Example #1
        public void TwoThreadsFailAtOnceStillRetriesOnce()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = this.GetGitProcess();

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess, "mock://repoUrl");

            dut.TryInitializeAndRequireAuth(tracer, out _);

            string authString;
            string error;

            // Populate an initial PAT on two threads
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true);
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true);

            // Simulate a 401 error on two threads
            dut.RejectCredentials(tracer, authString);
            dut.RejectCredentials(tracer, authString);

            // Both threads should still be able to get a PAT for retry purposes
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "The second thread caused back off when it shouldn't");
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true);
        public void TwoThreadsInterleavingFailuresShouldntStompASuccess()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = this.GetGitProcess();

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess, "mock://repoUrl");

            dut.TryInitializeAndRequireAuth(tracer, out _);

            string thread1Auth;
            string thread2Auth;
            string error;

            // Populate an initial PAT on two threads
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread1Auth, out error).ShouldEqual(true);
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread2Auth, out error).ShouldEqual(true);

            // Simulate a 401 error on one threads

            // That thread then retries and succeeds
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread1Auth, out error).ShouldEqual(true);

            // If the second thread fails with the old PAT, it shouldn't stomp the new PAT

            // The second thread should be able to get a PAT
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread2Auth, out error).ShouldEqual(true);
            thread2Auth.ShouldEqual(thread1Auth, "The second thread stomp the first threads good auth string");
Example #3
        public void TwoThreadsInterleavingFailuresStillRetriesOnce()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = this.GetGitProcess();

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess, "mock://repoUrl");

            dut.TryInitializeAndRequireAuth(tracer, out _);

            string thread1Auth;
            string thread1AuthRetry;
            string thread2Auth;
            string thread2AuthRetry;
            string error;

            // Populate an initial PAT on two threads
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread1Auth, out error).ShouldEqual(true);
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread2Auth, out error).ShouldEqual(true);

            // Simulate a 401 error on one threads
            dut.RejectCredentials(tracer, thread1Auth);

            // That thread then retries
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread1AuthRetry, out error).ShouldEqual(true);

            // The second thread fails with the old PAT
            dut.RejectCredentials(tracer, thread2Auth);
            gitProcess.CredentialRejections["mock://repoUrl"].Count.ShouldEqual(1, "Should not have rejected a second time");
            gitProcess.CredentialRejections["mock://repoUrl"][0].BasicAuthString.ShouldEqual(thread1Auth, "Should only have rejected thread1's initial credential");

            // The second thread should be able to get a PAT
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread2AuthRetry, out error).ShouldEqual(true, error);
Example #4
        public void TwoThreadsInterleavingFailuresStillRetriesOnce()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockEnlistment enlistment = new MockEnlistment();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = new MockGitProcess(enlistment);

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess);

            string thread1Auth;
            string thread2Auth;
            string error;

            // Populate an initial PAT on two threads
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread1Auth, out error).ShouldEqual(true);
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread2Auth, out error).ShouldEqual(true);

            // Simulate a 401 error on one threads

            // That thread then retries
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread1Auth, out error).ShouldEqual(true);

            // The second thread fails with the old PAT

            // The second thread should be able to get a PAT
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread2Auth, out error).ShouldEqual(true);
Example #5
        public void AuthShouldBackoffAfterFirstRetryFailure()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = this.GetGitProcess();

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess, "mock://repoUrl");

            dut.TryInitializeAndRequireAuth(tracer, out _);

            string authString;
            string error;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to get initial credential");

            dut.RejectCredentials(tracer, authString);
            dut.IsBackingOff.ShouldEqual(false, "Should not backoff after credentials initially rejected");

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to retry getting credential on iteration");
            dut.IsBackingOff.ShouldEqual(false, "Should not backoff after successfully getting credentials");

            dut.RejectCredentials(tracer, authString);
            dut.IsBackingOff.ShouldEqual(true, "Should continue to backoff after rejecting credentials");
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(false, "TryGetCredential should not succeed during backoff");
        public void TwoThreadsInterleavingFailuresStillRetriesOnce()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = this.GetGitProcess();

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess, "mock://repoUrl");

            dut.TryInitializeAndRequireAuth(tracer, out _);

            string thread1Auth;
            string thread2Auth;
            string error;

            // Populate an initial PAT on two threads
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread1Auth, out error).ShouldEqual(true);
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread2Auth, out error).ShouldEqual(true);

            // Simulate a 401 error on one threads

            // That thread then retries
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread1Auth, out error).ShouldEqual(true);

            // The second thread fails with the old PAT

            // The second thread should be able to get a PAT
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out thread2Auth, out error).ShouldEqual(true, error);
Example #7
        public void ContinuesToBackoffIfTryGetCredentialsFails()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = this.GetGitProcess();

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess, "mock://repoUrl");

            dut.TryInitializeAndRequireAuth(tracer, out _);

            string authString;
            string error;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to get initial credential");
            dut.RejectCredentials(tracer, authString);

            gitProcess.ShouldFail = true;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(false, "Succeeded despite GitProcess returning failure");
            dut.IsBackingOff.ShouldEqual(true, "Should continue to backoff if failed to get credentials");

            dut.RejectCredentials(tracer, authString);
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(false, "TryGetCredential should not succeed during backoff");
            dut.IsBackingOff.ShouldEqual(true, "Should continue to backoff if failed to get credentials");
Example #8
        public void BackoffIsNotInEffectAfterSuccess()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = this.GetGitProcess();

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess);

            string authString;
            string error;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to get credential on iteration " + i + ": " + error);
                dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to retry getting credential on iteration " + i + ": " + error);
                dut.IsBackingOff.ShouldEqual(false, "Should reset backoff after successfully refreshing credentials");
Example #9
        public void ShouldOnlyRetryAuthOnce()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockEnlistment enlistment = new MockEnlistment();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = new MockGitProcess(enlistment);

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess);

            string authString;
            string error;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to get initial credential");

            dut.RevokeAndCheckCanRetry(authString).ShouldEqual(true, "Should retry once");

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to retry getting credential on iteration");

            dut.RevokeAndCheckCanRetry(authString).ShouldEqual(false, "Should not retry more than once");
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(false, "TryGetCredential should not succeed during backoff");
Example #10
        public void GitProcessFailuresAreRetried()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockEnlistment enlistment = new MockEnlistment();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = new MockGitProcess(enlistment);

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess);

            string authString;
            string error;

            gitProcess.ShouldFail = true;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(false, "Succeeded despite GitProcess returning failure");

            dut.RevokeAndCheckCanRetry(authString).ShouldEqual(true, "Should retry once");

            gitProcess.ShouldFail = false;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to get credential on retry");
Example #11
        public void ContinuesToBackoffIfTryGetCredentialsFails()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = this.GetGitProcess();

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess);

            string authString;
            string error;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to get initial credential");

            gitProcess.ShouldFail = true;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(false, "Succeeded despite GitProcess returning failure");
            dut.IsBackingOff.ShouldEqual(true, "Should continue to backoff if failed to get credentials");

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(false, "TryGetCredential should not succeed during backoff");
            dut.IsBackingOff.ShouldEqual(true, "Should continue to backoff if failed to get credentials");
Example #12
        public void TwoThreadsFailAtOnceStillRetriesOnce()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = this.GetGitProcess();

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess);

            string authString;
            string error;

            // Populate an initial PAT on two threads
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true);
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true);

            // Simulate a 401 error on two threads

            // Both threads should still be able to get a PAT for retry purposes
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "The second thread caused back off when it shouldn't");
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true);
Example #13
        public void GitProcessFailuresAreRetried()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = this.GetGitProcess();

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess);

            string authString;
            string error;

            gitProcess.ShouldFail = true;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(false, "Succeeded despite GitProcess returning failure");

            // Reboke should be a no-op as valid credentials have not been stored
            dut.IsBackingOff.ShouldEqual(false, "Should not backoff if there were no credentials to revoke");

            gitProcess.ShouldFail = false;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to get credential on retry");
Example #14
        public void CanRetryManyTimesIfTheresSomeSuccess()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockEnlistment enlistment = new MockEnlistment();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = new MockGitProcess(enlistment);

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess);

            string authString;
            string error;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to get credential on iteration " + i + ": " + error);

                dut.RevokeAndCheckCanRetry(authString).ShouldEqual(true, "Did not retry after revoke on iteration: " + i);

                dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to retry getting credential on iteration " + i + ": " + error);

Example #15
        public void DoesNotRetryIfTryGetCredentialsFails()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockEnlistment enlistment = new MockEnlistment();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = new MockGitProcess(enlistment);

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess);

            string authString;
            string error;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to get initial credential");

            dut.RevokeAndCheckCanRetry(authString).ShouldEqual(true, "Should retry once");

            gitProcess.ShouldFail = true;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(false, "Succeeded despite GitProcess returning failure");

            dut.RevokeAndCheckCanRetry(authString).ShouldEqual(false, "Should not retry if GitProcess fails after retry");
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(false, "TryGetCredential should not succeed during backoff");
Example #16
        public void AuthShouldBackoffAfterFirstRetryFailure()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = this.GetGitProcess();

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess);

            string authString;
            string error;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to get initial credential");

            dut.IsBackingOff.ShouldEqual(false, "Should not backoff after credentials initially revoked");

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to retry getting credential on iteration");
            dut.IsBackingOff.ShouldEqual(false, "Should not backoff after successfully getting credentials");

            dut.IsBackingOff.ShouldEqual(true, "Should continue to backoff after revoking credentials");
            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(false, "TryGetCredential should not succeed during backoff");
Example #17
        public void BackoffIsNotInEffectAfterSuccess()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = this.GetGitProcess();

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess, "mock://repoUrl");

            dut.TryInitializeAndRequireAuth(tracer, out _);

            string authString;
            string error;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to get credential on iteration " + i + ": " + error);
                dut.RejectCredentials(tracer, authString);
                dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out error).ShouldEqual(true, "Failed to retry getting credential on iteration " + i + ": " + error);
                dut.ApproveCredentials(tracer, authString);
                dut.IsBackingOff.ShouldEqual(false, "Should reset backoff after successfully refreshing credentials");
                gitProcess.CredentialRejections["mock://repoUrl"].Count.ShouldEqual(i + 1, $"Should have {i+1} credentials rejection");
                gitProcess.CredentialApprovals["mock://repoUrl"].Count.ShouldEqual(i + 1, $"Should have {i+1} credential approvals");
Example #18
        public void DontStoreDifferentCredentialFromCachedValue()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = this.GetGitProcess();

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess, "mock://repoUrl");

            dut.TryInitializeAndRequireAuth(tracer, out _);

            // Get and store an initial value that will be cached
            string authString;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out _).ShouldBeTrue();
            dut.ApproveCredentials(tracer, authString);

            // Try and store a different value from the one that is cached
            dut.ApproveCredentials(tracer, "different value");

Example #19
        public void DontDoubleStoreExistingCredential()
            MockTracer     tracer     = new MockTracer();
            MockGitProcess gitProcess = this.GetGitProcess();

            GitAuthentication dut = new GitAuthentication(gitProcess, "mock://repoUrl");

            dut.TryInitializeAndRequireAuth(tracer, out _);

            string authString;

            dut.TryGetCredentials(tracer, out authString, out _).ShouldBeTrue();
            dut.ApproveCredentials(tracer, authString);
            dut.ApproveCredentials(tracer, authString);
            dut.ApproveCredentials(tracer, authString);
            dut.ApproveCredentials(tracer, authString);
            dut.ApproveCredentials(tracer, authString);
