public override async Task <GetInviteResponse> GetInvite(GetInviteRequest request, ServerCallContext context)
            var playerId = AuthHeaders.ExtractPlayerId(context);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.InviteId))
                throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.InvalidArgument, "Expected non-empty invite id"));

            using (var memClient = _memoryStoreClientManager.GetClient())
                var invite = await memClient.GetAsync <InviteDataModel>(request.InviteId) ??
                             throw new EntryNotFoundException(request.InviteId,
                                                              "No such invite with the given id found");

                if (!invite.PlayerInvolved(playerId))
                    throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.PermissionDenied,
                                                      "The player is not involved in this invite"));

                return(new GetInviteResponse {
                    Invite = ConvertToProto(invite)
        public void ReturnEntryNotFoundWhenInviteDoesNotExist()
            // Setup the client such that it will claim there is no such invite with the given id.
            _mockMemoryStoreClient.Setup(client => client.GetAsync <InviteDataModel>(_storedInvite.Id))

            // Verify that the request has finished without any errors being thrown.
            var context = Util.CreateFakeCallContext(SenderPlayerId, "");
            var request = new GetInviteRequest {
                InviteId = _storedInvite.Id

            Assert.ThrowsAsync <EntryNotFoundException>(() => _inviteService.GetInvite(request, context));
        public void ReturnPermissionsDeniedWhenThePlayerIsNotInvolvedInTheInvite()
            // Setup the client such that it will claim the user making this request is not involved in the invite.
            _mockMemoryStoreClient.Setup(client => client.GetAsync <InviteDataModel>(_storedInvite.Id))

            // Check that player involvement is enforced by GetInvite.
            var context = Util.CreateFakeCallContext("SomeoneElse", "");
            var request = new GetInviteRequest {
                InviteId = _storedInvite.Id
            var exception = Assert.ThrowsAsync <RpcException>(() => _inviteService.GetInvite(request, context));

            Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.PermissionDenied, exception.StatusCode);
        public void ReturnInviteWhenFound()
            // Setup the client such that it will claim there is an associated invite with the given id.
            _mockMemoryStoreClient.Setup(client => client.GetAsync <InviteDataModel>(_storedInvite.Id))

            // Verify that the expected invite was returned as a response.
            var context = Util.CreateFakeCallContext(SenderPlayerId, "");
            var request = new GetInviteRequest {
                InviteId = _storedInvite.Id
            var invite = _inviteService.GetInvite(request, context).Result.Invite;

            InviteComparator.AssertEquivalent(_storedInvite, invite);
Example #5
        public void AllowTheReceiverToAcceptTheInvite()
            // Create a party.
            var senderPit = CreatePlayerIdentityTokenForPlayer(LeaderPlayerId);

            _partyClient.CreateParty(new CreatePartyRequest(), new Metadata {
                { PitRequestHeaderName, senderPit }

            // Send invites to other players.
            var createInviteRequest = new CreateInviteRequest {
                ReceiverPlayerId = PlayerId1
            var inviteId = _inviteClient
                           .CreateInvite(createInviteRequest, new Metadata {
                { PitRequestHeaderName, senderPit }


            // Receiver accepts the invite.
            var receiverPit      = CreatePlayerIdentityTokenForPlayer(PlayerId1);
            var getInviteRequest = new GetInviteRequest {
                InviteId = inviteId
            var invite = _inviteClient.GetInvite(getInviteRequest, new Metadata {
                { PitRequestHeaderName, receiverPit }

            invite.CurrentStatus = Invite.Types.Status.Accepted;
            var updatedInvite = _inviteClient.UpdateInvite(new UpdateInviteRequest {
                UpdatedInvite = invite
                                                           new Metadata {
                { PitRequestHeaderName, receiverPit }

            Assert.AreEqual(Invite.Types.Status.Accepted, updatedInvite.CurrentStatus);

            // Verify this change has propagated to the sender as well.
            var senderPlayerInvites = _inviteClient.ListAllInvites(new ListAllInvitesRequest(),
                                                                   new Metadata {
                { PitRequestHeaderName, senderPit }

            Assert.AreEqual(1, senderPlayerInvites.OutboundInvites.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(updatedInvite, senderPlayerInvites.OutboundInvites[0]);

            // Clean up.
            _inviteClient.DeleteInvite(new DeleteInviteRequest {
                InviteId = inviteId
                                       new Metadata {
                { PitRequestHeaderName, receiverPit }
            _partyClient.DeleteParty(new DeletePartyRequest(), new Metadata {
                { PitRequestHeaderName, senderPit }