public ICredentials GetCredentials(Uri uri, IWebProxy proxy, CredentialType credentialType, ICredentials existingCredential, bool retrying)
            if (uri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");

            NetworkCredential currentCredentials = null;

            if (existingCredential != null)
                currentCredentials = Utility.GetCredentialsForUriFromICredentials(uri, existingCredential);

            var form   = new PlaceholderForm(credentialType, uri, currentCredentials);
            var result = GdkWin32.RunModalWin32Form(form, IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow);

            return(result ? new NetworkCredential(form.Username, form.Password, form.Domain) : null);
        static ICredentials GetCredentialsFromUser(Uri uri, IWebProxy proxy, CredentialType credentialType)
            NetworkCredential result = null;

            Runtime.RunInMainThread(() => {
                var form = new PlaceholderForm(credentialType, uri, null);
                if (GdkWin32.RunModalWin32Form(form, IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow))
                    result = new NetworkCredential(form.Username, form.Password, form.Domain);

            // store the obtained credentials in the auth store
            // but don't store for the root url since it may have other credentials
            if (result != null)
                PasswordService.AddWebUserNameAndPassword(uri, result.UserName, result.Password);
