public override void Action(Gamer gamer) { Output.Print("Attack to monster:"); var rnd = GetRandom(); if (rnd > gamer.GetImpactForce()) { Output.Print("You are fail."); gamer.ActionResult(_attackSettings.Fail); } else { Output.Print("You are vin."); gamer.ActionResult(_attackSettings.Vin); } }
public override void Action(Gamer gamer) { Output.Print("By clothes."); if (gamer.Money >= Settings.Price) { var power = (new Random()).Next(Settings.MinHealth, Settings.MaxHealth); gamer.ActionResult(new ActionChange() { PowerChange = power, MoneyChange = -Settings.Price }); return; } Output.Print("Invalid balance."); }
public override void Action(Gamer gamer) { Output.Print("By weapon."); if (gamer.Money >= _settings.Price) { var power = (new Random()).Next(_settings.MinPower, _settings.MaxPower); gamer.ActionResult(new ActionChange() { PowerChange = power, MoneyChange = -_settings.Price }); return; } Output.Print("Invalid balance."); }
public override void Action(Gamer gamer) { Output.Print("Go to healer"); if (gamer.Money >= _healerSettings.Price) { var health = (new Random()).Next(_healerSettings.MinHealth, _healerSettings.MaxHealth); gamer.ActionResult(new ActionChange() { MoneyChange = -_healerSettings.Price, HealthChange = (gamer.Healts + health) > 100? 100 - gamer.Healts:health }); } else { Output.Print("Invalid balance."); } }