private Vector3 GetDoorDirection(GeneratorDoor door)
        float rot = TransformUtils.NormalizeAngle(Mathf.RoundToInt(door.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y));

        Vector3 direction = new Vector3();

        if (rot == 0)
            ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: +X");
            direction = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);
        else if (rot == 180)
            ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: -X");
            direction = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f);
        else if (rot == 90)
            ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: -Z");
            direction = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f);
        else if (rot == 270)
            ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: +Z");
            direction = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);

Example #2
    public GeneratorDoor ConnectRooms(Room lastRoom, Room newRoom)
        GeneratorDoor lastRoomDoor = lastRoom.GetRandomDoor(random); //this is the "EXIT" door of the last room, which we want to connect to a new room
        GeneratorDoor newRoomDoor  = newRoom.GetFirstOpenDoor();     //we grab the first open door to allow rooms to have "flow";

        if (!lastRoomDoor)

        newRoom.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis((lastRoomDoor.transform.eulerAngles.y - newRoomDoor.transform.eulerAngles.y) + 180f, Vector3.up);
        Vector3 translate = lastRoomDoor.transform.position - newRoomDoor.transform.position;

        newRoom.transform.position += translate;
        newRoom.GetComponent <Volume>().RecalculateBounds();
        //calling this now to create a worldspace bounds based on the new position/rotation after alignment.
        //we will use this worldspace volume-grid later when making smarter dungeons that can not overlap.

        //we should replace oen of these doors so that
        //they both share the same instance... we don't need TWO doors at every doorway
        //we will remove one of the graphical door prefabs, but we should keep both Door gameobject/components
        //we don't want to set these until we actually commmit to placing this room (ie after volume checks)
        // = false;
        // = false;
        //we return lastRoomDoor because we don't know what door it will grab, but we know newRoom will always grab firstOpenDoor()
Example #3
 //TODO: Should I automatically try to fix these errors?
 private void CheckDoor(GeneratorDoor door)
     //check if VoxelOwner is assigned
     if (!door.voxelOwner)
         throw new Exception(door.GetPath() + ": has an empty voxelOwner variable");
    public GeneratorDoor ConnectRooms(Room lastRoom, Room newRoom)
        GeneratorDoor lastRoomDoor = lastRoom.GetRandomDoor(random); //this is the "EXIT" door of the last room, which we want to connect to a new room
        GeneratorDoor newRoomDoor  = newRoom.GetFirstOpenDoor();     //we grab the first open door to allow rooms to have "flow";

        newRoom.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis((lastRoomDoor.transform.eulerAngles.y - newRoomDoor.transform.eulerAngles.y) + 180f, Vector3.up);
        Vector3 translate = lastRoomDoor.transform.position - newRoomDoor.transform.position;

        newRoom.transform.position += translate;
        newRoom.GetComponent <Volume>().RecalculateBounds();

        //we return lastRoomDoor because we don't know what door it will grab, but we know newRoom will always grab firstOpenDoor()
    private IEnumerator CollectVotes()
//        float startTime = Time.time;
//        while (startTime + VotingTime > Time.time)
//        {
//            yield return null;
//        }

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(VotingTime));

        Debug.Log("Collecting votes!");

        CurrentlyVoting = false;
        DoorDirection direction = UI.VotingPanel.EndVoting();

        TargetDoor = possibleDoors[direction];
    public Dictionary <DoorDirection, GeneratorDoor> GetPossibleDirections()
        GeneratorDoor otherDoor = TargetDoor.sharedDoor;
        Room          room      = GetAttachedRoom();
        Volume        volume    = room.GetComponent <Volume>();


        Dictionary <DoorDirection, GeneratorDoor> possibleDirections = new Dictionary <DoorDirection, GeneratorDoor>();
        Vector3 roomCenter     =;
        Vector3 rotationVector = GetDoorDirection(TargetDoor);

        foreach (GeneratorDoor door in room.doors)
            if (door == otherDoor)

            Vector3 dir = door.transform.position - roomCenter;

            float rot = Vector3.SignedAngle(rotationVector, dir, Vector3.up);
            //TODO: Get these angles from the edges of the bounds
            if (rot > -45 && rot < 45)
                possibleDirections.Add(DoorDirection.FORWARD, door);
            else if (rot >= -135 && rot <= -45)
                possibleDirections.Add(DoorDirection.LEFT, door);
            else if (rot >= 45 && rot <= 135)
                possibleDirections.Add(DoorDirection.RIGHT, door);
        if (TargetDoor.GetComponentInParent <Room>().doors.Count > 1)
            possibleDirections.Add(DoorDirection.BACKWARD, otherDoor);

    private void SetNextDoor()
        var  otherDoor = TargetDoor.sharedDoor;
        Room otherRoom = otherDoor.GetComponentInParent <Room>();

        if (otherRoom.doors.Count == 1)
            Debug.Log("Walking to the door behind me");
            TargetDoor = TargetDoor.sharedDoor;
        else if (otherRoom.doors.Count == 2)
            Debug.Log("Walking through the corridor");
            GeneratorDoor old = TargetDoor;
            TargetDoor = otherRoom.doors[0] == otherDoor ? otherRoom.doors[1] : otherRoom.doors[0];
            Debug.DrawLine(old.transform.position, TargetDoor.transform.position, Color.cyan, 0.1f, false);
            Debug.Log("Starting a voting session");
Example #8
    private bool CheckOverlap(GeneratorDoor door, Volume v)
        bool overlap = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < v.voxels.Count; i++)
            //Check if voxel is there already
            if (globalVoxels.ContainsKey(TransformUtils.RoundVec3ToInt(v.voxels[i].gameObject.transform.position)))
                //overlap found! bad!
                //Debug.Log("THERE IS AN OVERLAP!!");
                overlap = true;

            for (int j = 0; j < openSet.Count; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < openSet[j].doors.Count; k++)
                    //check if door is in the globalVoxelList
                    if (!openSet[j].doors[k].open)
                    //we also want to ignore the Door we're connecting with
                    if (openSet[j].doors[k] == door)
                    float   rot       = TransformUtils.NormalizeAngle(Mathf.RoundToInt(openSet[j].doors[k].transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y));
                    Vector3 direction = new Vector3();
                    if (rot == 0)
                        ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: +X");
                        direction = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);
                    else if (rot == 180)
                        ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: -X");
                        direction = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f);
                    else if (rot == 90)
                        ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: -Z");
                        direction = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f);
                    else if (rot == 270)
                        ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: +Z");
                        direction = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);
                    GameObject g = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                    g.transform.position = openSet[j].doors[k].voxelOwner.transform.position + (direction * Volume.VoxelScale);
                    g.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color =;
                    if (TransformUtils.RoundVec3ToInt(v.voxels[i].gameObject.transform.position) == TransformUtils.RoundVec3ToInt(openSet[j].doors[k].voxelOwner.transform.position + (direction * Volume.VoxelScale)))
                        overlap = true;
                        //Debug.Log("Room is overlapping a door voxel neighbour!!!");
                        //Debug.Log("Room is NOT overlapping with a door voxel neighbour!");

Example #9
    private void GenerateNextRoom()
        Room lastRoom = startRoom.GetComponent <Room>();

        if (openSet.Count > 0)
            lastRoom = openSet[0];

        if (UseEnumaration && Camera.main)
            Vector3 cameraPosition = Camera.main.transform.position;
            cameraPosition.x = lastRoom.transform.position.x;
            cameraPosition.z = lastRoom.transform.position.z;
            Camera.main.transform.position = cameraPosition;

        //create a mutable list of all possible rooms
        List <Room> possibleRooms = new List <Room>();

        for (int i = 0; i < data.sets[dungeonSet].roomTemplates.Count; i++)

        GameObject    newRoom;
        GeneratorDoor door;
        bool          roomIsGood = false;

        //Debug.Log("count: " + data.sets[dungeonSet].roomTemplates.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < doorVoxelsTest.Count; i++)

            if (roomsCount >= targetRooms)
                possibleRooms = GetAllRoomsWithOneDoor(possibleRooms);
                //Debug.Log("ADDING END ROOMS TARGET REACHED!");

            if (possibleRooms.Count == 0)
                Debug.Log("WHAT IS GOING ON!");

            int        r         = GetRoomNumberToTry(possibleRooms);
            GameObject roomToTry = possibleRooms[r].gameObject;

            newRoom = (GameObject)Instantiate(roomToTry);
            newRoom.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform;
            door = ConnectRooms(lastRoom, newRoom.GetComponent <Room>());

            //room is now generated and in position... we need to test overlap now!
            Volume v  = newRoom.GetComponent <Volume>();
            Room   ro = newRoom.GetComponent <Room>();

            if (!CheckOverlap(door, v) && CheckSpace(newRoom, v, ro))
                //Debug.Log("all next rooms will fit!");
                roomIsGood = true;
                //Debug.Log("Try a different room!!!!--------");
                //destroy the room we just tried to place
        } while (possibleRooms.Count > 0 && !roomIsGood && (!generateWithTimer || stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < MaxGenerationTime));
        if (!roomIsGood)
            //we failed!
            Debug.Log("NO ROoms THAT FIT, THIS IS BAAAAD! ... but should never happen!");

            //remove the door because its blocked (or something)
            if (!lastRoom.hasOpenDoors())
            GeneratorDoor otherDoor = newRoom.GetComponent <Room>().GetFirstOpenDoor();
            door.sharedDoor      = otherDoor;
            otherDoor.sharedDoor = door;

   = false;
            newRoom.GetComponent <Room>().GetFirstOpenDoor().open = false;

            rooms.Add(newRoom.GetComponent <Room>());

            AddGlobalVoxels(newRoom.GetComponent <Volume>().voxels);
            if (!lastRoom.hasOpenDoors())
            if (newRoom.GetComponent <Room>().hasOpenDoors())
                openSet.Add(newRoom.GetComponent <Room>());

            //Debug.Log("Openset: " + openSet.Count);
    private void GenerateNextRoom()
        Room lastRoom = startRoom.GetComponent <Room>();

        if (openSet.Count > 0)
            lastRoom = openSet[0];

        //create a mutable list of all possible rooms
        List <Room> possibleRooms = new List <Room>();

        for (int i = 0; i < data.sets[dungeonSet].roomTemplates.Count; i++)

        GameObject    newRoom;
        GeneratorDoor door;
        bool          roomIsGood = false;

        //Debug.Log("count: " + data.sets[dungeonSet].roomTemplates.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < doorVoxelsTest.Count; i++)

            if (roomsCount >= targetRooms)
                possibleRooms = GetAllRoomsWithOneDoor(possibleRooms);
                //Debug.Log("ADDING END ROOMS TARGET REACHED!");

            //If we picked a room with with one door, try again UNLESS we've have no other rooms to try
            int        doors    = 0;
            bool       tryAgain = false;
            GameObject roomToTry;
            int        r = random.range(0, possibleRooms.Count - 1);
            ////Debug.Log("r: " + r);
            roomToTry = possibleRooms[r].gameObject;
            doors     = roomToTry.GetComponent <Room>().doors.Count;

            if (doors == 1 && possibleRooms.Count > 1)
                //Debug.Log("we're adding a room with one door when we have other's we could try first..");
                float chance      = 1f - Mathf.Sqrt(((float)roomsCount / (float)targetRooms)); //the closer we are to target the less of a chance of changing rooms
                float randomValue = random.value();
                //Debug.Log("Chance: " + chance + " | Random value: " + randomValue);
                if (randomValue < chance)
                    r         = random.range(0, possibleRooms.Count - 1);
                    roomToTry = possibleRooms[r].gameObject;
                    //Debug.Log("trying a new room");
                    //Debug.Log("New room has doors: " + roomToTry.GetComponent<Room>().doors.Count);

                    doors = roomToTry.GetComponent <Room>().doors.Count;
                    if (doors == 1 && possibleRooms.Count > 1)
                        float chance2      = 1f - Mathf.Sqrt(((float)roomsCount / (float)targetRooms)); //the closer we are to target the less of a chance of changing rooms
                        float randomValue2 = random.value();
                        if (randomValue2 < chance2)
                            r         = random.range(0, possibleRooms.Count - 1);
                            roomToTry = possibleRooms[r].gameObject;
                            //Debug.Log("Oh well again..");
                    //Debug.Log("Oh well!");

            newRoom = (GameObject)Instantiate(roomToTry);
            newRoom.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform;
            door = ConnectRooms(lastRoom, newRoom.GetComponent <Room>());

            //room is now generated and in position... we need to test overlap now!
            Volume v       = newRoom.GetComponent <Volume>();
            Room   ro      = newRoom.GetComponent <Room>();
            bool   overlap = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < v.voxels.Count; i++)
                if (globalVoxels.ContainsKey(RoundVec3ToInt(v.voxels[i].gameObject.transform.position)))
                    //overlap found! bad!
                    //Debug.Log("THERE IS AN OVERLAP!!");
                    overlap = true;

                for (int j = 0; j < openSet.Count; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < openSet[j].doors.Count; k++)
                        //check if door is in the globalVoxelList
                        if (!openSet[j].doors[k].open)
                        //we also want to ignore the Door we're connecting with
                        if (openSet[j].doors[k] == door)
                        float   rot       = NormalizeAngle(Mathf.RoundToInt(openSet[j].doors[k].transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y));
                        Vector3 direction = new Vector3();
                        if (rot == 0)
                            ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: +X");
                            direction = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);
                        else if (rot == 180)
                            ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: -X");
                            direction = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f);
                        else if (rot == 90)
                            ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: -Z");
                            direction = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f);
                        else if (rot == 270)
                            ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: +Z");
                            direction = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);
                        GameObject g = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                        g.transform.position = openSet[j].doors[k].voxelOwner.transform.position + (direction * v.voxelScale);
                        g.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color =;
                        if (RoundVec3ToInt(v.voxels[i].gameObject.transform.position) == RoundVec3ToInt(openSet[j].doors[k].voxelOwner.transform.position + (direction * v.voxelScale)))
                            overlap = true;
                            //Debug.Log("Room is overlapping a door voxel neighbour!!!");
                            //Debug.Log("Room is NOT overlapping with a door voxel neighbour!");

            bool hasSpace = true;
            if (!overlap)
                //Debug.Log("NO overlap with the room...checking doors");
                //check all the doors, and make sure there's at leas a 1x1x1 voxel of air out of it
                //this will enure we have room for a treasure room at least, and no doors will lead right into a wall!
                for (int i = 0; i < ro.doors.Count; i++)
                    //we need to find the direction the door is pointing in world space..
                    //Debug.Log(i + " : " + ro.doors[i].open);
                    if (!ro.doors[i].open)
                        continue;                    //check all OPEN doors BUT the one we're connecting with..
                    if (ro.doors[i] == newRoom.GetComponent <Room>().GetFirstOpenDoor())
                    //Debug.Log("Actually checking door: " + i);
                    float   rot       = NormalizeAngle(Mathf.RoundToInt(ro.doors[i].transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y));
                    Vector3 direction = new Vector3();
                    if (rot == 0)
                        ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: +X");
                        direction = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);
                    else if (rot == 180)
                        ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: -X");
                        direction = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f);
                    else if (rot == 90)
                        ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: -Z");
                        direction = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f);
                    else if (rot == 270)
                        ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: +Z");
                        direction = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);
                    //Debug.Log("Drawing spheres");
                    GameObject g = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                    g.transform.position = ro.doors[i].voxelOwner.transform.position + (direction * v.voxelScale);

                    if (globalVoxels.ContainsKey(RoundVec3ToInt(ro.doors[i].voxelOwner.transform.position + (direction * v.voxelScale))))
                        //we have a collision on the door neighbours
                        //Debug.Log("WE HAVE A COLLISION WITH THE DOOR NEIGHBOURS");
                        hasSpace = false;
                        //we good!
                        //Debug.Log("We don't have a collision witht he door neighbours");
                        //check doors against all other doors so that no door voxels overlap with other door  voxels
                        for (int j = 0; j < openSet.Count; j++)
                            for (int k = 0; k < openSet[j].doors.Count; k++)
                                if (!openSet[j].doors[k].open)
                                float   rot2       = NormalizeAngle(Mathf.RoundToInt(openSet[j].doors[k].transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y));
                                Vector3 direction2 = new Vector3();
                                if (rot2 == 0)
                                    ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: +X");
                                    direction2 = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);
                                else if (rot2 == 180)
                                    ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: -X");
                                    direction2 = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f);
                                else if (rot2 == 90)
                                    ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: -Z");
                                    direction2 = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f);
                                else if (rot2 == 270)
                                    ////Debug.Log("Door: " + i + " is facing: +Z");
                                    direction2 = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);

                                if (RoundVec3ToInt(ro.doors[i].voxelOwner.transform.position + (direction * v.voxelScale)) == RoundVec3ToInt(openSet[j].doors[k].voxelOwner.transform.position + (direction2 * v.voxelScale)))
                                    hasSpace = false;
                                    //Debug.Log("TWo door voxels overlapping!");
                            if (!hasSpace)

            if (!overlap && hasSpace)
                //Debug.Log("all next rooms will fit!");
                roomIsGood = true;
                //Debug.Log("Try a different room!!!!--------");
                //destroy the room we just tried to place
        } while (possibleRooms.Count > 0 && !roomIsGood);
        if (!roomIsGood)
            //we failed!
            //Debug.Log("NO ROoms THAT FIT, THIS IS BAAAAD! ... but should never happen!");
            GeneratorDoor otherDoor = newRoom.GetComponent <Room>().GetFirstOpenDoor();
            door.sharedDoor      = otherDoor;
            otherDoor.sharedDoor = door;

   = false;
            newRoom.GetComponent <Room>().GetFirstOpenDoor().open = false;

            rooms.Add(newRoom.GetComponent <Room>());

            AddGlobalVoxels(newRoom.GetComponent <Volume>().voxels);
            if (!lastRoom.hasOpenDoors())
            if (newRoom.GetComponent <Room>().hasOpenDoors())
                openSet.Add(newRoom.GetComponent <Room>());

            //Debug.Log("Openset: " + openSet.Count);
Example #11
 private void SavePlayerLocation(TwitchPlayerController player)
     playerLocation = player.gameObject.transform.position;
     playerRotation = player.gameObject.transform.rotation;
     targetDoor     = player.TargetDoor;