Example #1
        internal override void ShowResult()

            // Now show the bearings too. Don't bother if we've
            // only got 1 point, since that may involve more than
            // one circle (also true when we have 2 points, but in
            // that case, we use the first circle arbitrarily).

            if (Point1 != null && Point2 != null)
                // It's conceivable that the two points share more than
                // one common circle. For now, just pick off the first
                // common circle and use that.
                Circle circle = FirstCommonCircle;
                if (circle == null)

                // Get the bearing from the center to both points
                double bear1 = Geom.BearingInRadians(Point1, circle.Center);
                double bear2 = Geom.BearingInRadians(Point2, circle.Center);

                bearing1TextBox.Text = RadianValue.AsString(bear1);
                bearing2TextBox.Text = RadianValue.AsString(bear2);
                bearing1TextBox.Text = bearing2TextBox.Text = "<no bearing>";
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the offset for the parallel, in units on the mapping plane. In order
        /// for this to work, a prior call to Calculate must be made.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The offset distance on the mapping plane (>= 0).</returns>
        internal double GetPlanarOffset()
            // If the reference line or the parallel points are undefined, there's nothing we can do.
            if (m_Line == null || m_Par1 == null || m_Par2 == null)

            // If the reference line is a curve, get the curve info.
            ArcFeature arc = m_Line.GetArcBase();

            if (arc != null)
                // Get the (planar) radial offset from the circle to one of the parallel positions.
                double    radius = arc.Circle.Radius;
                IPosition center = arc.Circle.Center;
                return(Math.Abs(Geom.Distance(center, m_Par1) - radius));

            // Get the ends of the reference line.
            IPosition spos = m_Line.StartPoint;
            IPosition epos = m_Line.EndPoint;

            // And its bearing.
            double bearing = Geom.BearingInRadians(spos, epos);

            // Get the perpendicular distance (signed) from one of the
            // parallel points to the reference line.
            double offdist = Geom.SignedDistance(spos.X, spos.Y, bearing, m_Par1.X, m_Par1.Y);

        internal override void ShowResult()

            // Now show the bearing too.
            if (Point1 != null && Point2 != null)
                double bearing = Geom.BearingInRadians(Point1, Point2);
                bearingTextBox.Text = RadianValue.AsString(bearing);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates positions that are parallel to a line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">The reference line.</param>
        /// <param name="offpoint">The point the parallel must pass through.</param>
        /// <param name="sres">The position of the start of the parallel.</param>
        /// <param name="eres">The position of the end of the parallel.</param>
        /// <returns>True if positions calculated ok</returns>
        internal static bool Calculate(LineFeature refline, PointFeature offpoint, out IPosition sres, out IPosition eres)
            // No result positions so far.
            sres = eres = null;

            // Get the ends of the reference line.
            IPosition spos = refline.StartPoint;
            IPosition epos = refline.EndPoint;

            // If the reference line is a circular arc
            ArcFeature arc = refline.GetArcBase();

            if (arc != null)
                // Get the curve info
                Circle    circle = arc.Circle;
                double    radius = circle.Radius;
                IPosition centre = circle.Center;
                bool      iscw   = arc.IsClockwise;

                // Get the (planar) distance from the centre of the
                // circle to the offset point.
                double offdist = Geom.Distance(offpoint, centre);

                // Project the BC/EC radially.
                double sbear = Geom.BearingInRadians(centre, spos);
                sres = Geom.Polar(centre, sbear, offdist);

                double ebear = Geom.BearingInRadians(centre, epos);
                eres = Geom.Polar(centre, ebear, offdist);
                double bearing = Geom.BearingInRadians(spos, epos);

                // Get the perpendicular distance (signed) from the offset point
                // to the reference line.
                double offdist = Geom.SignedDistance(spos.X, spos.Y, bearing, offpoint.X, offpoint.Y);

                // Calculate the parallel points.
                bearing += Constants.PIDIV2;
                sres     = Geom.Polar(spos, bearing, offdist);
                eres     = Geom.Polar(epos, bearing, offdist);

Example #5
        internal void Draw() // was Paint
            // Nothing to do if parallel points undefined.
            if (m_South == null || m_North == null)

            Debug.Assert(m_Line != null);
            ISpatialDisplay draw        = m_Cmd.ActiveDisplay;
            IDrawStyle      solidStyle  = EditingController.Current.Style(Color.Magenta);
            IDrawStyle      dottedStyle = new DottedStyle();

            ArcFeature arc = m_Line.GetArcBase();

            if (arc != null)
                // The parallel portion is solid, while the remaining portion of the circle is dotted.
                CircularArcGeometry cg = new CircularArcGeometry(arc.Circle.Center, m_South, m_North, arc.IsClockwise);
                solidStyle.Render(draw, cg);
                cg.IsClockwise = !cg.IsClockwise;
                dottedStyle.Render(draw, cg);
                // What's the bearing from the start to the end of the parallel?
                double bearing = Geom.BearingInRadians(m_South, m_North);

                // What's the max length of a diagonal crossing the entire screen?
                double maxdiag = m_Cmd.MaxDiagonal;

                // Project to a point below the southern end of the parallel, as
                // well as a point above the northern end.
                IPosition below = Geom.Polar(m_South, bearing + Constants.PI, maxdiag);
                IPosition above = Geom.Polar(m_North, bearing, maxdiag);

                LineSegmentGeometry.Render(below, m_South, draw, dottedStyle);
                LineSegmentGeometry.Render(m_South, m_North, draw, solidStyle);
                LineSegmentGeometry.Render(m_North, above, draw, dottedStyle);

                // If we have an offset point, draw it in green.
                if (m_Point != null)
                    m_Point.Draw(draw, Color.Green);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the intersection of the parallel with a line. A prior call to Calculate is required.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">The line to intersect with.</param>
        /// <param name="isEndParallel">Is the intersection biased towards the end of the parallel?</param>
        /// <returns>The intersection (if any). In cases where the line intersects the parallel
        /// more than once, you get an arbitrary intersection.</returns>
        internal IPosition GetIntersect(LineFeature line, bool isEndParallel)
            // Make sure the intersection is undefined.
            IPosition result = null;

            // Return if the parallel points are undefined.
            if (m_Par1 == null || m_Par2 == null)

            // If the reference line is a circular arc, get the curve info.
            ArcFeature arc = m_Line.GetArcBase();

            if (arc != null)
                Circle         circle = arc.Circle;
                double         radius = circle.Radius;
                IPointGeometry centre = circle.Center;
                bool           iscw   = arc.IsClockwise;

                // Construct a circle that passes through
                // the parallel points (assumed to have the same distance
                // with respect to the centre of the circle).
                double parrad = Geom.Distance(centre, m_Par1);

                // Intersect the circle with the line to intersect with.
                IntersectionResult xres = new IntersectionResult(line);
                uint nx = xres.Intersect(centre, parrad);
                if (nx == 0)

                // If there is only one intersection, that's what we want.
                if (nx == 1)

                // Get the intersection that is closest to the parallel point
                // that has the bias.
                if (isEndParallel)
                    xres.GetClosest(m_Par2, out result, 0.0);
                    xres.GetClosest(m_Par1, out result, 0.0);
                // Get the bearing from the start to the end of the parallel.
                double bearing = Geom.BearingInRadians(m_Par1, m_Par2);

                // Get the ground dimension of a line that crosses the
                // extent of the draw window.
                double dist = MaxDiagonal;

                // Project the parallel line to positions that are well
                // beyond the draw extent.
                IPosition start = Geom.Polar(m_Par1, bearing + Constants.PI, dist);
                IPosition end   = Geom.Polar(m_Par2, bearing, dist);

                // Intersect the line segment with the line to intersect with.
                IntersectionResult xres = new IntersectionResult(line);
                IPointGeometry     sg   = PointGeometry.Create(start);
                IPointGeometry     eg   = PointGeometry.Create(end);
                uint nx = xres.Intersect(sg, eg);
                if (nx == 0)

                // If there is only one intersection, that's what we want.
                if (nx == 1)

                // Get the intersection that is closest to the parallel point
                // that has the bias.
                if (isEndParallel)
                    xres.GetClosest(m_Par2, out result, 0.0);
                    xres.GetClosest(m_Par1, out result, 0.0);

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates positions that are parallel to a line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line">The reference line.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset to the parallel, in ground units. Signed to denote
        /// which side (less than zero means it's to the left of the reference line).</param>
        /// <param name="sres">The position of the start of the parallel.</param>
        /// <param name="eres">The position of the end of the parallel.</param>
        /// <returns>True if positions calculated ok</returns>
        static bool Calculate(LineFeature line, Distance offset, out IPosition sres, out IPosition eres)
            // No result positions so far.
            sres = eres = null;

            // Get the ends of the reference line.
            IPosition spos = line.StartPoint;
            IPosition epos = line.EndPoint;

            ISpatialSystem sys = CadastralMapModel.Current.SpatialSystem;

            // If the reference line is a circular arc, get the curve info.
            ArcFeature arc = line.GetArcBase();

            if (arc != null)
                Circle    circle = arc.Circle;
                double    radius = circle.Radius;
                IPosition centre = circle.Center;
                bool      iscw   = arc.IsClockwise;

                // Get the midpoint of the curve. The reduction of the
                // ground distance will be along the line that goes
                // from the centre of the circle & through this position.

                ILength   len     = line.Length;
                ILength   halfLen = new Length(len.Meters * 0.5);
                IPosition middle;
                line.LineGeometry.GetPosition(halfLen, out middle);

                // Get the bearing from the centre to the mid-position
                // and use that to reduce the offset to the mapping plane.
                double bearing = Geom.BearingInRadians(centre, middle);
                double offdist = offset.GetPlanarMetric(middle, bearing, sys);

                // No parallel if the offset exceeds the radius.
                // if ( offdist > radius ) return FALSE;

                // Calculate the parallel points.
                double sbear = Geom.BearingInRadians(centre, spos);
                sres = Geom.Polar(centre, sbear, offdist + radius);

                double ebear = Geom.BearingInRadians(centre, epos);
                eres = Geom.Polar(centre, ebear, offdist + radius);
                // Get the bearing.of the line.
                double bearing = Geom.BearingInRadians(spos, epos);

                // Get the planar distance for a perpendicular line that passes
                // through the midpoint of the reference line. The planar distance
                // will have the same sign as the ground value.

                IPosition middle = Position.CreateMidpoint(spos, epos);
                bearing += Constants.PIDIV2;
                double offdist = offset.GetPlanarMetric(middle, bearing, sys);

                // Calculate the parallel points.
                sres = Geom.Polar(spos, bearing, offdist);
                eres = Geom.Polar(epos, bearing, offdist);

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the current state of the edit
        /// </summary>
        internal void Draw()
            Debug.Assert(m_Line != null);
            ISpatialDisplay view = ActiveDisplay;

            // Figure out the positions for the ends of the parallel line (if any) ...

            // Assume we already know both terminals.
            IPosition start = m_Term1;
            IPosition end   = m_Term2;

            // If either one is undefined, but a dialog for it is active,
            // try to get the terminal from there instead.
            if (m_TermDial1 != null && start == null)
                start = m_TermDial1.TerminalPosition;

            if (m_TermDial2 != null && end == null)
                end = m_TermDial2.TerminalPosition;

            // If they weren't actually defined, use the parallel points instead.
            if (start == null)
                start = m_Par1;

            if (end == null)
                end = m_Par2;

            // If those weren't defined either, try to calculate them now.
            if (end == null && Calculate())
                start = m_Par1;
                end   = m_Par2;

            // Any offset point
            if (m_OffsetPoint != null)
                m_OffsetPoint.Draw(view, Color.Green);

            // Everything else should draw in usual command-style colour.
            IDrawStyle style       = EditingController.Current.Style(Color.Magenta);
            IDrawStyle dottedStyle = new DottedStyle();

            // If the reference line is a curve, get the curve info.
            ArcFeature arc = m_Line.GetArcBase();

            if (arc != null)
                bool iscw = arc.IsClockwise;

                // Reverse the direction if necessary.
                if (m_IsReversed)
                    iscw = !iscw;

                // Draw the parallel line (the rest of the circle being dotted).
                if (start != null)
                    CircularArcGeometry parArc = new CircularArcGeometry(arc.Circle, start, end, iscw);
                    style.Render(view, parArc);

                    parArc.IsClockwise = !parArc.IsClockwise;
                    dottedStyle.Render(view, parArc);
                // PARALLEL IS STRAIGHT

                // If we've got something, figure out positions for dotted portion.
                if (start != null)
                    // What's the max length of a diagonal crossing the entire screen?
                    double maxdiag = this.MaxDiagonal;

                    // What's the bearing from the start to the end of the parallel?
                    double bearing = Geom.BearingInRadians(start, end);

                    // Project to a point before the start end of the parallel, as
                    // well as a point after the end.
                    IPosition before = Geom.Polar(start, bearing + Constants.PI, maxdiag);
                    IPosition after  = Geom.Polar(end, bearing, maxdiag);

                    LineSegmentGeometry.Render(before, start, view, dottedStyle);
                    LineSegmentGeometry.Render(start, end, view, style);
                    LineSegmentGeometry.Render(end, after, view, dottedStyle);

            // Draw terminal positions (if defined).

            if (m_Term1 != null)
                style.Render(view, m_Term1);

            if (m_Term2 != null)
                style.Render(view, m_Term2);

            // The terminal lines.

            if (m_TermLine1 != null)
                m_TermLine1.Render(view, style);

            if (m_TermLine2 != null)
                m_TermLine2.Render(view, style);

            // Do the active dialog last so their stuff draws on top.
            if (m_ParDial != null)

            if (m_TermDial1 != null)

            if (m_TermDial2 != null)
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the intersection of the parallel with a line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="refline">The reference line.</param>
        /// <param name="parpos">Search position that coincides with the parallel.</param>
        /// <param name="line">The line to intersect with.</param>
        /// <returns>The intersection (if any). In cases where the line intersects the
        /// parallel more than once, you get the intersection that is closest to the
        /// search position.</returns>
        internal static IPosition GetIntersect(LineFeature refline, IPosition parpos, LineFeature line)
            // Make sure the intersection is undefined.
            IPosition result = null;

            // Return if the parallel point is undefined.
            if (parpos == null)

            // If the reference line is a circular arc (or a section based on an arc), get the curve info.
            ArcFeature arc = refline.GetArcBase();

            if (arc != null)
                Circle         circle = arc.Circle;
                double         radius = circle.Radius;
                IPointGeometry centre = circle.Center;
                bool           iscw   = arc.IsClockwise;

                // Construct a circle that passes through the search position
                double parrad = Geom.Distance(centre, parpos);

                // Intersect the circle with the line to intersect with.
                IntersectionResult xres = new IntersectionResult(line);
                uint nx = xres.Intersect(centre, parrad);
                if (nx == 0)

                // If there is only one intersection, that's what we want.
                if (nx == 1)

                // Get the intersection that is closest to the search position.
                xres.GetClosest(parpos, out result, 0.0);
                // Get the bearing from the start to the end of the reference line.
                IPosition spos    = refline.StartPoint;
                IPosition epos    = refline.EndPoint;
                double    bearing = Geom.BearingInRadians(spos, epos);

                // Project the parallel line to positions that are a long way away (but make sure we
                // don't end up with negative numbers).
                Window searchWindow = new Window(line.Extent);
                double dist = Geom.Distance(searchWindow.Min, searchWindow.Max);

                IPosition start = Geom.Polar(parpos, bearing + Constants.PI, dist);
                IPosition end   = Geom.Polar(parpos, bearing, dist);

                // Intersect the line segment with the line to intersect with.
                IntersectionResult xres = new IntersectionResult(line);
                IPointGeometry     sg   = new PointGeometry(start);
                IPointGeometry     eg   = new PointGeometry(end);
                uint nx = xres.Intersect(sg, eg);
                if (nx == 0)

                // If there is only one intersection, that's what we want.
                if (nx == 1)

                // Get the intersection that is closest to the search position
                xres.GetClosest(parpos, out result, 0.0);
