Example #1
        public override void WriteObject(XmlWriter writer, object graph)
            GetNestedData GetNestedDataField = ((GetNestedData)(graph));

            if (WriteParentElement(writer, true, true, graph))
Example #2
        public override object ReadObject(XmlReader reader)
            GetNestedData GetNestedDataField = null;

            if (IsParentStartElement(reader, false, true))
                GetNestedDataField = new GetNestedData();
        public virtual GetNestedDataResponse GetNestedData(GetNestedData req)
            // Create request header
            String action;

            action = "http://tempuri.org/IDataAccessService/GetNestedData";
            WsWsaHeader header;

            header = new WsWsaHeader(action, null, EndpointAddress, m_version.AnonymousUri, null, null);
            WsMessage request = new WsMessage(header, req, WsPrefix.None);

            // Create request serializer
            GetNestedDataDataContractSerializer reqDcs;

            reqDcs             = new GetNestedDataDataContractSerializer("GetNestedData", "http://tempuri.org/");
            request.Serializer = reqDcs;
            request.Method     = "GetNestedData";

            // Indicate that this message will use Mtom encoding
            request.BodyParts = new WsMtomBodyParts();

            // Send service request
            WsMessage response = m_requestChannel.Request(request);


            // Process response
            GetNestedDataResponseDataContractSerializer respDcs;

            respDcs           = new GetNestedDataResponseDataContractSerializer("GetNestedDataResponse", "http://tempuri.org/");
            respDcs.BodyParts = response.BodyParts;
            GetNestedDataResponse resp;

            resp = ((GetNestedDataResponse)(respDcs.ReadObject(response.Reader)));
            response.Reader = null;

        private void TestMtomService()
                WS2007HttpBinding binding = new WS2007HttpBinding(
                    new HttpTransportBindingConfig(new Uri("http://*****:*****@"A bedtime story is a traditional form of storytelling, where a story is told to a child at bedtime to prepare them for sleep.
Bedtime stories have many advantages, for parents/adults and children alike. The fixed routine of a bedtime story before sleeping has a relaxing effect, and the soothing voice of a person telling a story makes the child fall asleep more easily. The emotional aspect creates a bond between the storyteller and the listener, often a parent and child.
Bedtime stories can be read from a book, or rather, fictional stories made up by the storyteller. The stories are mostly rather short, between one and five minutes, and have a happy ending. A different form of bedtime reading is using longer stories, but dividing them up, thus creating cliffhangers. Children will look forward to their bedtime story, and a fixed routine is installed.

                GetData req2 = new GetData();
                // get bytes < 1000 to test Base64
                req2.value = 0;
                GetDataResponse resp = m_proxy.GetData(req2);
                Debug.Print(new string(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(resp.GetDataResult.Data)));

                // to get data > 1000 bytes to test mtom
                req2.value = 1;
                resp       = m_proxy.GetData(req2);
                Debug.Print(new string(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(resp.GetDataResult.Data)));

                // to get data > 1000 (non-char) bytes to test mtom
                req2.value = 2;
                resp       = m_proxy.GetData(req2);
                for (int i = 0; i < resp.GetDataResult.Data.Length; i++)
                    if ((byte)i != resp.GetDataResult.Data[i])
                        Debug.Print("FAILURE!!!!! expected incrementing data byte values");

                SetNestedData req3 = new SetNestedData();
                req3.data             = new schemas.datacontract.org.WcfMtomService.NestedClass();
                req3.data.MTData      = new schemas.datacontract.org.WcfMtomService.MtomData();
                req3.data.MTData.Data = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@"A bedtime story is a traditional form of storytelling, where a story is told to a child at bedtime to prepare them for sleep.");
                req3.data.MyData      = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@"Bedtime stories have many advantages, for parents/adults and children alike. The fixed routine of a bedtime story before sleeping has a relaxing effect, and the soothing voice of a person telling a story makes the child fall asleep more easily. The emotional aspect creates a bond between the storyteller and the listener, often a parent and child.");

                GetNestedData req4 = new GetNestedData();

                GetNestedDataResponse resp8 = m_proxy.GetNestedData(req4);
                Debug.Print(new string(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(resp8.GetNestedDataResult.MyData)));
                for (int i = 0; i < resp8.GetNestedDataResult.MTData.Data.Length; i++)
                    if ((byte)i != resp8.GetNestedDataResult.MTData.Data[i])
                        Debug.Print("FAILURE!!!!! expected incrementing data byte values");

                SetFileInfo sfi = new SetFileInfo();

                sfi.files = new schemas.datacontract.org.WcfMtomService.ArrayOfFileInfo();

                sfi.files.FileInfo = new schemas.datacontract.org.WcfMtomService.FileInfo[2];

                sfi.files.FileInfo[0]      = new schemas.datacontract.org.WcfMtomService.FileInfo();
                sfi.files.FileInfo[0].Name = "MyBook";
                sfi.files.FileInfo[0].Size = 340;
                sfi.files.FileInfo[1]      = new schemas.datacontract.org.WcfMtomService.FileInfo();
                sfi.files.FileInfo[1].Name = "MyBook2";
                sfi.files.FileInfo[1].Size = 341;

            catch (System.IO.IOException)
                // Is the web service down???
                Debug.Print("Warning: could not connect to stocks web service");
                if (m_proxy != null)
Example #5
        private void TestMtomService()
                WS2007HttpBinding binding = new WS2007HttpBinding(
                    new HttpTransportBindingConfig(new Uri("http://*****:*****@"A bedtime story is a traditional form of storytelling, where a story is told to a child at bedtime to prepare them for sleep.
Bedtime stories have many advantages, for parents/adults and children alike. The fixed routine of a bedtime story before sleeping has a relaxing effect, and the soothing voice of a person telling a story makes the child fall asleep more easily. The emotional aspect creates a bond between the storyteller and the listener, often a parent and child.
Bedtime stories can be read from a book, or rather, fictional stories made up by the storyteller. The stories are mostly rather short, between one and five minutes, and have a happy ending. A different form of bedtime reading is using longer stories, but dividing them up, thus creating cliffhangers. Children will look forward to their bedtime story, and a fixed routine is installed.

                GetData req2 = new GetData();
                // get bytes < 1000 to test Base64
                req2.value = 0;
                GetDataResponse resp = m_proxy.GetData(req2);
                Debug.Print(new string(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(resp.GetDataResult.Data)));
                // to get data > 1000 bytes to test mtom
                req2.value = 1;
                resp = m_proxy.GetData(req2);
                Debug.Print(new string(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(resp.GetDataResult.Data)));

                // to get data > 1000 (non-char) bytes to test mtom
                req2.value = 2;
                resp = m_proxy.GetData(req2);
                for (int i = 0; i < resp.GetDataResult.Data.Length; i++)
                    if ((byte)i != resp.GetDataResult.Data[i])
                        Debug.Print("FAILURE!!!!! expected incrementing data byte values");

                SetNestedData req3 = new SetNestedData();
                req3.data = new schemas.datacontract.org.WcfMtomService.NestedClass();
                req3.data.MTData = new schemas.datacontract.org.WcfMtomService.MtomData();
                req3.data.MTData.Data = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( @"A bedtime story is a traditional form of storytelling, where a story is told to a child at bedtime to prepare them for sleep." );
                req3.data.MyData = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@"Bedtime stories have many advantages, for parents/adults and children alike. The fixed routine of a bedtime story before sleeping has a relaxing effect, and the soothing voice of a person telling a story makes the child fall asleep more easily. The emotional aspect creates a bond between the storyteller and the listener, often a parent and child.");

                GetNestedData req4 = new GetNestedData();

                GetNestedDataResponse resp8 = m_proxy.GetNestedData(req4);
                Debug.Print(new string(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(resp8.GetNestedDataResult.MyData)));
                for (int i = 0; i < resp8.GetNestedDataResult.MTData.Data.Length; i++)
                    if ((byte)i != resp8.GetNestedDataResult.MTData.Data[i])
                        Debug.Print("FAILURE!!!!! expected incrementing data byte values");

                SetFileInfo sfi = new SetFileInfo();

                sfi.files = new schemas.datacontract.org.WcfMtomService.ArrayOfFileInfo();

                sfi.files.FileInfo = new schemas.datacontract.org.WcfMtomService.FileInfo[2];

                sfi.files.FileInfo[0] = new schemas.datacontract.org.WcfMtomService.FileInfo();
                sfi.files.FileInfo[0].Name = "MyBook";
                sfi.files.FileInfo[0].Size = 340;
                sfi.files.FileInfo[1] = new schemas.datacontract.org.WcfMtomService.FileInfo();
                sfi.files.FileInfo[1].Name = "MyBook2";
                sfi.files.FileInfo[1].Size = 341;

            catch (System.IO.IOException)
                // Is the web service down???
                Debug.Print("Warning: could not connect to stocks web service");
                if (m_proxy != null) m_proxy.Dispose();
Example #6
 public override object ReadObject(XmlReader reader)
     GetNestedData GetNestedDataField = null;
     if (IsParentStartElement(reader, false, true))
         GetNestedDataField = new GetNestedData();
     return GetNestedDataField;
        public virtual GetNestedDataResponse GetNestedData(GetNestedData req)

            // Create request header
            String action;
            action = "http://tempuri.org/IDataAccessService/GetNestedData";
            WsWsaHeader header;
            header = new WsWsaHeader(action, null, EndpointAddress, m_version.AnonymousUri, null, null);
            WsMessage request = new WsMessage(header, req, WsPrefix.None);

            // Create request serializer
            GetNestedDataDataContractSerializer reqDcs;
            reqDcs = new GetNestedDataDataContractSerializer("GetNestedData", "http://tempuri.org/");
            request.Serializer = reqDcs;
            request.Method = "GetNestedData";

            // Indicate that this message will use Mtom encoding
            request.BodyParts = new WsMtomBodyParts();

            // Send service request
            WsMessage response = m_requestChannel.Request(request);

            // Process response
            GetNestedDataResponseDataContractSerializer respDcs;
            respDcs = new GetNestedDataResponseDataContractSerializer("GetNestedDataResponse", "http://tempuri.org/");
            respDcs.BodyParts = response.BodyParts;
            GetNestedDataResponse resp;
            resp = ((GetNestedDataResponse)(respDcs.ReadObject(response.Reader)));
            response.Reader = null;

            return resp;