internal void Read(GifReader reader)
            Byte size = reader.ReadByte();

            if (size != 4)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Wrong size of " + ToString());

            Byte flags = reader.ReadByte();

            disposalMethod    = (GifDisposalMethod)((flags & 0x1C) >> 2);
            userInputExpected = 0x02 == (flags & 0x02);
            transparency      = 0x01 == (flags & 0x01);

            delay             = reader.ReadUInt16();
            transparencyIndex = reader.ReadByte();

            Byte terminator = reader.ReadByte();

            if (terminator != 0x00)
                throw new Exception("Unknown extension terminator: 0x" + terminator.ToString("X2"));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Clears canvas colors and resets it to initial state
        /// </summary>
        public void Reset()
            frameDisposalMethod = GifDisposalMethod.Keep;
            frameX      = 0;
            frameY      = 0;
            frameWidth  = canvasWidth;
            frameHeight = canvasHeight;

            if (!canvasIsEmpty)
                FillWithColor(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight, new Color32(BackgroundColor.r, BackgroundColor.g, BackgroundColor.b, 0));
                canvasIsEmpty = true;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method initiates new drawing, sequential calls to OutputPixel will draw everything on canvas
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">Left offset of frame</param>
        /// <param name="y">Top offset of frame</param>
        /// <param name="width">Frame width</param>
        /// <param name="height">Frame height</param>
        /// <param name="palette">Color palette for this frame</param>
        /// <param name="transparentColorIndex">Index of transparent color, color from this index will be treated as transparent</param>
        /// <param name="isInterlaced">Apply deinterlacing during drawing</param>
        /// <param name="disposalMethod">Specifies, how to handle this frame when next frame is drawn</param>
        public void BeginNewFrame(int x, int y, int width, int height, Color32[] palette,
                                  int transparentColorIndex, bool isInterlaced, GifDisposalMethod disposalMethod)
            switch (frameDisposalMethod)
            case GifDisposalMethod.ClearToBackgroundColor:
                FillWithColor(frameX, frameY, frameWidth, frameHeight,
                              new Color32(BackgroundColor.r, BackgroundColor.g, BackgroundColor.b, 0));


            case GifDisposalMethod.Revert:
                if (disposalMethod != GifDisposalMethod.Keep)
                    Array.Copy(revertDisposalBuffer, 0, canvasColors, 0, revertDisposalBuffer.Length);

            switch (disposalMethod)
            case GifDisposalMethod.Revert:
                if (revertDisposalBuffer == null)
                    revertDisposalBuffer = new Color32[canvasColors.Length];

                Array.Copy(canvasColors, 0,
                           revertDisposalBuffer, 0, revertDisposalBuffer.Length);

            framePalette        = palette;
            frameDisposalMethod = disposalMethod;
            canvasIsEmpty       = false;
            frameWidth          = width;
            frameHeight         = height;
            frameX = x;
            frameY = y;

            // Start before canvas, so next pixel output will load correct region
            frameCanvasPosition        = 0;
            frameRowCurrent            = -1;
            frameCanvasRowEndPosition  = -1;
            frameTransparentColorIndex = transparentColorIndex;

            RouteFrameDrawing(x, y, width, height, isInterlaced);
Example #4
        public void ConstructorImageFrameMetadata()
            const int frameDelay                   = 42;
            const int colorTableLength             = 128;
            const GifDisposalMethod disposalMethod = GifDisposalMethod.RestoreToBackground;

            var metaData = new ImageFrameMetadata();
            GifFrameMetadata gifFrameMetadata = metaData.GetGifMetadata();

            gifFrameMetadata.FrameDelay       = frameDelay;
            gifFrameMetadata.ColorTableLength = colorTableLength;
            gifFrameMetadata.DisposalMethod   = disposalMethod;

            var clone = new ImageFrameMetadata(metaData);
            GifFrameMetadata cloneGifFrameMetadata = clone.GetGifMetadata();

            Assert.Equal(frameDelay, cloneGifFrameMetadata.FrameDelay);
            Assert.Equal(colorTableLength, cloneGifFrameMetadata.ColorTableLength);
            Assert.Equal(disposalMethod, cloneGifFrameMetadata.DisposalMethod);
        internal void Read(GifReader reader)
            Byte size = reader.ReadByte();
            if (size != 4)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Wrong size of " + ToString());

            Byte flags = reader.ReadByte();
            disposalMethod = (GifDisposalMethod)((flags & 0x1C) >> 2);
            userInputExpected = 0x02 == (flags & 0x02);
            transparency = 0x01 == (flags & 0x01);

            delay = reader.ReadUInt16();
            transparencyIndex = reader.ReadByte();

            Byte terminator = reader.ReadByte();
            if (terminator != 0x00)
                throw new Exception("Unknown extension terminator: 0x" + terminator.ToString("X2"));
Example #6
 public static GifDisposalMethod Clamp(this GifDisposalMethod m) => m <GifDisposalMethod.Preserve || m> GifDisposalMethod.RestorePrevious ? GifDisposalMethod.Preserve : m;
Example #7
        private void DecodeLzwImageToCanvas(int lzwMinCodeSize, int x, int y, int width, int height,
                                            Color32[] colorTable, int transparentColorIndex, bool isInterlaced, GifDisposalMethod disposalMethod)
            if (header.hasGlobalColorTable)
                canvas.BackgroundColor = globalColorTable[header.transparentColorIndex];

            canvas.BeginNewFrame(x, y, width, height, colorTable, transparentColorIndex, isInterlaced, disposalMethod);


            lzwDictionary.DecodeStream(blockReader, canvas);