internal void GetFileFromRemoteServer(FtpClient ftpClient, String localDirectory, DFtpFile file, String remoteDirectory = "/")
            DFtpFile remoteSelection = file;

            DFtpAction action = new GetFileFromRemoteServerAction(ftpClient, localDirectory, remoteDirectory, remoteSelection);

            DFtpResult result = action.Run();

        public DFtpResult Go()
            // Create the action
            // Initialize it with the info we've collected
            DFtpAction action = new GetFileFromRemoteServerAction(Client.ftpClient, Client.localDirectory, Client.remoteDirectory, Client.remoteSelection);

            // Carry out the action and get the result
            DFtpResult result = action.Run();

            // Give some feedback if successful
            if (result.Type == DFtpResultType.Ok)
                IOHelper.Message("The file '" + Client.remoteSelection.GetName() + "' downloaded successfully.");
            // Return the result after running.