Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify if all controllers are registered if not register the controller.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plat"></param>
        private bool RegisterControllers()
            // Registering controllers..
            GenericControllerPlatform plat = (GenericControllerPlatform)(coreSettings.CurrentPlatform);

            if (plat != null)
                GameObject[] controls;
                controls = plat.GetControllerObject();
                if (registeredControllers.Count != controls.Length)
                    for (int i = 0; i < controls.Length; i++)
                        if (RegisterControllerGameObject(controls[i]))
                if (registeredControllers.Count != controls.Length)
                Debug.Log("Not a controller platform.");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the attach point on the specified controller.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isRight">True if the controller is on the right hand.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GameObject GetControllerAttachPosition(bool isRight)
            // Registering controllers..
            GenericControllerPlatform platform = (GenericControllerPlatform)(coreSettings.CurrentPlatform);

            if (platform != null)
                Debug.LogError("This platform doesn't support controllers.");
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This happens when the user realeases the button.
        /// </summary>
        public void Teleport()
            #region Initialization Stuff maybe shouldn't be here

            if (platform == null)
                platform = (GenericControllerPlatform)coreSettings.CurrentPlatform;

            // If the user has decided to teleport (ie lets go of touchpad) then remove all visual indicators
            // related to selecting things and actually teleport
            // If the user has decided to cancel (ie squeezes grip button) then remove visual indicators and do nothing
            if (Pointer.PointOnNavMesh)
                // Begin teleport sequence
                teleporting        = true;
                teleportTimeMarker = Time.time;
                // Starts the fade!

            // Reset active controller, disable pointer, disable visual indicators
            activeController = null;
            Pointer.enabled  = false;
            if (navmeshAnimator != null)
                navmeshAnimator.SetBool(enabledAnimatorID, false);

            Pointer.transform.parent     = null;
            Pointer.transform.position   = Vector3.zero;
            Pointer.transform.rotation   = Quaternion.identity;
            Pointer.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;

            /* Activate laser */
            Debug.Log("Teleport Requesting Laser: ON");
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        ///  Register the buttons on the platform and on this feature serializeble registries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userSelectedButtons">The name of the selected buttons.</param>
        /// <param name="userSelectedActions">The actions of each button.</param>
        /// <param name="userSelectionIsRight">If each button is on the right hand side.</param>
        /// <param name="overrideInteraction">If each button should override interaction.</param>
        public void RegisterActionButtons(Button.ButtonName[] userSelectedButtons, Button.ButtonActions[] userSelectedActions,
                                          bool[] userSelectionIsRight, bool[]  overrideInteraction)
            // For the case of the Arc teleport we must, add a fixed HoldDown for the same button.

            // Adding an extra button to be used as a HoldDown
            Button.ButtonName[] buttonName = new Button.ButtonName[userSelectedButtons.Length * 2];
            int j = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < userSelectedButtons.Length; i++)
                buttonName[j]     = userSelectedButtons[i];
                buttonName[j + 1] = userSelectedButtons[i];
                j += 2;

            // Making the extra button have the holddown action.
            Button.ButtonActions[] buttonActions = new Button.ButtonActions[userSelectedActions.Length * 2];
            j = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < userSelectedActions.Length; i++)
                buttonActions[j]     = userSelectedActions[i];
                buttonActions[j + 1] = Button.ButtonActions.HoldDown;
                j += 2;

            bool[] position = new bool[userSelectionIsRight.Length * 2];
            j = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < userSelectionIsRight.Length; i++)
                position[j]     = userSelectionIsRight[i];
                position[j + 1] = userSelectionIsRight[i];
                j += 2;

            // Retrieve the Actions(methods) from the ArcTeleportManager.
            Action teleportMethod = GetTeleportMethod();
            Action holdingMethod  = GetHoldingButtonAction();

            // Attempt to register them on the current selected platform.

            // Retrieve the platform.
            GenericControllerPlatform platform;

            if (coreSettings.CurrentPlatform.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(GenericControllerPlatform)))
                platform = (GenericControllerPlatform)coreSettings.CurrentPlatform;
                Debug.LogError("Platform doesn't support controllers. ArcTeleport require controls to work.");

            //  Foreach button register it on the platform.
            for (int i = 0; i < buttonName.Length; i++)
                // Register feature method. Register the teleport method to PushUp events and the selection method to HoldDown events.
                if (buttonActions[i] == Button.ButtonActions.HoldDown)
                    /* Registering the method (On the Platform Controller). */
                    platform.GetPlatformControls().AddButton(buttonName[i], buttonActions[i], position[i], holdingMethod, false, GetFeatureType());

                    // Saving a reference to the button on the settings to be serialized.
                    SaveButtonChoice(buttonName[i], buttonActions[i], false, position[i]);
                else if (buttonActions[i] == Button.ButtonActions.PressUp)
                    /* Registering the method (On the Platform Controller). */
                    platform.GetPlatformControls().AddButton(buttonName[i], buttonActions[i], position[i], teleportMethod, false, GetFeatureType());

                    // Saving a reference to the button on the settings to be serialized.
                    SaveButtonChoice(buttonName[i], buttonActions[i], false, position[i]);
                    Debug.LogError("Something is of Arc Teleport is not set to either HoldDown or PressUp");
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This happens while the user is holding down the teleport button.
        /// </summary>
        public void WhileHoldingButtonDown()
            Debug.Log("Chosing where to teleport!");
            Controller            newController;
            List <ButtonRegistry> regs = TeleportSettings.ButtonsSelected;

            // Figuring which controller just pressed the button.
            for (int i = 0; i < regs.Count; i++)
                // If true, we found which controller to get (the one that owns TeleportButtons[i] button).
                if (ControllerManager.Instance.CheckButtonInteracting(regs[i].Name, Button.ButtonActions.HoldDown, regs[i].IsRightControllerButton))
                    if (regs[i].IsRightControllerButton)
                        newController = ControllerManager.Instance.GetRightController().GetComponent <Controller>();
                        newController = ControllerManager.Instance.GetLeftController().GetComponent <Controller>();

                    lastActiveController = activeController == newController ? lastActiveController : activeController;
                    activeController     = newController;

            // Set active controller to this controller, and enable the parabolic pointer and visual indicators
            // that the user can use to determine where they are able to teleport.
            Pointer.transform.parent        = activeController.transform;
            Pointer.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            Pointer.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            Pointer.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;
            Pointer.enabled = true;

            if (navmeshAnimator != null)
                navmeshAnimator.SetBool(enabledAnimatorID, true);

            lastClickAngle = Pointer.CurrentParabolaAngle;

            if (platform == null)
                platform = (GenericControllerPlatform)coreSettings.CurrentPlatform;

            if (headTransform == null)
                headTransform = platform.GetHeadTransform();

            // The user is still deciding where to teleport and has the touchpad held down.
            // Note: rendering of the parabolic pointer / marker is done in ParabolicPointer
            Vector3 offset = headTransform.position - centerOfPlayArea.position;

            offset.y = 0;

            // Haptic feedback click every [HaptickClickAngleStep] degrees
            float angleClickDiff = Pointer.CurrentParabolaAngle - lastClickAngle;

            if (platform.UseHapticPulse())
                if (Mathf.Abs(angleClickDiff) > TeleportSettings.HapticClickAngleStep)
                    lastClickAngle = Pointer.CurrentParabolaAngle;
                    platform.TriggerHapticPulse(.5f, activeController);

            /* Deactivate Laser */