Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// switches state on the basis of min max fixation times and min max saccade time
 /// during fixation state(slow) it wil stay in that state until maximum fixation is not reached. After the maximum fixation
 /// value is achieved state machine switches to saccade(fast), it will stay in that state with 50% chance on every step.
 /// </summary>
 private void SwitchState()
     if (ContinousFixationTime > fixationMax)
         currentState          = GazeMovementState.fast;
         ContinousFixationTime = 0;
     else if (ContinousFixationTime < fixationMin && ContinousSaccadeTime == 0)
         currentState = GazeMovementState.slow;
     else if (ContinousSaccadeTime > 0 && ContinousSaccadeTime < 90)// limiting time of saccade between greater than 0 ms and less than 90 ms
         float r = GetRandomNumber(0, 100);
         if (r < 50)// 50% chance that saccade keep on happening
             currentState          = GazeMovementState.fast;
             ContinousFixationTime = 0;
             currentState          = GazeMovementState.slow;
             ContinousFixationTime = 0;
             ContinousSaccadeTime  = 0;
Example #2
        public Generator(float duration, float fixationMin, float fixationMax, float saccadeMin, float saccadeMax, float tempoaralRes, float resX, float resY, float distPartcipantScreen, float disaplaySize)
            this.duration    = duration;
            this.fixationMin = fixationMin;
            this.fixationMax = fixationMax;
            this.saccadeMin  = saccadeMin;
            this.saccadeMax  = saccadeMax;

            this.tempoaralRes         = tempoaralRes;
            this.resX                 = resX;
            this.resY                 = resY;
            this.distPartcipantScreen = distPartcipantScreen;
            this.disaplaySize         = disaplaySize;

            degPerPixel           = RadianToDegree((float)Math.Atan2(0.5f * disaplaySize, distPartcipantScreen)) / (0.5f * resY);// degree per pixel calculation
            currentState          = GazeMovementState.none;
            ContinousFixationTime = 0;
            ContinousSaccadeTime  = 0;
            minDegreeForFixation  = 1;
            maxDegreeForFixation  = 5;

            totalDataPoints = (int)(duration * tempoaralRes);

            minFixationPix = ((1 / degPerPixel) * minDegreeForFixation) / totalDataPoints; // min distance that can be covered in pixels during fixation
            maxFixationPix = ((1 / degPerPixel) * maxDegreeForFixation) / totalDataPoints; // max distance that can be covered in pixels during fixation