Example #1
    public VmScalesetStack()
        var applicationPort = 80;
        var resourceGroup   = new ResourceGroup("vmss-rg");

        var network = new VirtualNetwork("vnet",
                                         new VirtualNetworkArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AddressSpaces     = { "" }

        var subnet = new Subnet("subnet",
                                new SubnetArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Name               = "default",
            AddressPrefixes    = "",
            VirtualNetworkName = network.Name

        var publicIp = new PublicIp("public-ip",
                                    new PublicIpArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AllocationMethod  = "Dynamic"

        var lb = new LoadBalancer("lb",
                                  new LoadBalancerArgs
            ResourceGroupName        = resourceGroup.Name,
            FrontendIpConfigurations = new List <LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfigurationArgs>
                new LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfigurationArgs
                    Name = "PublicIPAddress",
                    PublicIpAddressId = publicIp.Id

        var bpePool = new BackendAddressPool("bpepool",
                                             new BackendAddressPoolArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            LoadbalancerId    = lb.Id,

        var sshProbe = new Probe("ssh-probe",
                                 new ProbeArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            LoadbalancerId    = lb.Id,
            Port = applicationPort,

        var natRule = new Rule("lbnatrule-http",
                               new RuleArgs
            ResourceGroupName           = resourceGroup.Name,
            BackendAddressPoolId        = bpePool.Id,
            BackendPort                 = applicationPort,
            FrontendIpConfigurationName = "PublicIPAddress",
            FrontendPort                = applicationPort,
            LoadbalancerId              = lb.Id,
            ProbeId  = sshProbe.Id,
            Protocol = "Tcp",

        var scaleSet = new ScaleSet("vmscaleset",
                                    new ScaleSetArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            NetworkProfiles   = new ScaleSetNetworkProfileArgs
                IpConfigurations = new ScaleSetNetworkProfileIpConfigurationArgs[] {
                    new ScaleSetNetworkProfileIpConfigurationArgs {
                        LoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolIds = bpePool.Id,
                        Name     = "IPConfiguration",
                        Primary  = true,
                        SubnetId = subnet.Id,
                Name    = "networkprofile",
                Primary = true
            OsProfile = new ScaleSetOsProfileArgs
                ComputerNamePrefix = "vmlab",
                AdminUsername      = "******",
                AdminPassword      = "******",
                CustomData         =
echo ""Hello, World by $HOSTNAME!"" > index.html
nohup python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 &"
            OsProfileLinuxConfig = new ScaleSetOsProfileLinuxConfigArgs
                DisablePasswordAuthentication = false
            Sku = new ScaleSetSkuArgs
                Capacity = 1,
                Name     = "Standard_DS1_v2",
                Tier     = "Standard",
            StorageProfileOsDisk = new ScaleSetStorageProfileOsDiskArgs
                Caching         = "ReadWrite",
                CreateOption    = "FromImage",
                ManagedDiskType = "Standard_LRS",
                Name            = ""
            StorageProfileDataDisks = new ScaleSetStorageProfileDataDiskArgs
                Caching      = "ReadWrite",
                CreateOption = "Empty",
                DiskSizeGb   = 10,
                Lun          = 0
            StorageProfileImageReference = new ScaleSetStorageProfileImageReferenceArgs
                Offer     = "UbuntuServer",
                Publisher = "Canonical",
                Sku       = "16.04-LTS",
                Version   = "latest",
            UpgradePolicyMode = "Manual"
        }, new CustomResourceOptions {
            DeleteBeforeReplace = true, DependsOn = bpePool

        var autoscale = new AutoscaleSetting("vmss-autoscale",
                                             new AutoscaleSettingArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Notification      = new AutoscaleSettingNotificationArgs
                Email = new AutoscaleSettingNotificationEmailArgs
                    CustomEmails = new string[] { "*****@*****.**" },
                    SendToSubscriptionAdministrator   = true,
                    SendToSubscriptionCoAdministrator = true,
            Profiles = new AutoscaleSettingProfileArgs[] {
                new AutoscaleSettingProfileArgs {
                    Capacity = new AutoscaleSettingProfileCapacityArgs
                        Default = 2,
                        Maximum = 10,
                        Minimum = 2,
                    Name  = "defaultProfile",
                    Rules = new AutoscaleSettingProfileRuleArgs[] {
                        new AutoscaleSettingProfileRuleArgs
                            MetricTrigger = new AutoscaleSettingProfileRuleMetricTriggerArgs
                                MetricName       = "Percentage CPU",
                                MetricResourceId = scaleSet.Id,
                                Operator         = "GreaterThan",
                                Statistic        = "Average",
                                Threshold        = 75,
                                TimeAggregation  = "Average",
                                TimeGrain        = "PT1M",
                                TimeWindow       = "PT5M",
                            ScaleAction = new AutoscaleSettingProfileRuleScaleActionArgs
                                Cooldown  = "PT1M",
                                Direction = "Increase",
                                Type      = "ChangeCount",
                                Value     = 1,
                        new AutoscaleSettingProfileRuleArgs
                            MetricTrigger = new AutoscaleSettingProfileRuleMetricTriggerArgs
                                MetricName       = "Percentage CPU",
                                MetricResourceId = scaleSet.Id,
                                Operator         = "LessThan",
                                Statistic        = "Average",
                                Threshold        = 25,
                                TimeAggregation  = "Average",
                                TimeGrain        = "PT1M",
                                TimeWindow       = "PT5M",
                            ScaleAction = new AutoscaleSettingProfileRuleScaleActionArgs
                                Cooldown  = "PT1M",
                                Direction = "Decrease",
                                Type      = "ChangeCount",
                                Value     = 1,
            TargetResourceId = scaleSet.Id

        // The public IP address is not allocated until the VM is running, so wait for that
        // resource to create, and then lookup the IP address again to report its public IP.
        this.IpAddress = Output
                         .Tuple <string, string, string>(scaleSet.Id, publicIp.Name, resourceGroup.Name)
                         .Apply <string>(async t =>
            (_, string name, string resourceGroupName) = t;
            var ip = await GetPublicIP.InvokeAsync(new GetPublicIPArgs
                Name = name, ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName
    public WebServerStack()
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("server-rg");

        var network = new VirtualNetwork("server-network",
                                         new VirtualNetworkArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AddressSpaces     = { "" },
            Subnets           =
                new VirtualNetworkSubnetArgs {
                    Name = "default", AddressPrefix = ""

        var publicIp = new PublicIp("server-ip",
                                    new PublicIpArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            AllocationMethod  = "Dynamic"

        var networkInterface = new NetworkInterface("server-nic",
                                                    new NetworkInterfaceArgs
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            IpConfigurations  =
                new NetworkInterfaceIpConfigurationArgs
                    Name     = "webserveripcfg",
                    SubnetId = network.Subnets.Apply(subnets => subnets[0].Id),
                    PrivateIpAddressAllocation = "Dynamic",
                    PublicIpAddressId          = publicIp.Id

        var vm = new VirtualMachine("server-vm",
                                    new VirtualMachineArgs
            ResourceGroupName   = resourceGroup.Name,
            NetworkInterfaceIds = { networkInterface.Id },
            VmSize = "Standard_A0",
            DeleteDataDisksOnTermination = true,
            DeleteOsDiskOnTermination    = true,
            OsProfile = new VirtualMachineOsProfileArgs
                ComputerName  = "hostname",
                AdminUsername = "******",
                AdminPassword = "******",
                CustomData    =
echo ""Hello, World!"" > index.html
nohup python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 &"
            OsProfileLinuxConfig = new VirtualMachineOsProfileLinuxConfigArgs
                DisablePasswordAuthentication = false
            StorageOsDisk = new VirtualMachineStorageOsDiskArgs
                CreateOption = "FromImage",
                Name         = "myosdisk1"
            StorageImageReference = new VirtualMachineStorageImageReferenceArgs
                Publisher = "canonical",
                Offer     = "UbuntuServer",
                Sku       = "16.04-LTS",
                Version   = "latest"
        }, new CustomResourceOptions {
            DeleteBeforeReplace = true

        // The public IP address is not allocated until the VM is running, so wait for that
        // resource to create, and then lookup the IP address again to report its public IP.
        this.IpAddress = Output
                         .Tuple <string, string, string>(vm.Id, publicIp.Name, resourceGroup.Name)
                         .Apply <string>(async t =>
            (_, string name, string resourceGroupName) = t;
            var ip = await GetPublicIP.InvokeAsync(new GetPublicIPArgs
                Name = name, ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName