Example #1
        //// Main method for C# 7.0 and below. Be careful with Wait, you can get deadlocks. It is highly recommended to update to C# 7.1 for console applications.
        //// To change the C# version, open the project properties, go to Build, then click the Advanced button in the bottom right, and select your C# version.
        //// If you can't find an appropriate C# version you may need to update your Visual Studio.
        //public static void Main(string[] args)
        //    RunDemo().Wait();

        /// <summary>
        /// The purpose of this demo is to create a new General Ledger Account and print out the chart of accounts for a client.
        /// </summary>
        private static async Task RunDemo()
            var authorizationSettings = new AuthorizationSettings
                ApplicationKey = "<You Application Key Here>",
                ClientKey      = "<PowerOffice Go Client Key Here>",
                TokenStore     = new BasicTokenStore(@"my.tokenstore"),
                EndPointHost   = Settings.EndPointMode.Production //For authorization against the demo environment - Change this to Settings.EndPointMode.Demo

            // Initialize the PowerOffice Go API and request authorization
            var api = await Go.CreateAsync(authorizationSettings);

            //Add a new General Ledger Account
            var account3016 = new GeneralLedgerAccount()
                Code         = 3016,
                Name         = "Salgskonto 3016",
                CurrencyCode = "NOK",
                IsActive     = true,
                VatCode      = "3"

            account3016 = api.GeneralLedgerAccount.Save(account3016);

            //Query all General Ledger Accounts (Chart of Accounts)
            var generalLedgerAccounts = api.GeneralLedgerAccount.Get().OrderBy(a => a.Code).ToArray();

            foreach (var generalLedgerAccount in generalLedgerAccounts)
                Console.WriteLine($"{generalLedgerAccount.Code} - {generalLedgerAccount.Name} - IsActive: {generalLedgerAccount.IsActive}");

            //Delete General Ledger Account

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
Example #2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var authorizationSettings = new AuthorizationSettings
                ApplicationKey = "<You Application Key Here>",
                ClientKey      = "<PowerOffice Go Client Key Here>",
                TokenStore     = new BasicTokenStore(@"my.tokenstore")

            // Initialize the PowerOffice Go API and request authorization
            var api = new Go(authorizationSettings);

            //Add a new General Ledger Account
            var account3016 = new GeneralLedgerAccount()
                Code         = 3016,
                Name         = "Salgskonto 3016",
                CurrencyCode = "NOK",
                IsActive     = true,
                VatCode      = "3"

            account3016 = api.GeneralLedgerAccount.Save(account3016);

            //Query all General Ledger Accounts (Chart of Accounts)
            var generalLedgerAccounts = api.GeneralLedgerAccount.Get().OrderBy(a => a.Code).ToArray();

            foreach (var generalLedgerAccount in generalLedgerAccounts)
                Console.WriteLine($"{generalLedgerAccount.Code} - {generalLedgerAccount.Name} - IsActive: {generalLedgerAccount.IsActive}");

            //Delete General Ledger Account

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
Example #3
        public void MultiKeysNotEqual()
            long objectId = 8046003;

            using (var app = Application.Connect(Application.CreateOnBaseAuthenticationProperties(
                var glAccount = new GeneralLedgerAccount();
                glAccount.Company    = "FHT";
                glAccount.COACode    = "COA";
                glAccount.GLAccount1 = "5585|750|486A";

                var wvObject = app.WorkView.Applications.Find("APA")?.Classes.Find("GeneralLedgerAccount")?.GetObjectByID(objectId);

                var result = wvObject.IsMatch(glAccount);
