Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ButtonBar"/> class. 
 /// </summary>
 public ButtonBar()
     TabStop = true;
     Padding = new Padding(3, 3, 3, 3);
     SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
     SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
     SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
     SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
     SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, true);
     SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
     BackColor = Color.Transparent;
     items = new GenericCollection<BarItem>();
     items.Inserted += OnItemsInserted;
     items.Removed += OnItemsRemoved;
     items.Changed += OnItemsChanged;
     items.Inserting += OnItemsInserting;
     items.Changing += OnItemsChanging;
     items.Removing += OnItemsRemoving;
     items.Clearing += OnItemsClearing;
     toolTip = new ToolTip();
     appearance = new Appearance();
     appearance.AppearanceChanged += OnAppearanceChanged;
     currentAppearance = new Appearance();
     themeProperty = new ThemeProperty();
     themeProperty.ThemeChanged += OnAppearanceChanged;
     showScroll = false;
     useMnemonic = true;
     showBorders = true;
     Height = 200;
 public WizardControl()
     SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
     SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
     SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
     SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
     finishButtonText = "Finish";
     nextButtonText = "Next >";
     wizardStepCollection = new GenericCollection<WizardStep>(this);
     wizardStepCollection.Inserted += wizardStepCollection_Inserted;
     wizardStepCollection.Cleared += wizardStepCollection_Cleared;
     wizardStepCollection.Removed += wizardStepCollection_Removed;
Example #3
    private void databind()
            GenericCollection <PurchaseOrderLineBE> POLineCollection = Session["POLineCollection"] == null ? null : Session["POLineCollection"] as GenericCollection <PurchaseOrderLineBE>;
            if (POLineCollection != null)
                adsource                  = new PagedDataSource();
                adsource.DataSource       = POLineCollection;
                adsource.PageSize         = 10;
                ViewState["PageCount"]    = (POLineCollection.Count % 10) == 0 ? (POLineCollection.Count / 10) : (POLineCollection.Count / 10) + 1;
                adsource.AllowPaging      = true;
                adsource.CurrentPageIndex = pos;
                btnfirst.Enabled          = !adsource.IsFirstPage;
                btnprevious.Enabled       = !adsource.IsFirstPage;
                btnlast.Enabled           = !adsource.IsLastPage;
                btnnext.Enabled           = !adsource.IsLastPage;

                gvPurchaseOrderLine.DataSource = adsource;
                divPaginationPoLine.Visible = true;
                gvPurchaseOrderLine.Visible = true;
                gvPurchaseOrderLine.DataSource = null;
                divPaginationPoLine.Visible = false;
                gvPurchaseOrderLine.Visible = false;
        catch (Exception Ex)
            lblSearchError.Text    = Ex.Message;
            lblSearchError.Visible = true;
Example #4
            public static GenericCollection GetDict(Type type)
                GenericCollection dict;

                if (Cache.TryGetValue(type, out dict))
                lock (Cache)
                    if (Cache.TryGetValue(type, out dict))
                    dict      = new GenericCollection();
                    dict.Init = Literacy.CreateNewObject(type);
                    if (type.IsGenericType)
                        var ga = type.GetGenericArguments();
                        if (ga.Length > 1)
                            dict.KeyType     = type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                            dict.ElementType = type.GetGenericArguments()[1];
                            dict.ElementType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(dict.ElementType) ?? dict.ElementType;
                            dict.ElementType = typeof(object);
                        dict.ElementType = typeof(object);
                    Cache.Add(type, dict);
    protected void gvTransformations_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.CommandName == "ViewFiles")
                ImageButton lb          = (ImageButton)e.CommandSource;
                GridViewRow gvr         = (GridViewRow)lb.NamingContainer;
                GridView    gridview    = gvr.NamingContainer as GridView;
                int         index       = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
                GridViewRow selectedRow = gridview.Rows[index - (gridview.PageIndex * gridview.PageSize)];

                Label lblSNo = (Label)selectedRow.FindControl("lblSNo");
                GenericCollection <TransformationBE> listOfBE = (GenericCollection <TransformationBE>)Session[v841List];
                TransformationBE Headerobj = new TransformationBE();

                foreach (TransformationBE obj in listOfBE)
                    if (obj.SNo.ToString() == lblSNo.Text)
                        Headerobj = obj;

                TransactionBC    objBC        = new TransactionBC();
                TransformationBE objArchiveBE = objBC.Load841Files(Headerobj.ControlNumber, Headerobj.DUNS, Headerobj.TxnDate);
                Headerobj.ArchiveFile    = objArchiveBE.ArchiveFile;
                Headerobj.AckArchiveFile = objArchiveBE.AckArchiveFile;

                Session["ArchiveFiles"] = Headerobj;
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "ShowNewPage();", true);
        catch (Exception ex)
        public GenericCollection <PurchaseOrderBE> ModifyExtranetPODetails(string POList, string Type)
            string BAMEnvironment = HttpContext.Current.Session["Environment"] != null ? HttpContext.Current.Session["Environment"].ToString() : "UAT";

            string extranetconnection1 = BAMEnvironment == "UAT" ? ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["UATExtranetBAMConn"].ToString() : ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ProdExtranetBAMConn1"].ToString();

            SqlConnection extranetconnection = new SqlConnection(extranetconnection1);
            GenericCollection <PurchaseOrderBE> PurchaseOrderList = new GenericCollection <PurchaseOrderBE>();

                SqlParameter[] sqlparams = new SqlParameter[2];
                sqlparams[0] = new SqlParameter("@TxnID", POList);
                sqlparams[1] = new SqlParameter("@type", Type);
                DataSet ds = null;
                ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(extranetconnection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "usp_get_IndividualPODetails", sqlparams);
                if (ds != null)
                    if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                            PurchaseOrderBE objBE = new PurchaseOrderBE();
                            objBE.ReferenceID    = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TransactionID"].ToString();
                            objBE.ExtranetStatus = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Status"].ToString();
                            objBE.POCBODRcvd     = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Field5"].ToString();
                            PurchaseOrderList.Add(i, objBE);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #7
        ///Returns a collection of properties for the type of array specified by the value parameter, using the specified context and attributes.
        ///A <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection"></see> with the properties that are exposed for this data type, or null if there are no properties.
        ///<param name="context">An <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext"></see> that provides a format context. </param>
        ///<param name="attributes">An array of type <see cref="T:System.Attribute"></see> that is used as a filter. </param>
        ///<param name="value">An <see cref="T:System.Object"></see> that specifies the type of array for which to get properties. </param>
        public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext context, object value, Attribute[] attributes)
            GenericCollection <T> collection = value as GenericCollection <T>;

            if (collection != null)
                PropertyDescriptor[] properties = new PropertyDescriptor[collection.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++)
                        properties[i] = (new PDesc <T>(collection[i]));
#pragma warning disable EmptyGeneralCatchClause
                    catch (Exception)
#pragma warning restore EmptyGeneralCatchClause
                return(new PropertyDescriptorCollection(properties));
            return(base.GetProperties(context, value, attributes));
Example #8
        public void ComplexArrayBehindInterface()
            Expression <Func <int, int> > d = i => 1;

            var source = new GenericCollection <InnerType>()
                Collection = new InnerType[2]
                    new InnerType()
                        String = "A"
                    new InnerType()
                        String = "B"

            var target = new GenericCollection <InnerType>();

            var ultraMapper = new Mapper(cfg =>
                //cfg.MapTypes( source, target )
                //   .MapMember( s => s.Collection, t => t.Collection, memberMappingConfig: config =>
                //   {
                //       Expression<Func<ICollection<InnerType>>> temp = () => new List<InnerType>();
                //       config.CustomTargetConstructor = temp;
                //   } );

            ultraMapper.Map(source, target);

            bool isResultOk = ultraMapper.VerifyMapperResult(source, target);

Example #9
    protected void gridPaging(string size)
            lblSearchError.Text = string.Empty;
            GenericCollection <DeliveryShipmentBE> listofBE = (GenericCollection <DeliveryShipmentBE>)Session[vDOList];

            if (listofBE != null)
                if (listofBE.Count == 0)
                    lblSearchError.Text    = "No records found.";
                    lblSearchError.Visible = true;
                    gvDO.DataSource        = null;
                    lblRec.Visible = false;
                    Utils.GridPaging(gvDO, Convert.ToInt32(size), listofBE);
                    lblRec.Text    = Utils.GridRecDispMsg(gvDO.PageIndex, gvDO.PageSize, listofBE.Count);
                    lblRec.Visible = true;
                gvDO.DataSource = null;
                lblRec.Visible = false;
        catch (Exception Ex)
            lblSearchError.Text = Ex.Message;
Example #10
        public void DataSetCollectionEvaluate_2_1()
            // SetUp the test data for this test case.

            DicomMessageCollection dicomMessageCollection1 = new DicomMessageCollection();
            DicomMessageCollection dicomMessageCollection2 = new DicomMessageCollection();

            DicomMessage dicomMessage1 = new DicomMessage(DimseCommand.CSTORERQ);

            dicomMessage1.DataSet.Set("0x00200020", VR.UI, "");

            DicomMessage dicomMessage2 = new DicomMessage(DimseCommand.CSTORERQ);

            dicomMessage2.DataSet.Set("0x00300030", VR.UI, "");

            DicomMessage dicomMessage3 = new DicomMessage(DimseCommand.CSTORERQ);

            dicomMessage3.DataSet.Set("0x00300030", VR.UI, "");

            DicomMessage dicomMessage4 = new DicomMessage(DimseCommand.CSTORERQ);

            dicomMessage4.DataSet.Set("0x00300030", VR.UI, "");

            // Perform the actual test.

            GenericCollection <GenericPair <DataSet, DataSet> > collection = BooleanExpressionTwoDataSets.MapsAttributes("0x00200020", "0x00300030").Evaluate(dicomMessageCollection1.DataSets, dicomMessageCollection2.DataSets);

            Assert.That(collection.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
Example #11
    private void databindPOHistory()
            GenericCollection <PurchaseOrderHistoryBE> POHistoryCollection = Session["POHistoryCollection"] == null ? null : Session["POHistoryCollection"] as GenericCollection <PurchaseOrderHistoryBE>;
            if (POHistoryCollection != null)
                adsourceHistory                  = new PagedDataSource();
                adsourceHistory.DataSource       = POHistoryCollection;
                adsourceHistory.PageSize         = 5;
                ViewState["PageCountHistory"]    = (POHistoryCollection.Count % 5) == 0 ? (POHistoryCollection.Count / 5) : (POHistoryCollection.Count / 5) + 1;
                adsourceHistory.AllowPaging      = true;
                adsourceHistory.CurrentPageIndex = posHistory;
                btnfirstHistory.Enabled          = !adsourceHistory.IsFirstPage;
                btnPreviousHistory.Enabled       = !adsourceHistory.IsFirstPage;
                btnlastHistory.Enabled           = !adsourceHistory.IsLastPage;
                btnNextHistory.Enabled           = !adsourceHistory.IsLastPage;

                gvPOHistory.DataSource = adsourceHistory;
                divPaginationPOHistory.Visible = true;
                gvPOHistory.DataSource = adsourceHistory;
                divPaginationPOHistory.Visible = false;
        catch (Exception Ex)
            lblSearchError.Text    = Ex.Message;
            lblSearchError.Visible = true;
Example #12
        public GenericCollection <ServiceComponent> GetServiceComponentList(string ServiceLineID, string ServiceID, string ServiceOptionID, string ServCompType)
            GenericCollection <ServiceComponent> ServiceComponentList = new GenericCollection <ServiceComponent>();

                SqlParameter[] sqlparams = new SqlParameter[4];
                sqlparams[0] = new SqlParameter("@ServiceLineID", ServiceLineID);
                sqlparams[1] = new SqlParameter("@ServiceID", ServiceID);
                sqlparams[2] = new SqlParameter("@ServiceOptionID", ServiceOptionID);
                sqlparams[3] = new SqlParameter("@ServiceComponentType", ServCompType);
                DataSet ds = null;
                ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(connection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Get_ServiceComponentList", sqlparams);
                if (ds != null)
                    if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                            ServiceComponent objBE = new ServiceComponent();
                            if (ServCompType == "SCH")
                                objBE.ServiceComponentID = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ServiceComponentID"].ToString());
                            objBE.ServiceComponentDesc = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ServiceComponentDesc"].ToString();
                            ServiceComponentList.Add(i, objBE);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// An indexer 2
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="idx"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public T this[GenericCollection <T> idx]
     get { return(default(T)); }
Example #14
    private void LoadPODetails(string PoNumber, string POFile, string MessageType)
            PurchaseOrderBC objBC = new PurchaseOrderBC();
            //string ArchiveFile = objBC.GetPOArchiveFile(PONumber);

            XmlDocument poFile = new XmlDocument();
            string RootNode = "";
            XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(poFile.NameTable);
            if (MessageType.ToLower() == "http://ms.it.ops.cm.processpurchaseorder_v02_10_00#processpurchaseorder_v02_10_00")
                namespaceManager.AddNamespace("ns0", "http://MS.IT.Ops.CM.ProcessPurchaseOrder_V02_10_00");
                RootNode = "ProcessPurchaseOrder_V02_10_00";
                namespaceManager.AddNamespace("ns0", "http://MS.IT.Ops.CM.ChangePurchaseOrder_V01_00_00");
                RootNode = "ChangePurchaseOrder_V01_00_00";

            XmlNode xPriceNode = poFile.SelectSingleNode("/ns0:" + RootNode + "/DataArea/PurchaseOrder/Header/ns0:Price/ns0:Amount", namespaceManager);
            lblPOTotalPrice.Text = xPriceNode == null ? "" : xPriceNode.InnerText;
            XmlNodeList PartiesNodeList = poFile.SelectNodes("/ns0:" + RootNode + "/DataArea/PurchaseOrder/Header/ns0:Parties", namespaceManager);

            foreach (XmlNode xnd in PartiesNodeList)
                if (xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "SAPVendor")
                    XmlNode xSAPVendorNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyIdentifier", namespaceManager);
                    lblSAPVendorNumber.Text = xSAPVendorNode == null ? "" : xSAPVendorNode.InnerText;
                    lblSAPVendorNumber.Text = objBC.GetPartnerName(lblSAPVendorNumber.Text);
                if (xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Contract Manufacturer")
                    XmlNode xCMNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyIdentifier", namespaceManager);
                    lblCM.Text = xCMNode == null ? "" : xCMNode.InnerText;
                    lblCM.Text = objBC.GetPartnerName(lblCM.Text);
                if (xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "ShipTo")
                    XmlNode xNameNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:ContactInformation/ns0:Name", namespaceManager);
                    lblShipToName.Text = xNameNode == null ? "" : xNameNode.InnerText;
                    XmlNode xPhoneNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:ContactInformation/ns0:Phone", namespaceManager);
                    lblShipToPhone.Text = xPhoneNode == null ? "" : xPhoneNode.InnerText;
                    XmlNode xPartnerNameNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyIdentifier", namespaceManager);
                    lblShipToPartnername.Text = xPartnerNameNode == null ? "" : xPartnerNameNode.InnerText;
                    lblShipToPartnername.Text = objBC.GetPartnerName(lblShipToPartnername.Text);
                    XmlNode xAddressLine1Node = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PhysicalAddress/ns0:AddressLine1", namespaceManager);
                    lblShipToAddressLine1.Text = xAddressLine1Node == null ? "" : xAddressLine1Node.InnerText;
                    XmlNode xCityNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PhysicalAddress/ns0:City", namespaceManager);
                    lblShipToCity.Text = xCityNode == null ? "" : xCityNode.InnerText;
                    XmlNode xCountryNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PhysicalAddress/ns0:Country", namespaceManager);
                    lblShipToCountry.Text = xCountryNode == null ? "" : xCountryNode.InnerText;
                    XmlNode xZipNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PhysicalAddress/ns0:Zip", namespaceManager);
                    lblShipToZIP.Text = xZipNode == null ? "" : xZipNode.InnerText;
                    XmlNode xStateNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PhysicalAddress/ns0:State", namespaceManager);
                    lblShipToState.Text = xStateNode == null ? "" : xStateNode.InnerText;

            XmlNode xPOTypeNode = poFile.SelectSingleNode("/ns0:" + RootNode + "/DataArea/PurchaseOrder/Header/Application/SAP/ns0:PurchaseOrderType", namespaceManager);
            lblSAPPOType.Text = xPOTypeNode == null ? "" : xPOTypeNode.InnerText;

            BindPOLines(poFile, namespaceManager, RootNode);
            GenericCollection <PurchaseOrderHistoryBE> POHistryList = new GenericCollection <PurchaseOrderHistoryBE>();
            POHistryList = objBC.BindPOHistory(PoNumber);
            Session["POHistoryCollection"] = POHistryList;
            this.ViewState["vs"] = 0;
            this.ViewState["vsHistory"] = 0;

            trPODetails.Visible = true;
        catch (Exception Ex)
            lblSearchError.Text    = Ex.Message;
            lblSearchError.Visible = true;
            trPODetails.Visible = false;
Example #15
    private void BindPurchaseOrder()
        PurchaseOrderBC objBC = new PurchaseOrderBC();

            trPODetails.Visible = false;
            DateTime?DateFrom = txtDateFrom.Text == "" ? Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1990") : Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateFrom.Text);
            DateTime?DateTo   = txtDateFrom.Text == "" ? Convert.ToDateTime("12/31/2050") : Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateTo.Text);
            trPODetails.Visible = false;
            GenericCollection <PurchaseOrderBE> listOfBE = objBC.GetIndividualPODetails(txtPONumber.Text, drdTxnType.SelectedValue, DateFrom, DateTo, drdServiceComponentPartnerSearch.SelectedValue);

            GenericCollection <PurchaseOrderBE> FinalList = new GenericCollection <PurchaseOrderBE>();

            string ExtranetPartners = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ExtranetCMS"];

            foreach (PurchaseOrderBE objBE in listOfBE)
                if (ExtranetPartners.Contains(objBE.CM))
                    objBE.isICOEPartner = "NO";
                    objBE.isICOEPartner = "YES";

            if (drdISOEorExtranet.SelectedIndex == 1)
                int i = 0;
                foreach (PurchaseOrderBE obj1 in listOfBE)
                    if (obj1.isICOEPartner == "YES")
                        FinalList.Add(i, obj1);
                listOfBE = FinalList;

            if (drdISOEorExtranet.SelectedIndex == 2)
                int i = 0;
                foreach (PurchaseOrderBE obj1 in listOfBE)
                    if (obj1.isICOEPartner == "NO")
                        FinalList.Add(i, obj1);
                listOfBE = FinalList;

            if (drdISOEorExtranet.SelectedIndex != 1)
                listOfBE = ModifyExtranetPODetails(listOfBE);

            if (drdPOStatus.SelectedIndex == 1)
                int j = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < listOfBE.Count; i++)
                    if (listOfBE[i].isICOEPartner == "NO" && listOfBE[i].ExtranetStatus.ToLower() == "success")
                        FinalList.Add(j, listOfBE[i]);
                    if (listOfBE[i].isICOEPartner == "YES" && listOfBE[i].CorpnetStatus.ToLower() == "success")
                        FinalList.Add(j, listOfBE[i]);
                listOfBE = FinalList;

            if (drdPOStatus.SelectedIndex == 2)
                int j = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < listOfBE.Count; i++)
                    if (listOfBE[i].isICOEPartner == "NO" && listOfBE[i].ExtranetStatus.ToLower() == "failed")
                        FinalList.Add(j, listOfBE[i]);
                    if (listOfBE[i].isICOEPartner == "YES" && listOfBE[i].CorpnetStatus.ToLower() == "failed")
                        FinalList.Add(j, listOfBE[i]);
                listOfBE = FinalList;

            if (drdPOStatus.SelectedIndex == 3)
                for (int i = 0; i < listOfBE.Count; i++)
                    if (listOfBE[i].isICOEPartner == "NO" && (listOfBE[i].ExtranetStatus.ToLower() == "failed" || listOfBE[i].ExtranetStatus.ToLower() == "na"))
                        FinalList.Add(i, listOfBE[i]);
                listOfBE = FinalList;

            //listOfBE = GetASNStatus(listOfBE);

            if (ViewState[grdPageSize] != null)
                gvPurchaseOrder.PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState[grdPageSize].ToString());
                gvPurchaseOrder.PageSize = 10;

            lblRec.Text             = Utils.GridRecDispMsg(gvPurchaseOrder.PageIndex, gvPurchaseOrder.PageSize, listOfBE.Count);
            gvPurchaseOrder.Visible = true;
            if (listOfBE != null && listOfBE.Count > 0)
                rowPage.Visible = true;
                rowGrid.Visible = true;

                gvPurchaseOrder.DataSource = listOfBE;
                lblRec.Text             = Utils.GridRecDispMsg(gvPurchaseOrder.PageIndex, gvPurchaseOrder.PageSize, listOfBE.Count);
                gvPurchaseOrder.Visible = true;
                lblRec.Visible          = true;
                lblRec.Visible  = false;
                rowGrid.Visible = false;
                rowPage.Visible = false;

                gvPurchaseOrder.Visible    = false;
                gvPurchaseOrder.DataSource = null;
                lblSearchError.Text    = "No records found.";
                lblSearchError.Visible = true;
            Session[vPOList] = listOfBE;
        catch (Exception ex)
            lblSearchError.Text    = ex.Message;
            lblSearchError.Visible = true;
Example #16
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // make some members
        var rootMember = new Member()
            Name = "Johny"
        var member1 = new Member()
            Name = "Andy"
        var member2 = new Member()
            Name = "Adam"
        var member3 = new Member()
            Name = "Andrew"
        var member4 = new Member()
            Name = "Davis"
        var member5 = new Member()
            Name = "Simon"

        // construct some arbitrary references between them
        member1.Reference = member4;
        member3.Reference = member1;
        member5.Reference = member2;

        // add all of the to the family tree

        var familyTree = new GenericCollection()

        IFamilyTreeFile file = new FamilyTreeFile()
            FamilyTree = familyTree

        Console.WriteLine("--- input ---");
        PrintTree(file.FamilyTree, 0);
        Console.WriteLine("--- output ---");
        file = Deserialize();
        file.FamilyTree.RebuildReferences(file.FamilyTree);     // this is where the refereces
        // are put together again after deserializing the object tree.
        PrintTree(file.FamilyTree, 0);
Example #17
 public Member()
     ID         = Guid.NewGuid();
     FamilyTree = new GenericCollection();
Example #18
 public int CountGreaterThan(GenericCollection <Box <T> > elements)
     return(elements.Count(e => e.Value.CompareTo(this.Value) > 0));
Example #19
    /// <summary>
    /// sorts the grid based on sort expression and sort direction
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"> Type</typeparam>
    /// <param name="gvObject">Gridview</param>
    /// <param name="sDir">sortDirection</param>
    /// <param name="sortExpr">sortExpression</param>
    /// <param name="collection">List of Items with genericcollection</param>
    public static GenericCollection <T> GridSorting <T>(GridView gvObject, SortDirection sDir, string sortExpr, GenericCollection <T> collection)
        GenericCollection <T> .GenericComparer comparer = new GenericCollection <T> .GenericComparer(sortExpr, sDir);

        gvObject.DataSource = collection;
    private void BindPurchaseOrder()
        TransactionBC objBC = new TransactionBC();

            DateTime?DateFrom = txtDateFrom.Text == "" ? Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1990") : Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateFrom.Text);
            DateTime?DateTo   = txtDateTo.Text == "" ? Convert.ToDateTime("12/31/2050") : Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateTo.Text);
            GenericCollection <TransformationBE> listOfBE    = objBC.GetTransformationDetails(DateFrom, DateTo, txtControlNumber.Text.Trim(), drdServiceComponentPartnerSearch.SelectedValue, txtPONumber.Text.Trim(), txtPlant.Text.Trim());
            GenericCollection <TransformationBE> DisplayList = new GenericCollection <TransformationBE>();

            foreach (TransformationBE objExt1 in listOfBE)
                if ((objExt1.StageName.ToLower().Contains("error") || objExt1.StageName.ToLower().Contains("failed")) && (objExt1.StageName != "LogError_NegativeMDNReceived" || objExt1.StageName != "LogError_MDN_NotReceived"))
                    objExt1.Status = "Failed";
                    objExt1.Status = "Success";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "SentPositive997ToPartner")
                    objExt1.FuncAck = "pos997";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "SentNegative997ToPartner")
                    objExt1.FuncAck = "neg997";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "SentPositiveEDI824ToPartner")
                    objExt1.FuncAck = "pos824";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "SentNegativeEDI824ToPartner")
                    objExt1.FuncAck = "Neg824";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "LogError_MDN_NotReceived")
                    objExt1.MDN = "NoMDN";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "PositiveMDNReceived")
                    objExt1.MDN = "posMDN";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "LogError_NegativeMDNReceived")
                    objExt1.MDN = "NegMDN";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "SendPositiveEDI824for841ToBatchPrimaryTransport")
                    objExt1.FuncAck = "Pos824Batch";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "SendNegativeEDI824for841ToBatchPrimaryTransport")
                    objExt1.FuncAck = "Neg824Batch";

            for (int j = 0; j < listOfBE.Count; j++)
                if (DisplayList.Count == 0)
                    DisplayList.Add(j, listOfBE[j]);
                    bool duplicate = false;
                    for (int k = 0; k < DisplayList.Count; k++)
                        if (listOfBE[j].ControlNumber == DisplayList[k].ControlNumber && listOfBE[j].CM == DisplayList[k].CM && listOfBE[j].TxnDate == DisplayList[k].TxnDate)
                            DisplayList[k].Status  = String.IsNullOrEmpty(DisplayList[k].Status) ? listOfBE[j].Status : DisplayList[k].Status;
                            DisplayList[k].FuncAck = String.IsNullOrEmpty(DisplayList[k].FuncAck) ? listOfBE[j].FuncAck : DisplayList[k].FuncAck;
                            DisplayList[k].MDN     = String.IsNullOrEmpty(DisplayList[k].MDN) ? listOfBE[j].MDN : DisplayList[k].MDN;
                            duplicate = true;
                    if (!duplicate)
                        DisplayList.Add(DisplayList.Count, listOfBE[j]);

            if (DisplayList.Count > 0)
                listOfBE = DisplayList;

            Session[v841List] = listOfBE;

            if (ViewState[grdPageSize] != null)
                gvTransformations.PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState[grdPageSize].ToString());
                gvTransformations.PageSize = 10;

            lblRec.Text = Utils.GridRecDispMsg(gvTransformations.PageIndex, gvTransformations.PageSize, listOfBE.Count);
            gvTransformations.Visible = true;
            if (listOfBE != null && listOfBE.Count > 0)
                rowPage.Visible = true;
                rowGrid.Visible = true;

                gvTransformations.DataSource = listOfBE;
                lblRec.Text = Utils.GridRecDispMsg(gvTransformations.PageIndex, gvTransformations.PageSize, listOfBE.Count);
                gvTransformations.Visible = true;
                lblRec.Visible            = true;
                lblRec.Visible  = false;
                rowGrid.Visible = false;
                rowPage.Visible = false;

                gvTransformations.Visible    = false;
                gvTransformations.DataSource = null;
                lblSearchError.Text    = "No records found.";
                lblSearchError.Visible = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            lblSearchError.Text    = ex.Message;
            lblSearchError.Visible = true;
Example #21
 public static GenericCollection GetList(Type type) {
     GenericCollection list;
     if (_Cache.TryGetValue(type, out list)) {
         return list;
     if (type.GetInterface("System.Collections.IList") != typeof(IList)) {
         return null;
     lock (_Cache) {
         if (_Cache.TryGetValue(type, out list)) {
             return list;
         list = new GenericCollection();
         list.Init = Literacy.CreateNewObject(type);
         if (type.IsGenericType) {
             list.ElementType = type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
             list.ElementType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(list.ElementType) ?? list.ElementType;
         } else {
             list.ElementType = typeof(object);
         _Cache.Add(type, list);
         return list;
Example #22
 public static GenericCollection GetDict(Type type) {
     GenericCollection dict;
     if (_Cache.TryGetValue(type, out dict)) {
         return dict;
     lock (_Cache) {
         if (_Cache.TryGetValue(type, out dict)) {
             return dict;
         dict = new GenericCollection();
         dict.Init = Literacy.CreateNewObject(type);
         if (type.IsGenericType) {
             var ga = type.GetGenericArguments();
             if (ga.Length > 1) {
                 dict.KeyType = type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                 dict.ElementType = type.GetGenericArguments()[1];
                 dict.ElementType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(dict.ElementType) ?? dict.ElementType;
             } else {
                 dict.ElementType = typeof(object);
         } else {
             dict.ElementType = typeof(object);
         _Cache.Add(type, dict);
         return dict;
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// 序列化
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The encode.</returns>
        /// <param name="val">要序列化的对象</param>
        public static GenericCollectionValue Serialize(object val)
            GenericCollectionValue genericVal = null;

            if (val is null)
                genericVal = new GenericCollectionValue {
                    Type = GenericCollectionValue.Types.Type.Null
            else if (val is byte[])
                genericVal = new GenericCollectionValue {
                    Type       = GenericCollectionValue.Types.Type.Bytes,
                    BytesValue = ByteString.CopyFrom((byte[])val)
            else if (val is byte)
                genericVal = new GenericCollectionValue {
                    Type     = GenericCollectionValue.Types.Type.Byte,
                    IntValue = (byte)val
            else if (val is short)
                genericVal = new GenericCollectionValue {
                    Type     = GenericCollectionValue.Types.Type.Short,
                    IntValue = (short)val
            else if (val is int)
                genericVal = new GenericCollectionValue {
                    Type     = GenericCollectionValue.Types.Type.Int,
                    IntValue = (int)val
            else if (val is long)
                genericVal = new GenericCollectionValue {
                    Type         = GenericCollectionValue.Types.Type.Long,
                    LongIntValue = (long)val
            else if (val is bool)
                genericVal = new GenericCollectionValue {
                    Type      = GenericCollectionValue.Types.Type.Bool,
                    BoolValue = (bool)val
            else if (val is float)
                genericVal = new GenericCollectionValue {
                    Type       = GenericCollectionValue.Types.Type.Float,
                    FloatValue = (float)val
            else if (val is double)
                genericVal = new GenericCollectionValue {
                    Type        = GenericCollectionValue.Types.Type.Double,
                    DoubleValue = (double)val
            else if (val is string)
                genericVal = new GenericCollectionValue {
                    Type        = GenericCollectionValue.Types.Type.String,
                    StringValue = (string)val
            else if (val is PlayObject playObject)
                var bytes = SerializePlayObject(playObject);
                genericVal = new GenericCollectionValue {
                    Type       = GenericCollectionValue.Types.Type.Map,
                    BytesValue = ByteString.CopyFrom(bytes)
            else if (val is PlayArray playArray)
                var collection = new GenericCollection();
                foreach (object obj in playArray)
                genericVal = new GenericCollectionValue {
                    Type       = GenericCollectionValue.Types.Type.Array,
                    BytesValue = collection.ToByteString()
                var type = val.GetType();
                if (typeDict.TryGetValue(type, out var customType))
                    genericVal = new GenericCollectionValue {
                        Type         = GenericCollectionValue.Types.Type.Object,
                        ObjectTypeId = customType.TypeId,
                        BytesValue   = ByteString.CopyFrom(customType.SerializeMethod(val))
                    throw new Exception($"{type} is not supported");

 /// <summary>
 /// 以指定的 <see cref="GenericCollection{T}"/>
 /// 初始化 <see cref="DebugView"/> 类的新实例。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="collection">
 /// 要获取调试器视图的 <see cref="GenericCollection{T}"/>。</param>
 internal DebugView(GenericCollection <T> collection)
     this.Collection = collection.Collection;
Example #25
    private void BindDeliveryOrder()
        TransactionBC   objBC    = new TransactionBC();
        PurchaseOrderBC objPucBC = new PurchaseOrderBC();

            DateTime?DateFrom = txtDateFrom.Text == "" ? Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1990") : Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateFrom.Text);
            DateTime?DateTo   = txtDateTo.Text == "" ? Convert.ToDateTime("12/31/2050") : Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateTo.Text);
            GenericCollection <DeliveryShipmentBE> listOfBE = objBC.GetDeliveryShipmentDetails("Get", TxtIDOC.Text.Trim(), txtDO.Text.Trim(), txtPO.Text.Trim(), drdStatus.SelectedValue, drdServiceComponentPartnerSearch.SelectedValue, txtPlant.Text.Trim(), txtOrderType.Text.Trim(), DateFrom, DateTo);

            foreach (DeliveryShipmentBE obj in listOfBE)
                string PartnerName = objPucBC.GetPartnerName(obj.Plant);
                obj.CM = PartnerName == "" ? obj.CM : PartnerName;

            Session[vDOList] = listOfBE;

            if (ViewState[grdPageSize] != null)
                gvDO.PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState[grdPageSize].ToString());
                gvDO.PageSize = 10;

            lblRec.Text  = Utils.GridRecDispMsg(gvDO.PageIndex, gvDO.PageSize, listOfBE.Count);
            gvDO.Visible = true;
            if (listOfBE != null && listOfBE.Count > 0)
                rowPage.Visible = true;
                rowGrid.Visible = true;

                gvDO.DataSource = listOfBE;
                lblRec.Text    = Utils.GridRecDispMsg(gvDO.PageIndex, gvDO.PageSize, listOfBE.Count);
                gvDO.Visible   = true;
                lblRec.Visible = true;
                lblRec.Visible  = false;
                rowGrid.Visible = false;
                rowPage.Visible = false;

                gvDO.Visible    = false;
                gvDO.DataSource = null;
                lblSearchError.Text    = "No records found.";
                lblSearchError.Visible = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            lblSearchError.Text    = ex.Message;
            lblSearchError.Visible = true;
 public static TItem LongestToString <TItem>(this GenericCollection <TItem> collection)
     return(collection.Aggregate((i1, i2) => i1.ToString().Length > i2.ToString().Length ? i1 : i2));
Example #27
 public static void GridPaging <T>(GridView gvObject, Int32 PageSize, GenericCollection <T> listObj)
     gvObject.PageSize   = PageSize;
     gvObject.DataSource = listObj;
 public static HashSet <TItem> ToHashSet <TItem>(this GenericCollection <TItem> source)
     return(new HashSet <TItem>(source));
Example #29
    private GenericCollection <ASNHeaderBE> PrepareASNList(GenericCollection <ASNHeaderBE> listOfBE)
        TransactionBC   objTranBC = new TransactionBC();
        PurchaseOrderBC objBC     = new PurchaseOrderBC();
        GenericCollection <ASNHeaderBE> ASNList = new GenericCollection <ASNHeaderBE>();

        for (int i = 0; i < listOfBE.Count; i++)
            ASNHeaderBE objBE = new ASNHeaderBE();
            objBE.SNo     = i;
            objBE.TxnType = "3B2";
            objBE.TxnDate = listOfBE[i].TxnDate;
            //string File = listOfBE[0].ArchiveFile;
            XmlDocument ASNFile = new XmlDocument();
            objBE.ArchiveFile = listOfBE[i].ArchiveFile;
            XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(ASNFile.NameTable);
            namespaceManager.AddNamespace("ns0", "http://MS.IT.Ops.HED.ShowShipment_V02_00_00");

            XmlNode xPartnerNode = ASNFile.SelectSingleNode("ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/ApplicationArea/Sender/ns0:LogicalId", namespaceManager);
            objBE.CM = xPartnerNode == null ? "" : objBC.GetPartnerName(xPartnerNode.InnerText);
            objBE.CM = objBE.CM == "" ? xPartnerNode.InnerText : objBE.CM;

            XmlNode xASTransactionID = ASNFile.SelectSingleNode("ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/ApplicationArea/ns0:ReferenceId", namespaceManager);
            objBE.ASFeedTxnID = xASTransactionID == null ? "" : xASTransactionID.InnerText;

            XmlNode xReceiverKey = ASNFile.SelectSingleNode("ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/routing/ReceiverKey", namespaceManager);
            objBE.ReceiverKey = xReceiverKey == null ? "" : xReceiverKey.InnerText;

            XmlNode xShipDate = ASNFile.SelectSingleNode("ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/DataArea/Shipment/Header/TransportationEvent/ns0:DateTime", namespaceManager);
            if (xShipDate != null)
                    objBE.ShipDate = Convert.ToDateTime(xShipDate.InnerText.Substring(0, 4) + "-" + xShipDate.InnerText.Substring(4, 2) + "-" + xShipDate.InnerText.Substring(6, 2));
                catch (Exception ex)

            XmlNodeList PartiesNodeList        = ASNFile.SelectNodes("ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/DataArea/Shipment/Header/Parties", namespaceManager);
            XmlNodeList TrackingReferenceNodes = ASNFile.SelectNodes("ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/DataArea/Shipment/Header/TrackingReference", namespaceManager);
            XmlNodeList LineItemNodes          = ASNFile.SelectNodes("ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/DataArea/Shipment/LineItem", namespaceManager);

            if (LineItemNodes != null)
                objBE.LineCount = LineItemNodes.Count;

            foreach (XmlNode xnd in PartiesNodeList)
                if (xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Originating Party")
                    XmlNode xCMNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyIdentifier", namespaceManager);
                    objBE.OriginationParty = xCMNode == null ? "" : objBC.GetPartnerName(xCMNode.InnerText);
                    objBE.OriginationParty = objBE.OriginationParty == "" ? xCMNode.InnerText : objBE.OriginationParty;
                if (xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Selling Partner")
                    XmlNode xCMNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyIdentifier", namespaceManager);
                    objBE.SellingPartner = xCMNode == null ? "" : objBC.GetPartnerName(xCMNode.InnerText);
                    objBE.SellingPartner = objBE.SellingPartner == "" ? xCMNode.InnerText : objBE.SellingPartner;
                if (xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Ship To")
                    XmlNode xCMNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyIdentifier", namespaceManager);
                    objBE.SAPShipTo = xCMNode == null ? "" : objBC.GetPartnerName(xCMNode.InnerText);
                    objBE.SAPShipTo = objBE.SAPShipTo == "" ? xCMNode.InnerText : objBE.SAPShipTo;

                if (xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Freight Forwarder")
                    XmlNode xCMNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyIdentifier", namespaceManager);
                    objBE.FMV = xCMNode == null ? "" : objBC.GetPartnerName(xCMNode.InnerText);
                    objBE.FMV = objBE.FMV == "" ? xCMNode.InnerText : objBE.FMV;
            foreach (XmlNode xnd in TrackingReferenceNodes)
                if (xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:TrackingCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Load Identifier")
                    XmlNode xCMNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:TrackingId", namespaceManager);
                    objBE.LoadID = xCMNode == null ? "" : xCMNode.InnerText.Substring(0, xCMNode.InnerText.Length - 2);
            GenericCollection <ASNLinesBE> objLinesList = new GenericCollection <ASNLinesBE>();
            int j = 0;
            foreach (XmlNode xnd in LineItemNodes)
                ASNLinesBE  objLineBE       = new ASNLinesBE();
                XmlNodeList LineDocRefNodes = ASNFile.SelectNodes("/ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/DataArea/Shipment/LineItem/DocumentReference", namespaceManager);
                foreach (XmlNode xndDoc in LineDocRefNodes)
                    if (xndDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns0:DocumentTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Packing Slip Number")
                        XmlNode xCMNode = xndDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Id", namespaceManager);
                        objLineBE.PackSlipNumber = xPartnerNode == null ? "" : xCMNode.InnerText;
                    if (xndDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns0:DocumentTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Purchase Order")
                        XmlNode xCMNode = xndDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Id", namespaceManager);
                        objLineBE.PONumber = xPartnerNode == null ? "" : xCMNode.InnerText;
                        XmlNode xLineNumber = xndDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns0:LineNumber", namespaceManager);
                        objLineBE.LineNumber = xLineNumber == null ? "" : xLineNumber.InnerText;
                XmlNode xSKUNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("OrderItem/ns0:ProductIdentifier", namespaceManager);
                objLineBE.SKU = xSKUNode == null ? "" : xSKUNode.InnerText;
                XmlNode xUnitsShippedNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:UnitsShipped", namespaceManager);
                objLineBE.ItemQuantity = xUnitsShippedNode == null ? "" : xUnitsShippedNode.InnerText;
                objLinesList.Add(j, objLineBE);
            objBE.ASNLines = objLinesList;
            if (objBE.LineCount == 1 && objLinesList != null)
                objBE.PONumber = objLinesList[0].PONumber;
                objBE.PONumber = "See Details";
            ASNList.Add(i, objBE);
Example #30
    //private GenericCollection<ShowShipHeaderBE> PrepareShowShipDetails(GenericCollection<ShowShipHeaderBE> listOfBE)
    //    TransactionBC objTranBC = new TransactionBC();
    //    PurchaseOrderBC objBC = new PurchaseOrderBC();
    //    GenericCollection<ShowShipHeaderBE> ShowShipList = new GenericCollection<ShowShipHeaderBE>();
    //    for (int i = 0; i < listOfBE.Count; i++)
    //    {
    //        ShowShipHeaderBE objBE = new ShowShipHeaderBE();
    //        objBE.SNo = i;
    //        objBE.TxnType = "3B2";
    //        objBE.TxnDate = listOfBE[i].TxnDate;
    //        //string File = listOfBE[0].ArchiveFile;
    //        XmlDocument ShowShipFile = new XmlDocument();
    //        //ShowShipFile.Load(@"D:\BPM\SampleFiles\ShowShipEGLFiles.xml");
    //        ShowShipFile.Load(listOfBE[i].ArchiveFile);
    //        objBE.ArchiveFile = listOfBE[i].ArchiveFile;
    //        XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(ShowShipFile.NameTable);
    //        namespaceManager.AddNamespace("ns0", "http://MS.IT.Ops.HED.ShowShipment_V02_00_00");

    //        XmlNode xPartnerNode = ShowShipFile.SelectSingleNode("ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/ApplicationArea/Sender/ns0:LogicalId", namespaceManager);
    //        objBE.CM = xPartnerNode == null ? "" : objBC.GetPartnerName(xPartnerNode.InnerText);
    //        objBE.CM = objBE.CM == "" ? xPartnerNode.InnerText : objBE.CM;

    //        XmlNode xASTransactionID = ShowShipFile.SelectSingleNode("ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/ApplicationArea/ns0:ReferenceId", namespaceManager);
    //        objBE.ASFeedTxnID = xASTransactionID == null ? "" : xASTransactionID.InnerText;

    //        XmlNode xReceiverKey = ShowShipFile.SelectSingleNode("ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/routing/ReceiverKey", namespaceManager);
    //        objBE.ReceiverKey = xReceiverKey == null ? "" : xReceiverKey.InnerText;

    //        XmlNode xShipDate = ShowShipFile.SelectSingleNode("ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/DataArea/Shipment/Header/TransportationEvent/ns0:DateTime", namespaceManager);
    //        if (xShipDate != null)
    //        {
    //            try
    //            {
    //                objBE.ShipDate = Convert.ToDateTime(xShipDate.InnerText.Substring(0, 4) + "-" + xShipDate.InnerText.Substring(4, 2) + "-" + xShipDate.InnerText.Substring(6, 2));
    //            }
    //            catch (Exception ex)
    //            {

    //            }
    //        }

    //        XmlNodeList PartiesNodeList = ShowShipFile.SelectNodes("ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/DataArea/Shipment/Header/Parties", namespaceManager);
    //        XmlNodeList TrackingReferenceNodes = ShowShipFile.SelectNodes("ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/DataArea/Shipment/Header/TrackingReference", namespaceManager);
    //        XmlNodeList LineItemNodes = ShowShipFile.SelectNodes("ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/DataArea/Shipment/LineItem", namespaceManager);

    //        if (LineItemNodes != null)
    //            objBE.LineCount = LineItemNodes.Count;

    //        foreach (XmlNode xnd in PartiesNodeList)
    //        {
    //            if (xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Originating Party")
    //            {
    //                XmlNode xCMNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyIdentifier", namespaceManager);
    //                objBE.OriginationParty = xCMNode == null ? "" : objBC.GetPartnerName(xCMNode.InnerText);
    //                objBE.OriginationParty = objBE.OriginationParty == "" ? xCMNode.InnerText : objBE.OriginationParty;
    //            }
    //            if (xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Selling Partner")
    //            {
    //                XmlNode xCMNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyIdentifier", namespaceManager);
    //                objBE.SellingPartner = xCMNode == null ? "" : objBC.GetPartnerName(xCMNode.InnerText);
    //                objBE.SellingPartner = objBE.SellingPartner == "" ? xCMNode.InnerText : objBE.SellingPartner;
    //            }
    //            if (xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Ship To")
    //            {
    //                XmlNode xCMNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyIdentifier", namespaceManager);
    //                objBE.SAPShipTo = xCMNode == null ? "" : objBC.GetPartnerName(xCMNode.InnerText);
    //                objBE.SAPShipTo = objBE.SAPShipTo == "" ? xCMNode.InnerText : objBE.SAPShipTo;
    //            }

    //            if (xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Freight Forwarder")
    //            {
    //                XmlNode xCMNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:PartyIdentifier", namespaceManager);
    //                objBE.FMV = xCMNode == null ? "" : objBC.GetPartnerName(xCMNode.InnerText);
    //                objBE.FMV = objBE.FMV == "" ? xCMNode.InnerText : objBE.FMV;
    //            }
    //        }
    //        foreach (XmlNode xnd in TrackingReferenceNodes)
    //        {
    //            if (xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:TrackingCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Load Identifier")
    //            {
    //                XmlNode xCMNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:TrackingId", namespaceManager);
    //                objBE.LoadID = xCMNode == null ? "" : xCMNode.InnerText.Substring(0, xCMNode.InnerText.Length - 2);
    //            }
    //        }
    //        GenericCollection<ShowShipLinesBE> objLinesList = new GenericCollection<ShowShipLinesBE>();
    //        int j = 0;
    //        foreach (XmlNode xnd in LineItemNodes)
    //        {
    //            ShowShipLinesBE objLineBE = new ShowShipLinesBE();
    //            XmlNodeList LineDocRefNodes = ShowShipFile.SelectNodes("/ns0:ShowShipment_V02_00_00/DataArea/Shipment/LineItem/DocumentReference", namespaceManager);
    //            foreach (XmlNode xndDoc in LineDocRefNodes)
    //            {
    //                if (xndDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns0:DocumentTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Packing Slip Number")
    //                {
    //                    XmlNode xCMNode = xndDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Id", namespaceManager);
    //                    objLineBE.PackSlipNumber = xPartnerNode == null ? "" : xCMNode.InnerText;
    //                }
    //                if (xndDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns0:DocumentTypeCode", namespaceManager).InnerText == "Purchase Order")
    //                {
    //                    XmlNode xCMNode = xndDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns0:Id", namespaceManager);
    //                    objLineBE.PONumber = xPartnerNode == null ? "" : xCMNode.InnerText;
    //                    XmlNode xLineNumber = xndDoc.SelectSingleNode("ns0:LineNumber", namespaceManager);
    //                    objLineBE.LineNumber = xLineNumber == null ? "" : xLineNumber.InnerText;
    //                }
    //            }
    //            XmlNode xSKUNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("OrderItem/ns0:ProductIdentifier", namespaceManager);
    //            objLineBE.SKU = xSKUNode == null ? "" : xSKUNode.InnerText;
    //            XmlNode xUnitsShippedNode = xnd.SelectSingleNode("ns0:UnitsShipped", namespaceManager);
    //            objLineBE.ItemQuantity = xUnitsShippedNode == null ? "" : xUnitsShippedNode.InnerText;
    //            objLinesList.Add(j, objLineBE);
    //            j++;
    //        }
    //        objBE.ShowShipLines = objLinesList;
    //        if (objBE.LineCount == 1 && objLinesList != null)
    //            objBE.PONumber = objLinesList[0].PONumber;
    //        else
    //            objBE.PONumber = "See Details";
    //        ShowShipList.Add(i, objBE);
    //    }
    //    return ShowShipList;

    protected void gvDO_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            //if (e.CommandName == "ViewDetails")
            //    ImageButton lb = (ImageButton)e.CommandSource;
            //    GridViewRow gvr = (GridViewRow)lb.NamingContainer;
            //    GridView gridview = gvr.NamingContainer as GridView;
            //    int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
            //    GridViewRow selectedRow = gridview.Rows[index - (gridview.PageIndex * gridview.PageSize)];
            //    Label lblSNo = (Label)selectedRow.FindControl("lblSNo");
            //    GenericCollection<ShowShipHeaderBE> listOfBE = (GenericCollection<ShowShipHeaderBE>)Session[vDOList];
            //    GenericCollection<ShowShipLinesBE> lines = new GenericCollection<ShowShipLinesBE>();
            //    ShowShipHeaderBE Headerobj = new ShowShipHeaderBE();

            //    foreach (ShowShipHeaderBE obj in listOfBE)
            //    {
            //        if (obj.SNo.ToString() == lblSNo.Text)
            //        {
            //            Headerobj = obj;
            //            break;
            //        }
            //    }

            //    lines = Headerobj.ShowShipLines;
            //    trPODetails.Visible = false;
            //    Session["ShowShipLineCollection"] = lines;
            //    databind();
            if (e.CommandName == "ViewFiles")
                ImageButton lb          = (ImageButton)e.CommandSource;
                GridViewRow gvr         = (GridViewRow)lb.NamingContainer;
                GridView    gridview    = gvr.NamingContainer as GridView;
                int         index       = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
                GridViewRow selectedRow = gridview.Rows[index - (gridview.PageIndex * gridview.PageSize)];

                Label lblSNo           = (Label)selectedRow.FindControl("lblSNo");
                Label lblTransactionID = (Label)selectedRow.FindControl("lblTransactionID");
                Label lblDONumber      = (Label)selectedRow.FindControl("lblDONumber");
                GenericCollection <DeliveryShipmentBE> listOfBE = (GenericCollection <DeliveryShipmentBE>)Session[vDOList];
                DeliveryShipmentBE Headerobj = new DeliveryShipmentBE();

                foreach (DeliveryShipmentBE obj in listOfBE)
                    if (obj.SNo.ToString() == lblSNo.Text)
                        Headerobj = obj;

                TransactionBC objBC = new TransactionBC();
                GenericCollection <DeliveryShipmentBE> ArchiveObjects = new GenericCollection <DeliveryShipmentBE>();
                ArchiveObjects = objBC.GetDeliveryShipmentDetails("Files", lblTransactionID.Text, lblDONumber.Text, "", "", "", "", "", null, null);
                Headerobj.DOIDOCArchiveFile          = ArchiveObjects[0].DOIDOCArchiveFile;
                Headerobj.ProcessShipmentArchiveFile = ArchiveObjects[0].ProcessShipmentArchiveFile;
                Session["ArchiveFiles"] = Headerobj;
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "ShowNewPage();", true);
            if (e.CommandName == "ViewError")
                ImageButton lb          = (ImageButton)e.CommandSource;
                GridViewRow gvr         = (GridViewRow)lb.NamingContainer;
                GridView    gridview    = gvr.NamingContainer as GridView;
                int         index       = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
                GridViewRow selectedRow = gridview.Rows[index - (gridview.PageIndex * gridview.PageSize)];

                Label lblTransactioID = (Label)selectedRow.FindControl("lblTransactionID");
                Label lblDONumber     = (Label)selectedRow.FindControl("lblDONumber");

                PurchaseOrderBC objBC        = new PurchaseOrderBC();
                string          Error        = objBC.LoadPOErrorMessage(lblDONumber.Text, lb.ID == "imgStatus" ? "Extranet" : "Corpnet");
                string          PoNumber     = " Transaction ID : " + lblTransactioID.Text + " \\n Delivery Order : " + lblDONumber.Text + " \\n Error Details : \\n ";
                string          errormessage = "Error Number : " + Error.Split(',')[0] + " \\n Error Description : \\n " + Error.Split(',')[1];
                //Label LabelTxnType = (Label)selectedRow.FindControl("LabelTxnType");
                string Eror = "My Error";
                //ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "ShowMessage();", true);
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "Registering", "$(document).ready(function(){ ShowMessage('" + lblTransactioID.Text + "','" + lblDONumber.Text + "','" + Error.Split(',')[0] + "','" + Error.Split(',')[1] + "'); });", true);
        catch (Exception ex)
Example #31
    private void BindPurchaseOrder()
        TransactionBC objBC = new TransactionBC();

            trPODetails.Visible = false;
            DateTime?DateFrom = txtDateFrom.Text == "" ? Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1990") : Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateFrom.Text);
            DateTime?DateTo   = txtDateTo.Text == "" ? Convert.ToDateTime("12/31/2050") : Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateTo.Text);
            GenericCollection <ASNHeaderBE> listOfBE    = objBC.GetASNArchiveFiles(DateFrom, DateTo);
            GenericCollection <ASNHeaderBE> DisplayList = new GenericCollection <ASNHeaderBE>();

            //for (int i = 0; i < listOfBE.Count; i++)
            //    for (int j = 0; j < listOfBE.Count; j++)
            //    {
            //        TimeSpan? duration = listOfBE[i].TxnDate.Value - listOfBE[j].TxnDate.Value;

            //        if (duration.Value.Duration().TotalSeconds < 20)
            //            listOfBE[j].TxnDate = listOfBE[i].TxnDate;
            //    }

            //for (int j = 0; j < listOfBE.Count; j++)
            //    if (DisplayList.Count == 0)
            //    {
            //        DisplayList.Add(j, listOfBE[j]);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        bool duplicate = false;
            //        for (int k = 0; k < DisplayList.Count; k++)
            //        {
            //            if (listOfBE[j].TxnDate == DisplayList[k].TxnDate)
            //                duplicate = true;
            //        }
            //        if (!duplicate)
            //            DisplayList.Add(DisplayList.Count, listOfBE[j]);
            //    }

            //if (DisplayList.Count > 0)
            //    listOfBE = DisplayList;
            //    DisplayList = null;

            listOfBE = PrepareASNList(listOfBE);

            for (int i = 0; i < listOfBE.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < listOfBE.Count; j++)
                    if (listOfBE[i].LoadID == listOfBE[j].LoadID && listOfBE[i].PONumber == listOfBE[j].PONumber && listOfBE[j].ReceiverKey != "HEDBTS")
                        listOfBE[i].FMVCopy = listOfBE[j].ArchiveFile;

            for (int j = 0; j < listOfBE.Count; j++)
                if (DisplayList == null)
                    if (listOfBE[j].ReceiverKey == "HEDBTS")
                        DisplayList.Add(j, listOfBE[j]);
                    bool duplicate = false;
                    for (int k = 0; k < DisplayList.Count; k++)
                        if ((listOfBE[j].ReceiverKey == "HEDBTS" && listOfBE[j].LoadID == DisplayList[k].LoadID && listOfBE[j].PONumber == DisplayList[k].PONumber) || listOfBE[j].ReceiverKey != "HEDBTS")
                            duplicate = true;
                    if (!duplicate)
                        DisplayList.Add(DisplayList.Count, listOfBE[j]);
            if (DisplayList.Count > 0)
                listOfBE    = DisplayList;
                DisplayList = null;

            if (drdServiceComponentPartnerSearch.SelectedIndex != 0)
                for (int j = 0; j < listOfBE.Count; j++)
                    if (listOfBE[j].CM != drdServiceComponentPartnerSearch.SelectedValue)
                        DisplayList.Add(j, listOfBE[j]);
                if (DisplayList.Count > 0)
                    listOfBE    = DisplayList;
                    DisplayList = null;

            if (txtLoadID.Text != "")
                for (int j = 0; j < listOfBE.Count; j++)
                    if (listOfBE[j].LoadID.ToLower() != txtLoadID.Text.Trim().ToLower())
                        DisplayList.Add(j, listOfBE[j]);
                if (DisplayList.Count > 0)
                    listOfBE    = DisplayList;
                    DisplayList = null;

            if (txtPONumber.Text != "")
                for (int j = 0; j < listOfBE.Count; j++)
                    if (listOfBE[j].PONumber.ToLower() != txtPONumber.Text.Trim().ToLower())
                        DisplayList.Add(j, listOfBE[j]);
                if (DisplayList.Count > 0)
                    listOfBE    = DisplayList;
                    DisplayList = null;
            Session[vASNList] = listOfBE;

            if (ViewState[grdPageSize] != null)
                gvASN.PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState[grdPageSize].ToString());
                gvASN.PageSize = 10;

            lblRec.Text   = Utils.GridRecDispMsg(gvASN.PageIndex, gvASN.PageSize, listOfBE.Count);
            gvASN.Visible = true;
            if (listOfBE != null && listOfBE.Count > 0)
                rowPage.Visible = true;
                rowGrid.Visible = true;

                gvASN.DataSource = listOfBE;
                lblRec.Text    = Utils.GridRecDispMsg(gvASN.PageIndex, gvASN.PageSize, listOfBE.Count);
                gvASN.Visible  = true;
                lblRec.Visible = true;
                lblRec.Visible  = false;
                rowGrid.Visible = false;
                rowPage.Visible = false;

                gvASN.Visible    = false;
                gvASN.DataSource = null;
                lblSearchError.Text    = "No records found.";
                lblSearchError.Visible = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            lblSearchError.Text    = ex.Message;
            lblSearchError.Visible = true;
        private void FillObject(ref object obj, Literacy lit, string json)
            if (json == null || json.Length == 0)

                fixed(char *p = json)
                    UnsafeJsonReader reader = new UnsafeJsonReader(p, json.Length);

                    if (reader.IsEnd())

                    if (reader.Current == '{')
                        if (obj == null)
                            obj = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                            lit = Literacy.Cache(typeof(Dictionary <string, object>), true);
                        FillObject(obj, lit, reader);
                        if (reader.Current != '}')
                    else if (reader.Current == '[')

                        if (obj == null)
                            obj = new ArrayList();
                            FillList((IList)obj, typeof(object), reader);
                        else if (obj is ArrayList)
                            FillList((IList)obj, lit.Type, reader);
                            var st = GenericCollection.GetList(lit.Type);
                            if (st == null)
                            FillList((IList)obj, st.ElementType, reader);

                        if (reader.Current != ']')
                        ThrowException("起始字符:" + reader.Current);
                    if (reader.IsEnd())
                        ThrowException("错误的结束字符:" + reader.Current);
    private void BindShowShipment()
        TransactionBC   objBC    = new TransactionBC();
        PurchaseOrderBC objPucBC = new PurchaseOrderBC();

            DateTime?DateFrom = txtDateFrom.Text == "" ? Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1990") : Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateFrom.Text);
            DateTime?DateTo   = txtDateTo.Text == "" ? Convert.ToDateTime("12/31/2050") : Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateTo.Text);

            TimeSpan?duration = null;

            // Assign values to a and b...

            if (DateFrom.HasValue && DateTo.HasValue)
                duration = DateTo.Value - DateFrom.Value;

            double days = duration.GetValueOrDefault().TotalDays;

            if (days > 2 && txtDO.Text.Trim() == "")
                lblSearchError.Text    = "Please select 2 Days difference between dates due to high volume of data or Provide DO Number to Search";
                lblSearchError.Visible = true;

            GenericCollection <ShowShipmentBE> listOfBE = objBC.GetShowShipment945Details("Get", TxtIDOC.Text.Trim(), txtDO.Text.Trim(), txtLoadID.Text.Trim(), drdStatus.SelectedValue, drdTxnType.SelectedValue, drdServiceComponentPartnerSearch.SelectedValue, txtPlant.Text.Trim(), txtOrderType.Text.Trim(), DateFrom, DateTo);

            foreach (ShowShipmentBE objExt1 in listOfBE)
                if (objExt1.StageName == "SentPositive997ToPartner")
                    objExt1.Ack997Status = "pos997";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "SentNegative997ToPartner")
                    objExt1.Ack997Status = "neg997";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "SentPositiveEDI824ToPartner")
                    objExt1.Ack824Status = "pos824";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "SentNegativeEDI824ToPartner")
                    objExt1.Ack824Status = "Neg824";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "SendPositiveEDI824for945ToBatchPrimaryTransport")
                    objExt1.Ack824Status = "Pos824Batch";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "SendNegativeEDI824for945ToBatchPrimaryTransport")
                    objExt1.Ack824Status = "Neg824Batch";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "SendNegativeEDI824for945ToBatchSecondaryTransport")
                    objExt1.Ack824Status = "Neg824Batch";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "SendPositiveEDI824for945ToBatchSecondaryTransport")
                    objExt1.Ack824Status = "Pos824Batch";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "AperakAckSentToPartner")
                    objExt1.AckAperakStatus = "posAperak";
                if (objExt1.StageName == "AperakNAckSentToPartner")
                    objExt1.AckAperakStatus = "negAperak";
                if (objExt1.MDNStatus == "RcvdPositiveMDNFromPartner")
                    objExt1.MDNStatus = "PosMDN";
                if (objExt1.MDNStatus == "Error_RcvdNegativeMDNFromPartnerEx")
                    objExt1.MDNStatus = "NegMDN";
                if (objExt1.MDNStatus == "Error_MDNNotReceivedFromPartner")
                    objExt1.MDNStatus = "NoMDN";

            foreach (ShowShipmentBE obj in listOfBE)
                string PartnerName = objPucBC.GetPartnerName(obj.Plant);
                obj.CM = PartnerName == "" ? obj.CM : PartnerName;

            Session[vSSList] = listOfBE;

            if (ViewState[grdPageSize] != null)
                gvDO.PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState[grdPageSize].ToString());
                gvDO.PageSize = 10;

            lblRec.Text  = Utils.GridRecDispMsg(gvDO.PageIndex, gvDO.PageSize, listOfBE.Count);
            gvDO.Visible = true;
            if (listOfBE != null && listOfBE.Count > 0)
                rowPage.Visible = true;
                rowGrid.Visible = true;

                gvDO.DataSource = listOfBE;
                lblRec.Text    = Utils.GridRecDispMsg(gvDO.PageIndex, gvDO.PageSize, listOfBE.Count);
                gvDO.Visible   = true;
                lblRec.Visible = true;
                lblRec.Visible  = false;
                rowGrid.Visible = false;
                rowPage.Visible = false;

                gvDO.Visible    = false;
                gvDO.DataSource = null;
                lblSearchError.Text    = "No records found.";
                lblSearchError.Visible = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            lblSearchError.Text    = ex.Message;
            lblSearchError.Visible = true;