public GateSpawner(IRotatable player, GateSettings settings)
     _numInColumn = settings.NumInColumn;
     _gateBlock   = settings.GateBlock;
     _outerGate   = settings.OuterGate;
     _player      = player;
            void CreateNewTypeOfGate() //Creation of "prefabs" of gates
                Gate gate = new MonoBehaviourFactory <Gate>("Gate").Create();

                GameObject futureBottom = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);

       = "GateBottom";
                futureBottom.transform.localScale = new Vector3(_gaps, 0.01f, 1);
                futureBottom.transform.parent     = gate.transform;
                _gateBottom = futureBottom.GetComponent <Renderer>();

                GameObject outerGate = GameObject.Instantiate(_outerGate);

                   = "DecorGate";
                outerGate.transform.parent = gate.transform;

                GateSpeedUpPlayer speedUpcollider = new MonoBehaviourFactory <GateSpeedUpPlayer>("Speed up Col").Create();

                speedUpcollider.transform.position   += Vector3.right * _gaps; //We need to place it just behind the gate
                speedUpcollider.transform.parent      = gate.transform;
                speedUpcollider.transform.eulerAngles =;

                float yGaps    = 0.1f;                                                      //we need to already add some height/ Can't be changed
                int   numInRow = Mathf.RoundToInt((_gateBottom.bounds.size.z / _gaps)) - 1; // so we can skip last element. We don't need a cubes to be spawned in gate panels

                for (int i = 0; i < _numInColumn; i++)
                    float xGaps = 0;
                    for (int k = 1; k < numInRow; k++) //We start from 2 element, for the same reason
                        xGaps += _gaps;

                        GateBlock block = GameObject.Instantiate(_gateBlock);
                        block.transform.position   = new Vector3(_gateBottom.bounds.max.x - 0.05f, yGaps, _gateBottom.bounds.max.z - 0.05f - xGaps);
                        block.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
                        block.transform.parent     = _gateBottom.transform;

                    yGaps += _gaps;