// Update is called once per frame
    void OnDrawGizmos()
        if (ShowDebugInfo)
            foreach (var tri in Tris)
                var InnerList = new string[] { GearRenderer.TRI_SideInnerTop, GearRenderer.TRI_SideInnerBottom };
                if (GearRenderer.TagContains(tri.Tag, InnerList))
                    //Calc Normal of tri...
                    Vector3 d = tri.Center();
                    Vector3 n = tri.GetNormal();

                    float norma = Mathf.Atan2(n.y, n.x);
                    float xdira = norma + Mathf.PI / 2.0f;

                    Vector3 xdir = new Vector3(n.magnitude * Mathf.Cos(xdira), n.magnitude * Mathf.Sin(xdira), n.z);

                    Gizmos.color = Color.red;
                    Gizmos.DrawRay(d, xdir * 1.0f);
                    Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
                    Gizmos.DrawRay(d, n * 1.0f);

                var OuterList = new string[] { GearRenderer.TRI_SideOuterTop, GearRenderer.TRI_SideOuterBottom };
                if (GearRenderer.TagContains(tri.Tag, OuterList))
                    //Calc Normal of tri...
                    Vector3 d = tri.Center();
                    Vector3 n = tri.GetNormal();
                    //Vector3 xdir = ???
                    //x = (p-o) dot x
                    //y=(p-o) dot (n cross x)
                    float norma = Mathf.Atan2(n.y, n.x);
                    float xdira = norma + Mathf.PI / 2.0f;

                    Vector3 xdir = new Vector3(n.magnitude * Mathf.Cos(xdira), n.magnitude * Mathf.Sin(xdira), n.z);

                    Gizmos.color = Color.red;
                    Gizmos.DrawRay(d, xdir * 1.0f);
                    Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
                    Gizmos.DrawRay(d, n * 1.0f);
Example #2
	//For debugging verts & tris.
	private GameObject CreateTextMesh(GameObject parent, string Text, Vector3 pos){
		if(Text == null){
			Text = "null";	
		GameObject gt = new GameObject(Text);
		TextMesh tm = (TextMesh)gt.AddComponent( typeof(TextMesh) );
		gt.AddComponent( typeof(MeshRenderer) );
		//gt.renderer.material = ;
		tm.text = Text;
		tm.fontSize = 0;
		tm.characterSize = 0.05f;
		tm.font = DebugTextFont;
		MeshRenderer mr = gt.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
		mr.material = DebugTextMaterial;
		gt.transform.parent = parent.transform;
		pos = new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, Random.Range(0,1.0f) + pos.z);
		gt.transform.position = pos;
		tm.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
		//tm.font = guiFont;

		return gt;
	public void ProcessGear(GameObject Gear, Vector3 origin){
		System.Collections.Generic.List<Vector3> verts = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Vector3>();
		System.Collections.Generic.List<int> triInt = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int>();
		System.Collections.Generic.List<Vector2> uvs = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Vector2>();
		GearRenderer g = new GearRenderer();
		g.Height = Height;
		g.HubSides = HubSides;
		g.HubHeight = Height;
		g.HubRadius = HubRadius;
		g.InnerRadius = InnerToothRadius;
		g.OuterRadius = OutsideToothRadius;
		g.RingRadius = RingRadius;
		g.OuterWidthPct = ToothWidthPct / 100.0f;
		g.ToothRotation = ToothRotation;
		g.TopScale = TopScalePct / 100.0f;
		g.TopRotation = TopRotation;
		g.SpokeCount = SpokeCount;
		g.QtyTeeth = QtyTeeth;
		g.SpokeWidthInner = SpokeWidthInner;
		g.SpokeWidthOuter = SpokeWidthOuter;
		g.SpokeType = SpokeType;
		g.SpokeIndent = SpokeIndent;
		g.HubHeight = hubHeight;
		var shape = g.GetRingGear();
		var tris = shape.tris;
		var tuvs = shape.UV;
		Mesh m = new Mesh();
		int i = 0;
		foreach(var tri in tris){
			//CreateTextMesh(o, tri.Tag + " " + tri.SortOrder.ToString(), tri.Center());
			//CreateTextMesh(o, tri.Tag + "-a:" + tri.a.Tag, tri.a.Value);
			//CreateTextMesh(o, tri.Tag + "-b:" + tri.b.Tag, tri.b.Value);
			//CreateTextMesh(o, tri.Tag + "-c:" + tri.c.Tag, tri.c.Value);
			if (!vertcache.ContainsKey(tri.a.Value)){
				vertcache.Add(tri.a.Value, i);
				i += 1;
			if (!vertcache.ContainsKey(tri.b.Value)){
				vertcache.Add(tri.b.Value, i);
				i += 1;
			if (!vertcache.ContainsKey(tri.c.Value)){
				i += 1;
			//i += 1;
			//Raw tris...
			i += 1;
			i += 1;
			i += 1;
		foreach(var uv in tuvs){
		MeshFilter f = Gear.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
		if(f == null){
			f = Gear.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
		MeshRenderer r = Gear.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
		if(r == null){
			r = Gear.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
		//Debug Stuff
		//GearDebugHelper h = o.AddComponent<GearDebugHelper>();
		if(Gear.GetComponent<GearTuner>() == null){
			var tuner = Gear.AddComponent<GearTuner>();
			tuner.RenderedGear = g;
		//h.Tris = tris;
		//h.ShowDebugInfo = true;
		f.mesh = m;
		m.vertices = verts.ToArray();
		m.triangles = triInt.ToArray();
		m.uv = uvs.ToArray();
		r.material = this.GearMaterial;

Example #3
	public void CreateGear(GameObject Gear){
		GearRenderer g = new GearRenderer();
		Vector3 origin;
		var sv = SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView;
		if(sv == null && SceneView.lastActiveSceneView != null){
			sv = SceneView.lastActiveSceneView;
		if(sv == null){
			Debug.LogError("No Scene present!");
		Camera cam = SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.camera;
		Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(cam.pixelWidth / 2.0f, cam.pixelHeight / 2.0f,0));
		origin = ray.GetPoint(5.0f);
		g.Height = Height;
		g.HubSides = HubSides;
		g.HubHeight = Height;
		g.HubRadius = HubRadius;
		g.InnerRadius = InnerToothRadius;
		g.OuterRadius = OutsideToothRadius;
		g.RingRadius = RingRadius;
		g.OuterWidthPct = ToothWidthPct / 100.0f;
		g.ToothRotation = ToothRotation;
		g.TopScale = TopScalePct / 100.0f;
		g.TopRotation = TopRotation;
		g.SpokeCount = SpokeCount;
		g.QtyTeeth = QtyTeeth;
		g.SpokeWidthInner = SpokeWidthInner;
		g.SpokeWidthOuter = SpokeWidthOuter;
		g.SpokeType = SpokeType;
		g.SpokeIndent = SpokeIndent;
		g.HubHeight = hubHeight;
		GearSupport gs = Gear.GetComponent<GearSupport>();
		if(gs == null){
			gs = Gear.AddComponent<GearSupport>();
		gs.GearMaterial = GearMaterial;
		gs.RenderedGear = g;
		gs.OutsideToothRadius = this.OutsideToothRadius;    
		gs.InnerToothRadius = this.InnerToothRadius;
		gs.ToothRotation = this.ToothRotation;
		gs.QtyTeeth = this.QtyTeeth;
		gs.ToothWidthPct = this.ToothWidthPct;
		gs.RingRadius = this.RingRadius;
		gs.GearMaterial = this.GearMaterial;
		gs.Height = this.Height;
		gs.TopRotation = this.TopRotation;
		gs.TopScalePct = this.TopScalePct;
		gs.SpokeCount = this.SpokeCount;
		gs.SpokeIndent = this.SpokeIndent;
		gs.SpokeType = this.SpokeType;
		gs.hubHeight = this.hubHeight;
		gs.HubRadius = this.HubRadius;
		gs.HubSides = this.HubSides;
		gs.SpokeWidthInner = this.SpokeWidthInner;
		gs.SpokeWidthOuter = this.SpokeWidthOuter;
		gs.LockRatio = this.LockRatio;
		//gs.DebugTextMaterial = this.DebugTextMaterial;
		//gs.DebugTextFont = this.DebugTextFont;

		gs.ProcessGear(Gear, origin);
		Gear.transform.position = origin;

		Debug.Log("Gear Rendered " + origin.ToString());
     * //For debugging verts & tris.
     * private GameObject CreateTextMesh(GameObject parent, string Text, Vector3 pos){
     *      if(Text == null){
     *              Text = "null";
     *      }
     *      GameObject gt = new GameObject(Text);
     *      TextMesh tm = (TextMesh)gt.AddComponent( typeof(TextMesh) );
     *      gt.AddComponent( typeof(MeshRenderer) );
     *      //gt.renderer.material = ;
     *      tm.text = Text;
     *      tm.fontSize = 0;
     *      tm.characterSize = 0.05f;
     *      tm.font = DebugTextFont;
     *      MeshRenderer mr = gt.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
     *      mr.material = DebugTextMaterial;
     *      gt.transform.parent = parent.transform;
     *      pos = new Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, Random.Range(0,1.0f) + pos.z);
     *      gt.transform.position = pos;
     *      tm.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
     *      //tm.font = guiFont;
     *      return gt;
     * }

    public void ProcessGear(GameObject Gear, Vector3 origin)
        System.Collections.Generic.List <Vector3> verts  = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Vector3>();
        System.Collections.Generic.List <int>     triInt = new System.Collections.Generic.List <int>();
        System.Collections.Generic.List <Vector2> uvs    = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Vector2>();

        GearRenderer g = new GearRenderer();

        g.Height          = Height;
        g.HubSides        = HubSides;
        g.HubHeight       = Height;
        g.HubRadius       = HubRadius;
        g.InnerRadius     = InnerToothRadius;
        g.OuterRadius     = OutsideToothRadius;
        g.RingRadius      = RingRadius;
        g.OuterWidthPct   = ToothWidthPct / 100.0f;
        g.ToothRotation   = ToothRotation;
        g.TopScale        = TopScalePct / 100.0f;
        g.TopRotation     = TopRotation;
        g.SpokeCount      = SpokeCount;
        g.QtyTeeth        = QtyTeeth;
        g.SpokeWidthInner = SpokeWidthInner;
        g.SpokeWidthOuter = SpokeWidthOuter;
        g.SpokeType       = SpokeType;
        g.SpokeIndent     = SpokeIndent;
        g.HubHeight       = hubHeight;

        var shape = g.GetRingGear();
        var tris  = shape.tris;
        var tuvs  = shape.UV;

        Mesh m = new Mesh();

        int i = 0;

        foreach (var tri in tris)
            //CreateTextMesh(o, tri.Tag + " " + tri.SortOrder.ToString(), tri.Center());

            //CreateTextMesh(o, tri.Tag + "-a:" + tri.a.Tag, tri.a.Value);
            //CreateTextMesh(o, tri.Tag + "-b:" + tri.b.Tag, tri.b.Value);
            //CreateTextMesh(o, tri.Tag + "-c:" + tri.c.Tag, tri.c.Value);

             * if (!vertcache.ContainsKey(tri.a.Value)){
             *      vertcache.Add(tri.a.Value, i);
             *      verts.Add(tri.a.Value);
             *      i += 1;
             * }
             * triInt.Add(vertcache[tri.a.Value]);
             * if (!vertcache.ContainsKey(tri.b.Value)){
             *      vertcache.Add(tri.b.Value, i);
             *      verts.Add(tri.b.Value);
             *      i += 1;
             * }
             * triInt.Add(vertcache[tri.b.Value]);
             * if (!vertcache.ContainsKey(tri.c.Value)){
             *      vertcache.Add(tri.c.Value,i);
             *      verts.Add(tri.c.Value);
             *      i += 1;
             * }
             * triInt.Add(vertcache[tri.c.Value]);
            //i += 1;

            //Raw tris...
            i += 1;

            i += 1;

            i += 1;

        foreach (var uv in tuvs)

        MeshFilter f = Gear.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();

        if (f == null)
            f = Gear.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();

        MeshRenderer r = Gear.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        if (r == null)
            r = Gear.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        //Debug Stuff
        //GearDebugHelper h = o.AddComponent<GearDebugHelper>();

         * if(Gear.GetComponent<GearTuner>() == null){
         *      var tuner = Gear.AddComponent<GearTuner>();
         *      tuner.RenderedGear = g;
         * }

        //h.Tris = tris;
        //h.ShowDebugInfo = true;

        f.mesh = m;

        m.vertices  = verts.ToArray();
        m.triangles = triInt.ToArray();
        m.uv        = uvs.ToArray();
        r.material = this.GearMaterial;
Example #5
    public void CreateGear(GameObject Gear)
        GearRenderer g = new GearRenderer();
        Vector3      origin;

        var sv = SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView;

        if (sv == null && SceneView.lastActiveSceneView != null)
            sv = SceneView.lastActiveSceneView;

        if (sv == null)
            Debug.LogError("No Scene present!");

        Camera cam = SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.camera;

        Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(cam.pixelWidth / 2.0f, cam.pixelHeight / 2.0f, 0));

        origin = ray.GetPoint(5.0f);

        g.Height          = Height;
        g.HubSides        = HubSides;
        g.HubHeight       = Height;
        g.HubRadius       = HubRadius;
        g.InnerRadius     = InnerToothRadius;
        g.OuterRadius     = OutsideToothRadius;
        g.RingRadius      = RingRadius;
        g.OuterWidthPct   = ToothWidthPct / 100.0f;
        g.ToothRotation   = ToothRotation;
        g.TopScale        = TopScalePct / 100.0f;
        g.TopRotation     = TopRotation;
        g.SpokeCount      = SpokeCount;
        g.QtyTeeth        = QtyTeeth;
        g.SpokeWidthInner = SpokeWidthInner;
        g.SpokeWidthOuter = SpokeWidthOuter;
        g.SpokeType       = SpokeType;
        g.SpokeIndent     = SpokeIndent;
        g.HubHeight       = hubHeight;

        GearSupport gs = Gear.GetComponent <GearSupport>();

        if (gs == null)
            gs = Gear.AddComponent <GearSupport>();

        gs.GearMaterial = GearMaterial;
        gs.RenderedGear = g;

        gs.OutsideToothRadius = this.OutsideToothRadius;
        gs.InnerToothRadius   = this.InnerToothRadius;
        gs.ToothRotation      = this.ToothRotation;
        gs.QtyTeeth           = this.QtyTeeth;
        gs.ToothWidthPct      = this.ToothWidthPct;
        gs.RingRadius         = this.RingRadius;
        gs.GearMaterial       = this.GearMaterial;
        gs.Height             = this.Height;
        gs.TopRotation        = this.TopRotation;
        gs.TopScalePct        = this.TopScalePct;

        gs.SpokeCount      = this.SpokeCount;
        gs.SpokeIndent     = this.SpokeIndent;
        gs.SpokeType       = this.SpokeType;
        gs.hubHeight       = this.hubHeight;
        gs.HubRadius       = this.HubRadius;
        gs.HubSides        = this.HubSides;
        gs.SpokeWidthInner = this.SpokeWidthInner;
        gs.SpokeWidthOuter = this.SpokeWidthOuter;
        gs.LockRatio       = this.LockRatio;

        //gs.DebugTextMaterial = this.DebugTextMaterial;
        //gs.DebugTextFont = this.DebugTextFont;

        gs.ProcessGear(Gear, origin);

        Gear.transform.position = origin;

        Debug.Log("Gear Rendered " + origin.ToString());