public static void Main()
            var gems = Console.ReadLine()
                       .Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
            var listOfCommands = new List <string>();
            var gemsForRemove  = new HashSet <int>();

            while (true)
                var input = Console.ReadLine();
                if (input == "Forge")

                if (input.Contains("Exclude"))
                    listOfCommands.Add(input.Substring(8, input.Length - 8));
                    while (listOfCommands.Contains(input.Substring(8, input.Length - 8)))
                        listOfCommands.Remove(input.Substring(8, input.Length - 8));

            foreach (var command in listOfCommands)
                var condition = command.Split(";", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];
                var value     = int.Parse(command.Split(";")[1]);

                for (int i = 0; i < gems.Count; i++)
                    if (GetSum(gems, condition, value)(i))

            foreach (var index in gemsForRemove.OrderByDescending(x => x))

            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", gems));
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //anonymous method
            GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2)
                return(num1 + num2);

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 10 = " + sum(5, 10));

            Func <int, int, int> getSum = (x, y) => x + y;

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 3 = " + getSum.Invoke(5, 3));

            //lambda with list
            List <int> numList = new List <int> {
                5, 10, 15, 20, 15
            List <int> oddNums = numList.Where(n => n % 2 == 1).ToList();

            foreach (int num in oddNums)
                Console.WriteLine(num + ",");
Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2)
                return(num1 + num2);

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 10 = " + sum(5, 10));

            Func <int, int, int> getSum = (x, y) => x + y;

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 3 = " + getSum.Invoke(5, 3));

            List <int> numList = new List <int> {
                5, 10, 15, 20, 25
            List <int> oddNums = numList.Where(n => n % 2 == 1).ToList();

            foreach (int num in oddNums)
Example #4
        /// <param name="site">据点</param>
        /// <param name="type">cct 车贴
        ///                    cdt 单透
        ///                    cpp PPF
        ///                    cwg 外购
        ///                    bbj 背胶大卷
        ///                    bdt 单透大卷
        ///                    bgz 硅纸
        ///                    bsz 素纸
        ///                    yyz 原纸
        ///                    yhg 化工
        ///                    yjs 胶水
        ///                    ymw 膜 外购
        ///                    ymz 膜 自产
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dayType">
        ///              a 1-15天
        ///              b 16-30天
        ///              c 31-90天
        ///              d 91-180天
        ///              e >180
        ///              f 其他(无条码日期)
        /// </param>
        public static GetSum WebMX(string site, string type, string dayType, int pageIndex)
            GetSum gs = new GetSum();

            gs.web  = "";
            gs.sum1 = 0;
            gs.sum2 = 0;
            string    sql_ct = StorAge.GetSql.MXsql(site, type, dayType, pageIndex);
            DataTable da     = StorAge.OracleConfig.queryDataTable(sql_ct);

            foreach (DataRow dr in da.Rows)
                gs.web += "<tr>";
                for (int i = 0; i < da.Columns.Count; i++)
                    if (i == 10 || i == 12 || i == 13)
                        gs.web += "<td style = \"text-align: right;\">" + String.Format("{0:N2}", dr[i]) + "</td>";
                        gs.web += "<td>" + dr[i].ToString() + "</td>";
                gs.sum1 += Convert.ToDouble(dr["INAG008"].ToString());
                gs.sum2 += Convert.ToDouble(dr["INAG025"].ToString());
                gs.web  += "</tr>";
            gs.web += "<tr>";
            gs.web += "<td colspan=\"9\">总数量:</td><td colspan=\"2\">" + String.Format("{0:N2}", gs.sum1) + "</td>";
            gs.web += "<td colspan=\"2\">参考总数量:</td><td colspan=\"2\">" + String.Format("{0:N2}", gs.sum2) + "</td>";
            gs.web += "</tr>";
Example #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // 委托类型   委托变量 = delegate (类型  参数列表){  方法体 };

            // GetSum getSum = delegate (int max, int min)
            // {
            //     int sum = 0;
            //     for (int i = min; i <= max; i++)
            //     {
            //         sum += i;
            //     }
            //     return sum;
            // };

            GetSum getSum = (a, b) =>
                int sum = 0;
                for (int i = a; i <= b; i++)
                    sum += a;

            int res = getSum(1, 100);
Example #6
        private static void DelegateExample()
            GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2)
                return(num1 + num2);

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 10 = " + sum(5, 10));
Example #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Anonymous Methods
            GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2)
                return(num1 + num2);

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 10 = " + sum(5, 10));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var qsim = new QuantumSimulator())
                System.Console.WriteLine("Sum of 4 and 5 is");

                var result = GetSum.Run(qsim, 4, 5).Result;
Example #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if ("the stuff before FileSystem.OI" == "")
                GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2)
                    return(num1 + num2);

                Console.WriteLine("5 + 10 = " + sum(5, 10));

                // lambda expression, used to acts as an anonymous function or expression tree

                Func <int, int, int> getSum = (x, y) => x + y;

                Console.WriteLine("5 + 3 = " + getSum.Invoke(3, 5));

                List <int> numList = new List <int> {
                    5, 10, 15, 20, 25
                List <int> oddNums = numList.Where(n => n % 2 == 1).ToList();

                foreach (int num in oddNums)
                    Console.WriteLine(num + ", ");

            string[] custs = new string[] { "Tom", "Paul", "Greg" };

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("custs.txt"))
                foreach (string cust in custs)

            string custName = "";

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("custs.txt"))
                while ((custName = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

Example #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //1st example
            MSG msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4;

            msg1 = new MSG(ShowMessage1);
            msg2 = new MSG(ShowMessage2);
            msg3 = new MSG(ShowMessage3);

            msg4 = msg1 + msg2 + msg3;

            // msg4();

            //2nd example.

            MSG ms = new MSG(ShowMessage1);

            //register to another function.
            ms += ShowMessage2;
            //register to another function
            ms += ShowMessage3;
            //unregister from exist function
            ms -= ShowMessage2;


            //3rd example.
            GetSum num = new GetSum(GetSumWithFive);

            num += GetSumWithTen;
            num -= GetSumWithTen;
            int sum = num(15);
            //Console.WriteLine("Total is : {0}", sum);

            //4th example.
            GetOut go = new GetOut(GetOut5);

            go += GetOut10;
            int outValue = -1;

            go(out outValue);

            Console.WriteLine("The Output Value is : {0}", outValue);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create a variable of the type of the enum we created, then we can assign it a value
            Temperature micTemp = Temperature.Low;

            // Here is a switch that will check and print the value of micTemp
            switch (micTemp)
            case Temperature.Freeze:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Freezing");

            case Temperature.Low:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Low");

            case Temperature.Warm:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Warm");

            case Temperature.Boil:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Boil");

            // Creating a Customer, which is a struct.
            Customers bob = new Customers();

            // giving the object som value and then printing those values to the screen.
            bob.createCust("Bob", 15.50, 12345);

            // This is also called an anonymous method
            GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2)
                return(num1 + num2);

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 10 = " + sum(5, 10));

            // Lambda experssions are like anonymous methods. Often used with lists.
            Func <int, int, int> getSum = (x, y) => x + y;

            Console.WriteLine("6 + 3 = " + getSum.Invoke(5, 3));
 public void MyTestInitialize()
     Console.WriteLine("TestInitialize" + this.TestContext.TestName);
     this._Target    = new GetSum();
     this._BookItems = new List <TestItem>()
         new TestItem {
             ID = 1, Cost = 1, Revenue = 11, SellPrice = 21
         new TestItem {
             ID = 2, Cost = 2, Revenue = 12, SellPrice = 22
         new TestItem {
             ID = 3, Cost = 3, Revenue = 13, SellPrice = 23
         new TestItem {
             ID = 4, Cost = 4, Revenue = 14, SellPrice = 24
         new TestItem {
             ID = 5, Cost = 5, Revenue = 15, SellPrice = 25
         new TestItem {
             ID = 6, Cost = 6, Revenue = 16, SellPrice = 26
         new TestItem {
             ID = 7, Cost = 7, Revenue = 17, SellPrice = 27
         new TestItem {
             ID = 8, Cost = 8, Revenue = 18, SellPrice = 28
         new TestItem {
             ID = 9, Cost = 9, Revenue = 19, SellPrice = 29
         new TestItem {
             ID = 10, Cost = 10, Revenue = 20, SellPrice = 30
         new TestItem {
             ID = 11, Cost = 11, Revenue = 21, SellPrice = 31
Example #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Delegates

            // Anonomous Methods
            // have no name and the return type is defined strictly by the
            // return type used within the method implicitly

            // MethodName name = delegate(dataType name, dataType name2...)
            GetSum sum = delegate(double number1, double number2)
                return(number1 + number2);

            Console.WriteLine("5 plus 10 = " + sum(5, 10));

            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to close...");

            //END of Main
Example #14
        // The ```Main``` method is a static method that resides inside a class or a struct.
        // The parameter of the Main method, args, is a string array that contains the
        // command-line arguments used to invoke the program. Unlike in C++, the array
        // does not include the name of the executable (exe) file.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // --------------- Basics ------------------

            // Simple Hello world
            Console.Write(":) ");              //Doesn't end with a line break
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); //Ends with a line break

            // Input-Output
            Console.Write("What is your favorite color? ");
            string color = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Hey! " + color + " is a cool color");

            // Datatypes

             * bool
             * char - 16 bit unicode
             * int, long, decimal, float, double (listed in increasing order by max value, use datatype.MaxValue to get their size)

            // String concatenation for data type conversion, the '+' works.
            int myNumber = 42;

            Console.WriteLine("What is the answer to life the universe and everything? It's " + myNumber);

            // var keyword - when used, assumes data type. Data type is static though, so once a var has a data type it won't change
            var someVariable = "A Dance With Dragons";

            Console.WriteLine("someVariable: " + someVariable + ", datatype: {0}", someVariable.GetTypeCode());

            // Type casting
            double numberPi = 3.14159;
            int    intPi    = (int)numberPi;

            // ---------- CONDITIONALS ----------
            // Relational Operators : > < >= <= == !=
            // Logical Operators : && || ^ !

            // If Statement
            int age = 17;

            if ((age >= 5) && (age <= 7))
                Console.WriteLine("Go to elementary school");
            else if ((age > 7) && (age < 13))
                Console.WriteLine("Go to middle school");
                Console.WriteLine("Go to high school");

            if ((age < 14) || (age > 67))
                Console.WriteLine("You shouldn't work");

            Console.WriteLine("! true = " + (!true));

            // Ternary Operator

            bool canDrive = age >= 16 ? true : false;

            // Switch is used when you have limited options
            // Fall through isn't allowed with C# unless there are no statements between cases
            // You can't check multiple values at once

            switch (age)
            case 0:

            case 1:
            case 2:

                // Goto can be used to jump to a label elsewhere in the code
                goto Cute;


            // Lable we can jump to with Goto
            Console.WriteLine("Toddlers are cute");

            // ---------- LOOPING ----------
            int i = 0;

            while (i < 10)
                // If i = 7 then skip the rest of the code and start with i = 8
                if (i == 7)

                // Jump completely out of the loop if i = 9
                if (i == 9)

                // You can't convert an int into a bool : Print out only odds
                if ((i % 2) > 0)

            // The do while loop will go through the loop at least once
            string guess;

                Console.WriteLine("Guess a Number ");
                guess = Console.ReadLine();
            } while (!guess.Equals("15")); // How to check String equality

            // Puts all changes to the iterator in one place
            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                if ((j % 2) > 0)

            // foreach cycles through every item in an array or collection
            string randStr = "Here are some random characters";

            foreach (char c in randStr)
                Console.Write(c + "   ");

            // ---------- STRINGS ----------
            // Escape Sequences : \' \" \\ \b \n \t

            string sampString = "A bunch of random words";

            // Check if empty
            Console.WriteLine("Is empty " + String.IsNullOrEmpty(sampString));
            Console.WriteLine("Is empty " + String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sampString));
            Console.WriteLine("String Length " + sampString.Length);

            // Find a string index (Starts with 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Index of bunch " + sampString.IndexOf("bunch"));

            // Get a substring
            Console.WriteLine("2nd Word " + sampString.Substring(2, 6));

            string sampString2 = "More random words";

            // Are strings equal
            Console.WriteLine("Strings equal " + sampString.Equals(sampString2));

            // Compare strings
            Console.WriteLine("Starts with A bunch " + sampString.StartsWith("A bunch"));
            Console.WriteLine("Ends with words " + sampString.EndsWith("words"));

            // Trim white space at beginning and end or (TrimEnd / TrimStart)
            sampString = sampString.Trim();

            // Replace words or characters
            sampString = sampString.Replace("words", "characters");

            // Remove starting at a defined index up to the second index
            sampString = sampString.Remove(0, 2);

            // Join values in array and save to string
            string[] names = new string[3] {
                "Matt", "Joe", "Paul"
            Console.WriteLine("Name List " + String.Join(", ", names));

            // Formatting : Currency, Decimal Places, Before Decimals, Thousands Separator
            string fmtStr = String.Format("{0:c} {1:00.00} {2:#.00} {3:0,0}", 1.56, 15.567, .56, 1000);


            // ---------- STRINGBUILDER ----------
            // Each time you create a string you actually create another string in memory
            // StringBuilders are used when you want to be able to edit a string without creating new ones

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            // Append a string to the StringBuilder (AppendLine also adds a newline at the end)
            sb.Append("This is the first sentence.");

            // Append a formatted string
            sb.AppendFormat("My name is {0} and I live in {1}", "Derek", "Pennsylvania");

            // Clear the StringBuilder
            // sb.Clear();

            // Replaces every instance of the first with the second
            sb.Replace("a", "e");

            // Remove characters starting at the index and then up to the defined index
            sb.Remove(5, 7);

            // Out put everything

            // ---------- ARRAYS ----------
            // Declare an array
            int[] randNumArray;

            // Declare the number of items an array can contain
            int[] randArray = new int[5];

            // Declare and initialize an array
            int[] randArray2 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

            // Get array length
            Console.WriteLine("Array Length " + randArray2.Length);

            // Get item at index
            Console.WriteLine("Item 0 " + randArray2[0]);

            // Cycle through array
            for (int j = 0; j < randArray2.Length; j++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", j, randArray2[j]);

            // Cycle with foreach
            foreach (int num in randArray2)

            // Get the index of an item or -1
            Console.WriteLine("Where is 1 " + Array.IndexOf(randArray2, 1));

            string[] names2 = { "Lauren", "Orsini", "Lol" };

            // Join an array into a string
            string nameStr = string.Join(", ", names2);


            // Split a string into an array
            string[] nameArray = nameStr.Split(',');

            // Create a multidimensional array
            int[,] multArray = new int[5, 3];

            // Create and initialize a multidimensional array
            int[,] multArray2 = { { 0, 1 }, { 2, 3 }, { 4, 5 } };

            // Cycle through multidimensional array
            foreach (int num in multArray2)

            // Cycle and have access to indexes
            for (int x = 0; x < multArray2.GetLength(0); x += 1)
                for (int y = 0; y < multArray2.GetLength(1); y += 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1} : {2}", x, y, multArray2[x, y]);

            // ---------- LISTS ----------
            // A list unlike an array automatically resizes

            // Create a list and add values
            List <int> numList = new List <int>();


            // Add an array to a list
            int[] randArray3 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

            // Clear a list
            // numList.Clear();

            // Copy an array into a List
            List <int> numList2 = new List <int>(randArray3);

            // Create a List with array
            List <int> numList3 = new List <int>(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });

            // Insert in a specific index
            numList.Insert(1, 10);

            // Remove a specific value

            // Remove at an index

            // Cycle through a List with foreach or
            for (int j = 0; j < numList.Count; j++)

            // Return the index for a value or -1
            Console.WriteLine("4 is in index " + numList3.IndexOf(4));

            // Does the List contain a value
            Console.WriteLine("5 in list " + numList3.Contains(5));

            // Search for a value in a string List
            List <string> strList = new List <string>(new string[] { "Tom", "Paul" });

            Console.WriteLine("Tom in list " + strList.Contains("tom", StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            // Sort the List

            // ---------- EXCEPTION HANDLING ----------
            // All the exceptions
            Program.PrintHeader("Exception Handling");

                Console.Write("Divide 10 by ");
                int num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("10 / {0} =  {1}", num, (10 / num));

            // Specifically catches the divide by zero exception
            catch (DivideByZeroException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't divide by zero");

                // Get additonal info on the exception

                // Throw the exception to the next inline
                // throw ex;

                // Throw a specific exception
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Operation Failed", ex);

            // Catches any other exception
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("An error occurred");

            // ---------- CLASSES & OBJECTS ----------
            Program.PrintHeader("Classes and Objects");

            Animal bulldog = new Animal(13, 50, "Spot", "Woof");

            Console.WriteLine("{0} says {1}",, bulldog.sound);


            Console.WriteLine("No. of Animals " + Animal.getNumOfAnimals());

            // ---------- ENUMS ----------

            Temperature micTemp = Temperature.Low;

            Console.Write("What Temp : ");


            switch (micTemp)
            case Temperature.Freeze:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Freezing");

            case Temperature.Low:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Low");

            case Temperature.Warm:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Warm");

            case Temperature.Boil:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Boil");

            // ---------- STRUCTS ----------
            Customers bob = new Customers();

            bob.createCust("Bob", 15.50, 12345);


            // ---------- ANONYMOUS METHODS ----------
            // An anonymous method has no name and its return type is defined by the return used in the method
            Program.PrintHeader("Anonymous Methods");

            GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2)
                return(num1 + num2);

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 10 = " + sum(5, 10));

            // ---------- LAMBDA EXPRESSIONS ----------
            // A lambda expression is used to act as an anonymous function or expression tree
            Program.PrintHeader("Lambda Expressions");

            // You can assign the lambda expression to a function instance
            Func <int, int, int> getSum = (x, y) => x + y;

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 3 = " + getSum.Invoke(5, 3));

            // Get odd numbers from a list
            List <int> numList4 = new List <int> {
                5, 10, 15, 20, 25

            // With an Expression Lambda the input goes in the left (n) and the statements go on the right
            List <int> oddNums = numList4.Where(n => n % 2 == 1).ToList();

            foreach (int num in oddNums)
                Console.Write(num + ", ");

            // ---------- FILE I/O ----------
            // The StreamReader and StreamWriter allows you to create text files while reading and
            // writing to them
            Program.PrintHeader("File I/0");

            string[] custs = new string[] { "Tom", "Paul", "Greg" };

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("custs.txt"))
                foreach (string cust in custs)

            string custName = "";

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("custs.txt"))
                while ((custName = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

            //------------------Animal Class-------------------------
            Program.PrintHeader("More Classes");
            // Create an Animal object and call the constructor
            Animal spot = new Animal(15, 10, "Spot", "Woof");

            // Get object values with the dot operator
            Console.WriteLine("{0} says {1}",, spot.sound);

            // Calling a static method
            Console.WriteLine("Number of Animals " + Animal.getNumOfAnimals());

            // Calling an object method

            Console.WriteLine("3 + 4 = " + spot.getSum(3, 4));

            // You can assign attributes by name
            Console.WriteLine("3.4 + 4.5 = " + spot.getSum(num2: 3.4, num1: 4.5));

            // You can create objects with an object initializer
            Animal grover = new Animal
                name   = "Grover",
                height = 16,
                weight = 18,
                sound  = "Grrr"


            // Create a subclass Dog object
            Dog spike = new Dog();


            spike = new Dog(20, 15, "Spike", "Grrr Woof", "Chicken");


            // One way to implement polymorphism is through an abstract class
            Shape rect = new Rectangle(5, 5);
            Shape tri  = new Triangle(5, 5);

            Console.WriteLine("Rect Area " + rect.area());
            Console.WriteLine("Trit Area " + tri.area());

            // Using the overloaded + on 2 Rectangles
            Rectangle combRect = new Rectangle(5, 5) + new Rectangle(5, 5);

            Console.WriteLine("combRect Area = " + combRect.area());

            // ---------- GENERICS ----------
            // With Generics you don't have to specify the data type of an element in a class or method
            KeyValue <string, string> superman = new KeyValue <string, string>("", "");

            superman.key   = "Superman";
            superman.value = "Clark Kent";

            // Now use completely different types
            KeyValue <int, string> samsungTV = new KeyValue <int, string>(0, "");

            samsungTV.key   = 123456;
            samsungTV.value = "a 50in Samsung TV";

            Console.Write("Hit Enter to Exit");
Example #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            KeyValue <string, string> superman = new KeyValue <string, string>("", "");

            superman.key   = "Superman";
            superman.value = "Clark Kent";

            KeyValue <int, string> samsungTV = new KeyValue <int, string>(0, "");

            samsungTV.key   = 12345;
            samsungTV.value = "a 50 in Samsung TV";


            //Enum playing

            Temperature micTemp = Temperature.Warm;

            switch (micTemp)
            case Temperature.Freeze:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on freezing");

            case Temperature.Low:

                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Low");

            case Temperature.Warm:

                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Warm");

            case Temperature.Boil:

                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Boil");

                Console.WriteLine("Temp on 0");

            //Struct playing
            Costumers bob = new Costumers();

            bob.createCust("Bob", 15.50, 12345);

            //Anonymous delegate showing
            GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2)
                return(num1 + num2);

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 10 =" + sum(5, 10));

            //Lambda function Lambda Expressions
            Func <int, int, int> getSum = (x, y) => x + y;

            Console.WriteLine(" 5+3 = " + getSum.Invoke(5, 3));

            List <int> numList = new List <int> {
                5, 10, 15, 20, 25
            List <int> oddNums = numList.Where(n => n % 2 == 1).ToList();

            foreach (int num in oddNums)
Example #16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create a new Animal object
            Animal spot = new Animal(15, 10, "Spot", "Woof");

            //Print info about the Animal object
            Console.WriteLine("{0} says {1}",, spot.sound);

            //Get the number of Animal objects. You need the class name for static methods
            //as they belong to the class itself, not the objects
            Console.WriteLine("Number of Animals = " + Animal.getNumOfAnimals());

            //Print the Animal object's information

            Console.WriteLine(spot.getSum(1, 2));                 //The integer version
            Console.WriteLine(spot.getSum(1.4, 2.7));             //The double version
            Console.WriteLine(spot.getSum(num2: 2.7, num1: 1.4)); //The different-order version

            //Create a new Animal object using the Object Initialiser:
            Animal grover = new Animal
                name   = "Grover",
                height = 16,
                weight = 18,
                sound  = "Grrrr"

            //The total number of Animals has increased
            Console.WriteLine("Number of Animals = " + Animal.getNumOfAnimals());

            Dog spike = new Dog();

            Console.WriteLine(spike.toString());//Display the default initialised Dog Object spike

            //Overwrite spike's information
            spike = new Dog(20, 15, "Spike", "Grr", "Chicken");

            Console.WriteLine(spike.toString());//Display the overwritten Dog Object spike

            //Both Shapes but one is a Rectangle and the other a Triangle
            //Since both are Shapes, they can go into Shape arrays despite technically being different classes
            Shape rect = new Rectangle(5, 5);
            Shape tri  = new Triangle(5, 5);

            //Polymorphism makes it so that the correct area() method is called for each
            Console.WriteLine("Area of rect = " + (rect.area()));
            Console.WriteLine("Area of tri = " + (tri.area()));

            //The following will work thanks to the Operator Overloading done in the Rectangle class
            Rectangle combRect = new Rectangle(5, 5) + new Rectangle(5, 5);

            //Display combRect's area
            Console.WriteLine("Area of combRect = " + (combRect.area()));

            KeyValue <string, string> superman = new KeyValue <string, string>("", "");

            superman.key   = "Superman";
            superman.value = "Clark Kent";

            KeyValue <int, string> samsungTV = new KeyValue <int, string>(0, "");

            samsungTV.key   = 12345;
            samsungTV.value = "a 50-inch Samsung TV";


            Temperature micTemp = Temperature.Warm;

            switch (micTemp)
            case Temperature.Freeze:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Freezing");

            case Temperature.Low:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Low");

            case Temperature.Warm:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Warm");

            case Temperature.Boil:
                Console.WriteLine("Temperature on Boil");

            //STRUCTS CONTINUED:
            Customers bob = new Customers();

            bob.createCust("Bob", 15.50, 12345);


            //An anonymus method has no name and it's return type is defined by the return used in the method
            GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2)
                return(num1 + num2);

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 10 = " + sum(5, 10));

            //Lamda expressions: Used to act as an anonymus function or an expression trait
            //Can assign the Lamda expression to a function instance
            Func <int, int, int> getSum = (x, y) => x + y;

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 3 = " + getSum.Invoke(5, 3));

            //They're often used with lists:
            List <int> numList = new List <int> {
                5, 10, 15, 20, 25

            List <int> oddNums = numList.Where(n => n % 2 == 1).ToList();//Place all odd numbers in the oddNums List

            foreach (int num in oddNums)
                Console.WriteLine(num + ", ");

            //FILE I/O:
            string[] custs = new string[] { "Tom", "Paul", "Greg" };

            //Create custs.txt if it doesn't exist and write to it:
            //HAD TO MAKE CustomerStorage FOLDER MYSELF!!!!!!!
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("CustomerStorage/custs.txt"))
                foreach (string cust in custs)
                    Console.WriteLine("Adding {0} to the file", cust);

            //Read the contents of custs.txt until you reach the end:
            string custName = "";

            //HAD TO MAKE CustomerStorage FOLDER MYSELF!!!!!!!
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("CustomerStorage/custs.txt"))
                while ((custName = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine(custName);//Display the contents of custs.txt

            //Used to keep the window open. C#'s version of C's getchar()
Example #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            /* Use RandomValue class */
            //RandomValue rand = new RandomValue();


            /* Use DiffTypes class */
            //DiffTypes diffTypes = new DiffTypes();


            /* Use MathActions class */
            //MathActions mathAct = new MathActions();


            /* Loops */
            //Loops loopExmpl = new Loops();


            /* Strings */
            //StrongString str = new StrongString();


            /* StringBuilder */
            //StrBuilder sb = new StrBuilder();


            /* Arrays */
            //ArraySample arr = new ArraySample();


            /* Lists */
            //ListExample lst = new ListExample();


            /* Exceptions */
            //ExeptionExample exptSample = new ExeptionExample();


            /* Work with classes and class constructor */
            //Animal myPet = new Animal();


            /* Abstractions */
            //Abstractions abst = new Abstractions();

            /* Generic classes */
            //GenericExample gnrc = new GenericExample();

            /* Enum */
            //EnumExample enumSample = new EnumExample();

            /* Struct */
            //StructExample structSmpl = new StructExample();

            /* Delegate */
            GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2)
                return(num1 + num2);

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 10 = " + sum(5, 10));

            /* Lamdba expressions */
            // 1) Anonymous functions
            Func <int, int, int> getSum = (x, y) => x + y;

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 3 = " + getSum.Invoke(5, 3));

            // 2) Work with lists
            List <int> numList = new List <int> {
                5, 10, 15, 20, 25

            List <int> oddNums = numList.Where(n => n % 2 == 1).ToList();

            foreach (int num in oddNums)
Example #18
        // Code in the main function is executed
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Prints string out to the console with a line break (Write = No Line Break)
            Console.WriteLine("What is your name : ");

            // Accept input from the user
            string name = Console.ReadLine();

            // You can combine Strings with +
            Console.WriteLine("Hello " + name);

            // ---------- DATA TYPES ----------

            // ---------- MATH ----------

            // ---------- CONDITIONALS ----------


            // ---------- Looping ----------

            // ---------- STRINGS ----------

            // ----------STRINGBUILDER----------

            // ---------- ARRAYS ----------

            // ---------- LISTS ----------

            // ---------- EXCEPTION HANDLING ----------

            // ---------- CLASSES & OBJECTS ----------

            Animal bulldog = new Animal(13, 50, "Spot", "Woof");

            Console.WriteLine("{0} says {1}", bulldog.Name, bulldog.sound);

            // Console.WriteLine("No. of Animals " + Animal.getNumOfAnimals());

            // ---------- ENUMS ----------

            Temperature micTemp = Temperature.Low;

            Console.Write("What Temp : ");


            switch (micTemp)
            case Temperature.Freeze:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Freezing");

            case Temperature.Low:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Low");

            case Temperature.Warm:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Warm");

            case Temperature.Boil:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Boil");

            // ---------- STRUCTS ----------
            Customers bob = new Customers();

            bob.createCust("Bob", 15.50, 12345);


            // ---------- ANONYMOUS METHODS ----------
            // An anonymous method has no name and its return type is defined by the return used in the method

            GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2) {
                return(num1 + num2);

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 10 = " + sum(5, 10));

            // ---------- LAMBDA EXPRESSIONS ----------
            // A lambda expression is used to act as an anonymous function or expression tree

            // You can assign the lambda expression to a function instance
            Func <int, int, int> getSum = (x, y) => x + y;

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 3 = " + getSum.Invoke(5, 3));

            // Get odd numbers from a list
            List <int> numList = new List <int> {
                5, 10, 15, 20, 25

            // With an Expression Lambda the input goes in the left (n) and the statements go on the right
            List <int> oddNums = numList.Where(n => n % 2 == 1).ToList();

            foreach (int num in oddNums)
                Console.Write(num + ", ");

            // ---------- FILE I/O ----------
            // The StreamReader and StreamWriter allows you to create text files while reading and
            // writing to them

            string[] custs = new string[] { "Tom", "Paul", "Greg" };

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("custs.txt"))
                foreach (string cust in custs)

            string custName = "";

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("custs.txt"))
                while ((custName = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

            Console.Write("Hit Enter to Exit");
            string exitApp = Console.ReadLine();
Example #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
             * Console.WriteLine("What is your name ");
             * string name = Console.ReadLine();
             * Console.WriteLine("Hello "+name);
             * Console.ReadLine();
             * int maxInt = int.MaxValue;
             * long maxLong = long.MaxValue;
             * decimal maxDec = decimal.MaxValue;
             * float maxFloat = float.MaxValue;
             * double maxDouble = double.MaxValue;
             * Console.WriteLine(maxInt);
             * Console.WriteLine(maxLong);
             * Console.WriteLine(maxDec);
             * Console.WriteLine(maxFloat);
             * Console.WriteLine(maxDouble);
             * var anotherName = "Tom";
             * Console.WriteLine("Another name is a {0}", anotherName);
             * double number1 = 10.5;
             * double number2 = 15;
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Abs(number1) "+ (Math.Abs(number1)));
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Ceiling(number1) "+ (Math.Ceiling(number1)));
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Floor(number1) "+ (Math.Floor(number1)));
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Max(number1, number2) "+ (Math.Max(number1, number2)));
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Min(number1, number2) "+ (Math.Min(number1, number2)));
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Pow(number1)//podnoszenie do potegi "+ (Math.Pow(number1,2)));
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Round(number1) "+ (Math.Round(number1)));
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Sqrt(number1) "+ (Math.Sqrt(number1)));
             * //Random Numbers
             * Random rand = new Random();
             * //Relational Operators: > < >= <= == !=
             * //Logical Operators: && || ^ !
             * int age = rand.Next(1, 19);
             * Console.WriteLine("Random Number between 1 and 18: " + age);
             * if ((age >= 5) && (age <= 7))
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Go to elemantary school");
             * }
             * else if ((age > 7) && (age < 13))
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Go to middle school");
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Go home");
             * }
             * bool canDrive = age >= 16 ? true : false;
             * switch (age)
             * {
             *  case 0:
             *      Console.WriteLine("Infant");
             *      break;
             *  case 1:
             *      Console.WriteLine("Toddler");
             *      break;
             *  default:
             *      Console.WriteLine("Child");
             *      break;
             * }
             * string guess;
             * do
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Guess a Number");
             *  guess = Console.ReadLine();
             * } while (!guess.Equals("15"));
             * for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
             * {
             *  if ((i % 2) > 0)
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine(i);
             *  }
             * }
             * string randStr = " Uh oh ah random krach";
             * foreach (char a in randStr)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(a);
             * }
             * /* \'  \"  \\  \b  \n  \t  */

             * Console.WriteLine("Empty? " + String.IsNullOrEmpty(randStr));
             * Console.WriteLine("Empty or just white spaces? " + String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(randStr));
             * Console.WriteLine("Length: " + randStr.Length);
             * Console.WriteLine("Index of \"oh\" {0}", randStr.IndexOf("oh"));
             * Console.WriteLine("2nd word: {0}", randStr.Substring(3, 4));
             * bool b = randStr.StartsWith("a");
             * bool b2 = randStr.EndsWith("h");
             * Console.WriteLine("Trim:{0}", randStr.Trim()); //TrimEnd(), TrimStart()
             * Console.WriteLine("Replace: {0}", randStr.Replace("random", "super"));
             * Console.WriteLine("Remove: {0}", randStr.Remove(0, 3));
            string[] names = new string[3] {
                "Matt", "Joe", "Paul"
            int[] MyArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

            for (int i = 0; i < MyArray.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", i, MyArray[i]);

            foreach (int a in MyArray)

            //Multidimential arrays

            int[,] multArray  = new int[5, 3];
            int[,] multArray2 = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5, 6 }, { 7, 8 } };

            for (int i = 0; i < multArray2.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < multArray2.GetLength(1); j++)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1} : {2}", i, j, multArray2[i, j]);

            //List - resize for you

            List <int> numList = new List <int>();


            int[] randArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

            List <int> numList2 = new List <int>(randArray);
            List <int> numList3 = new List <int>(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7 });

            numList.Insert(5, 10);

            for (int i = 0; i < numList.Count; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("4 is in index: " + numList.IndexOf(4));
            Console.WriteLine("5 in List: " + numList.Contains(5));

            List <string> strList = new List <string>(new String[] { "Tom", "Jerry" });

            Console.WriteLine("Tom in list " + strList.Contains("tom", StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            strList.Sort(); //alfabetycznie

            for (int i = 0; i < strList.Count; i++)


                Console.Write("Divide 10 by ");
                int num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("10 / {0} = {1}", num, (10 / num));
            catch (DivideByZeroException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't divide by zero!");
            catch (Exception ex)


            Animal spot = new Animal(15, 10, "Spot", "Woof");

            Console.WriteLine("{0} says {1}.",, spot.sound);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of animals: " + Animal.getNumOfAnimals());

            Animal Burczek = new Animal()
                name   = "Burczek",
                height = 12,
                weight = 6,
                sound  = "Grrrr"

            Dog burek = new Dog();

            burek = new Dog(20, 15, "Burek", "Woof", "Chicken");

            Console.WriteLine(spot.getSum(num1: 1.4, num2: 2.7));
            Console.WriteLine("Number of animals: " + Animal.getNumOfAnimals());


            Shape rect = new Rectangle(5, 5);
            Shape tri  = new Triangle(5, 5);

            Console.WriteLine("Rectangle area: " + rect.area());
            Console.WriteLine("Triangle area: " + tri.area());

            Rectangle combRect = new Rectangle(5, 5) + new Rectangle(5, 5);

            Console.WriteLine("combRect area: " + combRect.area());


            KeyValue <string, string> superman = new KeyValue <string, string>("", "");

            superman.key   = "Superman";
            superman.value = "Clark Kent";

            KeyValue <int, string> samsungTV = new KeyValue <int, string>(0, "");

            samsungTV.key   = 1234;
            samsungTV.value = "A 50\" Samsung TV";



            Temperature microwaveTemp = Temperature.Low;

            switch (microwaveTemp)
            case Temperature.Freeze:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Freezing");

            case Temperature.Low:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Low");

            case Temperature.Warm:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Warm");

            case Temperature.Boil:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Boil");


            Customers bob = new Customers();

            bob.createCust("BoB", 15.60, 12345);

            //Anonymous Methods

            GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2)
            { return(num1 + num2); };

            Console.WriteLine("5+ 10 = " + sum(5, 10));

            //Lambda Expressions

            Func <int, int, int> getSum = (x, y) => x + y;

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 3 = " + getSum.Invoke(5, 3));

            List <int> CoolNumList = new List <int>()
                5, 10, 15, 20, 25
            List <int> OddNums = CoolNumList.Where(n => n % 2 == 1).ToList();

            foreach (var q in OddNums)

Example #20
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // init object using constructor
            Animal spot   = new Animal(15, 10, "Spot", "Woof");
            Animal jackie = new Animal
                name   = "Jackie",
                height = 7,
                weight = 13,
                sound  = "ruff"

            //calling object attributes
            Console.WriteLine("{0} says {1}",, spot.sound);

            //calling class methods
            Console.WriteLine("Number of Animals " + Animal.getNumOfAnimals());

            //calling object methods

            //method overloading allows multiple types
            Console.WriteLine(spot.getSum(1, 2));
            Console.WriteLine(spot.getSum(1.2, 3.5));

            Console.WriteLine(spot.getSum(num2: 3.7, num1: 2.5));

            Dog spike = new Dog();


            spike = new Dog(20, 15, "Spike", "Grr", "Chicken");

            Shape rect = new Rectangle(5, 5);
            Shape tri  = new Triangle(5, 5);

            Console.WriteLine("Rect area = " + rect.area());
            Console.WriteLine("Tri area = " + tri.area());

            Rectangle combRect = new Rectangle(5, 5) + new Rectangle(5, 5);

            Console.WriteLine("combRect Area = " + combRect.area());

            KeyValue <string, string> superman = new KeyValue <string, string>("", "");

            superman.key   = "Superman";
            superman.value = "Clark Kent";

            KeyValue <int, string> samsungTv = new KeyValue <int, string>(0, "");

            samsungTv.key   = 1234;
            samsungTv.value = "50 inch tv";

            Temperature micTemp = Temperature.Low;

            Customers bob = new Customers();

            bob.createCust("Bob", 15.50, 12345);


            GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2)
                return(num1 + num2);

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 10 = " + sum(5, 10));

            Func <int, int, int> getSum = (x, y) => x + y;

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 3 = " + getSum.Invoke(5, 3));

            List <int> numList4 = new List <int> {
                5, 10, 15, 20, 25

            List <int> oddNums = numList4.Where(nameof => nameof % 2 == 1).ToList();

            foreach (int num in oddNums)
                Console.WriteLine(num + ", ");


            /* multiline
             * comments */

            /* commenting old code to clean up terminal
             * Console.Write("What is your name? ");
             * string name = "Pierce";
             * // string name = Console.ReadLine();
             * Console.WriteLine("Hello " + name);
             * // booleans
             * bool canVote = true;
             * // single 16-bit character
             * char grade = 'A';
             * // Integer with a max number of 2,147,483,647
             * int maxInt = int.MaxValue;
             * Console.WriteLine(maxInt);
             * // Long Integer with a max value of 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
             * long maxLong = long.MaxValue;
             * Console.WriteLine(maxLong);
             * // Float is a 32 bit number with MaxValue of 3.402823E+38 !!ONLY HAS 7 decimals of precision!
             * float maxFloat = float.MaxValue;
             * Console.WriteLine(maxFloat);
             * // Double is a 32 bit number with a MaxValue of 1.79769313486232E+308  !!Precise to 15 decimals
             * double maxDouble = double.MaxValue;
             * Console.WriteLine(maxDouble);
             * // Method to get data type of a variable
             * Console.WriteLine("maxDouble is a {0}", maxDouble.GetTypeCode());
             * //standard math operators
             * Console.WriteLine("5 + 3 = " + (5 + 3));
             * Console.WriteLine("5 - 3 = " + (5 - 3));
             * Console.WriteLine("5 * 3 = " + (5 * 3));
             * Console.WriteLine("5 / 3 = " + (5 / 3));
             * Console.WriteLine("5 % 3 = " + (5 % 3));
             * int i = 0;
             * //standard incrementers
             * // prints to console THEN increments
             * Console.WriteLine("i++ =" + (i++));
             * // increments THEN prints to console
             * Console.WriteLine("++i =" + (++i));
             * // prints to console THEN decrements
             * Console.WriteLine("i-- =" + (i--));
             * // decrements THEN prints to console
             * Console.WriteLine("--i =" + (--i));
             * //standard math + variable reassignment
             * Console.WriteLine("i += 2 "  + (i += 2));
             * Console.WriteLine("i -= 2 "  + (i -= 2));
             * Console.WriteLine("i *= 2 "  + (i *= 2));
             * Console.WriteLine("i /= 2 "  + (i /= 2));
             * Console.WriteLine("i %= 2 "  + (i %= 2));
             * // data type reassignment
             * double pi = 3.14;
             * int intPi = (int)pi;
             * Console.WriteLine("pi is a " + pi.GetTypeCode());
             * Console.WriteLine("intPi is an " + intPi.GetTypeCode());
             * // more math functions
             * double num1 = 12.5;
             * double num2 = 19;
             * // returns absolute value
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Abs(num1) " + (Math.Abs(num1)));
             * // returns number rounded up
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Ceiling(num1) " + (Math.Ceiling(num1)));
             * // returns number rounded down
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Floor(num1) " + (Math.Floor(num1)));
             * // takes in two integers, returns higher value
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Max(num1, num2) " + (Math.Max(num1, num2)));
             * // takes in two integers, returns lower value
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Min(num1, num2) " + (Math.Min(num1, num2)));
             * // returns first int to the power of second int
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Pow(num1, num2) " + (Math.Pow(num1, num2)));
             * // returns number rounded based on standard rules
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Round(num1) " + (Math.Round(num1)));
             * // returns square root of int
             * Console.WriteLine("Math.Sqrt(num1) " + (Math.Sqrt(num1)));
             * // random numbers
             * Random rand = new Random();
             * Console.WriteLine("Random Number between 1 and 10: " + (rand.Next(1, 11)));
             * // Relational Operators: > < >= <= == !=
             * // Logical Operators: && || ^ !
             * // if/else and switch statements
             * int age = 17;
             * if ((age >= 5) && (age <= 7))
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Go to elementary school");
             * } else if ((age > 7) && (age < 13))
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Go to middle school");
             * } else
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Go to high school");
             * }
             * if ((age < 14) || (age > 67))
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("You shouldn't work");
             * }
             * Console.WriteLine("!true = " + (!true));
             * bool canDrive = age >= 16 ? true : false;
             * switch (age)
             * {
             *  case 0:
             *      Console.WriteLine("Infant");
             *      break;
             *  case 1:
             *      Console.WriteLine("Toddlers are terrible");
             *      break;
             *  default:
             *      Console.WriteLine("Child");
             *      break;
             * }
             * // Loops
             * int j = 0;
             * while(j < 10)
             * {
             *  if (j == 7)
             *  {
             *      j++;
             *      continue; // ignores rest of code and starts loop again.
             *  }
             *  if (j == 9)
             *  {
             *      break; // breaks out of loop
             *  }
             *  if (j % 2 > 0)
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine(j);
             *  }
             *  j++;
             * }
             * string guess;
             * // do
             * // {
             * //  Console.WriteLine("Guess a Number ");
             * //  guess = Console.ReadLine();
             * // } while (!guess.Equals("15"));
             * for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
             * {
             *  if (k % 2 > 0)
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine(k);
             *  }
             * }
             * string randStr = "Here are some random characters";
             * foreach(char c in randStr)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(c);
             * }
             * // More string stuff
             * escapes:
             \' // single quote
             \" // double quote
             \\  // backslash
             \\\b  // backspace
             \\\n  // newline
             \\\t  // tab
             \\string sampString = "A bunch of random words";
             \\string sampString2 = "more random words";
             \\Console.WriteLine("Is empty " + String.IsNullOrEmpty(sampString));
             \\Console.WriteLine("Is white space " + String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sampString));
             \\Console.WriteLine("Length of string is " + sampString.Length);
             \\Console.WriteLine("Index of bunch " + sampString.IndexOf("bunch"));
             \\Console.WriteLine("2nd Word " +  sampString.Substring(2, 6));
             \\Console.WriteLine("Strings Equal? " + sampString.Equals(sampString2));
             \\Console.WriteLine("Starts with \"A bunch\" " + sampString.StartsWith("A bunch"));
             \\Console.WriteLine("ends with random words " + sampString.EndsWith("random words"));
             \\sampString = sampString.Trim(); // also TrimEnd and TrimStart
             \\sampString.Replace("words", "characters");
             \\sampString.Remove(0, 2);
             \\string[] names = new string[3] {"Pierce", "Dad", "Melissa"};
             \\Console.WriteLine("Name List: " + String.Join(", ", names));
             \\// string fmtStr = String.Format("{0:c} {1:00.00} {2:#.00} {3:0,0}", 1.56);
             \\// Console.WriteLine(fmtStr);
             \\// String builder
             \\StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
             \\sb.Append("This is the first sentence. ");
             \\sb.AppendFormat("My name is {0} and I live in {1}", "Pierce", "San Diego");
             \\//replaces all "a"s with "e"s
             \\//deletes everything in index 5 UP TO BUT NOT INCLUDING 7
             \\sb.Remove(5, 7);
             \\int[] randNumArray;
             \\int[] randArray = new int[5];
             \\int[] randArray2 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
             \\Console.WriteLine("Array Length " + randArray2.Length);
             \\Console.WriteLine("Array Item 0 " + randArray2[0]);
             \\for (int k = 0; k< randArray2.Length; k++)
             \\ Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", k, randArray2[k]);
             \\foreach(int num in randArray2)
             \\ Console.WriteLine(num);
             \\Console.WriteLine("Where is 1? Index: " + Array.IndexOf(randArray2, 1));
             \\string[] familyNames = {"Pierce", "Melly", "Bruce"};
             \\string nameStr = string.Join(", ", familyNames);
             \\string[] nameArray = nameStr.Split(',');
             \\int[,] multArray = new int[5, 3];
             \\int[,] multArray2 = {{0, 1}, {2, 3}, {4, 5}};
             \\foreach(int num in multArray2)
             \\ Console.WriteLine(num);
             \\// for (int a = 0; a < multArray2.GetLength(0); a++)
             \\// {
             \\//     for(int b = 0; b < multArray2.GetLength(1); b++)
             \\//     {
             \\//         Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1} : {2}" + a, b, multArray2[a,b]);
             \\//     }
             \\// }
             \\// Lists
             \\List<int> numList = new List<int>();
             \\int[] randArray3 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
             \\List<int> numList2 = new List<int>(randArray3);
             \\List<int> numList3 = new List<int>(new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4});
             \\// inserts "10" into index 1 of the list
             \\numList.Insert(1, 10);
             \\// removes value 5 from the list
             \\// remove item at index of 2 from list
             \\for (int c = 0; c < numList.Count; c++)
             \\ Console.WriteLine(numList[c]);
             \\// finds index of a value, returns -1 if not found
             \\Console.WriteLine("4 is in index " + numList3.IndexOf(4));
             \\Console.WriteLine("5 in List? " + numList.Contains(5));
             \\List<string> strList = new List<string>(new string[] {"Tom", "Paul"});
             \\Console.WriteLine("Tom in List? " + strList.Contains("Tom"));
             \\//Exception handling
             \\ Console.Write("Divide 10 by ");
             \\ int num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
             \\ Console.WriteLine("10 / {0} = {1}", num, (10/num));
             \\// catches specific exceptions
             \\catch(DivideByZeroException ex)
             \\ Console.WriteLine("Can't divide by zero");
             \\ Console.WriteLine(ex.GetType().Name);
             \\ Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
             \\ throw new InvalidOperationException("Operation Failed", ex);
             \\// generic exception handler
             \\catch(Exception ex)
             \\ Console.WriteLine(ex.GetType().Name);
             \\ Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
Example #21
        // Code in the main function is executed
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Prints string out to the console with a line break (Write = No Line Break)
            Console.WriteLine("What is your name : ");

            // Accept input from the user
            string name = Console.ReadLine();

            // You can combine Strings with +
            Console.WriteLine("Hello " + name);

            // ---------- DATA TYPES ----------

            // Booleans are true or false
            bool canVote = true;

            // Characters are single 16 bit unicode characters
            char grade = 'A';

            // Integer with a max number of 2,147,483,647
            int maxInt = int.MaxValue;

            // Long with a max number of 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
            long maxLong = long.MaxValue;

            // Decimal has a maximum value of 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335
            // If you need something bigger look up BigInteger
            decimal maxDec = decimal.MaxValue;

            // A float is a 32 bit number with a maxValue of 3.402823E+38 with 7 decimals of precision
            float maxFloat = float.MaxValue;

            // A float is a 32 bit number with a maxValue of 1.797693134E+308 with 15 decimals of precision
            double maxDouble = double.MaxValue;

            // You can combine strings with other values with +
            Console.WriteLine("Max Int : " + maxDouble);

            // The dynamic data type is defined at run time
            dynamic otherName = "Paul";

            otherName = 1;

            // The var data type is defined when compiled and then can't change
            var anotherName = "Tom";

            // ERROR : anotherName = 2;
            Console.WriteLine("Hello " + anotherName);

            // How to get the type and how to format strings
            Console.WriteLine("anotherName is a {0}", anotherName.GetTypeCode());

            // ---------- MATH ----------

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 3 = " + (5 + 3));
            Console.WriteLine("5 - 3 = " + (5 - 3));
            Console.WriteLine("5 * 3 = " + (5 * 3));
            Console.WriteLine("5 / 3 = " + (5 / 3));
            Console.WriteLine("5.2 % 3 = " + (5.2 % 3));

            int i = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("i++ = " + (i++));
            Console.WriteLine("++i = " + (++i));
            Console.WriteLine("i-- = " + (i--));
            Console.WriteLine("--i = " + (--i));

            Console.WriteLine("i += 3 " + (i += 3));
            Console.WriteLine("i -= 2 " + (i -= 2));
            Console.WriteLine("i *= 2 " + (i *= 2));
            Console.WriteLine("i /= 2 " + (i /= 2));
            Console.WriteLine("i %= 2 " + (i %= 2));

            // Casting : If no magnitude is lost casting happens automatically, but otherwise it must be done
            // like this

            double pi    = 3.14;
            int    intPi = (int)pi; // put the data type to convert to between braces

            // Math Functions
            // Acos, Asin, Atan, Atan2, Cos, Cosh, Exp, Log, Sin, Sinh, Tan, Tanh
            double number1 = 10.5;
            double number2 = 15;

            Console.WriteLine("Math.Abs(number1) " + (Math.Abs(number1)));
            Console.WriteLine("Math.Ceiling(number1) " + (Math.Ceiling(number1)));
            Console.WriteLine("Math.Floor(number1) " + (Math.Floor(number1)));
            Console.WriteLine("Math.Max(number1, number2) " + (Math.Max(number1, number2)));
            Console.WriteLine("Math.Min(number1, number2) " + (Math.Min(number1, number2)));
            Console.WriteLine("Math.Pow(number1, 2) " + (Math.Pow(number1, 2)));
            Console.WriteLine("Math.Round(number1) " + (Math.Round(number1)));
            Console.WriteLine("Math.Sqrt(number1) " + (Math.Sqrt(number1)));

            // Random Numbers
            Random rand = new Random();

            Console.WriteLine("Random Number Between 1 and 10 " + (rand.Next(1, 11)));

            // ---------- CONDITIONALS ----------

            // Relational Operators : > < >= <= == !=
            // Logical Operators : && || ^ !

            // If Statement
            int age = 17;

            if ((age >= 5) && (age <= 7))
                Console.WriteLine("Go to elementary school");
            else if ((age > 7) && (age < 13))
                Console.WriteLine("Go to middle school");
                Console.WriteLine("Go to high school");

            if ((age < 14) || (age > 67))
                Console.WriteLine("You shouldn't work");

            Console.WriteLine("! true = " + (!true));

            // Ternary Operator

            bool canDrive = age >= 16 ? true : false;

            // Switch is used when you have limited options
            // Fall through isn't allowed with C# unless there are no statements between cases
            // You can't check multiple values at once

            switch (age)
            case 0:

            case 1:
            case 2:

                // Goto can be used to jump to a label elsewhere in the code
                goto Cute;


            // Lable we can jump to with Goto
            Console.WriteLine("Toddlers are cute");

            // ---------- LOOPING ----------

            int i = 0;

            while (i < 10)
                // If i = 7 then skip the rest of the code and start with i = 8
                if (i == 7)

                // Jump completely out of the loop if i = 9
                if (i == 9)

                // You can't convert an int into a bool : Print out only odds
                if ((i % 2) > 0)

            // The do while loop will go through the loop at least once
            string guess;

                Console.WriteLine("Guess a Number ");
                guess = Console.ReadLine();
            } while (!guess.Equals("15"));  // How to check String equality

            // Puts all changes to the iterator in one place
            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                if ((j % 2) > 0)

            // foreach cycles through every item in an array or collection
            string randStr = "Here are some random characters";

            foreach (char c in randStr)

            // ---------- STRINGS ----------

            // Escape Sequences : \' \" \\ \b \n \t

            string sampString = "A bunch of random words";

            // Check if empty
            Console.WriteLine("Is empty " + String.IsNullOrEmpty(sampString));
            Console.WriteLine("Is empty " + String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sampString));
            Console.WriteLine("String Length " + sampString.Length);

            // Find a string index (Starts with 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Index of bunch " + sampString.IndexOf("bunch"));

            // Get a substring
            Console.WriteLine("2nd Word " + sampString.Substring(2, 6));

            string sampString2 = "More random words";

            // Are strings equal
            Console.WriteLine("Strings equal " + sampString.Equals(sampString2));

            // Compare strings
            Console.WriteLine("Starts with A bunch " + sampString.StartsWith("A bunch"));
            Console.WriteLine("Ends with words " + sampString.EndsWith("words"));

            // Trim white space at beginning and end or (TrimEnd / TrimStart)
            sampString = sampString.Trim();

            // Replace words or characters
            sampString = sampString.Replace("words", "characters");

            // Remove starting at a defined index up to the second index
            sampString = sampString.Remove(0, 2);

            // Join values in array and save to string
            string[] names = new string[3] {
                "Matt", "Joe", "Paul"
            Console.WriteLine("Name List " + String.Join(", ", names));

            // Formatting : Currency, Decimal Places, Before Decimals, Thousands Separator
            string fmtStr = String.Format("{0:c} {1:00.00} {2:#.00} {3:0,0}", 1.56, 15.567, .56, 1000);


            // ---------- STRINGBUILDER ----------
            // Each time you create a string you actually create another string in memory
            // StringBuilders are used when you want to be able to edit a string without creating new ones

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            // Append a string to the StringBuilder (AppendLine also adds a newline at the end)
            sb.Append("This is the first sentence.");

            // Append a formatted string
            sb.AppendFormat("My name is {0} and I live in {1}", "Derek", "Pennsylvania");

            // Clear the StringBuilder
            // sb.Clear();

            // Replaces every instance of the first with the second
            sb.Replace("a", "e");

            // Remove characters starting at the index and then up to the defined index
            sb.Remove(5, 7);

            // Out put everything

            // ---------- ARRAYS ----------
            // Declare an array
            int[] randNumArray;

            // Declare the number of items an array can contain
            int[] randArray = new int[5];

            // Declare and initialize an array
            int[] randArray2 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

            // Get array length
            Console.WriteLine("Array Length " + randArray2.Length);

            // Get item at index
            Console.WriteLine("Item 0 " + randArray2[0]);

            // Cycle through array
            for (int i = 0; i < randArray2.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", i, randArray2[i]);

            // Cycle with foreach
            foreach (int num in randArray2)

            // Get the index of an item or -1
            Console.WriteLine("Where is 1 " + Array.IndexOf(randArray2, 1));

            string[] names = { "Tom", "Paul", "Sally" };

            // Join an array into a string
            string nameStr = string.Join(", ", names);


            // Split a string into an array
            string[] nameArray = nameStr.Split(',');

            // Create a multidimensional array
            int[,] multArray = new int[5, 3];

            // Create and initialize a multidimensional array
            int[,] multArray2 = { { 0, 1 }, { 2, 3 }, { 4, 5 } };

            // Cycle through multidimensional array
            foreach (int num in multArray2)

            // Cycle and have access to indexes
            for (int x = 0; x < multArray2.GetLength(0); x += 1)
                for (int y = 0; y < multArray2.GetLength(1); y += 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1} : {2}", x, y, multArray2[x, y]);

            // ---------- LISTS ----------
            // A list unlike an array automatically resizes

            // Create a list and add values
            List <int> numList = new List <int>();


            // Add an array to a list
            int[] randArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

            // Clear a list
            // numList.Clear();

            // Copy an array into a List
            List <int> numList2 = new List <int>(randArray);

            // Create a List with array
            List <int> numList3 = new List <int>(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });

            // Insert in a specific index
            numList.Insert(1, 10);

            // Remove a specific value

            // Remove at an index

            // Cycle through a List with foreach or
            for (int i = 0; i < numList.Count; i++)

            // Return the index for a value or -1
            Console.WriteLine("4 is in index " + numList3.IndexOf(4));

            // Does the List contain a value
            Console.WriteLine("5 in list " + numList3.Contains(5));

            // Search for a value in a string List
            List <string> strList = new List <string>(new string[] { "Tom", "Paul" });

            Console.WriteLine("Tom in list " + strList.Contains("tom", StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            // Sort the List

            // ---------- EXCEPTION HANDLING ----------
            // All the exceptions

                Console.Write("Divide 10 by ");
                int num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("10 / {0} =  {1}", num, (10 / num));

            // Specifically catches the divide by zero exception
            catch (DivideByZeroException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Can't divide by zero");

                // Get additonal info on the exception

                // Throw the exception to the next inline
                // throw ex;

                // Throw a specific exception
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Operation Failed", ex);

            // Catches any other exception
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("An error occurred");

            // ---------- CLASSES & OBJECTS ----------

            Animal bulldog = new Animal(13, 50, "Spot", "Woof");

            Console.WriteLine("{0} says {1}",, bulldog.sound);

            // Console.WriteLine("No. of Animals " + Animal.getNumOfAnimals());

            // ---------- ENUMS ----------

            Temperature micTemp = Temperature.Low;

            Console.Write("What Temp : ");


            switch (micTemp)
            case Temperature.Freeze:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Freezing");

            case Temperature.Low:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Low");

            case Temperature.Warm:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Warm");

            case Temperature.Boil:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Boil");

            // ---------- STRUCTS ----------
            Customers bob = new Customers();

            bob.createCust("Bob", 15.50, 12345);


            // ---------- ANONYMOUS METHODS ----------
            // An anonymous method has no name and its return type is defined by the return used in the method

            GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2) {
                return(num1 + num2);

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 10 = " + sum(5, 10));

            // ---------- LAMBDA EXPRESSIONS ----------
            // A lambda expression is used to act as an anonymous function or expression tree

            // You can assign the lambda expression to a function instance
            Func <int, int, int> getSum = (x, y) => x + y;

            Console.WriteLine("5 + 3 = " + getSum.Invoke(5, 3));

            // Get odd numbers from a list
            List <int> numList = new List <int> {
                5, 10, 15, 20, 25

            // With an Expression Lambda the input goes in the left (n) and the statements go on the right
            List <int> oddNums = numList.Where(n => n % 2 == 1).ToList();

            foreach (int num in oddNums)
                Console.Write(num + ", ");

            // ---------- FILE I/O ----------
            // The StreamReader and StreamWriter allows you to create text files while reading and
            // writing to them

            string[] custs = new string[] { "Tom", "Paul", "Greg" };

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("custs.txt"))
                foreach (string cust in custs)

            string custName = "";

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("custs.txt"))
                while ((custName = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

            Console.Write("Hit Enter to Exit");
            string exitApp = Console.ReadLine();
Example #22
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GetSum sum = delegate(double num1, double num2)
                return(num1 + num2);

            Console.WriteLine("5+10= " + sum(5, 10));
            // lambda expression

            Func <int, int, int> getTot = (x, y) => x + y;

            Console.WriteLine("10+345= " + getTot.Invoke(10, 345));
            // List
            List <int> numList = new List <int> {
                5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30

            List <int> oddNums = numList.Where(n => n % 2 == 1).ToList();

            foreach (int num in oddNums)
                Console.WriteLine(num + ",");
            // Write and Read with file
            string[] custs = new string[] { "Tom", "Paul", "Greg", "Peter" };
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("custs.txt"))
                foreach (string cust in custs)

            string custName = "";

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("custs.txt"))
                while ((custName = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
            Customers customer = new Customers();

            customer.createCust("smith", 1232.40, 343432);

            Temperature micTemp = Temperature.Warm;

            switch (micTemp)
            case Temperature.Freeze:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Freezing");

            case Temperature.Low:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Low");

            case Temperature.Warm:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Warm");

            case Temperature.Boil:
                Console.WriteLine("Temp on Boil");

            Animal spot = new Animal(15, 10, "spot", "woof");

            Console.WriteLine("{0} says {1}",, spot.sound);

            Console.WriteLine("Number of animals " + Animal.getNumOfAnimals());


            Console.WriteLine(spot.getSum(num2: 1.4, num1: 2.7));

            Animal grover = new Animal
                name   = "Grover",
                height = 16,
                weight = 18,
                sound  = "Grrr"


            Dog spike = new Dog();


            spike = new Dog(20, 15, "Spike", "Grrrrrr", "Chicken");



            Shape rect = new Rectangle(5, 7);
            Shape tri  = new Triangle(3, 4);

            Console.WriteLine("Rect Area " + rect.area());
            Console.WriteLine("Tri Area " + tri.area());

            Rectangle combRect = new Rectangle(5, 6) + new Rectangle(7, 8);

            Console.WriteLine("combRect Area " + combRect.area());


            KeyValue <string, string> superman = new KeyValue <string, string>("", "");

            superman.key   = "superman";
            superman.value = "Clark Kent";

            KeyValue <int, string> samsungTV = new KeyValue <int, string>(0, "");

            samsungTV.key   = 342;
            samsungTV.value = "a 50 inch samsung TV";

