public static void PerformSaveFileLoad() { System.IO.File.WriteAllText(GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(m_sfd.partial_name), m_sfd.tcontext); ThingFilterPatch.avoidThingFilterUsage = true; GameDataSaveLoader.LoadGame(m_sfd.partial_name); ThingFilterPatch.avoidThingFilterUsage = false; }
private static void UpdateFile(string fileName) { string filePath = GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(fileName); XmlElement xmlNode; using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(filePath)) { using (XmlTextReader xmlTextReader = new XmlTextReader(streamReader)) { var XmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); XmlDocument.Load(xmlTextReader); xmlNode = XmlDocument.DocumentElement; } } UpdateData(xmlNode); using (FileStream saveStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) { var xmlWriterSettings = new XmlWriterSettings(); xmlWriterSettings.Indent = true; xmlWriterSettings.IndentChars = "\t"; using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(saveStream, xmlWriterSettings)) { writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.WriteNode(xmlNode.CreateNavigator(), false); } } Log.Message($"Save'{fileName}' converted successfuly"); }
private static void SetupForQuickstart() { try { if (Settings.OperationMode == QuickstartSettings.QuickstartMode.Disabled) { return; } if (HugsLibUtility.ShiftIsHeld) { HugsLibController.Logger.Warning("Quickstart aborted: Shift key was held."); return; } CheckForErrorsAndWarnings(); if (Settings.OperationMode == QuickstartSettings.QuickstartMode.GenerateMap) { if (GenCommandLine.CommandLineArgPassed("quicktest")) { // vanilla QuickStarter will change the scene, only set up scenario and map size injection PrepareMapGeneration(); } else { InitateMapGeneration(); } } else if (Settings.OperationMode == QuickstartSettings.QuickstartMode.LoadMap) { var saveName = Settings.SaveFileToLoad; if (saveName == null) { throw new WarningException("save filename not set"); } var filePath = GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(saveName); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { throw new WarningException("save file not found: " + Settings.SaveFileToLoad); } HugsLibController.Logger.Message("Quickstarter is loading saved game: " + saveName); Action loadAction = () => { LongEventHandler.QueueLongEvent(delegate { Current.Game = new Game { InitData = new GameInitData { gameToLoad = saveName } }; }, "Play", "LoadingLongEvent", true, null); }; if (Settings.BypassSafetyDialog) { loadAction(); } else { PreLoadUtility.CheckVersionAndLoad(filePath, ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.ScribeHeaderMode.Map, loadAction); } } } catch (WarningException e) { HugsLibController.Logger.Error("Quickstart aborted: " + e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Инициализация при старте игры. Как можно раньше /// </summary> public static void Init() { ConfigPath = Path.Combine(GenFilePaths.ConfigFolderPath, "OnlineCity"); if (!Directory.Exists(ConfigPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(ConfigPath); } SaveFullName = GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(SaveName); MainHelper.CultureFromGame = Prefs.LangFolderName ?? ""; try { var workPath = Path.Combine( Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) , @"..\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\OnlineCity"); Directory.CreateDirectory(workPath); Loger.PathLog = workPath; } catch { } Loger.Log("Client Init " + MainHelper.VersionInfo); Loger.Log("Client Language: " + Prefs.LangFolderName); Loger.Log("Client MainThreadNum=" + ModBaseData.GlobalData.MainThreadNum.ToString()); }
// lifted wholesale from HugsLib, with minor alterations public static void InitiateSaveLoading(string saveName) { saveName = saveName.Trim('"', '\''); Log.Message("Starting saved game: " + saveName); if (saveName == null) { throw new WarningException("save filename not set"); } var filePath = GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(saveName); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { throw new WarningException("save file not found: " + filePath); } // skip mod/version checks, we're force loading here // (this also neatly hides the fact that we got weird bugs when nesting queued events) LongEventHandler.QueueLongEvent(delegate { Current.Game = new Game { InitData = new GameInitData { gameToLoad = saveName } }; }, "Play", "LoadingLongEvent", true, (err) => Log.Error(err.ToString())); }
public static bool Prefix(string saveFileName) { string fileName = saveFileName; string fileContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(saveFileName)); if (SyncTickData.cliendID == 0) { PirateRPC.PirateRPC.SendInvocation(NetDemo.ns, u => { NetDemo.SetSFD(new NetDemo.SaveFileData() { tcontext = fileContent, partial_name = fileName + "_received" }); PirateRPC.PirateRPC.SendInvocation(u, uu => { NetDemo.LoadFromRemoteSFD(); }); }); LongEventHandler.QueueLongEvent(() => { for (; NetDemo.GetSFD() == null;) { } }, "Downloading savefile".Translate(), true, e => { RimLog.Error(e.ToString()); }); } return(false); }
public static bool PreFLoadGameFromSaveFile(string fileName) { string str = GenText.ToCommaList(from mod in LoadedModManager.RunningMods select mod.ToString(), true); Log.Message("Loading game from file " + fileName + " with mods " + str); DeepProfiler.Start("Loading game from file " + fileName); Current.Game = new Game(); DeepProfiler.Start("InitLoading (read file)"); Scribe.loader.InitLoading(GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(fileName)); DeepProfiler.End(); ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.LoadGameDataHeader(ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.ScribeHeaderMode.Map, true); bool flag = !Scribe.EnterNode("Κgame"); bool result; if (flag) { Log.Error("Could not find DTMG XML node."); Scribe.ForceStop(); GenScene.GoToMainMenu(); Messages.Message("Game MUST be created with 'Don't Tempt Me!' loaded. Please select a 'Don't Tempt Me!' save game file.", MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); result = false; } else { Current.Game = new Game(); Current.Game.LoadGame(); PermadeathModeUtility.CheckUpdatePermadeathModeUniqueNameOnGameLoad(fileName); DeepProfiler.End(); result = false; } return(result); }
public static void InitateSaveLoading() { var saveName = GetSaveNameToLoad() ?? throw new WarningException("save filename not set"); var filePath = GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(saveName); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { throw new WarningException("save file not found: " + saveName); } HugsLibController.Logger.Message("Quickstarter is loading saved game: " + saveName); Action loadAction = () => { LongEventHandler.QueueLongEvent(delegate { Current.Game = new Game { InitData = new GameInitData { gameToLoad = saveName } }; }, "Play", "LoadingLongEvent", true, null); }; if (Settings.BypassSafetyDialog) { loadAction(); } else { PreLoadUtility.CheckVersionAndLoad(filePath, ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.ScribeHeaderMode.Map, loadAction); } }
public static void BackupSavegame(string fileName) { string savegamePath = GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(fileName); string backupPath = GetFilePathForBackup(savegamePath); File.Copy(savegamePath, backupPath, false); Log.Message($"Save copied to \"{backupPath}\""); }
public void SetPublishedFileId(PublishedFileId_t newPfid) { publishedFileIdInt = newPfid; if (Category == ScenarioCategory.CustomLocal && !fileName.NullOrEmpty()) { GameDataSaveLoader.SaveScenario(this, GenFilePaths.AbsPathForScenario(fileName)); } }
public static void DoSettingsWindowContents(Rect rect) { var l = new Listing_Standard(); l.Begin(rect); l.CheckboxLabeled("CheckModCompatible".Translate(), ref CheckModCompatible); foreach (var optimization in ExperimentalOptimizations.Optimizations) { var opt = optimization.TryGetAttribute <Optimization>(); opt.optimizationSetting.InvokeStaticMethod("DoSettingsWindowContents", l); } if (l.ButtonText("DEBUG: Dump needs, hediffs subclasses")) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); var allTypes = GenTypes.AllTypes.ToList(); var hediffs = allTypes .Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Hediff))) .Where(t => TypeHasDeclaredMethod(t, "PostTick") || TypeHasDeclaredMethod(t, "Tick")) .ToList(); var hediffComps = allTypes .Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(HediffComp))) .Where(t => TypeHasDeclaredMethod(t, "CompPostTick")) .ToList(); var needs = allTypes .Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Need))) .ToList(); sb.AppendLine($"needs:"); foreach (var need in needs) { sb.AppendLine($" {need.FullName}"); } sb.AppendLine($"hediffs:"); foreach (var hediff in hediffs) { sb.AppendLine($" {hediff.FullName}"); } sb.AppendLine($"hediffComps:"); foreach (var comp in hediffComps) { sb.AppendLine($" {comp.FullName}"); } File.WriteAllText($"{GenFilePaths.FolderUnderSaveData("EOptimizations")}\\subclasses_debug.txt", sb.ToString()); // local functions bool TypeHasDeclaredMethod(Type t, string methodName) => t .GetMethods(AccessTools.all).Any(m => m.IsDeclaredMember() && m.Name.Equals(methodName)); } l.End(); }
public IEnumerable <CodeInstruction> Transpiler(ILGenerator generator, IEnumerable <CodeInstruction> instr) { var dir = GenFilePaths.FolderUnderSaveData("TranspilerDebug"); var code = instr.ToList(); File.WriteAllLines($"{dir}\\{Name}.before.txt", code.Select(x => x.ToString())); code = TranspilerDebug(generator, code).ToList(); File.WriteAllLines($"{dir}\\{Name}.after.txt", code.Select(x => x.ToString())); return(code); }
protected override void DoFileInteraction(string fileName) { string absPath = GenFilePaths.AbsPathForScenario(fileName); LongEventHandler.QueueLongEvent(delegate { GameDataSaveLoader.SaveScenario(this.savingScen, absPath); }, "SavingLongEvent", false, null); Messages.Message("SavedAs".Translate(fileName), MessageTypeDefOf.SilentInput); this.Close(true); }
public static Dictionary <string, string> GetSyncableConfigFiles() { return(new DirectoryInfo(GenFilePaths.ConfigFolderPath) .GetFiles("*.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Concat(new DirectoryInfo(GenFilePaths.FolderUnderSaveData("HugsLib")).GetFiles("*.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) .Where(FilterNonSyncedConfigFiles) .ToDictionary( file => ModManagement.ModConfigFileRelative(file.FullName, true), file => file.OpenText().ReadToEnd() )); }
private string NewAutosaveFileName() { string text = (from name in AutoSaveNames() where !SaveGameFilesUtility.SavedGameNamedExists(name) select name).FirstOrDefault(); if (text != null) { return(text); } return(AutoSaveNames().MinBy((string name) => new FileInfo(GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(name)).LastWriteTime)); }
private void ReloadFiles() { selectedFile = null; spSaves.Clear(); mpReplays.Clear(); foreach (FileInfo file in GenFilePaths.AllSavedGameFiles) { var saveFile = new SaveFile(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name), false, file); using (var stream = file.OpenRead()) ReadSaveInfo(stream, saveFile); spSaves.Add(saveFile); } var replaysDir = new DirectoryInfo(GenFilePaths.FolderUnderSaveData("MpReplays")); foreach (var file in replaysDir.GetFiles("*.zip", MpVersion.IsDebug ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).OrderByDescending(f => f.LastWriteTime)) { var replay = Replay.ForLoading(file); if (!replay.LoadInfo()) { continue; } var displayName = Path.ChangeExtension(file.FullName.Substring(Multiplayer.ReplaysDir.Length + 1), null); var saveFile = new SaveFile(displayName, true, file) { gameName =, protocol =, replaySections = }; mpReplays.Add(saveFile); if (! { saveFile.rwVersion =; saveFile.modIds =; saveFile.modNames =; saveFile.modAssemblyHashes =; } else { using (var zip = replay.ZipFile) ReadSaveInfo(zip["world/000_save"].OpenReader(), saveFile); } } }
protected override void DoFileInteraction(string fileName) { string filePath = GenFilePaths.AbsPathForScenario(fileName); PreLoadUtility.CheckVersionAndLoad(filePath, ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.ScribeHeaderMode.Scenario, delegate { Scenario obj = null; if (GameDataSaveLoader.TryLoadScenario(filePath, ScenarioCategory.CustomLocal, out obj)) { this.scenarioReturner(obj); } this.Close(true); }); }
protected override void DoFileInteraction(string saveFileName) { PreLoadUtility.CheckVersionAndLoad(GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(saveFileName), ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.ScribeHeaderMode.Map, delegate { Action preLoadLevelAction = delegate { MemoryUtility.ClearAllMapsAndWorld(); Current.Game = new Game(); Current.Game.InitData = new GameInitData(); Current.Game.InitData.gameToLoad = saveFileName; }; LongEventHandler.QueueLongEvent(preLoadLevelAction, "Play", "LoadingLongEvent", true, null); }); }
public static Parser[] GenerateCustomParsers() { var outputFileName = $"{GenFilePaths.FolderUnderSaveData("RimDumper")}\\tmpDll.dll"; outputFileName = Path.GetFullPath(outputFileName); var outputFileNameCecil = $"{outputFileName}.new"; var(compiler, parameters) = CreateCompiler(outputFileName); AddReferencedAssemblies(parameters); var results = CompileAssembly(compiler, parameters); if (results.Errors.Count > 0) { foreach (CompilerError CompErr in results.Errors) { LogFn log = CompErr.IsWarning ? (LogFn)Log.Warning : (LogFn)Log.Error; log($"{Path.GetFileName(CompErr.FileName)}:{CompErr.Line}, CS{CompErr.ErrorNumber} - '{CompErr.ErrorText};"); } return(Array.Empty <Parser>()); } if (!File.Exists(outputFileName)) { Log.Error($"Compiled assembly {outputFileName} not found!"); return(Array.Empty <Parser>()); } //var asm = results.CompiledAssembly; string internalAssemblyFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // need to change internal dll name so that you can inject it many times RenameInternalDllName(outputFileName, outputFileNameCecil, internalAssemblyFileName); var asm = Assembly.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(outputFileNameCecil)); // clean dlls if (File.Exists(outputFileName)) { File.Delete(outputFileName); } if (File.Exists(outputFileNameCecil)) { File.Delete(outputFileNameCecil); } return(GetParserInstances(asm)); }
public static void UpdateModVersionMetaHeader() { string rawFilePath = SaveFilePathCache; string filePath = GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(rawFilePath); MetaHeaderUtility.BeginReading(filePath); List <ModMetaHeader> metaHeaders = new List <ModMetaHeader>(); foreach (var modContentPack in LoadedModManager.RunningMods) { // var metadata = modContentPack.GetMetaData(); var version = MetaHeaderUtility.GetVersionFromManifestFile(modContentPack); metaHeaders.Add(new ModMetaHeader() { Identifier = modContentPack.PackageId, Version = version }); SimpleLog.Log($"Add metadata to metaHeaders list : {modContentPack.PackageId}, {version}"); } MetaHeaderUtility.SetVersions(metaHeaders); MetaHeaderUtility.EndReading(); }
public static bool PreFSaveGame(string fileName) { try { Traverse traverse = Traverse.CreateWithType("GameDataSaveLoader").Field("lastSaveTick"); SafeSaver.Save(GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(fileName), "savegame", delegate { ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.WriteMetaHeader(); Game game = Current.Game; Scribe_Deep.Look <Game>(ref game, "Κgame", new object[0]); }); traverse.SetValue(Find.TickManager.TicksGame); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Message(string.Format("EXCEPTION! {0}.{1} \n\tMESSAGE: {2} \n\tException occurred calling {3} method", e.TargetSite.ReflectedType.Name, e.TargetSite.Name, e.Message)); } return(false); }
static IEnumerable <CodeInstruction> Nandonalt_ColonyLeadership_HediffLeader_Tick_Transpiler(IEnumerable <CodeInstruction> instructions, ILGenerator ilGen) { IEnumerable <CodeInstruction> transpiler() { bool counter = false, condition = false; foreach (var ci in instructions) { if (!counter && ci.opcode == OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1) { yield return(new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_5)); counter = true; } else if (!condition && ci.opcode == OpCodes.Brtrue_S) // if ticksLeader == 0 goto ... { yield return(new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1)); yield return(new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Bge_S, ci.operand)); // if ticksLeader >= 1 goto ... condition = true; } else { yield return(ci); } } } var result = transpiler(); #if DEBUG var dir = GenFilePaths.FolderUnderSaveData("TranspilerDebug"); var code = instructions.ToList(); File.WriteAllLines($"{dir}\\Nandonalt_ColonyLeadership_HediffLeader_Tick_Transpiler.before.txt", code.Select(x => x.ToString())); code = result.ToList(); File.WriteAllLines($"{dir}\\Nandonalt_ColonyLeadership_HediffLeader_Tick_Transpiler.after.txt", code.Select(x => x.ToString())); #endif return(result); }
private void ReloadFiles() { selectedFile = null; spSaves.Clear(); mpReplays.Clear(); foreach (FileInfo file in GenFilePaths.AllSavedGameFiles) { spSaves.Add( new SaveFile(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name), false, file) { rwVersion = ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.GameVersionOf(file) } ); } var replaysDir = new DirectoryInfo(GenFilePaths.FolderUnderSaveData("MpReplays")); if (!replaysDir.Exists) { replaysDir.Create(); } foreach (var file in replaysDir.GetFiles("*.zip").OrderByDescending(f => f.LastWriteTime)) { var replay = Replay.ForLoading(file); replay.LoadInfo(); mpReplays.Add( new SaveFile(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name), true, file) { gameName =, protocol = } ); } }
public static void ApplyHostModConfigFiles(Dictionary <string, string> hostModConfigFiles) { if (hostModConfigFiles == null) { Log.Warning("MP: hostModConfigFiles is null"); return; } if (CheckModConfigsMatch(hostModConfigFiles)) { return; } var localConfigsBackupDir = GenFilePaths.FolderUnderSaveData($"LocalConfigsBackup-{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm-ss}"); (new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(localConfigsBackupDir, "Config"))).Create(); foreach (var modConfigData in hostModConfigFiles) { var relativeFilePath = modConfigData.Key.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); var filePath = Path.Combine(GenFilePaths.SaveDataFolderPath, relativeFilePath); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { var backupFilePath = Path.Combine(localConfigsBackupDir, relativeFilePath); Directory.GetParent(backupFilePath).Create(); File.Move(filePath, backupFilePath); } else { Directory.GetParent(filePath).Create(); } File.WriteAllText(filePath, modConfigData.Value); } File.Copy( Path.Combine(GenFilePaths.SaveDataFolderPath, "Config", "ModsConfig.xml"), Path.Combine(localConfigsBackupDir, "Config", "ModsConfig.xml") ); }
private void DoThingTab(Rect rect) { if (!Analyzer.SelectedMode.IsPatched) { Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(rect, $"Loading{GenText.MarchingEllipsis(0f)}"); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; return; } var topslot = rect.TopPartPixels(20f); Rect rowby = topslot.LeftPartPixels(25f); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rowby, TexButton.SpeedButtonTextures[Analyzer.running ? 0 : 1])) { Analyzer.running = !Analyzer.running; } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rowby, "Start and stop logging"); bool save = false; if (Analyzer.Settings.AdvancedMode) { Rect searchbox = topslot.LeftPartPixels(topslot.width - 300f); searchbox.x += 25f; DubGUI.InputField(searchbox, "Search", ref TimesFilter, DubGUI.MintSearch); rowby.x = searchbox.xMax; rowby.width = 175f; if (Widgets.ButtonTextSubtle(rowby, stlank, Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.InverseLerp(H_RootUpdate.LastMinGC, H_RootUpdate.LastMaxGC, totalBytesOfMemoryUsed)), 5)) { totalBytesOfMemoryUsed = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rowby, "Approximation of total bytes currently allocated in managed memory + rate of new allocation\n\nClick to force GC"); rowby.x = rowby.xMax; rowby.width = 100f; save = Widgets.ButtonTextSubtle(rowby, "Save .CSV"); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rowby, $"Save the current list of times to a csv file in {GenFilePaths.FolderUnderSaveData("Profiling")}"); } else { Rect searchbox = topslot.RightPartPixels(topslot.width - 25f); DubGUI.InputField(searchbox, "Search", ref TimesFilter, DubGUI.MintSearch); } rowby.x = rowby.xMax; rowby.width = 25f; rect.y += 25f; rect.height -= 25f; var innyrek = rect.AtZero(); innyrek.width -= 16f; innyrek.height = groaner; GizmoListRect = rect.AtZero(); GizmoListRect.y += scrolpos.y; Widgets.BeginScrollView(rect, ref scrolpos, innyrek); GUI.BeginGroup(innyrek); listing.Begin(innyrek); float goat = 0; //List<ProfileLog> logs = null; //if (Analyzer.SortBy == "First") //{ // logs = Analyzer.Logs.ToList(); //} //else if (Analyzer.SortBy == "A-Z") //{ // logs = Analyzer.Logs.ToList().OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToList(); //} //else if (Analyzer.SortBy == "Usage") //{ // logs = Analyzer.Logs.ToList().OrderByDescending(x => x.Average).ToList(); //} Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; lock (Analyzer.sync) { foreach (var log in Analyzer.Logs) { if (!log.Label.Has(TimesFilter)) { continue; } var r = listing.GetRect(40f); if (r.Overlaps(GizmoListRect)) { var profile = Analyzer.Profiles[log.Key]; if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)) { if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(r)) { Analyzer.SelectedMode.Clicked?.Invoke(null, new object[] { profile, log }); Analyzer.Settings.Write(); } } bool on = true; if (Analyzer.SelectedMode.Selected != null) { on = (bool)Analyzer.SelectedMode.Selected.Invoke(null, new object[] { profile, log }); } if (Analyzer.SelectedMode.Checkbox != null) { var r2 = new Rect(r.x, r.y, 25f, r.height); r.x += 25f; if (DubGUI.Checkbox(r2, "", ref on)) { Analyzer.SelectedMode.Checkbox?.Invoke(null, new object[] { profile, log }); Analyzer.Settings.Write(); } } Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(r); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(r)) { Dialog_Graph.RunKey(log.Key); } if (Dialog_Graph.key == log.Key) { Widgets.DrawHighlightSelected(r); } var col = grey; if (log.Percent > 0.25f) { col = blue; } if (log.Percent > 0.75f) { col = red; } Widgets.FillableBar(r.BottomPartPixels(8f), log.Percent, col, clear, false); r = r.LeftPartPixels(50); if (!on) { GUI.color = Color.grey; } Widgets.Label(r, log.Average_s); if (Analyzer.Settings.AdvancedMode) { r.x = r.xMax; Widgets.Label(r, profile.memRiseStr); } r.x = r.xMax; r.width = 2000; Widgets.Label(r, log.Label); GUI.color = Color.white; if (save) { csv.Append($"{log.Label},{log.Average},{profile.BytesUsed}"); foreach (var historyTime in profile.History.times) { csv.Append($",{historyTime}"); } csv.AppendLine(); } } listing.GapLine(0f); goat += 4f; goat += r.height; } } if (save) { var path = GenFilePaths.FolderUnderSaveData("Profiling") + $"/{}_{DateTime.Now.ToFileTime()}.csv"; File.WriteAllText(path, csv.ToString()); csv.Clear(); Messages.Message($"Saved to {path}", MessageTypeDefOf.TaskCompletion, false); } listing.End(); groaner = goat; GUI.EndGroup(); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
public static void Listener(PawnGroupMakerParms parms, bool warnOnZeroResults, ref IEnumerable <Pawn> __result) { try { //If active solar flare then no surrogates are generated to prevent ridiculous spawn of dawned surrogates if (!Settings.otherFactionsCanUseSurrogate || Utils.ExceptionBlacklistedFactionNoSurrogate.Contains(parms.faction.def.defName) || Utils.getRandomMapOfPlayer().gameConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(GameConditionDefOf.SolarFlare) || (Settings.androidsAreRare && Rand.Chance(0.95f))) { return; } int nbHumanoids = 0; foreach (var e in __result) { //Si humanoide if (e.def.race != null && e.def.race.Humanlike) { //Si pas commercant if (e.trader == null && e.TraderKind == null) { nbHumanoids++; } //Si android T1/T2 suppression traits ==> Je suis bete cest a cause des surrogates que j'ai crus qu'il avais des traits /*if(e.def.defName == Utils.T1 || e.def.defName == Utils.T2) * { * Utils.removeAllTraits(e); * }*/ } } //Faction de niveau industriel et plus ET nb pawn généré supérieur ou égal à 5 if (parms.faction.def.techLevel >= TechLevel.Industrial && nbHumanoids >= 5) { List <Pawn> other = new List <Pawn>(); List <Pawn> ret = new List <Pawn>(); List <Pawn> tmp = __result.ToList(); //On supprime les non humains ET trader //int nba = tmp.RemoveAll((Pawn x) => (x.def.race == null || !x.def.race.Humanlike || x.trader != null || x.TraderKind != null)); foreach (var x in tmp) { if (x.def.race == null || !x.def.race.Humanlike || x.trader != null || x.TraderKind != null) { other.Add(x); } } //Purge dans list de travail foreach (var e in other) { tmp.Remove(e); } //Log.Message(other.Count + " animaux et traders virés"); //Calcul nb pawn a recreer en mode surrogate int nb = (int)(tmp.Count() * Rand.Range(Settings.percentageOfSurrogateInAnotherFactionGroupMin, Settings.percentageOfSurrogateInAnotherFactionGroup)); if (nb <= 0) { if (Settings.percentageOfSurrogateInAnotherFactionGroupMin == 0.0f) { return; } else { nb = 1; } } //On va supprimer aleatoirement N pawns pour arriver a nb while (tmp.Count > nb) { Pawn p = tmp.RandomElement(); other.Add(p); tmp.Remove(p); } //Log.Message("HERE"); //On va se servir des nb pawn pregénéré par la fonction patché comme controller for (int i = 0; i != nb; i++) { //PawnGenerationRequest request = new PawnGenerationRequest(Utils.AndroidsPKD[3], parms.faction, PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, parms.tile, false, false, false, false, true, false, 1f, false, true, true, false, false, false, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); //Pawn surrogate = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(request); PawnKindDef rpkd = null; if (parms.groupKind == PawnGroupKindDefOf.Peaceful || parms.groupKind == PawnGroupKindDefOf.Trader) { if (Rand.Chance(0.10f)) { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.5f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDNeutral[3]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDNeutral[3]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDNeutral[3]; } } else if (Rand.Chance(0.35f)) { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.5f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDNeutral[2]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDNeutral[2]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDNeutral[2]; } } else if (Rand.Chance(0.55f)) { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDNeutral[1]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDNeutral[1]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDNeutral[1]; } } else { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.5f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDNeutral[0]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDNeutral[0]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDNeutral[0]; } } } else { if (Rand.Chance(0.10f)) { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.5f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDHostile[3]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDHostile[3]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDHostile[3]; } } else if (Rand.Chance(0.35f)) { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.5f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDHostile[2]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDHostile[2]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDHostile[2]; } } else if (Rand.Chance(0.55f)) { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDHostile[1]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDHostile[1]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDHostile[1]; } } else { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.5f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDHostile[0]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDHostile[0]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDHostile[0]; } } } //Utils.AndroidsPKD.RandomElement(); Pawn surrogate = Utils.generateSurrogate(parms.faction, rpkd, IntVec3.Invalid, null, false, true, parms.tile, true, parms.inhabitants); //Si en mode rare alors override de la creation d'androides en ancient, on squeeze l'init du pawn if (!surrogate.IsAndroidTier()) { surrogate.Destroy(); ret.Add(tmp[i]); continue; } //Log.Message("--Surrogate generated pour "+tmp[i].def.defName); //On vire les equipements/inventaires/vetements du surrogate if (surrogate.inventory != null && surrogate.inventory.innerContainer != null) { surrogate.inventory.innerContainer.Clear(); } surrogate.apparel.DestroyAll();; CompAndroidState cas = surrogate.ATCompState; if (cas != null) { cas.externalController = tmp[i]; CompSurrogateOwner cso = tmp[i].ATCompSurrogateOwner; if (cso != null) { cso.setControlledSurrogate(surrogate, true); } } //Transfere equipement //Log.Message("--Traitement des equipements"); if (tmp[i].equipment != null && != null) { /*Pawn_EquipmentTracker pet = tmp[i].equipment; * pet.pawn = surrogate; * tmp[i].equipment =; * tmp[i].equipment.pawn = tmp[i]; * = pet;*/; foreach (var e in tmp[i].equipment.AllEquipmentListForReading.ToList()) { try { tmp[i].equipment.Remove(e); if (!(e.def.equipmentType == EquipmentType.Primary && != null)) {; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Message("[ATPP] PawnGroupMakerUtility.GeneratePawns.transfertEquipment " + ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } } foreach (var e in { try { if (Utils.CELOADED && e != null && e.def.IsRangedWeapon) { ThingComp ammoUser = Utils.TryGetCompByTypeName(e, "CompAmmoUser", "CombatExtended"); if (ammoUser != null) { var props = Traverse.Create(ammoUser).Property("Props").GetValue(); int magazineSize = Traverse.Create(props).Field("magazineSize").GetValue <int>(); ThingDef def = Traverse.Create(ammoUser).Field("selectedAmmo").GetValue <ThingDef>(); if (def != null) { Traverse.Create(ammoUser).Method("ResetAmmoCount", new object[] { def }).GetValue(); } } } } catch (Exception) { } } } /*foreach(var e in tmp[i].equipment.AllEquipmentListForReading.ToList()) * { * e. *; * }*/ //Transfert vetements if (tmp[i].apparel != null) { try { //Log.Message("--Traitement des vetements"); foreach (var e in tmp[i].apparel.WornApparel.ToList()) { //Check si vetement peut etre porté par le surrogate string path = ""; if (e.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Overhead) { path = e.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath; } else { path = e.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath + "_" + surrogate.story.bodyType.defName + "_south"; } Texture2D appFoundTex = null; Texture2D appTex = null; //CHeck dans les mods de la texture for (int j = LoadedModManager.RunningModsListForReading.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { appTex = LoadedModManager.RunningModsListForReading[j].GetContentHolder <Texture2D>().Get(path); if (appTex != null) { appFoundTex = appTex; break; } } //Check RW mods de la texture if (appFoundTex == null) { path = GenFilePaths.ContentPath <Texture2D>() + path; appFoundTex = (Texture2D)((object)Resources.Load <Texture2D>(path)); } //SI pb avec texture on ne l'ajoute pas if (appFoundTex != null) { tmp[i].apparel.Remove(e); surrogate.apparel.Wear(e); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Message("[ATPP] PawnGroupMakerUtility.TransfertApparel " + ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } } //Log.Message((tmp[i].inventory == null)+" "+(tmp[i].inventory.innerContainer == null)+" "+(surrogate.inventory == null)+" "+(surrogate.inventory.innerContainer== null)); //Inventaire if (tmp[i].inventory != null && tmp[i].inventory.innerContainer != null && surrogate.inventory != null && surrogate.inventory.innerContainer != null) { //foreach (var e in tmp[i].inventory.innerContainer.ToList()) //{ //Log.Message("Items transfered " + tmp[i].inventory.innerContainer.Count); try { tmp[i].inventory.innerContainer.TryTransferAllToContainer(surrogate.inventory.innerContainer); //Suppression des drogues foreach (var el in surrogate.inventory.innerContainer.ToList()) { if (el.def.IsDrug) { surrogate.inventory.innerContainer.Remove(el); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Message("[ATPP] PawnGroupMakerUtility.GeneratePawns.transfertInventory " + ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } //} } ret.Add(surrogate); } //On remet dans le ret les autres pawns non "surogatisés" __result = other.Concat(ret); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Message("[ATPP] PawnGroupMakerUtility.GeneratePawns " + ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } }
/// <summary> /// Generates a high quality texture from a PNG file. /// </summary> public static Texture2D GetHQTexture(string fileName, string folderName = null) { Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(2, 2, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); //Mipmaps off; ModContentPack content = LoadedModManager.RunningModsListForReading.Find(mod => mod.Name == ModName); if (content == null) { Log.Error($"Could not find '{ModName}' in the mod list."); return(texture); } string texturesPath = Path.Combine(content.RootDir, GenFilePaths.ContentPath <Texture2D>()); string folderPath = folderName == null ? texturesPath : Path.Combine(new DirectoryInfo(texturesPath).ToString(), folderName); DirectoryInfo contentDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(folderPath); if (!contentDirectory.Exists) { Log.Error("Could not find specific textures folder"); return(texture); } FileInfo image = null; foreach (FileInfo f in contentDirectory.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f.Name) == fileName) { image = f; break; } } if (image == null) { Log.Message($"Could not find texture for WorkType {fileName}. Using default for modded work."); Texture2D moddedWorkTexture = GetHQTexture("ModdedWork", folderName); if (moddedWorkTexture == null) { Log.Error("Could not load default texture. Please verify mod installation."); return(texture); } return(moddedWorkTexture); } byte[] fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(image.FullName); texture.LoadImage(fileData); //Loads PNG data, sets format to ARGB32 and resizes texture by the source image size = "DD_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear; texture.anisoLevel = 9; //default 2, max 9 /* texture.Compress(true); //Compresses texture * texture.Apply(false, false); //Saves the compressed texture */ if (texture.width == 2) { Log.Error("Could not load high quality texture :: " + fileName); } return(texture); }
public static void Listener(PawnGroupMakerParms parms, bool warnOnZeroResults, ref IEnumerable <Pawn> __result) { try { if (!Settings.otherFactionsCanUseSurrogate || Utils.ExceptionBlacklistedFactionNoSurrogate.Contains(parms.faction.def.defName) || Utils.getRandomMapOfPlayer().gameConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(GameConditionDefOf.SolarFlare) || Settings.androidsAreRare && Rand.Chance(0.95f)) { return; } IEnumerable <Pawn> pawn = __result as Pawn[] ?? __result.ToArray(); var nbHumanoids = pawn.Where(e => e.def.race != null && e.def.race.Humanlike).Count(e => e.trader == null && e.TraderKind == null); /*if(e.def.defName == Utils.T1 || e.def.defName == Utils.T2) * { * Utils.removeAllTraits(e); * }*/ if (parms.faction.def.techLevel < TechLevel.Industrial || nbHumanoids < 5) { return; } { var ret = new List <Pawn>(); var tmp = pawn.ToList(); var other = tmp.Where(x => x.def.race == null || !x.def.race.Humanlike || x.trader != null || x.TraderKind != null).ToList(); foreach (var e in other) { tmp.Remove(e); } var nb = (int)(tmp.Count() * Rand.Range(Settings.percentageOfSurrogateInAnotherFactionGroupMin, Settings.percentageOfSurrogateInAnotherFactionGroup)); if (nb <= 0) { if (Settings.percentageOfSurrogateInAnotherFactionGroupMin == 0.0f) { return; } nb = 1; } while (tmp.Count > nb) { var p = tmp.RandomElement(); other.Add(p); tmp.Remove(p); } for (var i = 0; i != nb; i++) { PawnKindDef rpkd = null; if (parms.groupKind == PawnGroupKindDefOf.Peaceful || parms.groupKind == PawnGroupKindDefOf.Trader) { if (Rand.Chance(0.10f)) { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.5f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDNeutral[3]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDNeutral[3]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDNeutral[3]; } } else if (Rand.Chance(0.35f)) { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.5f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDNeutral[2]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDNeutral[2]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDNeutral[2]; } } else if (Rand.Chance(0.55f)) { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDNeutral[1]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDNeutral[1]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDNeutral[1]; } } else { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.5f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDNeutral[0]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDNeutral[0]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDNeutral[0]; } } } else { if (Rand.Chance(0.10f)) { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.5f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDHostile[3]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDHostile[3]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDHostile[3]; } } else if (Rand.Chance(0.35f)) { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.5f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDHostile[2]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDHostile[2]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDHostile[2]; } } else if (Rand.Chance(0.55f)) { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDHostile[1]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDHostile[1]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDHostile[1]; } } else { if (!Utils.TXSERIE_LOADED || Rand.Chance(0.5f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsPKDHostile[0]; } else if (Rand.Chance(0.75f)) { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXISeriePKDHostile[0]; } else { rpkd = Utils.AndroidsXSeriePKDHostile[0]; } } } var surrogate = Utils.generateSurrogate(parms.faction, rpkd, IntVec3.Invalid, null, false, true, parms.tile, true, parms.inhabitants); if (!surrogate.IsAndroidTier()) { surrogate.Destroy(); ret.Add(tmp[i]); continue; } if (surrogate.inventory != null && surrogate.inventory.innerContainer != null) { surrogate.inventory.innerContainer.Clear(); } surrogate.apparel.DestroyAll();; var cas = surrogate.TryGetComp <CompAndroidState>(); if (cas != null) { cas.externalController = tmp[i]; var cso = tmp[i].TryGetComp <CompSurrogateOwner>(); cso?.setControlledSurrogate(surrogate, true); } if (tmp[i].equipment != null && != null) { /*Pawn_EquipmentTracker pet = tmp[i].equipment; * pet.pawn = surrogate; * tmp[i].equipment =; * tmp[i].equipment.pawn = tmp[i]; * = pet;*/; foreach (var e in tmp[i].equipment.AllEquipmentListForReading.ToList()) { try { tmp[i].equipment.Remove(e); if (!(e.def.equipmentType == EquipmentType.Primary && != null)) {; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Message("[ATPP] PawnGroupMakerUtility.GeneratePawns.transfertEquipment " + ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } } foreach (var e in { try { if (!Utils.CELOADED || e == null || !e.def.IsRangedWeapon) { continue; } var ammoUser = Utils.TryGetCompByTypeName(e, "CompAmmoUser", "CombatExtended"); if (ammoUser == null) { continue; } var props = Traverse.Create(ammoUser).Property("Props").GetValue(); var magazineSize = Traverse.Create(props).Field("magazineSize").GetValue <int>(); var def = Traverse.Create(ammoUser).Field("selectedAmmo").GetValue <ThingDef>(); if (def != null) { Traverse.Create(ammoUser).Method("ResetAmmoCount", def).GetValue(); } } catch (Exception) { } } } /*foreach(var e in tmp[i].equipment.AllEquipmentListForReading.ToList()) * { * e. *; * }*/ if (tmp[i].apparel != null) { try { foreach (var e in tmp[i].apparel.WornApparel.ToList()) { var path = ""; if (e.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Overhead) { path = e.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath; } else { path = e.def.apparel.wornGraphicPath + "_" + surrogate.story.bodyType.defName + "_south"; } Texture2D appFoundTex = null; for (var j = LoadedModManager.RunningModsListForReading.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var appTex = LoadedModManager.RunningModsListForReading[j].GetContentHolder <Texture2D>().Get(path); if (appTex == null) { continue; } appFoundTex = appTex; break; } if (appFoundTex == null) { path = GenFilePaths.ContentPath <Texture2D>() + path; appFoundTex = Resources.Load <Texture2D>(path); } if (appFoundTex == null) { continue; } tmp[i].apparel.Remove(e); surrogate.apparel.Wear(e); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Message("[ATPP] PawnGroupMakerUtility.TransfertApparel " + ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } } if (tmp[i].inventory != null && tmp[i].inventory.innerContainer != null && surrogate.inventory != null && surrogate.inventory.innerContainer != null) { try { tmp[i].inventory.innerContainer.TryTransferAllToContainer(surrogate.inventory.innerContainer); foreach (var el in surrogate.inventory.innerContainer.ToList().Where(el => el.def.IsDrug)) { surrogate.inventory.innerContainer.Remove(el); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Message("[ATPP] PawnGroupMakerUtility.GeneratePawns.transfertInventory " + ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } } ret.Add(surrogate); } __result = other.Concat(ret); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Message("[ATPP] PawnGroupMakerUtility.GeneratePawns " + ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace); } }
private string NewAutosaveFileName() { string text = (from name in this.AutoSaveNames() where !SaveGameFilesUtility.SavedGameNamedExists(name) select name).FirstOrDefault <string>(); string result; if (text != null) { result = text; } else { string text2 = this.AutoSaveNames().MinBy((string name) => new FileInfo(GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(name)).LastWriteTime); result = text2; } return(result); }
private static DateTime <NewAutosaveFileName> m__1(string name) { return(new FileInfo(GenFilePaths.FilePathForSavedGame(name)).LastWriteTime); }