Example #1
        public object Get(GetBondLogs request) {
            // Retrieve the block parameters
            (BlockParameter fromBlock, BlockParameter toBlock) = AppServices.getBlockParameterConfiguration(request.FromBlock, request.ToBlock, 
                (request.Hash.IsEmpty() == true) && (request.Owner.IsEmpty() == true) && (request.Info.IsEmpty() == true));

            // Create the filter variables for selecting only the requested log entries
            object[] ft1 = (request.Hash.IsEmpty() == true ? null : new object[]{ request.Hash.HexToByteArray() });
            object[] ft2 = (request.Owner.IsEmpty() == true ? null : new object[]{ request.Owner });
            object[] ft3 = (request.Info.IsEmpty() == true ? null : new object[1]);

            // Adjust the filterinpu for ft3 if a value has been provided
            if (request.Info.IsEmpty() == false) {
                if (request.Info.HasHexPrefix() == true)
                    ft3[0] = request.Info.HexToByteArray();
                else if (uint.TryParse(request.Info, out uint val) == true)
                    ft3[0] = val.ToString("X64").EnsureHexPrefix().HexToByteArray();
                else ft3[0] = AppModelConfig.convertToHex64(request.Info).HexToByteArray();

            // Retrieve the contract info
            var contract = AppServices.web3.Eth.GetContract(AppModelConfig.BOND.abi, AppServices.GetEcosystemAdr(request.ContractAdr).BondContractAdr);
            // Create the filter input to extract the requested log entries
            var filterInput = contract.GetEvent("LogBond").CreateFilterInput(filterTopic1: ft1, filterTopic2: ft2, filterTopic3: ft3, fromBlock: fromBlock, toBlock: toBlock);
            // Extract all the logs as specified by the filter input
            var res = AppServices.web3.Eth.Filters.GetLogs.SendRequestAsync(filterInput).Result;

            // Create the return instance
            var logs = new BondLogs() { EventLogs = new List<BondEventLog>() };

            // Interate through all the returned logs and add them to the logs list
            for (int i=res.Length - 1; i>=0; i--) {
                var log = new BondEventLog();
                log.BlockNumber = Convert.ToUInt64(res[i].BlockNumber.HexValue, 16);
                log.Hash = res[i].Topics[1].ToString();        
                log.Owner = AppModelConfig.getAdrFromString32(res[i].Topics[2].ToString());
                log.Timestamp = Convert.ToUInt64(res[i].Data.Substring(2 + 0 * 64, 64), 16);
                log.State = (BondState)Convert.ToInt32(res[i].Data.Substring(2 + 1 * 64,64), 16);
                if (AppModelConfig.isEmptyHash(log.Hash))
                    log.Info = AppModelConfig.FromHexString(res[i].Topics[3].ToString());
                else if ((log.State == BondState.SecuredReferenceBond) || (log.State == BondState.LockedReferenceBond))
                    log.Info = res[i].Topics[3].ToString().EnsureHexPrefix();
                else log.Info = Convert.ToInt64(res[i].Topics[3].ToString(), 16).ToString();

            // Return the list of bond logs
            return logs;
Example #2
 public object Get(GetBondLogs request)
     // Return the requested log file entries
     return(new BondLogs()
         Logs = new LogParser <BondLog>().parseLogs(
             (request.Hash.IsEmpty() == true ? null : new object[] { request.Hash.HexToByteArray() }),
             (request.Owner.IsEmpty() == true ? null : new object[] { request.Owner }),
             (request.Info.IsEmpty() == true ? null : new object[1]),
             (request.Hash.IsEmpty() == true) && (request.Owner.IsEmpty() == true) && (request.Info.IsEmpty() == true)