Example #1
        public void powerONWorstation(GetWorkstationsToBePoweredOFF_Result workstation)
            Byte[] datagram = new byte[102];

            for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                datagram[i] = 0xff;

            string[] macDigits = null;
            if (workstation.MAC_Address.Contains("-"))
                macDigits = workstation.MAC_Address.Split('-');
                macDigits = workstation.MAC_Address.Split(':');

            /*if (macDigits.Length != 6)
             * {
             *  throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect MAC address supplied!");
             * }*/

            int start = 6;

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++)
                    datagram[start + i * 6 + x] = (byte)Convert.ToInt32(macDigits[x], 16);

            //byte[] macAddress = new byte[] {0x00, 0xe1, 0xff, 0x65, 0x23, 0x10};

            //Construct the packet
            //List<byte> packet = new List<byte>();

            //Trailer of 6 FF packets
            //for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            // packet.Add(0xFF);

            //Repeat 16 time the MAC address (which is 6 bytes)
            // for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            // packet.AddRange(macAddress);

            // Now we have the packet data, so we just need to send it inside UDP packet. For this purpose the UdpClient class from System.Net.Sockets will come handy:

            //Send the packet to broadcast address
            UdpClient client = new UdpClient();

            client.Connect(System.Net.IPAddress.Broadcast, 7); //Any UDP port will work, but 7 is my lucky number ...
            client.Send(datagram, datagram.Length);
Example #2
        public void powerOFFWindowsMachine(GetWorkstationsToBePoweredOFF_Result workstation)
            System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
            proc.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
            proc.StartInfo.FileName  = "shutdown.exe";
            proc.StartInfo.Arguments = @"-s -t 600 -m " + workstation.Name;

            /*  try
             * {
             *    const string computerName = "pc"; // computer name or IP address
             *    ConnectionOptions options = new ConnectionOptions();
             *    options.EnablePrivileges = true;
             *    // To connect to the remote computer using a different account, specify these values:
             *    options.Username = "******";
             *    options.Password = "******";
             *    // options.Authority = "ntlmdomain:DOMAIN";
             *    ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(
             *      "\\\\" + computerName + "\\root\\CIMV2", options);
             *    scope.Connect();
             *    SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery("Win32_OperatingSystem");
             *    ManagementObjectSearcher searcher =
             *        new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);
             *    foreach (ManagementObject os in searcher.Get())
             *    {
             *        // Obtain in-parameters for the method
             *        ManagementBaseObject inParams =
             *            os.GetMethodParameters("Win32Shutdown");
             *        // Add the input parameters.
             *        inParams["Flags"] = 2;
             *        // Execute the method and obtain the return values.
             *        ManagementBaseObject outParams =
             *            os.InvokeMethod("Win32Shutdown", inParams, null);
             *    }
             * }
             * catch (ManagementException err)
             * {
             *   // MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while trying to execute the WMI method: " + err.Message);
             * }
             * catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException unauthorizedErr)
             * {
             *    //MessageBox.Show("Connection error (user name or password might be incorrect): " + unauthorizedErr.Message);
             * }
Example #3
        public void powerOFFUnixMachine(GetWorkstationsToBePoweredOFF_Result workstation)
            /*var connectionInfo = new KeyboardInteractiveConnectionInfo("", 22, "christianpichardo");
             * connectionInfo.AuthenticationPrompt += delegate(object sender, AuthenticationPromptEventArgs e)
             * {
             *  foreach (var prompt in e.Prompts)
             *  {
             *      if (prompt.Request.Equals("Password:"******"123456";
             *      }
             *  }
             * };
             * var ssh = new SshClient(connectionInfo);
             *  ssh.Connect();
             *  var cmd = ssh.RunCommand("who");
             *  //return cmd.Result;

            var connectionInfo = new KeyboardInteractiveConnectionInfo("", 22, "root");

            //var sshClient = new SshClient("", "christianpichardo", "123456"); //name, username, password

            connectionInfo.AuthenticationPrompt += delegate(object sender, AuthenticationPromptEventArgs e)
                foreach (var prompt in e.Prompts)
                    if (prompt.Request.Equals("Password:"******"root";

            var sshClient = new SshClient(connectionInfo);


            var cmd    = sshClient.RunCommand("shutdown -h +1 'Shutting down soon!'");
            var output = cmd.Result;
