protected override GeneticAlgorithm GetGA(SolverParameters parameters)
            var adamChromosome = new GeniusSquareChromosome();

            var population =
                new Population(parameters.Population, parameters.Population, adamChromosome);

            return(new GeneticAlgorithm(
                       new EliteSelection(),
                       new UniformCrossover(),
                       new IntMutation()));
Example #2
        private (GeniusSquareFitness, GeniusSquareChromosome) GetCorrectSolution()
            // From random seed 85
            int[] blockers = new[] { 0, 4, 5, 6, 16, 20, 29 };

            var fitness = new GeniusSquareFitness(blockers);

            var chromosome = new GeniusSquareChromosome();

            // X 2 0 0 X X
            // X 2 0 0 6 6
            // 2 2 7 7 X 6
            // 5 3 X 8 2 2
            // 5 3 3 2 2 X
            // 5 3 1 1 1 1

            // Note: Last two shapes are placed automatically so do not form
            // part of the solution
            var genes =
                0, 144, 0,                    // 0 = Square
                Horizontal, 240, 300,         // 1 = Line4
                Orientation_2_Of_4, 270, 216, // 2 = S_Shape
                Orientation_1_Of_4, 72, 270,  // 3 = T_Shape
                Orientation_8_Of_8, 0, 0,     // 4 = LongL
                Vertical, 0, 270,             // 5 = Line3
                Orientation_2_Of_4, 288, 72,  // 6 = ShortL
                // Horizontal, 144, 120 // 7 = Line2
                // 8 = Unit block
            .Select(x => new Gene(x)).ToArray();

            chromosome.ReplaceGenes(0, genes);

            return(fitness, chromosome);