public IEnumerator Geolocate(string url, string qs) { WWW geocode = new WWW(url + qs + "&maxResults=1&key=" + key); yield return(geocode); GeocodedObject locationJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GeocodedObject>(geocode.text); if (locationJson.statusDescription == "OK") { centerCoord = locationJson.resourceSets[0].resources[0].point.coordinates; } else { Debug.Log("Something went wrong: no location retrieved from geolocation"); } }
IEnumerator _Refresh() { string key = "Aqb8ECpcSTeT8RxLKH-r7SiS5NI7JK2hVF5FZFKap30lls9Nc7fQWH_-OKjYButM"; int size = 512; GetComponent <Terrain> ().terrainData.size = new Vector3(25, 10, 25); GetComponent <Terrain> ().terrainData.heightmapResolution = size; List <double> centerCoord = new List <double>(2); string url = ""; string qs = ""; qs += (centerLocation.locality != "") ? "locality=" + centerLocation.locality : ""; qs += (centerLocation.adminDistrict != "") ? "&adminDistrict=" + centerLocation.adminDistrict : ""; qs += (centerLocation.addressLine != "") ? "&addressLine=" + centerLocation.addressLine : ""; qs += (centerLocation.ISOCountryRegion != "") ? "&countryRegion=" + centerLocation.ISOCountryRegion : ""; if (qs != "") { WWW geocode = new WWW(url + qs + "&maxResults=1&key=" + key); yield return(geocode); GeocodedObject locationJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GeocodedObject>(geocode.text); if (locationJson.statusDescription == "OK") { centerCoord = locationJson.resourceSets[0].resources[0].point.coordinates; } else { Debug.Log("Something went wrong: no location retrieved from geolocation"); } } else { if (centerLocation.latitude != 0 && centerLocation.longitude != 0) { centerCoord[0] = centerLocation.latitude; centerCoord[1] = centerLocation.longitude; } else { Debug.Log("Something went wrong: no valid coordinates found"); } } //set up the request url = ""; qs = ""; qs += imSet + "/"; qs += centerCoord[0] + "," + centerCoord[1] + "/"; qs += centerLocation.zoom + "?"; qs += "mapSize=" + size + "," + size; qs += "&key=" + key; string qs2 = qs; qs += "&mapMetadata=0"; //for having the image qs2 += "&mapMetadata=1"; //for map metadata WWW reqImage = new WWW(url + qs); if (heights == true) { if (allowLoad && GameControl.control.LoadCurrent() && GameControl.control.currentCenter[0] == centerCoord[0] && GameControl.control.currentCenter[1] == centerCoord[1] && GameControl.control.currentZoom == centerLocation.zoom) { Debug.Log("heightmap loaded"); //GetComponent<Terrain> ().terrainData.SetHeights(0,0, GameControl.control.currentHeightmap); ApplyBingHeightmapToChunks(GameControl.control.currentHeightmap, 9); } else { WWW reqMeta = new WWW(url + qs2); yield return(reqMeta); StartCoroutine(ApplyBingHeightmapV2(reqMeta, key)); } } yield return(reqImage); //need this to add the texture to the terrain so it looks like a map List <SplatPrototype> splatList = new List <SplatPrototype>(); SplatPrototype newSplat = new SplatPrototype(); newSplat.texture = reqImage.texture; //satellite: req, heightmap: req2 (use req normally) float width = GetComponent <Terrain> ().terrainData.size.x; newSplat.tileSize = new Vector2(width, width); newSplat.tileOffset =; splatList.Add(newSplat); GetComponent <Terrain> ().terrainData.splatPrototypes = splatList.ToArray(); }