private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            var worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;

            var hruCol  = new HealthRollupCollection(() => new HealthRollup());
            var servers = ServerConfigMgr.GetServers();

            int index        = 0;
            int iServerCount = servers.Count();

            var checkedGroupServices = new ConcurrentBag <Tuple <ServerRole, HCWinService> >();

                //Perform health check on each server
                Parallel.ForEach(servers.ToList(), (server) =>
                    if (worker.CancellationPending || e.Cancel)
                        writeVerbose("Background worker is cancelling.");
                        e.Result = hruCol;
                        e.Cancel = true;
                        worker.ReportProgress(0, hruCol);

                    server.IsOnline         = GenericChecks.getIsOnline(server);
                    GenericChecks genChecks = new GenericChecks();
                    var winServicesToCheck  = ServerHealthCheckConfigMgr.GetWindowsServicesToCheck()
                        x => x.Servers.Where(y => y.Item1 && y.Item2.HostName == server.HostName).Count() > 0 && x.Roles.Where(y => !y.Item1 && y.Item2 == server.HostRole && y.Item3 == server.HostFunction).Count() == 0 ||
                        x.Roles.Where(y => y.Item1 && y.Item2 == server.HostRole && y.Item3 == server.HostFunction).Count() > 0 && x.Servers.Where(y => !y.Item1 && y.Item2.HostName == server.HostName).Count() == 0 ||
                        !x.Function.Equals(ServerFunction.Unknown) && (x.Function.Equals(server.HostFunction) && x.Servers.Where(y => !y.Item1 && y.Item2.HostName == server.HostName).Count() + x.Roles.Where(y => !y.Item1 && y.Item2 == server.HostRole && y.Item3 == server.HostFunction).Count() == 0) ||
                        ((x.Roles.Count + x.Servers.Count == 0) && (x.Function.Equals(ServerFunction.Unknown)))

                    var tskGeneric            = genChecks.PerformServerCheck(server);
                    var tskWinServices        = GenericChecks.CheckWindowsServices(server, winServicesToCheck);
                    var tskListGrpWinServices = new List <Task>();

                    if (server.IsOnline && server.IsActive)
                        //For the services that have onepergroup set, calculate the servers that belong to the group
                        foreach (var grpWinService in winServicesToCheck.Where(x => x.OnePerGroup))
                            writeVerbose(string.Format("Checking group service {0} on {1}.", grpWinService.Name, server.HostName));

                            //Skip if we already have already calculated which servers belong to the group for this service
                            if (checkedGroupServices.Where(x => x.Item1 == server.HostRole).Select(x => x.Item2).Contains(grpWinService))
                                writeVerbose(string.Format("Already added group for service {0} for cluster containing {1}.", grpWinService.Name, server.HostName));

                            List <FiOSServer> grpServers = new List <FiOSServer>();

                            //if there are roles, add the groups of servers with the same roles, functions, locations, and servers that start with the same first 4 letters.
                            if (grpWinService.Roles.Count > 0)
                                writeVerbose(string.Format("First grpWinService.Roles.Count > 0 true for {0} on {1}", grpWinService.Name, server.HostName));
                                grpWinService.Roles.Where(x => x.Item2 == server.HostRole).ToList().ForEach((role) =>
                                    grpServers.AddRange(servers.Where(x => (x.HostRole == role.Item2 && x.HostFunction == role.Item3) && role.Item1 && x.HostLocationName == server.HostLocationName &&
                                                                      x.HostName.StartsWith(server.HostName.Substring(0, 4))).ToList());
                            //get server groups by host function and host name
                                writeVerbose(string.Format("First grpWinService.Roles.Count > 0 false for {0} on {1}", grpWinService.Name, server.HostName));
                                grpServers.AddRange(servers.Where(x => x.HostFunction == grpWinService.Function && x.HostName.StartsWith(server.HostName.Substring(0, 4))).ToList());

                            //Add directly included servers
                            if (grpWinService.Servers.Count > 0)
                                grpWinService.Servers.ForEach((svr) =>
                                    grpServers.AddRange(servers.Where(x => (x.HostFullName == svr.Item2.HostFullName) && svr.Item1));

                            writeVerbose(string.Format("grpServers count = {0} for {1} on {2}", grpServers.Where(x => x.IsActive && x.IsOnline).Count(), grpWinService.Name, server.HostName));

                            //Do not check service if the server's name does not start with any of the group server's names
                            if (grpServers.Count > 0 && !grpServers.Any(x => x.HostName.ToUpper().StartsWith(server.HostName.ToUpper().Substring(0, 4))))
                                writeVerbose(string.Format("{0} is not a member of the server group for {1}.", server, grpWinService.Name));

                            //If there are multiple roles, add a task for each one so that they don't all group up under the same role in the results
                            if (grpWinService.Roles.Count > 1)
                                grpWinService.Roles.ForEach((role) =>
                                    tskListGrpWinServices.Add(GenericChecks.CheckWindowsServices(grpServers.Where(x => x.HostRole == role.Item2 && x.IsActive && x.IsOnline).Select(x => x.HostName).ToArray(), grpWinService));
                                tskListGrpWinServices.Add(GenericChecks.CheckWindowsServices(grpServers.Where(x => x.IsActive && x.IsOnline).Select(x => x.HostFullName).ToArray(), grpWinService));

                            //Add to list to avoid grouping servers for the same service
                            checkedGroupServices.Add(new Tuple <ServerRole, HCWinService>(server.HostRole, grpWinService));

                    //Run general server checks
                        writeVerbose(string.Format("Beginning general server check task for {0}.", server.HostName));
                    catch (AggregateException aex)
                        foreach (var ex in aex.Flatten().InnerExceptions)
                            writeEvent(string.Format("Error while performing general server checks on {0}. {1}", server.HostFullName, ex.Message), 10801, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Error, true);

                    //Run group windows service checks
                    if (tskListGrpWinServices.Count > 0)
                            writeVerbose(string.Format("Beginning group tasks for {0}.", server.HostName));
                        catch (AggregateException aex)
                            foreach (var ex in aex.Flatten().InnerExceptions)
                                writeEvent(string.Format("Error while performing windows service check on server group containing {0}", server.HostFullName), 10801, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Error, true);

                    //Run windows service checks
                        writeVerbose(string.Format("Beginning windows service check task for {0}.", server.HostName));
                    catch (AggregateException aex)
                        foreach (var ex in aex.Flatten().InnerExceptions)
                            writeEvent(string.Format("Error while performing windows service check on {0}. {1}", server.HostFullName, ex.Message), 10802, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Error, true);

                    //Get results for all tasks
                        if (tskGeneric.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                        writeVerbose(string.Format("Finished general server check task for {0}.", server.HostName));
                        if (tskWinServices.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                            foreach (var result in tskWinServices.Result)
                        writeVerbose(string.Format("Finished windows service check task for {0}.", server.HostName));

                        //Group services results
                        foreach (Task <List <HealthCheckError> > tsk in tskListGrpWinServices)
                            if (tsk.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                                hruCol.PutObject(new HealthRollup()
                                    Server = server, Errors = tsk.Result
                        writeVerbose(string.Format("Finished group tasks for {0}.", server.HostName));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to add health check for {0} to collection. {1}", server.HostName, ex.Message));

                    //Web server checks
                    if (server is FiOSWebServer)
                        writeVerbose(string.Format("Beginning web server checks task for {0}.", server.HostName));
                        IISChecks iisChecks = new IISChecks();
                        var tskIISChecks    = iisChecks.CheckWebServer(server as FiOSWebServer);

                        catch (AggregateException aex)
                            foreach (var ex in aex.Flatten().InnerExceptions)
                                writeEvent(string.Format("Error while performing IIS checks on {0}. {1}.", server.HostFullName, ex.Message), 10801, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Error, true);

                            if (tskIISChecks.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to add web health check for {0} to collection. {1}", server.HostName, ex.Message));
                        writeVerbose(string.Format("Finished web server checks task for {0}.", server.HostName));

                    bw.ReportProgress((int)(((decimal)++ index / (decimal)iServerCount) * 100), hruCol);
                    writeVerbose(string.Format("Finished reporting progress for {0}. {1} / {2}", server.HostName, index, iServerCount));
            catch (AggregateException aex)
                foreach (var ex in aex.Flatten().InnerExceptions)
                    writeError(string.Format("Error in server checks. {0}", ex.Message), 10805, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                writeError(string.Format("Error while performing checks.", ex.Message), 10800, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Error);

            e.Result = hruCol;