the API.");
                info.Trace($"Fetching changes for commit {mergeCommitId.ToString()} ...");
                var changes = await gitClient.GetChangesAsync(
                    commitId : mergeCommitId,
                    repositoryId : repositoryId);

                info.Trace($"Writing output to {outputFile} ...");
                await outputFileStore.WriteFileAsync(
                    filename : outputFile,
                    content : JsonConvert.SerializeObject(changes, Formatting.Indented));
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var            credentials      = new VssAadCredential();
            var            messageHandler   = new VssHttpMessageHandler(credentials, new VssHttpRequestSettings());
            Uri            uri              = new Uri(@"");
            GitHttpClient  gitHttpClient    = new GitHttpClient(uri, messageHandler.Credentials);
            var            Repositories     = gitHttpClient.GetRepositoriesAsync().Result;
            GitRepository  repository       = Repositories.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "Localization".ToLowerInvariant());
            var            gitBranchStatuss = gitHttpClient.GetBranchesAsync(repository.Id).Result;
            GitBranchStats gitBranchStatus  = gitBranchStatuss.FirstOrDefault(branch => branch.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "master");

            var descriptor = new GitVersionDescriptor()
                Version = gitBranchStatus.Name, VersionOptions = GitVersionOptions.None, VersionType = GitVersionType.Branch

            //GitItem item = gitHttpClient.GetItemAsync(repositoryId: repository.Id, path: "/intl/af-za/loc/windows/lcl/aad/brokerplugin/microsoft.aad.brokerplugin.dll.lcl", scopePath: "/intl/af-za/loc/windows/lcl/aad/brokerplugin/microsoft.aad.brokerplugin.dll.lcl", recursionLevel: VersionControlRecursionType.OneLevel, includeContentMetadata: true, latestProcessedChange: true, download: true, versionDescriptor: descriptor, userState: null, cancellationToken: new CancellationToken()).Result;

            VersionControlProjectInfo vvvvvv = new VersionControlProjectInfo();

            List <GitItem> items = gitHttpClient.GetItemsAsync(repositoryId: repository.Id, scopePath: "/intl/af-za/loc/windows/lcl/aad/brokerplugin/microsoft.aad.brokerplugin.dll.lcl", recursionLevel: VersionControlRecursionType.OneLevel, includeContentMetadata: true, latestProcessedChange: true, download: true, includeLinks: false, versionDescriptor: descriptor, userState: null, cancellationToken: new CancellationToken()).Result;

            List <GitCommitRef> aaaa = gitHttpClient.GetCommitsAsync(repositoryId: repository.Id, searchCriteria: new GitQueryCommitsCriteria(), skip: null, top: null, userState: null, cancellationToken: new CancellationToken()).Result;

            GitCommitChanges gitCommitChanges = gitHttpClient.GetChangesAsync(items[0].CommitId, repositoryId: repository.Id, top: null, skip: null, userState: null, cancellationToken: new CancellationToken()).Result;

            Stream ssss = gitHttpClient.GetItemContentAsync(repositoryId: repository.Id, path: items[0].Path, recursionLevel: VersionControlRecursionType.None, includeContentMetadata: true, latestProcessedChange: true, download: true, versionDescriptor: descriptor, userState: null, cancellationToken: new CancellationToken()).Result;

            using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())

                // Use StreamReader to read MemoryStream created from byte array
                using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(memoryStream.ToArray())))
                    string fileString = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IServiceProvider   services = ServiceProviderBuilder.GetServiceProvider(args);
            IOptions <APIKeys> options  = services.GetRequiredService <IOptions <APIKeys> >();
            asciiArtClass      asciiArt = new asciiArtClass();

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
            foreach (string line in asciiArt.azureArtArr)

            //use the httpclient
            VssCredentials creds = new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, options.Value.PAT);

            // Connect to Azure DevOps Services
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
            VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(c_collectionUri + options.Value.OrgName), creds);

            ProjectHttpClient projClient = connection.GetClientAsync <ProjectHttpClient>().Result;
            IPagedList <TeamProjectReference> projects = projClient.GetProjects().Result;

            // Get a GitHttpClient to talk to the Git endpoints
            using (GitHttpClient gitClient = connection.GetClient <GitHttpClient>())
                foreach (TeamProjectReference p in projects)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\nProject --- " + p.Name);
                    List <GitRepository> repoList = gitClient.GetRepositoriesAsync(p.Name).Result;

                    GitRepository masterRepo = repoList.Where(x => x.Name == "master" || x.Name == p.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                    Console.WriteLine("Repo Name --- " + masterRepo.Name);

                    //set a filter to only return commits within the last 7 days
                    GitQueryCommitsCriteria searches = new GitQueryCommitsCriteria();
                    searches.FromDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToShortDateString();

                    List <GitCommitRef> commits = gitClient.GetCommitsBatchAsync(searches, masterRepo.Id).Result;

                    foreach (GitCommitRef cmt in commits)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n\nProject --- " + p.Name);
                        Console.WriteLine("Repo Name --- " + masterRepo.Name);
                        Console.WriteLine("\nCommit ID - #{0}\nBy - {1}\nEmail - {2}\nOn - {3}", cmt.CommitId, cmt.Author.Name, cmt.Author.Email, cmt.Author.Date.ToLongDateString(), cmt.Comment);
                        GitCommitChanges changes = gitClient.GetChangesAsync(p.Name, cmt.CommitId, p.Name).Result;

                        foreach (GitChange change in changes.Changes)
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", change.ChangeType, change.Item.Path);

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
            foreach (string line in asciiArt.tieFArtArr)
Example #4
        public TFSWork(string url, string pat)
            // Initialize connection to azure devops
            personalaccesstoken = pat;
            var           networkCredential = new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, pat);
            VssConnection connection        = new VssConnection(new Uri(url), networkCredential);

            // Initialize ProjectHttpClient and GitHttpClient
            var           projclient = connection.GetClient <ProjectHttpClient>();
            GitHttpClient gitClient  = connection.GetClient <GitHttpClient>();

            // Get list of projects credentials have access to
            var projcollection = projclient.GetProjects().Result;

            foreach (var proj in projcollection)
                // Get list of repos for a project
                List <GitRepository> repos = gitClient.GetRepositoriesAsync(proj.Id.ToString()).Result;

                // Set commits query criteria
                GitQueryCommitsCriteria criteria = new GitQueryCommitsCriteria()
                    // Add criterias in here, some examples: ToDate, FromDate, Top, FromCommitId

                foreach (GitRepository repo in repos)
                    // Get list of commits for a repo
                    List <GitCommitRef> commits = gitClient.GetCommitsAsync(repo.Id, criteria).Result.OrderBy(x => x.Committer.Date).ToList();

                    for (int i = 0; i < commits.Count; i++)
                        // ASSUMPTION: i=0 is first commit and no code/files in this commit
                        // TODO: update to handle all cases
                        if (i != 0)
                            // Collect commit count
                            var objc = userStats.FirstOrDefault(x => == commits[i].Committer.Email && x.projectName == proj.Name && x.repoName == repo.Name);
                            if (objc != null)
                                objc.commitCount    = objc.commitCount + 1;
                                objc.lastCommitDate = objc.lastCommitDate > commits[i].Committer.Date ? objc.lastCommitDate : commits[i].Committer.Date;
                                UserStat user = new UserStat();
                                user.projectName    = proj.Name;
                                user.repoName       = repo.Name;
                                = commits[i].Committer.Email;
                                 = commits[i].Committer.Name;
                                user.commitCount    = user.commitCount + 1;
                                user.lastCommitDate = user.lastCommitDate > commits[i].Committer.Date ? user.lastCommitDate : commits[i].Committer.Date;

                            // Get list of changes for a commit
                            GitCommitChanges changes = gitClient.GetChangesAsync(commits[i].CommitId, repo.Id).Result;

                            foreach (var change in changes.Changes)
                                // Only will collect stats pertaining to *.cs files
                                if (change.Item.Path.EndsWith(".cs"))
                                    // Collect file stats
                                    var obj = userStats.FirstOrDefault(x => == commits[i].Committer.Email && x.projectName == proj.Name && x.repoName == repo.Name);
                                    if (obj != null)
                                        if (change.ChangeType == VersionControlChangeType.Add)
                                            obj.filesAdded = obj.filesAdded + 1;
                                        else if (change.ChangeType == VersionControlChangeType.Delete)
                                            obj.filesDeleted = obj.filesDeleted + 1;
                                        else if (change.ChangeType == VersionControlChangeType.Edit)
                                            obj.filesModified = obj.filesModified + 1;
                                        UserStat user = new UserStat();
                                        user.projectName = proj.Name;
                                        user.repoName    = repo.Name;
                                     = commits[i].Committer.Email;
                                      = commits[i].Committer.Name;
                                        if (change.ChangeType == VersionControlChangeType.Add)
                                            user.filesAdded = user.filesAdded + 1;
                                        else if (change.ChangeType == VersionControlChangeType.Delete)
                                            user.filesDeleted = user.filesDeleted + 1;
                                        else if (change.ChangeType == VersionControlChangeType.Edit)
                                            user.filesModified = user.filesModified + 1;

                                    // Collect code stats
                                    ChurnFileStats(url, proj.Name, repo.Id.ToString(), repo.Name, change, pat, commits[i].CommitId, commits[i - 1].CommitId, commits[i].Committer.Email, commits[i].Committer.Name);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// View detiled information of active pull requests
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TeamProjectName"></param>
        /// <param name="GitRepo"></param>
        private static void ViewPullRequests(string TeamProjectName, string GitRepo, bool CompletedPRs = false, string TargetRef = "")
            if (CompletedPRs && TargetRef == "")
                Console.WriteLine("Define a target branch reference");

            var pullRequests = (CompletedPRs)?
                               GitClient.GetPullRequestsAsync(TeamProjectName, GitRepo, new GitPullRequestSearchCriteria {
                Status = PullRequestStatus.Completed, TargetRefName = TargetRef
            }, top: 10).Result :
                               GitClient.GetPullRequestsAsync(TeamProjectName, GitRepo, null).Result;

            foreach (var pullRequest in pullRequests)
                Console.WriteLine("+================PULL REQUEST=======================================================");
                Console.WriteLine("ID: {0} | TITLE: {1}", pullRequest.PullRequestId, pullRequest.Title);
                Console.WriteLine("AUTHOR: {0} | STATUS: {1}", pullRequest.CreatedBy.DisplayName, pullRequest.Status.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("SOURCEREF: {0} | TARGETREF: {1}", pullRequest.SourceRefName, pullRequest.TargetRefName);
                Console.WriteLine("Description:\n{0}", pullRequest.Description);

                var pullTheads = GitClient.GetThreadsAsync(TeamProjectName, GitRepo, pullRequest.PullRequestId).Result;

                if (pullTheads.Count > 0)

                for (int i = 0; i < pullTheads.Count; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n{0}", pullTheads[i].Comments[0].Content);
                        Console.WriteLine("STATUS: {0} | AUTHOR: {1}", pullTheads[i].Status.ToString(), pullTheads[i].Comments[0].Author.DisplayName);
                    for (int c = 1; c < pullTheads[i].Comments.Count; c++)
                        Console.WriteLine("\t\t{0}", pullTheads[i].Comments[c].Content);
                        Console.WriteLine("\t\tAUTHOR: {0}", pullTheads[i].Comments[c].Author.DisplayName);

                var workItemRefs = GitClient.GetPullRequestWorkItemRefsAsync(TeamProjectName, GitRepo, pullRequest.PullRequestId).Result;

                if (workItemRefs.Count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("+------------------WORK ITEMS-------------------------------------------------------");

                    foreach (var workItemRef in workItemRefs)
                        int wiId = 0;
                        if (!int.TryParse(workItemRef.Id, out wiId))

                        var workItem = WitClient.GetWorkItemAsync(wiId).Result;

                        Console.WriteLine("{0,10} {1}", workItem.Id, workItem.Fields["System.Title"]);

                var commits = GitClient.GetPullRequestCommitsAsync(TeamProjectName, GitRepo, pullRequest.PullRequestId).Result;


                foreach (var commit in commits)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", commit.CommitId.Substring(0, 8), commit.Comment);
                    GitCommitChanges changes = GitClient.GetChangesAsync(TeamProjectName, commit.CommitId, GitRepo).Result;

                    foreach (var change in changes.Changes)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", change.ChangeType, change.Item.Path);
Example #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            const String c_collectionUri = "";

            // Interactively ask the user for credentials, caching them so the user isn't constantly prompted

            VssCredentials creds = new VssBasicCredential(String.Empty, "");

            // Connect to Azure DevOps Services
            VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(c_collectionUri), creds);

            // Get a GitHttpClient to talk to the Git endpoints
            GitHttpClient gitClient = connection.GetClient <GitHttpClient>();

            int              pullRequestId           = 1;
            IList <string>   fileList                = new List <string>();
            IList <File>     fileDetailsList         = new List <File>();
            List <FileInput> fileMutationDetailsList = new List <FileInput>();
            var              repository              = gitClient.GetRepositoryAsync("8ff8a410-814b-463b-8ecc-949c96fe2007").SyncResult();
            var              repoLink                = (repository.Links.Links["web"] as ReferenceLink).Href;
            var              uriBuilder              = new UriBuilder(repoLink);
            var              query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uriBuilder.Query);

            while (true)
                // Get data about a specific repository
                IList <GitCommitRef> commitsList;
                    commitsList = gitClient.GetPullRequestCommitsAsync("8ff8a410-814b-463b-8ecc-949c96fe2007", pullRequestId).SyncResult();
                catch (VssServiceException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Pull request with id {0} not found. Exiting...", pullRequestId));

                string email      = "";
                string authorName = "";

                foreach (var commit in commitsList)
                    var commitId = commit.CommitId;
                    var result   = gitClient.GetChangesAsync(commitId, new Guid("8ff8a410-814b-463b-8ecc-949c96fe2007")).SyncResult <GitCommitChanges>();
                    var changes  = result.Changes.ToList();

                    foreach (var change in changes)
                        query["path"]    = change.Item.Path;
                        email            = commit.Author.Email;
                        authorName       = commit.Author.Name;
                        uriBuilder.Query = query.ToString();

                        var include = true;
                        foreach (var file in fileMutationDetailsList)
                            if (file.Path == change.Item.Path)
                                include = false;
                        if (include)
                            fileMutationDetailsList.Add(new FileInput(change.Item.Path, uriBuilder.ToString()));

                string graphqlServer = "";

                var graphQlCLient = new GraphQL.Client.GraphQLClient(graphqlServer);

                var q = new GraphQL.Common.Request.GraphQLRequest();

                List <FileInput> a = new List <FileInput> ();

                q.Query = @"mutation Mutation1($files: [FileInput]!, $email: String!, $name: String!, $pullRequestId: String!)
                                pullRequest: {
                                  Files: $files,
                                        email: $email,
                                        name: $name
                                        Key: ""pullRequestId"",
                                        Value: $pullRequestId

                q.Variables = new {
                    files         = fileMutationDetailsList,
                    email         = email,
                    name          = authorName,
                    pullRequestId = pullRequestId.ToString()

                var response = graphQlCLient.PostAsync(q).SyncResult();

