static GenericTracker <List <Token> > getstublessftable(GenericTracker <List <Token> > function2functoks)
            var tmp        = function2functoks.ToArray();
            var stubtokens = new GenericTracker <List <Token> >(tmp.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i++)
                stubtokens.addindex(function2functoks.getlabel(i), function2functoks[i]);
            // now process every function stub
            for (int i = 0; i < function2functoks.Count; i++)
                // always pass in the stubs
                var stubless = getstublessfunction(i, stubtokens);
                // update the primary list with the stubless result
                function2functoks[i] = stubless;
Example #2
        public static bool PlayHistoricalTicks(Response r, GenericTracker<string> symbols, DateTime start, DateTime endexclusive, int expecteddays, DebugDelegate deb)
            bool skipexpected = expecteddays == 0;
            // prepare to track actual days for each symbol
            GenericTracker<int> actualdays = new GenericTracker<int>();
            foreach (string sym in symbols)
                actualdays.addindex(sym, 0);
            // prepare to track all tickfiles
            Dictionary<string, List<string>> files = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
            // get all required tickfiles for each symbol on each date
            DateTime now = new DateTime(start.Ticks);
            int tfc = 0;
            while (now < endexclusive)
                // get the tick files
                List<string> allfiles = TikUtil.GetFilesFromDate(Util.TLTickDir, Util.ToTLDate(now));
                // go through them all and see if we find expected number
                foreach (string fn in allfiles)
                    // get security
                    SecurityImpl sec = SecurityImpl.FromTIK(fn);
                    // see if we want this symbol
                    int idx = symbols.getindex(sec.HistSource.RealSymbol);
                    if (idx < 0)
                        idx = symbols.getindex(sec.Symbol);
                    // skip if we don't
                    if (idx < 0)
                    string sym = symbols.getlabel(idx);
                    // if we have it, count actual day
                    // save file and symbol
                    if (!files.ContainsKey(sym))
                        files.Add(sym, new List<string>());
                    // count files
                // add one day
                now = now.AddDays(1);
            // notify
            if (deb != null)
                deb("found " + tfc + " tick files matching dates: " + Util.ToTLDate(start) + "->" + Util.ToTLDate(endexclusive) + " for: " + string.Join(",", symbols.ToArray()));
            // playback when actual meets expected
            bool allok = true;
            foreach (string sym in symbols)
                if (skipexpected || (actualdays[sym] >= expecteddays))
                    // get tick files
                    string[] tf = files[sym].ToArray();
                    // notify
                    if (deb != null)
                        deb(sym + " playing back " + tf.Length + " tick files.");
                    // playback
                    HistSim h = new SingleSimImpl(tf);
                    h.GotTick += new TickDelegate(r.GotTick);
                    // notify
                    if (deb != null)
                        deb(sym + " completed playback. ");
                    allok = false;

            return allok;
