Example #1
        public static List <NestPath> polygonOffset(NestPath polygon, double offset)
            List <NestPath> result = new List <NestPath>();

            if (offset == 0 || GeometryUtil.almostEqual(offset, 0))
                 * return EmptyResult
            Path p = new Path();

            foreach (Segment s in polygon.getSegments())
                ClipperCoor cc = toClipperCoor(s.getX(), s.getY());
                p.Add(new IntPoint(cc.getX(), cc.getY()));

            int           miterLimit = 2;
            ClipperOffset co         = new ClipperOffset(miterLimit, Config.CURVE_TOLERANCE * Config.CLIIPER_SCALE);

            co.AddPath(p, JoinType.jtRound, EndType.etClosedPolygon);

            Paths newpaths = new Paths();

            co.Execute(ref newpaths, offset * Config.CLIIPER_SCALE);

             * 这里的length是1的话就是我们想要的
            for (int i = 0; i < newpaths.Count; i++)

            if (offset > 0)
                NestPath from = result[0];
                if (GeometryUtil.polygonArea(from) > 0)
                from.add(from.get(0)); from.getSegments().RemoveAt(0);

        private void QueryTask_ExecuteCompleted(object sender, QueryEventArgs args)
            if (_originPoint == null)

            double searchDistance = (double)args.UserState;
            double x = _originPoint.X;
            double y = _originPoint.Y;

            Int32 id = 0;

            if (args.FeatureSet.Features.Count > 0)
                foreach (Graphic feature in args.FeatureSet.Features)
                    // test type of feature, and test it's end points.

                    if (feature.Geometry is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon)
                        ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon featurePolygon = feature.Geometry as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon;
                        foreach (ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection pointCollection in featurePolygon.Rings)
                            AddLineSegmentToCache(pointCollection, x, y, searchDistance, ref id);
                    else if (feature.Geometry is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polyline)
                        ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polyline featurePolyline = feature.Geometry as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polyline;
                        foreach (ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection pointCollection in featurePolyline.Paths)
                            AddLineSegmentToCache(pointCollection, x, y, searchDistance, ref id);
                    else if (feature.Geometry is ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.MapPoint)
                        ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.MapPoint featurePoint = feature.Geometry as ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.MapPoint;
                        double distance = GeometryUtil.LineLength(x, y, featurePoint);
                        if (distance < searchDistance)
                            _snapObjects[id++] = feature.Geometry;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Async: Number of objects cached: " + args.FeatureSet.Features.Count.ToString());

            CalculateAndAddLineGraphics(); // We need to redraw, so we get the right snap marker
Example #3
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="particles"></param>
        public void Calculate(IReadOnlyList<IBody> particles)
            // implementation ref https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kmcrane/Projects/DDG/paper.pdf (p.64)

                out Vec3d g0, out Vec3d g1, out Vec3d g2);

            _h0.Delta = -g0;
            _h1.Delta = -g1;
            _h2.Delta = -g2;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="items">Partitioning items</param>
        /// <param name="maxDepth">Maximum depth</param>
        public PickingQuadTree(IEnumerable <T> items, int maxDepth)
            var bbox = GeometryUtil.CreateBoundingBox(items);

            this.BoundingBox = bbox;

            this.Root = PickingQuadTreeNode <T> .CreatePartitions(
                this, null,
                bbox, items,

Example #5
    public void RemovePoint()
        if (vertices2D.Count <= 4)
            Debug.LogWarning("To small points count");

        int indxMinDist = GeometryUtil.FindClosest(vertices2D, MapCreatorLoader.Pointer2d);

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the "Body" IfcRepresentation for a beam if it is representable by an extrusion, possibly with clippings and openings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The exporterIFC class.</param>
        /// <param name="element">The beam element.T</param>
        /// <param name="catId">The category id.</param>
        /// <param name="geomObjects">The list of solids and meshes representing the beam's geometry.
        /// <param name="axisInfo">The beam axis information.</param>
        /// <returns>The BeamBodyAsExtrusionInfo class which contains the created handle (if any) and other information, or null.</returns>
        private static BeamBodyAsExtrusionInfo CreateBeamGeometryAsExtrusion(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, Element element, ElementId catId,
                                                                             IList <GeometryObject> geomObjects, BeamAxisInfo axisInfo)
            // If we have a beam with a Linear location line that only has one solid geometry,
            // we will try to use the ExtrusionAnalyzer to generate an extrusion with 0 or more clippings.
            // This code is currently limited in that it will not process beams with openings, so we
            // use other methods below if this one fails.
            if (geomObjects == null || geomObjects.Count != 1 || (!(geomObjects[0] is Solid)) || axisInfo == null || !(axisInfo.Axis is Line))

            Solid solid = geomObjects[0] as Solid;

            BeamBodyAsExtrusionInfo info = new BeamBodyAsExtrusionInfo();

            info.DontExport = false;
            info.Materials  = new HashSet <ElementId>();
            info.Slope      = 0.0;

            Transform orientTrf = axisInfo.LCSAsTransform;

            bool  completelyClipped;
            XYZ   beamDirection      = orientTrf.BasisX;
            Plane beamExtrusionPlane = new Plane(orientTrf.BasisY, orientTrf.BasisZ, orientTrf.Origin);

            info.RepresentationHandle = ExtrusionExporter.CreateExtrusionWithClipping(exporterIFC, element,
                                                                                      catId, solid, beamExtrusionPlane, beamDirection, null, out completelyClipped);
            if (completelyClipped)
                info.DontExport = true;

            if (!IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(info.RepresentationHandle))
                // This is used by the BeamSlopeCalculator.  This should probably be generated automatically by
                // CreateExtrusionWithClipping.
                IFCExtrusionBasis bestAxis = (Math.Abs(beamDirection[0]) > Math.Abs(beamDirection[1])) ?
                                             IFCExtrusionBasis.BasisX : IFCExtrusionBasis.BasisY;
                info.Slope = GeometryUtil.GetSimpleExtrusionSlope(beamDirection, bestAxis);
                ElementId materialId = BodyExporter.GetBestMaterialIdFromGeometryOrParameter(solid, exporterIFC, element);
                if (materialId != ElementId.InvalidElementId)

        /// <summary>
        /// Create the handle corresponding to the "Axis" IfcRepresentation for a structural member objects, if possible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The ExporterIFC class.</param>
        /// <param name="element">The structural member element.</param>
        /// <param name="catId">The structural member category id.</param>
        /// <param name="axisInfo">The optional structural member axis information.</param>
        /// <param name="offsetTransform">The optional offset transform applied to the "Body" representation.</param>
        /// <returns>The handle, or null if not created.</returns>
        public static IFCAnyHandle CreateStructuralMemberAxis(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, Element element, ElementId catId, StructuralMemberAxisInfo axisInfo, Transform newTransformLCS)
            if (axisInfo == null)

            // This Axis should have been transformed into its ECS position previously (in GetStructuralMemberAxisTransform())
            Curve     curve  = axisInfo.Axis;
            Transform offset = Transform.Identity;

            if (newTransformLCS != null)
                // We need to flip the Left-handed transform to the right-hand one as IFC only support right-handed coordinate system
                if (newTransformLCS.Determinant < 0)
                    XYZ orig = newTransformLCS.Origin;
                    newTransformLCS.Origin = XYZ.Zero;
                    offset        = FlipYTrf().Multiply(newTransformLCS);
                    offset.Origin = orig;
                    offset = newTransformLCS;

            // Calculate the transformation matrix to tranform the original Axis Curve at its ECS into the new ECS assigned in the offset
            curve = curve.CreateTransformed(offset.Inverse.Multiply(axisInfo.LCSAsTransform));

            IDictionary <IFCFuzzyXYZ, IFCAnyHandle> cachePoints = new Dictionary <IFCFuzzyXYZ, IFCAnyHandle>();
            IFCAnyHandle         ifcCurveHnd = GeometryUtil.CreateIFCCurveFromRevitCurve(exporterIFC.GetFile(), exporterIFC, curve, true, cachePoints);
            IList <IFCAnyHandle> axis_items  = new List <IFCAnyHandle>();

            if (!(IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsNullOrHasNoValue(ifcCurveHnd)))

            if (axis_items.Count > 0)
                string       identifierOpt         = "Axis";    // This is by IFC2x2+ convention.
                string       representationTypeOpt = "Curve3D"; // This is by IFC2x2+ convention.
                IFCAnyHandle axisRep = RepresentationUtil.CreateShapeRepresentation(exporterIFC, element, catId, exporterIFC.Get3DContextHandle(identifierOpt),
                                                                                    identifierOpt, representationTypeOpt, axis_items);

Example #8
    /// <summary>
    /// 获取凸出部分的圆所有坐标
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="CenterVector"></param>
    /// <param name="edgeEnum"></param>
    ///  <param name="bulgeEnum"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private List <Vector3> getCircleVertices(Vector3 centerVector, float bulgeR, JigsawStyleNormalEdgeEnum edgeEnum, JigsawBulgeEnum bulgeEnum)
        if (edgeEnum == JigsawStyleNormalEdgeEnum.Left)
            if (bulgeEnum == JigsawBulgeEnum.Bulge)
                return(GeometryUtil.getCircleVertices(centerVector, bulgeR, m_JigsawTriangleNumber, true, CircleStartVectorEnum.Below));
            else if (bulgeEnum == JigsawBulgeEnum.Sunken)
                return(GeometryUtil.getCircleVertices(centerVector, bulgeR, m_JigsawTriangleNumber, false, CircleStartVectorEnum.Below));
        else if (edgeEnum == JigsawStyleNormalEdgeEnum.Above)
            if (bulgeEnum == JigsawBulgeEnum.Bulge)
                return(GeometryUtil.getCircleVertices(centerVector, bulgeR, m_JigsawTriangleNumber, true, CircleStartVectorEnum.Left));
            else if (bulgeEnum == JigsawBulgeEnum.Sunken)
                return(GeometryUtil.getCircleVertices(centerVector, bulgeR, m_JigsawTriangleNumber, false, CircleStartVectorEnum.Left));
        else if (edgeEnum == JigsawStyleNormalEdgeEnum.Right)
            if (bulgeEnum == JigsawBulgeEnum.Bulge)
                return(GeometryUtil.getCircleVertices(centerVector, bulgeR, m_JigsawTriangleNumber, true, CircleStartVectorEnum.Above));
            else if (bulgeEnum == JigsawBulgeEnum.Sunken)
                return(GeometryUtil.getCircleVertices(centerVector, bulgeR, m_JigsawTriangleNumber, false, CircleStartVectorEnum.Above));
        else if (edgeEnum == JigsawStyleNormalEdgeEnum.Below)
            if (bulgeEnum == JigsawBulgeEnum.Bulge)
                return(GeometryUtil.getCircleVertices(centerVector, bulgeR, m_JigsawTriangleNumber, true, CircleStartVectorEnum.Right));
            else if (bulgeEnum == JigsawBulgeEnum.Sunken)
                return(GeometryUtil.getCircleVertices(centerVector, bulgeR, m_JigsawTriangleNumber, false, CircleStartVectorEnum.Right));

        return(new List <Vector3>());
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the planar deviation of this face
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="V"></typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="E"></typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="F"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="face"></param>
        /// <param name="getPosition"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double GetPlanarity <V, E, F>(this IHeFace <V, E, F> face, Func <V, Vec3d> getPosition)
            where V : IHeVertex <V, E, F>
            where E : IHalfedge <V, E, F>
            where F : IHeFace <V, E, F>
            var he0 = face.First;
            var he1 = he0;

            var p0 = getPosition(he1.Start);

            he1 = he1.NextInFace;

            var p1 = getPosition(he1.Start);

            he1 = he1.NextInFace;

            var p2 = getPosition(he1.Start);

            he1 = he1.NextInFace;

            // tri case
            if (ReferenceEquals(he1, he0))

            var p3 = getPosition(he1.Start);

            he1 = he1.NextInFace;

            // quad case
            if (ReferenceEquals(he1, he0))
                return(GeometryUtil.GetQuadPlanarity(p0, p1, p2, p3));

            // general case
            double sum   = 0.0;
            int    count = 0;

            foreach (var he in he1.CirculateFace)
                sum += GeometryUtil.GetQuadPlanarity(p0, p1, p2, p3);
                p0   = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = p3;
                p3   = getPosition(he.Start);

            return(sum / count);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the pharmacophore matching.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="atomContainer">The target molecule. Must have 3D coordinates</param>
        /// <param name="initializeTarget">If <see langword="true"/>, the target molecule specified in the
        ///                         first argument will be analyzed to identify matching pharmacophore groups. If <see langword="false"/>
        ///                         this is not performed. The latter case is only useful when dealing with conformers
        ///                         since for a given molecule, all conformers will have the same pharmacophore groups
        ///                         and only the constraints will change from one conformer to another.</param>
        /// <returns><see langword="true"/> is the target molecule contains the query pharmacophore</returns>
        /// <exception cref="CDKException">
        ///          if the query pharmacophore was not set or the query is invalid or if the molecule
        ///          does not have 3D coordinates</exception>
        public bool Matches(IAtomContainer atomContainer, bool initializeTarget)
            if (!GeometryUtil.Has3DCoordinates(atomContainer))
                throw new CDKException("Molecule must have 3D coordinates");
            if (pharmacophoreQuery == null)
                throw new CDKException("Must set the query pharmacophore before matching");
            if (!CheckQuery(pharmacophoreQuery))
                throw new CDKException("A problem in the query. Make sure all pharmacophore groups of the same symbol have the same same SMARTS");
            var title = atomContainer.Title;

            if (initializeTarget)
                pharmacophoreMolecule = GetPharmacophoreMolecule(atomContainer);
                // even though the atoms comprising the pcore groups are
                // constant, their coords will differ, so we need to make
                // sure we get the latest set of effective coordinates
                foreach (var iAtom in pharmacophoreMolecule.Atoms)
                    var patom   = PharmacophoreAtom.Get(iAtom);
                    var tmpList = new List <int>();
                    foreach (var idx in patom.GetMatchingAtoms())
                    var coords = GetEffectiveCoordinates(atomContainer, tmpList);
                    patom.Point3D = coords;

            if (pharmacophoreMolecule.Atoms.Count < pharmacophoreQuery.Atoms.Count)
                Debug.WriteLine($"Target [{title}] did not match the query SMARTS. Skipping constraints");

            mappings = Pattern.FindSubstructure(pharmacophoreQuery).MatchAll(pharmacophoreMolecule);

            // XXX: doing one search then discarding
    private void decomposeAnim()
        if (mListObj == null)
        int listCount = mListObj.Count;

        float radius = 0;

        if (mGameStartControl == null)

        if (mGameStartControl.picAllWith > mGameStartControl.picAllHigh)
            radius = mGameStartControl.picAllHigh;
            radius = mGameStartControl.picAllWith;

        List <Vector3> listCircleVec = GeometryUtil.getCircleVertices(startPosition, radius * 1.9f, listCount, true, CircleStartVectorEnum.Left);

        for (int i = 0; i < listCount; i++)
            GameObject itemObj = mListObj[i];
            Transform  itemTF  = itemObj.transform;

            JigsawContainerCpt containerCpt = itemTF.GetComponent <JigsawContainerCpt>();
            if (containerCpt == null)
            containerCpt.setSortingOrder(listCount - i);

            Tweener tweener = itemTF
                              .DOMove(listCircleVec[i], moveTime)
            if (i.Equals(listCount - 1))
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates net volume.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">
        /// The ExporterIFC object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="extrusionCreationData">
        /// The IFCExtrusionCreationData.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="element">
        /// The element to calculate the value.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="elementType">
        /// The element type.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if the operation succeed, false otherwise.
        /// </returns>
        public override bool Calculate(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, IFCExtrusionCreationData extrusionCreationData, Element element, ElementType elementType)
            double                vol      = 0;
            GeometryElement       geomElem = element.get_Geometry(GeometryUtil.GetIFCExportGeometryOptions());
            SolidMeshGeometryInfo geomInfo = GeometryUtil.GetSolidMeshGeometry(geomElem, Transform.Identity);

            if (geomInfo.SolidsCount() > 0)
                for (int ii = 0; ii < geomInfo.SolidsCount(); ++ii)
                    vol += geomInfo.GetSolids()[ii].Volume;

            if (geomInfo.MeshesCount() > 0)
                for (int jj = 0; jj < geomInfo.MeshesCount(); ++jj)
                    Mesh geomMesh      = geomInfo.GetMeshes()[jj];
                    XYZ  arbitraryOrig = geomMesh.Vertices[0];
                    for (int i = 0; i < geomMesh.NumTriangles; ++i)
                        MeshTriangle meshTri = geomMesh.get_Triangle(i);
                        XYZ          v1      = meshTri.get_Vertex(0) - arbitraryOrig;
                        XYZ          v2      = meshTri.get_Vertex(1) - arbitraryOrig;
                        XYZ          v3      = meshTri.get_Vertex(2) - arbitraryOrig;
                        vol += v1.DotProduct(v2.CrossProduct(v3)) / 6.0f;

            m_Volume = UnitUtil.ScaleVolume(vol);
            if (m_Volume < MathUtil.Eps() * MathUtil.Eps() || m_Volume < MathUtil.Eps())
                ParameterUtil.GetDoubleValueFromElementOrSymbol(element, "IfcQtyNetVolume", out m_Volume);
                if (m_Volume < MathUtil.Eps())
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates net surface area.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exporterIFC">The ExporterIFC object.</param>
        /// <param name="extrusionCreationData">The IFCExtrusionCreationData.</param>
        /// <param name="element">The element to calculate the value.</param>
        /// <param name="elementType">The element type.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the operation succeeded, false otherwise.</returns>
        public override bool Calculate(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, IFCExtrusionCreationData extrusionCreationData, Element element, ElementType elementType, EntryMap entryMap)
            double areaEps = MathUtil.Eps() * MathUtil.Eps();

            if ((ParameterUtil.GetDoubleValueFromElementOrSymbol(element, entryMap.RevitParameterName, out m_Area) != null) ||
                (ParameterUtil.GetDoubleValueFromElementOrSymbol(element, entryMap.CompatibleRevitParameterName, out m_Area) != null) ||
                (ParameterUtil.GetDoubleValueFromElementOrSymbol(element, "IfcQtyNetSurfaceArea", out m_Area) != null))
                m_Area = UnitUtil.ScaleArea(m_Area);
                if (m_Area > areaEps)

            double areaSum = 0;
            SolidMeshGeometryInfo geomInfo = GeometryUtil.GetSolidMeshGeometry(element);

            if (geomInfo.SolidsCount() > 0)
                for (int ii = 0; ii < geomInfo.SolidsCount(); ++ii)
                    foreach (Face f in geomInfo.GetSolids()[ii].Faces)
                        areaSum += f.Area;

            if (geomInfo.MeshesCount() > 0)
                for (int jj = 0; jj < geomInfo.MeshesCount(); ++jj)
                    Mesh geomMesh      = geomInfo.GetMeshes()[jj];
                    XYZ  arbitraryOrig = geomMesh.Vertices[0];
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < geomMesh.NumTriangles; ++ii)
                        MeshTriangle meshTri = geomMesh.get_Triangle(ii);
                        double       a       = meshTri.get_Vertex(1).DistanceTo(meshTri.get_Vertex(0));
                        double       b       = meshTri.get_Vertex(2).DistanceTo(meshTri.get_Vertex(1));
                        double       c       = meshTri.get_Vertex(0).DistanceTo(meshTri.get_Vertex(2));
                        areaSum += (a + b + c) / 2.0;

            m_Area = UnitUtil.ScaleArea(areaSum);
            return(m_Area > areaEps);
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds parent handle from opening CurveLoop and parent CurveLoops.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elementHandles">The parent handles.</param>
        /// <param name="curveLoops">The parent CurveLoops.</param>
        /// <param name="openingLoop">The opening CurveLoop.</param>
        /// <returns>The parent handle.</returns>
        private static IFCAnyHandle FindParentHandle(IList<IFCAnyHandle> elementHandles, IList<CurveLoop> curveLoops, CurveLoop openingLoop)
            // first one is roof handle, others are slabs
             if (elementHandles.Count != curveLoops.Count + 1)
            return null;

             for (int ii = 0; ii < curveLoops.Count; ii++)
            if (GeometryUtil.CurveLoopsInside(openingLoop, curveLoops[ii]) || GeometryUtil.CurveLoopsIntersect(openingLoop, curveLoops[ii]))
               return elementHandles[ii + 1];
             return elementHandles[0];
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the triangle list
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable <Triangle> GetTriangles()
            if (getTrianglesFnc != null)
                var tris = getTrianglesFnc();

                BoundingBox = GeometryUtil.CreateBoundingBox(tris);

                return(tris ?? new Triangle[] { });
                return(new Triangle[] { });
Example #16
        public void TestGetClosestAtomIAtomContainerIAtom()
            var atom1 = builder.NewAtom("C");

            atom1.Point2D = new Vector2(-1, -1);
            var atom2 = builder.NewAtom("C");

            atom2.Point2D = new Vector2(1, 0);
            var acont = builder.NewAtomContainer();

            Assert.AreEqual(atom2, GeometryUtil.GetClosestAtom(acont, atom1));
            Assert.AreEqual(atom1, GeometryUtil.GetClosestAtom(acont, atom2));
Example #17
        public void TestGetLength2DIBondHashMap()
            var atom1 = builder.NewAtom("C");

            atom1.Point2D = new Vector2(-1, -1);
            var atom2 = builder.NewAtom("C");

            atom2.Point2D = new Vector2(1, 0);
            var bond = builder.NewBond(atom1, atom2);
            var ac   = builder.NewAtomContainer();

            Assert.AreEqual(GeometryUtil.GetLength2D(bond), 2.23, 0.01);
Example #18
    public void Quadratic()
        GeometryUtil.QuadraticRoots(1, 0, 0).AssertSequenceApproximates(0);
        GeometryUtil.QuadraticRoots(0, 1, 0).AssertSequenceApproximates(0);
        GeometryUtil.QuadraticRoots(0, 0, 1).AssertSequenceApproximates();

        GeometryUtil.QuadraticRoots(1, 1, 0).AssertSequenceApproximates(-1, 0);
        GeometryUtil.QuadraticRoots(0, 1, 1).AssertSequenceApproximates(-1);
        GeometryUtil.QuadraticRoots(1, 0, 1).AssertSequenceApproximates();

        GeometryUtil.QuadraticRoots(1, 0, -1).AssertSequenceApproximates(-1, 1);
        GeometryUtil.QuadraticRoots(1, 2, 1).AssertSequenceApproximates(-1);

        GeometryUtil.QuadraticRoots(0, 0, 0).Any().AssertIsTrue();
        /// <summary>
        /// 凸頂点か?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected bool IsConvex(LinkedListNode <int> node)
            // 凸頂点/反射頂点チェック
            int prevIndex = (node.Previous == null) ? indices.Last.Value : node.Previous.Value; // 一つ前の頂点
            int nextIndex = (node.Next == null) ? indices.First.Value : node.Next.Value;        // 次の頂点
            int nowIndex  = node.Value;

            Vector3 prevVertex = vertices[prevIndex];
            Vector3 nextVertex = vertices[nextIndex];
            Vector3 nowVertex  = vertices[nowIndex];

            // 内角が180度以内か?
            return(GeomUtil.IsAngleLessPI(nowVertex, prevVertex, nextVertex));
        /// <summary>
        /// 面積の計算
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public float CalcArea()
            float area = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                int     next = (i + 1) % vertices.Length;
                Vector3 v1   = vertices[i];
                Vector3 v2   = vertices[next];

                area += GeomUtil.Cross2D(v1, v2);

            return(area * 0.5f);
Example #21
        public void OverlapYTest()
            var r1 = new Rectangle(100, 200, 300, 400);

            for (var x = r1.Left - 200; x < r1.Right + 200; x++)
                for (var y = r1.Top - 200; y < r1.Bottom + 200; y++)
                    var r2 = new Rectangle(x, y, 10, 10);

                    var actual   = GeometryUtil.OverlapY(r1, r2);
                    var expected = ((r2.Bottom > r1.Top) && (r2.Top < r1.Bottom));
                    Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Example #22
    public void RemoveNode()

        Vector2 p2d = MapCreatorLoader.Pointer2d;
        int     id  = GeometryUtil.FindClosest(nodes, p2d);

        if (id < 0)

        PathNode removingNode = nodes[id];

Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Splits any solid volumes which consist of multiple closed bodies into individual solids (and updates the storage accordingly).
        /// </summary>
        public void SplitSolidsList()
            IList <SolidInfo> splitSolidsList = new List <SolidInfo>();

            foreach (SolidInfo solidInfo in m_SolidInfoList)
                Element       element     = solidInfo.OwnerElement;
                IList <Solid> splitSolids = GeometryUtil.SplitVolumes(solidInfo.Solid);
                foreach (Solid splitSolid in splitSolids)
                    splitSolidsList.Add(new SolidInfo(splitSolid, element));

            m_SolidInfoList = splitSolidsList;
Example #24
        public void TestGet2DCenterArrayIAtom()
            var container = builder.NewAtomContainer();
            var atom1     = builder.NewAtom("C");

            atom1.Point2D = new Vector2(1, 1);
            var atom2 = builder.NewAtom("C");

            atom2.Point2D = new Vector2(1, 0);
            var p = GeometryUtil.Get2DCenter(container.Atoms);

            Assert.AreEqual(p.X, 1.0, .1);
            Assert.AreEqual(p.Y, 0.5, .1);
Example #25
        public void OutsideDirectionTest()
            var rect = new Rectangle(100, 200, 300, 400);

            for (var x = rect.Left - 200; x < rect.Right + 200; x++)
                for (var y = rect.Top - 200; y < rect.Bottom + 200; y++)
                    var p        = new Point(x, y);
                    var expected = GeometryUtil.Sign(GeometryUtil.OutsideDistance(rect, p));
                    var actual   = GeometryUtil.OutsideDirection(rect, p);

                    Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, $"{x}, {y}");
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the planar deviation of this face
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="V"></typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="E"></typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="F"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="face"></param>
        /// <param name="getPosition"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double GetPlanarity <V, E, F>(this IHeFace <V, E, F> face, Func <V, Vec3d> getPosition)
            where V : IHeVertex <V, E, F>
            where E : IHalfedge <V, E, F>
            where F : IHeFace <V, E, F>
            var he0 = face.First;
            var he1 = he0;

            var p0 = getPosition(he1.Start);

            he1 = he1.NextInFace;

            var p1 = getPosition(he1.Start);

            he1 = he1.NextInFace;

            var p2 = getPosition(he1.Start);

            he1 = he1.NextInFace;

            // tri case
            if (ReferenceEquals(he1, he0))

            // quad case
            if (ReferenceEquals(he1.NextInFace, he0))
                return(GeometryUtil.LineLineShortestVector(p0, p2, p1, getPosition(he1.Start)).Length);

            // general case
            var    he2 = he1;
            double max = 0.0;

                var p3 = getPosition(he2.Start);
                max = Math.Max(GeometryUtil.LineLineShortestVector(p0, p2, p1, p3).Length, max);

                he2 = he2.NextInFace;
                p0  = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = p3;
            } while (!ReferenceEquals(he2, he1));

Example #27
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public IRenderingElement Generate(IAtomContainer container, RendererModel model)
            ElementGroup group = new ElementGroup();

            // TODO : put into RendererModel
            const double ScreenRadius = 2.0;
            Color        RadicalColor = WPF.Media.Colors.Black;

            // XXX : is this the best option?
            double AtomRadius = model.GetAtomRadius() / model.GetScale();

            double modelRadius            = ScreenRadius / model.GetScale();
            double modelSpacing           = modelRadius * 2.5;
            var    singleElectronsPerAtom = new Dictionary <IAtom, int>();

            foreach (var electron in container.SingleElectrons)
                IAtom atom = electron.Atom;
                if (!singleElectronsPerAtom.ContainsKey(atom))
                    singleElectronsPerAtom[atom] = 0;
                Vector2 point  = atom.Point2D.Value;
                int     align  = GeometryUtil.GetBestAlignmentForLabelXY(container, atom);
                var     center = ToPoint(point);
                if (align == 1)
                    center.X += AtomRadius * 4 + singleElectronsPerAtom[atom] * modelSpacing;
                else if (align == -1)
                    center.X -= AtomRadius * 4 + singleElectronsPerAtom[atom] * modelSpacing;
                else if (align == 2)
                    center.Y += AtomRadius * 4 + singleElectronsPerAtom[atom] * modelSpacing;
                else if (align == -2)
                    center.Y -= AtomRadius * 4 + singleElectronsPerAtom[atom] * modelSpacing;
                singleElectronsPerAtom[atom] = singleElectronsPerAtom[atom] + 1;
                group.Add(new OvalElement(center, modelRadius, true, RadicalColor));
Example #28
        private void RepositionWindowToNode()
            if (ToolWindow == null || SelectedNodeId == 0)

            Vector3 nodePos = Singleton <NetManager>

            // Cast to screen and center the window on node
            GeometryUtil.WorldToScreenPoint(nodePos, out Vector3 screenPixelPos);
            Vector2 guiPosition = UIScaler.ScreenPointToGuiPoint(screenPixelPos);

            ToolWindow.absolutePosition =
                guiPosition - new Vector2(ToolWindow.size.x * 0.5f, ToolWindow.size.y * 0.5f);
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the normal as the sum of triangle area gradients
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Vec3d ComputeNormal(IReadOnlyList <IBody> bodies)
            var p = bodies[_handle].Position;

            var sum = new Vec3d();
            var n   = _neighbors.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                int j  = (i + 1) % n;
                var p0 = bodies[_neighbors[i]].Position;
                var p1 = bodies[_neighbors[j]].Position;
                sum += GeometryUtil.GetTriAreaGradient(p, p0, p1);

Example #30
        public static NFP cleanPolygon2(NFP polygon)
            var p = svgToClipper(polygon);
            // remove self-intersections and find the biggest polygon that's left
            var simple = ClipperLib.Clipper.SimplifyPolygon(p.ToList(), ClipperLib.PolyFillType.pftNonZero);

            if (simple == null || simple.Count == 0)

            var biggest     = simple[0];
            var biggestarea = Math.Abs(ClipperLib.Clipper.Area(biggest));

            for (var i = 1; i < simple.Count; i++)
                var area = Math.Abs(ClipperLib.Clipper.Area(simple[i]));
                if (area > biggestarea)
                    biggest     = simple[i];
                    biggestarea = area;

            // clean up singularities, coincident points and edges
            var clean = ClipperLib.Clipper.CleanPolygon(biggest, 0.01 *
                                                        Config.curveTolerance * Config.clipperScale);

            if (clean == null || clean.Count == 0)
            var cleaned = clipperToSvg(clean);

            // remove duplicate endpoints
            var start = cleaned[0];
            var end   = cleaned[cleaned.length - 1];

            if (start == end || (GeometryUtil._almostEqual(start.x, end.x) &&
                                 GeometryUtil._almostEqual(start.y, end.y)))
                cleaned.Points = cleaned.Points.Take(cleaned.Points.Count() - 1).ToArray();
