public static void DeconstructDropStuff(Thing oldThing) { if (Current.ProgramState != ProgramState.Playing) { return; } ThingDef oldDef = oldThing.def; ThingDef stuffDef = oldThing.Stuff; //preferably GenLeaving.DoLeavingsFor here, but don't want to drop non-stuff things. if (GenLeaving.CanBuildingLeaveResources(oldThing, DestroyMode.Deconstruct)) { int count = TotalStuffNeeded(oldDef, stuffDef); int leaveCount = GetBuildingResourcesLeaveCalculator(oldThing, DestroyMode.Deconstruct)(count); if (leaveCount > 0) { Thing leftThing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(stuffDef); leftThing.stackCount = leaveCount; #pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(leftThing, oldThing.Position, oldThing.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing dummyThing); #pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete } } }
private static void DropLoadedThing(Pawn thingHolder, Thing thing, int countToDrop) { var pos = thingHolder?.Position ?? (thing.PositionHeld.IsValid ? thing.PositionHeld : thing.Position); var map = thingHolder?.Map ?? thing.MapHeld ?? thing.Map; if (pos == null || !pos.IsValid || map == null) { Log.Error("Couldn't drop thing " + thing.ToString()); } else { if (thing.stackCount == countToDrop) { thing.holdingOwner.TryDrop(thing, pos, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing _); } else { var newThing = thing.SplitOff(countToDrop); GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(newThing, pos, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing _); } ShowDropMessage(thing.LabelNoCount, countToDrop); } }
private void DoItemsLists(Rect inRect, ref float curY) { CompTransporter transporter = this.Transporter; Rect position = new Rect(0f, curY, (inRect.width - 10f) / 2f, inRect.height); float a = 0f; GUI.BeginGroup(position); Widgets.ListSeparator(ref a, position.width, "ItemsToLoad".Translate()); bool flag = false; if (transporter.leftToLoad != null) { for (int i = 0; i < transporter.leftToLoad.Count; i++) { TransferableOneWay t = transporter.leftToLoad[i]; if (t.CountToTransfer > 0 && t.HasAnyThing) { flag = true; this.DoThingRow(t.ThingDef, t.CountToTransfer, t.things, position.width, ref a, delegate(int x) { t.ForceTo(t.CountToTransfer - x); this.EndJobForEveryoneHauling(t); }); } } } if (!flag) { Widgets.NoneLabel(ref a, position.width, null); } GUI.EndGroup(); Rect position2 = new Rect((inRect.width + 10f) / 2f, curY, (inRect.width - 10f) / 2f, inRect.height); float b = 0f; GUI.BeginGroup(position2); Widgets.ListSeparator(ref b, position2.width, "LoadedItems".Translate()); bool flag2 = false; for (int j = 0; j < transporter.innerContainer.Count; j++) { Thing t = transporter.innerContainer[j]; flag2 = true; ITab_TransporterContents.tmpSingleThing.Clear(); ITab_TransporterContents.tmpSingleThing.Add(t); this.DoThingRow(t.def, t.stackCount, ITab_TransporterContents.tmpSingleThing, position2.width, ref b, delegate(int x) { Thing thing; GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(t.SplitOff(x), this.SelThing.Position, this.SelThing.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out thing, null, null); }); ITab_TransporterContents.tmpSingleThing.Clear(); } if (!flag2) { Widgets.NoneLabel(ref b, position.width, null); } GUI.EndGroup(); curY += Mathf.Max(a, b); }
public override void Destroy(DestroyMode mode = DestroyMode.Vanish) { foreach (var pair in items) { GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(pair, this.Position, this.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing t); } items.Clear(); base.Destroy(mode); }
private static void DropToWorldObject(WorldObject place, List <ThingEntry> things, string from) { GlobalTargetInfo ti = new GlobalTargetInfo(place); if (place is FactionBase && ((FactionBase)place).Map != null) { var cell = GameUtils.GetTradeCell(((FactionBase)place).Map); ti = new GlobalTargetInfo(cell, ((FactionBase)place).Map); Thing thinXZ; foreach (var thing in things) { var thin = thing.CreateThing(false); var map = ((FactionBase)place).Map; if (thin is Pawn) { GenSpawn.Spawn((Pawn)thin, cell, map); } else { GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(thin, cell, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out thinXZ, null); } } } else if (place is Caravan) { var pawns = (place as Caravan).PawnsListForReading; foreach (var thing in things) { var thin = thing.CreateThing(false); if (thin is Pawn) { (place as Caravan).AddPawn(thin as Pawn, true); GameUtils.SpawnSetupOnCaravan(thin as Pawn); } else { var p = CaravanInventoryUtility.FindPawnToMoveInventoryTo(thin, pawns, null); if (p != null) { p.inventory.innerContainer.TryAdd(thin, true); } } } } Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("OCity_UpdateWorld_Trade".Translate() , string.Format("OCity_UpdateWorld_TradeDetails".Translate() , from , place.LabelCap , things.Aggregate("", (r, i) => r + Environment.NewLine + i.Name + " x" + i.Count)) , LetterDefOf.PositiveEvent , ti , null); }
public static bool TryDropAndSetForbidden(Thing th, IntVec3 pos, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing, bool forbidden) { if (GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(th, pos, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out resultingThing, (Action <Thing, int>)null)) { if (resultingThing != null) { resultingThing.SetForbidden(forbidden, false); } return(true); } resultingThing = null; return(false); }
public static void YieldExtra(Pawn pawn, ThingDef bitsdef) { var num = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.RoundToInt(RndBits(1, 3) * Find.Storyteller.difficulty.mineYieldFactor)); var bitsthing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(bitsdef); bitsthing.stackCount = bitsthing.def.stackLimit > 1 ? num : 1; GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(bitsthing, pawn.Position, pawn.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out var newbitsthing); if (!pawn.IsColonist && newbitsthing.def.EverHaulable && !newbitsthing.def.designateHaulable) { newbitsthing.SetForbidden(true); } }
public void DropResult() { if (result == null) { return; } GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(result, InteractionCell, Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing resultingThing); result = null; if (!Infinity) { ProduceCount = Mathf.Clamp(ProduceCount - 1, 0, ProduceCount); buffer = ProduceCount.ToString(); } }
private void DeconstructGunAndReset() { if (gun != null && PositionHeld != null && MapHeld != null) { Thing resultingThing; GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(gun, PositionHeld, MapHeld, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out resultingThing); } forceCreateGunAndTop = false; collectingGunAllowed = false; gun = null; top = null; ResetCurrentTarget(); burstCooldownTicksLeft = 0; loaded = false; holdFire = false; }
public static void dropSidearm(Pawn pawn, Thing weapon, bool intentionalDrop) { if (weapon == null) { return; } if (pawn.IsQuestLodger() && intentionalDrop) { return; } if (!intentionalDrop) { DoFumbleMote(pawn); } if ( == weapon) { Pawn_EquipmentTracker_TryDropEquipment.dropEquipmentSourcedBySimpleSidearms = true;, out _, pawn.Position, false); Pawn_EquipmentTracker_TryDropEquipment.dropEquipmentSourcedBySimpleSidearms = false; } else { if (weapon.stackCount > 1) { var toDrop = weapon.SplitOff(1); GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(toDrop, pawn.Position, pawn.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out _); } else { pawn.inventory.innerContainer.TryDrop(weapon, pawn.Position, pawn.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out _, null); } } CompSidearmMemory pawnMemory = CompSidearmMemory.GetMemoryCompForPawn(pawn); if (pawnMemory == null) { return; } pawnMemory.InformOfDroppedSidearm(weapon, intentionalDrop); }
public static bool TryDropAndSetForbidden(Thing th, IntVec3 pos, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, out Thing resultingThing, bool forbidden) { bool result; if (GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(th, pos, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out resultingThing, null, null)) { if (resultingThing != null) { resultingThing.SetForbidden(forbidden, false); } result = true; } else { resultingThing = null; result = false; } return(result); }
public void DropContainedResources() { for (int i = 0; i < ContainedResources.Count; i++) { var resource = ContainedResources.ElementAt(i); if (resource.Value > 0) { if (CellFinder.TryFindRandomCellNear(Position, Map, 4, null, out IntVec3 result)) { Thing t = ThingMaker.MakeThing(resource.Key); t.stackCount = resource.Value; GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(t, result, Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing resultingThing); ContainedResources[resource.Key] = 0; } } } }
public void DoVictory() { settlement.AttackRepelled = true; TransferColonists(false); int savedPawns = friendlyPawnsBeforeAttack - friendlyPawns.Where(p => p != null && p.Dead).Count(); if (savedPawns <= 0) { DoLose(true); return; } settlement.Quest.EndQuest(null, QuestRim.EndCondition.Success); settlement.Faction.TryAffectGoodwillWith(Faction.OfPlayer, 2 + savedPawns); FloatRange value = (RewardMarketValueRange * (int)settlement.Faction.def.techLevel); int pawnsValue = savedPawns * 50; value.min += pawnsValue; value.max += pawnsValue; List <Thing> rewards = GenerateRewards(value); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var thing in rewards) { builder.Append($"\n- {thing.LabelCap}"); GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(thing, settlement.Map.Center, settlement.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing t); } DiaNode node = new DiaNode("AttackedFriendlySettlementDefendVictory".Translate(settlement.Faction, savedPawns, builder.ToString())); DiaOption option = new DiaOption("OK"); node.options.Add(option); option.resolveTree = true; var dialog = new Dialog_NodeTree(node); Find.WindowStack.Add(dialog); }
internal static bool TryDrop(this ThingContainer _this, Thing thing, IntVec3 dropLoc, Map map, ThingPlaceMode mode, int count, out Thing resultingThing, Action <Thing, int> placedAction = null) { if (thing.stackCount < count) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "Tried to drop ", count, " of ", thing, " while only having ", thing.stackCount })); count = thing.stackCount; } if (count == thing.stackCount) { if (GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(thing, dropLoc, map, mode, out resultingThing, placedAction)) { _this.Remove(thing); CR_Utility.TryUpdateInventory(_this.owner as Pawn_InventoryTracker); // Thing dropped, update inventory return(true); } return(false); } else { Thing thing2 = thing.SplitOff(count); if (GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(thing2, dropLoc, map, mode, out resultingThing, placedAction)) { CR_Utility.TryUpdateInventory(_this.owner as Pawn_InventoryTracker); // Thing dropped, update inventory return(true); } thing.stackCount += thing2.stackCount; return(false); } }
private float GenerateItems(Map map) { float points = 200; if (Rewards != null) { foreach (var item in Rewards) { points += item.MarketValue * item.stackCount; var pos = CellFinder.RandomClosewalkCellNear(map.Center, map, 5, x => x.Walkable(map) && !x.Fogged(map)); if (pos != IntVec3.Invalid) { GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(item, pos, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out Thing result); } } points *= 0.6f; Rewards.Clear(); } return(points); }
public static Thing SpawnItem(ThingDef itemDef, ThingDef stuff, int quantity, IntVec3 position, Map map, float radius) { Thing item = null; int remainingQuantity = quantity; while (remainingQuantity > 0) { int stackCount = 0; if (remainingQuantity > itemDef.stackLimit) { stackCount = itemDef.stackLimit; } else { stackCount = remainingQuantity; } remainingQuantity -= stackCount; item = ThingMaker.MakeThing(itemDef, stuff); item.stackCount = stackCount; Thing placedItem = null; GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(item, position + IntVec3Utility.RandomHorizontalOffset(radius), map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out placedItem); } return(item); }
private void DoItemsLists(Rect inRect, ref float curY) { CompPit transporter = this.Transporter; Rect position = new Rect(0f, curY, (inRect.width - 10f) / 2f, inRect.height); float a = 0f; /* GUI.BeginGroup(position); * Widgets.ListSeparator(ref a, position.width, "ItemsToLoad".Translate()); * bool flag = false; * if (transporter.leftToLoad != null) * { * for (int i = 0; i < transporter.leftToLoad.Count; i++) * { * TransferableOneWay t = transporter.leftToLoad[i]; * if (t.CountToTransfer > 0 && t.HasAnyThing) * { * flag = true; * this.DoThingRow(t.ThingDef, t.CountToTransfer, t.things, position.width, ref a, delegate (int x) * { * t.ForceTo(t.CountToTransfer - x); * this.EndJobForEveryoneHauling(t); * }); * } * } * } * if (!flag) * { * Widgets.NoneLabel(ref a, position.width, null); * } * GUI.EndGroup();*/ Rect position2 = new Rect(0f, curY, (inRect.width - 10f), inRect.height); float b = 0f; GUI.BeginGroup(position2); Widgets.ListSeparator(ref b, position2.width, "PD_PrisonersInThePit".Translate()); bool flag2 = false; for (int j = 0; j < transporter.innerContainer.Count; j++) { Thing t = transporter.innerContainer[j]; flag2 = true; ITab_PitContents.tmpSingleThing.Clear(); ITab_PitContents.tmpSingleThing.Add(t); this.DoThingRow(t.def, t.stackCount, ITab_PitContents.tmpSingleThing, position2.width, ref b, delegate(int x) { Thing thing; GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(t.SplitOff(x), this.SelThing.Position, this.SelThing.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out thing, null, null); Pawn pawn = t as Pawn; System.Random rand = new System.Random(); if (pawn != null) { pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDef.Named("PD_ThrownIntoPit"), null); HealthUtility.DamageUntilDowned(pawn, false); BodyPartRecord brain =; double number = rand.NextDouble(); if (number > 0.75 && number < 0.85) { Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.Dementia, pawn, brain); if (! {, null, null, null); } } else if (number > 0.85 && number < 0.95) { Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDef.Named("PD_Psychosis"), pawn, brain); if (! {, null, null, null); } } else if (number > 0.95) { Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDef.Named("PD_BrainEatingParasites"), pawn, brain); if (! {, null, null, null); } } } }); ITab_PitContents.tmpSingleThing.Clear(); } if (!flag2) { Widgets.NoneLabel(ref b, position.width, null); } GUI.EndGroup(); curY += Mathf.Max(a, b); }
public static IntVec3 SpawnList <TE>(Map map, List <TE> pawns, bool attackCell , Func <TE, bool> getPirate , Action <Thing, TE> spawn = null , Func <Thing, IntVec3> getCell = null) where TE : ThingEntry { if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("SpawnList..."); } //на основе UpdateWorldController.DropToWorldObjectDo var factionPirate = Find.FactionManager.AllFactions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.def.defName == "Pirate") ?? Find.FactionManager.OfAncientsHostile; //SessionClientController.Data.FactionPirate; IntVec3 ret = new IntVec3(); ModBaseData.RunMainThreadSync(() => { Thing thinXZ; for (int i = 0; i < pawns.Count; i++) { var thing = pawns[i]; //GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, cell, map, Rot4.Random, WipeMode.Vanish, false); if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("Prepare..."); } var thin = PrepareSpawnThingEntry(thing, factionPirate, getPirate(thing)); var cell = getCell != null ? getCell(thin) : thin.Position; if (i == 0) { ret = cell; } //if (MainHelper.DebugMode) try { Loger.Log("Spawn... " + thin.Label); } catch { Loger.Log("Spawn... "); } if (thin is Pawn) { if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("Pawn... " + thin.Position.x + " " + thin.Position.y); } try { GenSpawn.Spawn((Pawn)thin, cell, map); } catch (Exception exp) { Loger.Log("SpawnList Exception " + thing.Name + ": " + exp.ToString()); Thread.Sleep(5); GenSpawn.Spawn((Pawn)thin, cell, map); } } else { GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(thin, cell, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out thinXZ, null); } if (spawn != null) { spawn(thin, thing); } if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("Spawn...OK"); } } }); return(ret); }
private static void DropToWorldObjectDo(WorldObject place, List <ThingEntry> things, string from, string text) { GlobalTargetInfo ti = new GlobalTargetInfo(place); var factionPirate = SessionClientController.Data.FactionPirate; if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("Mail================================================= {"); } if (place is Settlement && ((Settlement)place).Map != null) { var map = ((Settlement)place).Map; var cell = GameUtils.GetTradeCell(map); ti = new GlobalTargetInfo(cell, map); Thing thinXZ; foreach (var thing in things) { if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("Mail------------------------------------------------- {" + Environment.NewLine + thing.Data + Environment.NewLine + "Mail------------------------------------------------- }" + Environment.NewLine); } var thin = PrepareSpawnThingEntry(thing, factionPirate); if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("Spawn..."); } if (thin is Pawn) { GenSpawn.Spawn((Pawn)thin, cell, map); } else { GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(thin, cell, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out thinXZ, null); } if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("Spawn...OK"); } } } else if (place is Caravan) { var pawns = (place as Caravan).PawnsListForReading; foreach (var thing in things) { /* * thing.SetFaction(factionColonistLoadID, factionPirateLoadID); * var thin = thing.CreateThing(false); */ var thin = PrepareSpawnThingEntry(thing, factionPirate); if (thin is Pawn) { (place as Caravan).AddPawn(thin as Pawn, true); GameUtils.SpawnSetupOnCaravan(thin as Pawn); } else { var p = CaravanInventoryUtility.FindPawnToMoveInventoryTo(thin, pawns, null); if (p != null) { p.inventory.innerContainer.TryAdd(thin, true); } } } } if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("Mail================================================= }"); } Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("OCity_UpdateWorld_Trade".Translate() , text , LetterDefOf.PositiveEvent , ti , null); }
private static void DropToWorldObjectDo(WorldObject place, List <ThingEntry> things, string from, string text) { GlobalTargetInfo ti = new GlobalTargetInfo(place); var factionColonistLoadID = Find.FactionManager.OfPlayer.GetUniqueLoadID(); var factionPirate = Find.FactionManager.AllFactions.FirstOrDefault(f => f.def.defName == "Pirate") ?? Find.FactionManager.OfAncientsHostile; var factionPirateLoadID = factionPirate.GetUniqueLoadID(); if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("Mail================================================= {"); } if (place is Settlement && ((Settlement)place).Map != null) { var cell = GameUtils.GetTradeCell(((Settlement)place).Map); ti = new GlobalTargetInfo(cell, ((Settlement)place).Map); Thing thinXZ; foreach (var thing in things) { if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("Mail------------------------------------------------- {" + Environment.NewLine + thing.Data + Environment.NewLine + "Mail------------------------------------------------- }" + Environment.NewLine); } var prisoner = thing.SetFaction(factionColonistLoadID, factionPirateLoadID); Thing thin; thin = thing.CreateThing(false); if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("SetFaction..."); } if (thin.def.CanHaveFaction) { if (prisoner && thin is Pawn) { thin.SetFaction(factionPirate); var p = thin as Pawn; p.guest.SetGuestStatus(factionPirate, true); } else { thin.SetFaction(Find.FactionManager.OfPlayer); } } if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("Spawn..."); } var map = ((Settlement)place).Map; if (thin is Pawn) { GenSpawn.Spawn((Pawn)thin, cell, map); } else { GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(thin, cell, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out thinXZ, null); } if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("Spawn...OK"); } } } else if (place is Caravan) { var pawns = (place as Caravan).PawnsListForReading; foreach (var thing in things) { thing.SetFaction(factionColonistLoadID, factionPirateLoadID); var thin = thing.CreateThing(false); if (thin is Pawn) { (place as Caravan).AddPawn(thin as Pawn, true); GameUtils.SpawnSetupOnCaravan(thin as Pawn); } else { var p = CaravanInventoryUtility.FindPawnToMoveInventoryTo(thin, pawns, null); if (p != null) { p.inventory.innerContainer.TryAdd(thin, true); } } } } if (MainHelper.DebugMode) { Loger.Log("Mail================================================= }"); } Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("OCity_UpdateWorld_Trade".Translate() , text , LetterDefOf.PositiveEvent , ti , null); }
// Token: 0x06000016 RID: 22 RVA: 0x0000259C File Offset: 0x0000079C public static void DoSSVape(Pawn p, Thing t) { var HediffName = ""; var defName = t.def.defName; switch (defName) { case "SSVaperRegular": HediffName = "SSVape_Regular_High"; break; case "SSVaperFruity": HediffName = "SSVape_Fruity_High"; break; case "SSVaperMenthol": HediffName = "SSVape_Menthol_High"; break; } if (!HediffName.StartsWith("SSVape")) { return; } var hediffdef = DefDatabase <HediffDef> .GetNamed(HediffName, false); var SLChemDef = DefDatabase <ChemicalDef> .GetNamed("Smokeleaf"); if (hediffdef == null) { return; } var SeverityToApply = 0.5f; if (SSHediffEffecter.HediffEffect(hediffdef, SeverityToApply, p, null, out _)) { var SLTol = DefDatabase <HediffDef> .GetNamed("SmokeleafTolerance"); if (SLTol != null) { var Sev = 0.02f / p.BodySize; SSHediffEffecter.HediffEffect(SLTol, Sev, p, null, out _); } if (p.RaceProps.IsFlesh) { var addictionHediffDef = DefDatabase <HediffDef> .GetNamed("SmokeleafAddiction"); var hediff_Addiction = AddictionUtility.FindAddictionHediff(p, SLChemDef); var hediff = AddictionUtility.FindToleranceHediff(p, SLChemDef); var num = hediff?.Severity ?? 0f; if (hediff_Addiction != null) { hediff_Addiction.Severity += 0.06f; } else if (Rand.Value < 0.01f && num >= 0.15f) {; if (PawnUtility.ShouldSendNotificationAbout(p)) { Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter( "LetterLabelNewlyAddicted".Translate(SLChemDef.label).CapitalizeFirst(), "LetterNewlyAddicted".Translate(p.LabelShort, SLChemDef.label, p.Named("PAWN")) .AdjustedFor(p).CapitalizeFirst(), LetterDefOf.NegativeEvent, p); } } if (addictionHediffDef.causesNeed != null) { var need = p.needs.AllNeeds.Find(x => x.def == addictionHediffDef.causesNeed); if (need != null) { var effect = 1f; AddictionUtility.ModifyChemicalEffectForToleranceAndBodySize(p, SLChemDef, ref effect); need.CurLevel += effect; } } } } if (p?.needs != null) { var need2 = p.needs.TryGetNeed(NeedDefOf.Rest); if (need2 != null) { var effect2 = -0.1f; AddictionUtility.ModifyChemicalEffectForToleranceAndBodySize(p, SLChemDef, ref effect2); need2.CurLevel += effect2; } } bool joyNeed; if (p == null) { joyNeed = false; } else { var needs = p.needs; joyNeed = needs?.joy != null; } if (joyNeed) { var Chem = DefDatabase <JoyKindDef> .GetNamed("Chemical", false); var needs2 = p.needs; if (needs2 != null) {, Chem); } } if (p?.Map != null) { var BreathOffset = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.04f); var loc = p.Drawer.DrawPos + p.Drawer.renderer.BaseHeadOffsetAt(p.Rotation) + (p.Rotation.FacingCell.ToVector3() * 0.21f) + BreathOffset; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ThrowVapeBreathPuff(loc, p.Map, p.Rotation.AsAngle, p.Position.ToVector3()); FleckMaker.ThrowSmoke(p.Position.ToVector3(), p.Map, 0.5f); } } var usesLeft = ((SSVapeData)t).SSVapeUses; usesLeft--; ((SSVapeData)t).SSVapeUses = usesLeft; if (usesLeft > 0) { return; } t.Destroy(); if (p == null) { return; } GenDrop.TryDropSpawn( ThingMaker.MakeThing(DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("SSVaperEmpty", false)), p.Position, p.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out var newVapeThing); ((SSVapeData)newVapeThing).SSVapeType = "empty"; ((SSVapeData)newVapeThing).SSVapeUses = 0; }
protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils() { foreach (var toil in base.MakeNewToils()) { yield return(toil); } yield return(new Toil() { initAction = delegate { var armorRack = TargetThingA as ArmorRack; var storedRackApparel = new List <Apparel>(armorRack.GetStoredApparel()); var storedRackWeapon = armorRack.GetStoredWeapon(); var storedPawnApparel = new List <Apparel>(pawn.apparel.WornApparel); var storedPawnWeapon =; Thing lastResultingThing; armorRack.InnerContainer.Clear(); foreach (var pawnApparel in storedPawnApparel) { if (armorRack.Accepts(pawnApparel)) { pawn.apparel.Remove(pawnApparel); armorRack.InnerContainer.TryAdd(pawnApparel); } } var leftoverRackApparel = new List <Apparel>(); foreach (var rackApparel in storedRackApparel) { if (armorRack.Accepts(rackApparel)) { armorRack.InnerContainer.TryAdd(rackApparel); } else { leftoverRackApparel.Add(rackApparel); } } foreach (Apparel leftoverApparel in leftoverRackApparel) { if (ApparelUtility.HasPartsToWear(pawn, leftoverApparel.def) && pawn.apparel.CanWearWithoutDroppingAnything(leftoverApparel.def)) { pawn.apparel.Wear(leftoverApparel); } else { GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(leftoverApparel, armorRack.Position, armorRack.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out lastResultingThing); } } int hasRackWeapon = storedRackWeapon == null ? 0x00 : 0x01; int hasPawnWeapon = storedPawnWeapon == null ? 0x00 : 0x10; switch (hasRackWeapon | hasPawnWeapon) { case 0x11: { if (armorRack.Accepts(storedPawnWeapon)) {; armorRack.InnerContainer.TryAdd(storedPawnWeapon);;; } else { armorRack.InnerContainer.TryAdd(storedRackWeapon); } break; } case 0x01: armorRack.InnerContainer.TryAdd(storedRackWeapon); break; case 0x10: { if (armorRack.Accepts(storedPawnWeapon)) {; armorRack.InnerContainer.TryAdd(storedPawnWeapon); } break; } } ForbidUtility.SetForbidden(TargetThingA, false); var useComp = pawn.GetComp <ArmorRackUseCommandComp>(); if (useComp != null) { useComp.CurArmorRackJobDef = ArmorRacksJobDefOf.ArmorRacks_JobWearRack; } } }); }
private void TakeThing(Toil toil) { Job curJob =; //Toils_Haul.ErrorCheckForCarry(, Item); if (curJob.count == 0) { throw new Exception(string.Concat("BuyItem job had count = ", curJob.count, ". Job: ", curJob)); } if (Item.MarketValue <= 0) { return; } int maxSpace =; var inventory =; Thing silver = inventory.FirstOrDefault(i => i.def == ThingDefOf.Silver); if (silver == null) { return; } var itemCost = Item.MarketValue * PriceFactor; var maxAffordable = Mathf.FloorToInt(silver.stackCount / itemCost); if (maxAffordable < 1) { return; } // Changed formula a bit, so guests are less likely to leave small stacks if they can afford it var maxWanted = Rand.RangeInclusive(1, maxAffordable); int count = Mathf.Min(Item.stackCount, maxSpace, maxWanted); var price = Mathf.FloorToInt(count * itemCost); if (silver.stackCount < price) { return; } var map =; var inventoryItemsBefore = inventory.ToArray(); var thing = Item.SplitOff(count); int tookItems; if (thing.def.IsApparel && thing is Apparel) {; tookItems = thing.stackCount; } else if (thing.def.IsWeapon && thing is ThingWithComps && thing.def.IsWithinCategory(ThingCategoryDefOf.Weapons)) { var thingWithComps = (ThingWithComps)thing; var primary =; if (thing.def.equipmentType == EquipmentType.Primary && primary != null) { if (!, pawn.inventory.innerContainer)) { Log.Message(pawn.Name.ToStringShort + " failed to take " + primary + " to his inventory."); } };; if (thingWithComps.def.soundInteract != null) { thingWithComps.def.soundInteract.PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(pawn.Position, pawn.Map)); } tookItems = thing.stackCount; } else { tookItems = inventory.TryAdd(thing, count); } var comp = <CompGuest>(); if (tookItems > 0 && comp != null) { inventory.TryDrop(silver,, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, price, out silver); // Check what's new in the inventory (TryAdd creates a copy of the original object!) var newItems =; foreach (var item in newItems) { //Log.Message(pawn.NameStringShort + " bought " + item.Label); comp.boughtItems.Add(item.thingIDNumber); // Handle trade stuff Trade(toil, item, map); } } else { // Failed to equip or take Thing resultingThing; if (!GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(thing,, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out resultingThing)) { Log.Warning( + " failed to buy and failed to drop " + thing.Label); } } }
// Token: 0x06000083 RID: 131 RVA: 0x00004D85 File Offset: 0x00002F85 // Token: 0x06000084 RID: 132 RVA: 0x00004D90 File Offset: 0x00002F90 public void MakerEject(Building b, ThingDef t, int numProducts, List <Building> candidatesout, out int remaining) { remaining = numProducts; if (candidatesout.Count <= 0) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < candidatesout.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { var unused = candidatesout[i]; } if (numProducts <= 0) { continue; } var thingList = candidatesout[i].Position.GetThingList(candidatesout[i].Map); if (thingList.Count <= 0) { continue; } var founditem = false; var blocked = false; foreach (var thing in thingList) { if (thing.def == t) { founditem = true; var canPlace = thing.def.stackLimit - thing.stackCount; if (canPlace <= 0) { continue; } if (canPlace >= numProducts) { thing.stackCount += numProducts; remaining -= numProducts; numProducts = 0; } else { thing.stackCount += canPlace; numProducts -= canPlace; remaining -= canPlace; } } else if (!(thing is Building)) { blocked = true; } } if (founditem || blocked) { continue; } var tStackLimit = t.stackLimit; var newProduct = ThingMaker.MakeThing(t); if (!candidatesout[i].Position.IsValidStorageFor(candidatesout[i].Map, newProduct)) { continue; } if (tStackLimit >= numProducts) { newProduct.stackCount = numProducts; remaining -= numProducts; numProducts = 0; } else { newProduct.stackCount = tStackLimit; numProducts -= tStackLimit; remaining -= tStackLimit; } GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(newProduct, candidatesout[i].Position, candidatesout[i].Map, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, out _); } }
public bool Run() { /* * GameUtils.ShowDialodOKCancel("asdasda", * () => Log.Message("Test OK"), * () => Log.Message("Test Cancel") * ); * return true; */ /* * var formm = new Dialog_Exchenge(Find.Maps[0]); * Find.WindowStack.Add(formm); * return true; * // */ return(false); /* * var lll = ScenarioLister.ScenariosInCategory(ScenarioCategory.FromDef); * * File.WriteAllText(Loger.PathLog + @"ScenarioLister.txt", TextObj(lll), Encoding.UTF8); * return true; */ try { Log.Message("DevelopTest Run"); Loger.Log(""); Loger.Log("DevelopTest Run"); var pawns = Find.WorldPawns.AllPawnsAlive.ToList(); //Fedon,Huntsman,Ally,Lilith,Tater,Jesse,Kentucky //Log.Message(string.Join(",", pawns.Select(p => p.NameStringShort).ToArray())); var pawn = pawns.Where(p => p.Name.ToStringShort == "Huntsman").FirstOrDefault(); File.WriteAllText(Loger.PathLog + @"Huntsman.txt", TextObj(pawn), Encoding.UTF8); var msg = ""; var map = Find.Maps[0]; var pawnsMy = map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned.First(); Thing thinXZ; var cell = GameUtils.GetTradeCell(map); var gx = new GameXMLUtils(); //var testPawn = Scribe.saver.DebugOutputFor(pawns[0]); var testPawn = gx.ToXml(pawnsMy); File.WriteAllText(@"c:\World\testPawn.xml", testPawn); gx.StartFromXml(@"c:\World\test.xml"); var thin0 = gx.Test <Thing>(); //PawnComponentsUtility.CreateInitialComponents((Pawn)thin0); gx.Finish(); thin0.ThingID += "555"; if (thin0 is Pawn) { var refugee = (Pawn)thin0; GenSpawn.Spawn(refugee, cell, map); //refugee.SetFaction(Faction.OfPlayer, null); refugee.PostMapInit(); //? //map.mapPawns.UpdateRegistryForPawn((Pawn)thin0); } else { GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(thin0, cell, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out thinXZ, null); } //MapComponentUtility.FinalizeInit(map); //???? return(true); File.WriteAllText(Loger.PathLog + @"map.txt", TextObj(map, false), Encoding.UTF8); List <Thing> listThing = CaravanFormingUtility.AllReachableColonyItems(Find.Maps[0]); Dialog_TradeOnline form = null; form = new Dialog_TradeOnline(listThing, "OCity_DevTest_Test".Translate(), 3, () => { var select = form.GetSelect(); Thing thin = null; var thins = select.Select(p => { return(ThingEntry.CreateEntry(thin = p.Key, p.Value)); }).ToList(); var outText = TextObj(thins, true); File.WriteAllText(Loger.PathLog + @"Car.txt", outText, Encoding.UTF8); var caravan = Find.WorldObjects.Caravans[0]; foreach (var t in select) { //t.Key //ThingEntry the = new ThingEntry(t.Key, t.Value); ///* //thin = the.CreateThing(); //var p = CaravanInventoryUtility.FindPawnToMoveInventoryTo(thin, caravan.PawnsListForReading, null); //p.inventory.innerContainer.TryAdd(thin, true); //*/ //thin = the.CreateThing(); GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(thin, cell, map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out thinXZ, null); } /* * File.WriteAllText(Loger.PathLog + @"ThingIn.txt", TextObj(thin, true), Encoding.UTF8); * //if (thin.Spawned) thin.DeSpawn(); * ThingEntry the = new ThingEntry(thin, 1); * thin = the.CreateThing(); * GenDrop.TryDropSpawn(thin, GameUtils.GetTradeCell(map), map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out thinXZ, null); * File.WriteAllText(Loger.PathLog + @"ThingXZ.txt", TextObj(thinXZ, true), Encoding.UTF8); * File.WriteAllText(Loger.PathLog + @"ThingOut.txt", TextObj(thin, true), Encoding.UTF8); */ /* * if (thin != null) * { * File.WriteAllText(Loger.PathLog + @"ThingIn.txt", TextObj(thin, true), Encoding.UTF8); * ThingEntry the = new ThingEntry(thin, 1); * File.WriteAllText(Loger.PathLog + @"ThingEntry.txt", TextObj(the, true), Encoding.UTF8); * File.WriteAllText(Loger.PathLog + @"ThingOut.txt", TextObj(the.CreateThing(), true), Encoding.UTF8); * }*/ }); Find.WindowStack.Add(form); return(true); pawn = pawns.Where(p => p.Name.ToStringShort == "Jesse").FirstOrDefault(); //msg += Find.Maps.Count.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; var pawnText = TextObj(pawn, true); File.WriteAllText(Loger.PathLog + @"Car.txt", pawnText, Encoding.UTF8); int directionTile = CaravanExitMapUtility.RandomBestExitTileFrom(Find.Maps[0]); //Find.Maps[0].Tile; //var destroyedFactionBase = (CaravanOnline)WorldObjectMaker.MakeWorldObject(ModDefOf.CaravanOnline); var destroyedFactionBase = (CaravanOnline)WorldObjectMaker.MakeWorldObject(ModDefOf.BaseOnline); destroyedFactionBase.Tile = directionTile; destroyedFactionBase.OnlineWObject = new Model.WorldObjectEntry() { LoginOwner = "OCity_DevTest_NameTestPlayer".Translate() }; destroyedFactionBase.SetFaction(Faction.OfPlayer); Find.WorldObjects.Add(destroyedFactionBase); var cars = Find.WorldObjects.AllWorldObjects.Where(o => o is Caravan).ToList(); var seeText = TextObj(cars); File.WriteAllText(Loger.PathLog + @"See.txt", seeText, Encoding.UTF8); Loger.Log(msg); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e.ToString()); } return(true); }