Example #1
        protected virtual List <KeyVariantAttributeItem> EnableKvasInStock(GenerateKvaItemsParam kvaParam, List <KeyVariantAttributeItem> kvas)
            //Enable available kvas
            foreach (var kva in kvaParam.SelectedKvas)
                //get all enabled variants for the first level. i.e.: for color "black" this list would contain all sizes available for black in the first loop
                //and the second loop all colors for the size 5
                var enabledList = kvaParam.ProductVariants.Where(x => x.Kvas[kva.Key].Equals(kva.Value)).SelectMany(x => x.Kvas).Where(x => !x.Key.Equals(kva.Key)).ToList();

                foreach (var enabledItem in enabledList)
                    var property = kvas.First(x => x.PropertyName.Equals(enabledItem.Key));
                    if (property.Values.Any(x => x.Value.ToString().Equals(enabledItem.Value.ToString())))
                        property.Values.First(x => x.Value.ToString().Equals(enabledItem.Value.ToString())).Disabled = false;

Example #2
 private List <KeyVariantAttributeItem> DisableMissingKvas(GenerateKvaItemsParam kvaParam, List <KeyVariantAttributeItem> kvas)
     foreach (var selectedKva in kvaParam.SelectedKvas)
         var existingKvasOtherThanSelected = kvaParam.ProductVariants
                                                                                                //All product variants that have the same KVA as our selected one
                                             .Where(productVariant => productVariant.Kvas[selectedKva.Key].Equals(selectedKva.Value))
                                             .SelectMany(productVariant => productVariant.Kvas) //Flatten our product variants to their KVA values
                                                                                                //Ignore the KVAs retrieved that are the same type as our selected one (i.e. if our selected is Color, ignore all Color KVAs and keep the other ones)
                                             .Where(productVariantKva => !productVariantKva.Key.Equals(selectedKva.Key))
         var allPossibleKvasOtherThanSelected = kvas
                                                .Where(kva => !kva.PropertyName.Equals(selectedKva.Key))
                                                .SelectMany(v => v.Values);
         var notExistingKva = allPossibleKvasOtherThanSelected.Where(x => !existingKvasOtherThanSelected.Any(ekva => ekva.Value.Equals(x.Value)));
         foreach (var kva in notExistingKva)
             kva.Disabled = true;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the kva items that will be used to display the product properties values.  Basically, this
        /// method generates a flat list of key value properties and their possible values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kvaParam">The GenerateKvaItemsParam</param>
        protected virtual List <KeyVariantAttributeItem> CreateKvaItems(GenerateKvaItemsParam kvaParam)
            var kvas = new List <KeyVariantAttributeItem>();

            if (kvaParam.Product.Variants == null)

            var productFormatter = new ProductFormatter(LocalizationProvider, LookupService);

            var properties = kvaParam.ProductDefinition.VariantProperties
                             .Where(v => v.IsKeyVariant)
                             .OrderBy(v => v.KeyVariantOrder)
                             .ThenBy(v => v.DisplayOrder)

            foreach (var property in properties)
                //Get Values
                var items = kvaParam.Product.Variants
                            .Where(v => v.Active.GetValueOrDefault())
                            .SelectMany(v => v.PropertyBag.Select(pb => new { Variant = v, PB = pb }))
                            .Where(o => o.PB.Key == property.PropertyName)
                            .GroupBy(o => o.PB.Value)
                            .Select(g => new KeyVariantAttributeItemValue
                    Title = productFormatter.FormatValue(property, g.Key, kvaParam.CultureInfo)
                            ?? (g.Key ?? string.Empty).ToString(),
                    Value             = g.Key,
                    Selected          = false,
                    Disabled          = false,
                    RelatedVariantIds = g.Select(o => o.Variant.Id).ToList()

                if (property.DataType == PropertyDataType.Boolean ||
                    property.DataType == PropertyDataType.Text)
                    //Localised Alphabetic Order
                    items = items.OrderBy(i => i.Title)
                            .ThenBy(i => i.Value)
                else if (property.DataType == PropertyDataType.Lookup)
                    var lookupValues = kvaParam.ProductLookups
                                       .Where(l => l.LookupName == property.LookupDefinition.LookupName)
                                       .Select(l => l.Values)
                                       .FirstOrDefault() ?? new List <LookupValue>();

                    //Weight Defined SortOrder (with fallback to Alphabetic)
                    items = items.Join(lookupValues, i => i.Value, lv => lv.Value, (i, lv) => new
                        Item        = i,
                        LookupValue = lv
                            .OrderBy(o => o.LookupValue.SortOrder)
                            .ThenBy(o => o.Item.Title)
                            .ThenBy(o => o.Item.Value)
                            .Select(o => o.Item)
                    //Semantic Order (Numerical or Chronological)
                    items = items.OrderBy(i => i.Value).ToList();

                //Bind Images from LookupValues
                if (property.LookupDefinition != null)
                    string lookupName = property.LookupDefinition.LookupName;
                    items.ForEach(item =>
                                  item.ImageUrl = GetLookupImageUrl(lookupName, item.Value)

                if (kvaParam.SelectedKvas.TryGetValue(property.PropertyName, out object selectedValue))
                    var item = items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Value.Equals(selectedValue));
                    if (item != null)
                        item.Selected = true;
                        item.Disabled = false;

                kvas.Add(new KeyVariantAttributeItem
                    DisplayName      = property.DisplayName.GetLocalizedValue(kvaParam.CultureInfo.Name) ?? property.PropertyName,
                    PropertyName     = property.PropertyName,
                    PropertyDataType = property.DataType.ToString("g"),
                    Values           = items

            kvas = DisableMissingKvas(kvaParam, kvas);

            return(EnableKvasInStock(kvaParam, kvas));