public static void RaiseGameplayEvent(string message, GameplayEvent type) { if (OnGameplayEvent != null) { OnGameplayEvent(message, type); } }
public void RefreshRoomProperties(GameplayEvent state) { var chaPos = new Dictionary <string, CharacterPos>(); var allSaved = new Dictionary <string, FG_SavedCharacter>(); foreach (var go in unitControlller.allCharacterUnit) { chaPos.Add(, new CharacterPos() { TileX = go.tileX, TileY = go.tileY }); allSaved.Add(, go.savedCharacter); } GameConditions cc = new GameConditions() { State = state, CurrentChaName = unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].name, TargetChaName = unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].attackTarget == null ? "" : unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId], MoveToTileX = unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].currentPath == null ? unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].tileX : unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].currentPath[1].x, MoveToTileY = unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].currentPath == null ? unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].tileY : unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].currentPath[1].y, RemainingMovement = unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].remainingMovement, SelectedSpell = unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].selectedSpell == null ? "" : unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].selectedSpell.SpellName, AllSavedChaharacterData = allSaved, AllCharacterPos = chaPos, }; if (GamePlayManager.IsMultiPlayer) { Hashtable hs = new Hashtable(); hs.Add("Conditions", PlayFab.Json.PlayFabSimpleJson.SerializeObject(cc));, null, false); } else { this.conditions = cc; if (state == GameplayEvent.PreMoveState) { RaiseGameplayEvent("", GameplayEvent.MoveState); } else if (state == GameplayEvent.PreAttackState) { RaiseGameplayEvent("", GameplayEvent.AttackState); } else if (state == GameplayEvent.TurnEnd) { System.Action action = () => { RaiseGameplayEvent("", GameplayEvent.PreMoveState); }; StartCoroutine(Wait(action, 1)); } else { if (myEvent != conditions.State) { RaiseGameplayEvent("", state); } } } }
/** * @brief Invoke a specified event. * @param a_eventName is the name of the event. * @param a_eventInfo is the information to pass into the event. * */ public static void TriggerEvent(string a_eventName, IEventInfo a_eventInfo = null) { GameplayEvent foundEvent = null; // Event exists if (instance.eventDict.TryGetValue(a_eventName, out foundEvent)) { foundEvent.Invoke(a_eventInfo); } }
void OnGameplayEventReceived(string message, GameplayEvent type) { if (type == GameplayEvent.IntroQuest) { //RaiseGameplayEvent("intro act", GameplayEvent.IntroAct); myEvent = GameplayEvent.IntroQuest; //string levelname = (string)["Level"]; //uiManager.OpenConfirmPanel(PF_GameData.Levels[levelname].Acts.Values.ToList()[0].IntroMonolog); //initialize all } if (type == GameplayEvent.StartQuest) { myEvent = GameplayEvent.StartQuest; RaiseGameplayEvent("", GameplayEvent.PreMoveState); } if (type == GameplayEvent.PreMoveState) { myEvent = GameplayEvent.PreMoveState; } if (type == GameplayEvent.MoveState) { myEvent = GameplayEvent.MoveState; } if (type == GameplayEvent.PreAttackState) { myEvent = GameplayEvent.PreAttackState; } if (type == GameplayEvent.AttackState) { myEvent = GameplayEvent.AttackState; } if (type == GameplayEvent.TurnEnd) { myEvent = GameplayEvent.TurnEnd; } if (type == GameplayEvent.MyPlayerPreMove) { map.ShowTilesCanBereached(); } if (type == GameplayEvent.PreAttackState) { map.DisableTileMask(); } }
/** * @brief Unsubscribe function from a specified event. * @param a_eventName is the name of the event. * @param a_listener is the function to subscribe to the event with. * */ public static void StopListening(string a_eventName, UnityAction <IEventInfo> a_listener) { if (eventManager == null) { return; // Account for event manager being destroyed first in a clean-up situation } GameplayEvent foundEvent = null; // Event exists if (instance.eventDict.TryGetValue(a_eventName, out foundEvent)) { foundEvent.RemoveListener(a_listener); } }
// Callback for individual event ending in the sequence private void OnEventEnd() { if (m_CurrentEventIndex < eventSequence.Count) { // unsubscribe now to avoid duplicate End signal on this event if this sequence is replayed (one-time event) GameplayEvent gameplayEvent = eventSequence[m_CurrentEventIndex]; gameplayEvent.end -= OnEventEnd; } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat(this, "Event sequence {0} ends with index {1}, but count is {2}", this, m_CurrentEventIndex, eventSequence.Count); } Continue(); }
private void TryExecuteEventAtCurrentIndex() { if (m_CurrentEventIndex < eventSequence.Count) { GameplayEvent gameplayEvent = eventSequence[m_CurrentEventIndex]; // we will continue sequence as soon as this event ends // register end callback now in case Execute immediately ends gameplayEvent.end += OnEventEnd; // actually execute the next event gameplayEvent.ExecuteAsSlave(); } else { End(); Debug.LogFormat(this, "Event sequence {0} over after {1} events", this, eventSequence.Count); } }
/** * @brief Subscribe function to a specified event. * @param a_eventName is the name of the event. * @param a_listener is the function to subscribe to the event with. * */ public static void StartListening(string a_eventName, UnityAction <IEventInfo> a_listener) { GameplayEvent foundEvent = null; // Event already exists if (instance.eventDict.TryGetValue(a_eventName, out foundEvent)) { foundEvent.AddListener(a_listener); } // Event doesn't exist, create new event and add listener else { foundEvent = new GameplayEvent(); foundEvent.AddListener(a_listener); instance.eventDict.Add(a_eventName, foundEvent); } }
public Tuple <LootActions, ICard> LootPlayerAction(Player player, GameplayEvent gameplayEvent, IEnumerable <LootActions> availableActions, Game game, Player killedPlayer) { return(new Tuple <LootActions, ICard>(availableActions.First(), null)); }
public Tuple <PlayerActions, Player> PerformPlayerAction(Player player, GameplayEvent gameplayEvent, IEnumerable <PlayerActions> availableActions, Game game) { return(new Tuple <PlayerActions, Player>(availableActions.First(), null)); }
public Tuple <CardActions, ICard> PerformCardAction(Player player, GameplayEvent gameplayEvent, IEnumerable <CardActions> availableActions, Game game, ICard card = null) { return(new Tuple <CardActions, ICard>(availableActions.First(), null)); }
public BasicActions PerformAction(Player player, GameplayEvent gameplayEvent, IEnumerable <BasicActions> availableActions, Game game) { return(availableActions.First()); }
public Tuple <LootActions, ICard> LootPlayerAction(GameplayEvent gameplayEvent, IEnumerable <LootActions> availableActions, Game game, Player killedPlayer) { //TODO: Log user action here for player history return(this.Strategy.LootPlayerAction(this, gameplayEvent, availableActions, game, killedPlayer)); }
public Tuple <PlayerActions, Player> PerformPlayerAction(GameplayEvent gameplayEvent, IEnumerable <PlayerActions> availableActions, Game game) { //TODO: Log user action here for player history return(this.Strategy.PerformPlayerAction(this, gameplayEvent, availableActions, game)); }
public Tuple <CardActions, ICard> PerformCardAction(GameplayEvent gameplayEvent, IEnumerable <CardActions> availableActions, Game game, ICard card = null) { //TODO: Log user action here for player history return(this.Strategy.PerformCardAction(this, gameplayEvent, availableActions, game, card)); }
public override void OnPhotonCustomRoomPropertiesChanged(ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable propertiesThatChanged) { datas = propertiesThatChanged; if (datas["Conditions"] != null) { conditions = new GameConditions(); conditions = (GameConditions)PlayFab.Json.PlayFabSimpleJson.DeserializeObject <GameConditions>((string)datas["Conditions"]); } if (myEvent != conditions.State) { myEvent = conditions.State; RaiseGameplayEvent(conditions.CurrentChaName, myEvent); } switch (myEvent) { case GameplayEvent.IntroQuest: Debug.Log("Game Staet State form room properties"); break; case GameplayEvent.PreMoveState: if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient && !unitControlller.currentUnit.tag.Contains("Player")) { System.Action action = () => { RefreshRoomProperties(GameplayEvent.MoveState); }; StartCoroutine(Wait(action, 0.25f)); } break; case GameplayEvent.MoveState: break; case GameplayEvent.PreAttackState: if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient && !unitControlller.currentUnit.tag.Contains("Player")) { System.Action action = () => { RefreshRoomProperties(GameplayEvent.AttackState); }; StartCoroutine(Wait(action, 0.25f)); } if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { if (unitControlller.currentUnit.tag.Contains("Player") && unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].attackTarget != null) { System.Action action = () => { RefreshRoomProperties(GameplayEvent.AttackState); }; StartCoroutine(Wait(action, 0.25f)); } } break; case GameplayEvent.AttackState: break; case GameplayEvent.TurnEnd: if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { System.Action action = () => { RefreshRoomProperties(GameplayEvent.PreMoveState); }; StartCoroutine(Wait(action, 1)); } break; case GameplayEvent.OutroAct: //PhotonNetwork.Disconnect(); Debug.Log("Game Over and disconnected photon"); break; //case States.GameWin: // Debug.LogError("game win !!!"); // PhotonNetwork.Disconnect(); // SceneController.Instance.RequestSceneChange(SceneController.GameScenes.Profile); // break; } }