// Gets the budget opportunities which have not expired for the specified account.

        private async Task <IList <CampaignBudgetLandscape> > GetBudgetLandscapeAsync(long accountId, long campaignId)
            var request = new GetBudgetLandscapeRequest
                AccountId  = accountId,
                CampaignId = campaignId

            return((await OptimizerService.CallAsync((s, r) => s.GetBudgetLandscapeAsync(r), request)).CampaignBudgetLandscapes);
        // Gets the budget opportunities which have not expired for the specified account.

        private async Task<IList<CampaignBudgetLandscape>> GetBudgetLandscapeAsync(long accountId, long campaignId)
            var request = new GetBudgetLandscapeRequest
                AccountId = accountId,
                CampaignId = campaignId

            return (await OptimizerService.CallAsync((s, r) => s.GetBudgetLandscapeAsync(r), request)).CampaignBudgetLandscapes;