Example #1
    public override void Init()
        GazeFollowComponent gaze = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GazeFollowComponent> ();

        AddDataSource(new EyeGazeXDataSource(gaze));
        AddDataSource(new EyeGazeYDataSource(gaze));
        for (int i = 0; i < PresenceLayers.Length; ++i)
            AddDataSource(new PresenceLayerActiveDataSource("Layer" + i.ToString(), PresenceLayers [i]));
            AddDataSource(new PresenceLayerWeightDataSource("LayerWeight" + i.ToString(), PresenceLayers [i]));
            AddDataSource(new PresenceLayerAudioLevelDataSource("AudioLevel" + i.ToString(), PresenceLayers [i]));

        AddSamplingCondition(new Data.TimeOutSamplingCondition(1000 / SamplingRate));
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Gaze = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GazeFollowComponent> ();
        BasePresenceLayerComponent[]      layers    = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <BasePresenceLayerComponent> ();
        List <BasePresenceLayerComponent> resLayers = new List <BasePresenceLayerComponent> ();

        LayersParameters.FaceConfig.cascadePath = (Application.dataPath + LayersParameters.FaceConfig.cascadePath).Replace("/", "\\");

        for (int i = 0; i < layers.Length; ++i)
            if (layers[i].enabled)
                if (layers [i] != BaseLayer || AutoBaseLayer)
                layers [i].SetManager(this);

        Layers = resLayers.ToArray();

        _job = new ImageDetectorJob(this);

        if (Pointer == null)
            Pointer = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <CrosshairPointer> ();

        //ObjectSerializer.DeSerializeObject<PresenceLayerParameters> (Application.dataPath + "\\Data\\LayerParams.xml",ref LayersParameters );
        if (Debugger != null)
            Debugger.AddDebugElement(new DebugDetails(this));
Example #3
 public EyeGazeXDataSource(GazeFollowComponent g)
     GazeSource = g;
 public GazeBasedLayerSelection(GazeFollowComponent g)
     Gaze = g;
Example #5
    void Start()
        Gaze                  = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GazeFollowComponent> ();
        _processor            = new OffscreenProcessor();
        _processor.ShaderName = "GazeBased/Blend";

        Image <Gray, byte> cache = null;

        EmguImageUtil.UnityTextureToOpenCVImageGray(TargetTexture, ref cache);        //new Mat(pictureStr, LoadImageType.Color); //Read the files as an 8-bit Bgr image
        long             detectionTime;
        List <Rectangle> faces = new List <Rectangle>();
        List <Rectangle> eyes  = new List <Rectangle>();

        //The cuda cascade classifier doesn't seem to be able to load "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" file in this release
        //disabling CUDA module for now
        bool tryUseCuda   = true;
        bool tryUseOpenCL = false;

            cache.Mat, false,
            faces, eyes,
            out detectionTime);

        foreach (Rectangle face in faces)
            CvInvoke.Rectangle(cache.Mat, face, new Bgr(0, 0, 1).MCvScalar, 2);
        foreach (Rectangle eye in eyes)
            CvInvoke.Rectangle(cache.Mat, eye, new Bgr(1, 0, 0).MCvScalar, 2);

        Debug.Log("detected faces:" + faces.Count);
        Debug.Log("face detection time:" + detectionTime.ToString() + "ms");

        //display the image

        /*	ImageViewer.Show(image, String.Format(
         *      "Completed face and eye detection using {0} in {1} milliseconds",
         *      (tryUseCuda && CudaInvoke.HasCuda) ? "GPU"
         *      : (tryUseOpenCL && CvInvoke.HaveOpenCLCompatibleGpuDevice) ? "OpenCL"
         *      : "CPU",
         *      detectionTime));

        _map = new ImageFeatureMap(128, 128);
        foreach (Rectangle face in faces)
            Rectangle r = new Rectangle();
            r.X      = face.X - 50;
            r.Y      = face.Y - 5;
            r.Width  = face.Width + 50;
            r.Height = face.Height + 520;
            _map.FillRectangle((float)r.X / (float)cache.Mat.Width, (float)r.Y / (float)cache.Mat.Height,
                               (float)r.Width / (float)cache.Mat.Width, (float)r.Height / (float)cache.Mat.Height, 1);

        Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(1, 1);

        tex.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

        _map.ConvertToTexture(tex, true);

        _processor.ProcessingMaterial.SetTexture("_TargetMask", tex);
        _processor.ProcessingMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", TargetTexture);

        GetComponent <UITexture> ().mainTexture = tex;       //_processor.ProcessTexture (TargetTexture);
Example #6
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     _camera = GetComponent <TxKitEyes> ();
     _Alpha  = MinAlpha;
     Gaze    = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GazeFollowComponent> ();
Example #7
 public GazeHeadController()
     _Gaze = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GazeFollowComponent> ();