/// <summary> /// Ctor. /// </summary> public ResultsControl(ZenControl owner, ITextProvider tprov, LookupThroughLinkDelegate lookupThroughLink, GetEntryDelegate getEntry) : base(owner) { this.tprov = tprov; this.lookupThroughLink = lookupThroughLink; this.getEntry = getEntry; sbar = new ZenScrollBar(this, onTimerForScrollBar); RemoveChild(sbar); // Instead of setting visible to false }
public BundleEntry GetEntry(int index) { if (InvokeRequired) { GetEntryDelegate del = GetEntry; return((BundleEntry)Invoke(del, index)); } else { return(CurrentArchive.Entries[index]); } }
/// <summary> /// Ctor: takes data to display. /// </summary> /// <param name="owner">Zen control that owns me.</param> /// <param name="tprov">Localized display text provider.</param> /// <param name="lookupThroughLink">Delegate to call when user initiates lookup by clicking on a link.</param> /// <param name="getEntry">Delegate to call when an entry must be retrieved (for "copy" context menu).</param> /// <param name="entryProvider">Dictionary entry provider.</param> /// <param name="cr">The lookup result this control will show.</param> /// <param name="maxHeadLength">Longest headword in full results list.</param> /// <param name="script">Scripts to show in headword.</param> /// <param name="odd">Odd/even position in list, for alternating BG color.</param> public OneResultControl(ZenControlBase owner, float scale, ITextProvider tprov, LookupThroughLinkDelegate lookupThroughLink, ParentPaintDelegate parentPaint, GetEntryDelegate getEntry, ICedictEntryProvider entryProvider, CedictResult cr, SearchScript script, bool last) : base(owner) { this.scale = scale; this.tprov = tprov; this.lookupThroughLink = lookupThroughLink; this.parentPaint = parentPaint; this.getEntry = getEntry; this.entry = entryProvider.GetEntry(cr.EntryId); this.res = cr; this.analyzedScript = script; this.last = last; padLeft = (int)(5.0F * scale); padTop = (int)(4.0F * scale); padBottom = (int)(8.0F * scale); padMid = (int)(20.0F * scale); padRight = (int)(10.0F * scale); }