unsafe public void CalculateAllBakedLighting()
        List <LightmassBakerData> datas = ucExportMesh.GetBakerData();

        //ucNative.Invoke_Void<PreallocRadiositySurfaceCachePointers>(nativeLibraryPtr, datas.Count);

        List <OutputLightMapData> out_lm_data_list = new List <OutputLightMapData>();

        //int i = 0;
        //int texel_num = 0;
        foreach (LightmassBakerData obj in datas)
            int texel_num = obj.size_x * obj.size_y;

            float[] texel_radius = new float[texel_num];
            for (int i = 0; i < texel_num; ++i)
                texel_radius[i] = 0.1f;

            GatheredLightSample[] tmp_out_lm_data = new GatheredLightSample[texel_num];

            object[] param = new object[]
            ucNative.Invoke_Void <CalculateAllLightingAndShadow>(nativeLibraryPtr, param);

            OutputLightMapData lm_data = new OutputLightMapData();
            lm_data.name    = obj.name;
            lm_data.width   = obj.size_x;
            lm_data.height  = obj.size_y;
            lm_data.outdata = tmp_out_lm_data;


        //ucNative.Invoke_Void<SetTotalTexelsForProgressReport>(nativeLibraryPtr, texel_num);

        Debug.LogFormat("Output list = {0}", out_lm_data_list.Count);

        //ucBakingData.direct_lighting_baking_data = out_lm_data_list;

        foreach (OutputLightMapData out_data in out_lm_data_list)
            QuantifierResult(out_data.outdata, out_data.width, out_data.height, out_data.name);
    unsafe void QuantifierResult(GatheredLightSample[] ret, int width, int height, String name)
        Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false, true);

        for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j)
                ref GatheredLightSample InGatheredLightSample = ref ret[i * width + j];
                // SHCorrection is SHVector sampled with the normal
                float   DirCorrection = 1.0f / Math.Max(0.0001f, InGatheredLightSample.SHCorrection);
                float[] DirLuma       = new float[4];
                for (int sh_i = 0; sh_i < 4; sh_i++)
                    DirLuma[sh_i]  = 0.30f * InGatheredLightSample.SHVector.r.v[sh_i];
                    DirLuma[sh_i] += 0.59f * InGatheredLightSample.SHVector.g.v[sh_i];
                    DirLuma[sh_i] += 0.11f * InGatheredLightSample.SHVector.b.v[sh_i];

                    // Lighting is already in IncidentLighting. Force directional SH as applied to a flat normal map to be 1 to get purely directional data.
                    DirLuma[sh_i] *= DirCorrection / (float)Math.PI;
                float ColorScale = DirLuma[0];

                tex.SetPixel(j, i, new Color(
                                 InGatheredLightSample.IncidentLighting[0] * ColorScale,
                                 InGatheredLightSample.IncidentLighting[1] * ColorScale,
                                 InGatheredLightSample.IncidentLighting[2] * ColorScale));

                //tex.SetPixel(j, i, new Color(
                //    InGatheredLightSample.IncidentLighting[0],
                //    InGatheredLightSample.IncidentLighting[1],
                //    InGatheredLightSample.IncidentLighting[2]));

                //tex.SetPixel(j, i, new Color(
                //    ColorScale,
                //    ColorScale,
                //    ColorScale));