// Use this for initialization void Start() { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); sprite = this.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); rb = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); story = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Story").GetComponent <GameStory>(); }
void CheckStory() { story = GetComponent <GameStory>(); if (story == null) { story = gameObject.AddComponent <GameStory>(); } }
public void Run() { Screen.SetScreenSize(41, 120); PlaySound("../../Core/Resources/music/menuMusic.wav"); while (true) { GameStory.printTitle(); if (Console.KeyAvailable) { break; } Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Clear(); GameStory.printTitle2(); if (Console.KeyAvailable) { break; } Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Clear(); } Console.Clear(); GameStory.printMenu(); int choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (choice) { case 1: IPlayer offlinePlayer = InvadersFactory.Instance.CreatePlayer(); IEnemy enemy = InvadersFactory.Instance.CreateEnemy(); Instance.PlayOffline(offlinePlayer); break; case 2: IClient client = InvadersFactory.Instance.CreateInvadersClient(); client.ConnectClient(); Instance.PlayOnline(client); break; case 3: Environment.Exit(0); return; default: break; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Initializing GameIntroduction.ArtIntro(); Location.CreateMap(); GameStory.CreateStory(); CurrentLocation = Location.Crossroad; //Initialization done Console.WriteLine("\n \n \n"); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to play?"); Console.WriteLine("'Yes' or 'No'?"); Console.WriteLine("\n"); var UserInput = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if (UserInput == "YES") { ConsoleClear(); Introduction.StoryIntroduction(); while (true) { UserInput = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if (UserInput == "HELP") { Commands.Help(); } if (UserInput == "SEARCH") { Commands.Search(); } if (UserInput == "LOCATION") { Commands.LocationInformation(); } if (UserInput == "MOVE") { Commands.Move(); } } } }
static public void Boss(CharacterClass character) // Done { System.Media.SoundPlayer player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); character.SpecialAttackCounter = 0; bool battleOutCome = false; if (character.BossEncounter > 3) { Console.WriteLine("There are no more Bosses you are done, get of the island..."); } else { // background music choice if (character.BossEncounter < 3) { player.SoundLocation = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Perfect Thunder Storm.wav"; player.PlayLooping(); } else { player.SoundLocation = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\LastBossFight.wav"; player.PlayLooping(); } Boss bossEncounter = new Boss(1, character.BossEncounter); battleOutCome = Battle(bossEncounter, character, 3); if (battleOutCome) { player.Stop(); GameStory.StoryMiddle(character.BossEncounter, character); character.BossEncounter++; } else { Console.WriteLine("Come back when you are stronger..!"); } } player.Stop(); }
public void PlayOnline(IClient client) { IPlayer currentPlayer; IPlayer opponent; List <IEnemy> enemies; while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.CursorVisible = false; // Read GameObjects from server and print ReceiveSerializedList(client); currentPlayer = (IPlayer)gameObjects[0]; opponent = (IPlayer)gameObjects[1]; enemies = (List <IEnemy>)gameObjects[2]; // Game end ----------- if (opponent.Health == 0) { GameStory.printGameComplete(); break; } else if (currentPlayer.Health == 0) { GameStory.printGameOver(); break; } Instance.MirrorOpponent(opponent); Screen.PrintStats(currentPlayer, opponent); currentPlayer.ShootedBullets.ForEach(Screen.PrintObject); Screen.PrintObject(currentPlayer); Screen.PrintObject(opponent); enemies.ForEach(Screen.PrintObject); int pressedKey = ReadPressedKey(); client.SendData(pressedKey.ToString()); Thread.Sleep(100); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Welcome To stranded"; Vendor localVendor = new Vendor(); string menuChoice = ""; do { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("Welcome".PadLeft(55)); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("1. Story Mode".PadLeft(58)); Console.WriteLine("0. Quit Game!".PadLeft(58)); menuChoice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (menuChoice.ToLower()) { case "1": Console.Clear(); GameMenu(GameStory.StoryStart(), localVendor); menuChoice = "0"; break; case "god mode": // CHEAT !!!! CharacterClass character = new CharacterClass("James The Great", 3); character.Gold = 100000; character.MaxHealth = 10000; character.Health = 10000; character.MainQuest = "Find the Princess"; GameMenu(character, localVendor); break; case "0": default: break; } } while (menuChoice != "0"); }
public override GameFrameStory Interact() { if (Flags.PrincessKidnapped) { if (GaveFish) { GameStory = base.Interact(); } else { GameStory = ReadStory("master_pre_fishes.ink"); var fishCount = Flags.FishCount; GameStory.ChoosePathString("dialog"); GameStory.SetVariableState("fish_count", fishCount); } } else { GameStory = ReadStory("master_pre_kidnapping.ink"); } return(GameStory); }
public override GameFrameStory Interact() { var scriptName = Flags.LearnedFight ? "north_guard_post_fight.ink" : "north_guard_pre_fight.ink"; GameStory = ReadStory(scriptName); if (Flags.LearnedFight) { GameStory.ChoosePathString("dialog"); CompleteEvent completeEvent = victory => { if (victory) { var collision = _collision.Invoke(Position.ToPoint(), EndPosition.ToPoint()); var endPoint = collision ? _alternativeEndPoint : EndPosition; MoveDelegate?.Invoke(this, endPoint.ToPoint()); GameFlags.SetVariable(FlagName, true); AlreadyMoved = true; } }; ReadStory(GameStory, completeEvent); } return(GameStory); }
public override void CompleteInteract() { if (Flags.PrincessKidnapped) { if (GaveFish) { var preStoryOver = StoryOver; base.CompleteInteract(); if (StoryOver && !preStoryOver) { GameFlags.SetVariable("learned_fight", true); } } else { GaveFish = GameStory.GetVariableState <int>(GaveFishVariable) == 1; if (GaveFish) { GameFlags.SetVariable(GaveFishVariable, GaveFish); Flags.FishCount -= 3; } } } }
public override GameFrameStory Interact() { GameStory = ReadStory(ScriptName); GameStory.ChoosePathString("dialog"); CompleteEvent completeEvent = win => { if (win) { var collision = _collision.Invoke(Position.ToPoint(), EndPosition.ToPoint()); var endPoint = collision ? _alternativeEndPoint : EndPosition; MoveDelegate?.Invoke(this, endPoint.ToPoint()); GameFlags.SetVariable(FlagName, true); AlreadyMoved = true; } var dialog = win ? "victory.ink" : "defeat.ink"; var storyScript = StoryImporter.ReadStory(dialog); var newStory = new GameFrameStory(storyScript); newStory.Continue(); _say.Invoke(newStory); }; ReadStory(GameStory, completeEvent); return(GameStory); }
static public void GameMenu(CharacterClass character, Vendor vendor) { string inputAnswer = ""; do { Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine(AsciiArt.MainHeading()); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------".PadLeft(58)); Console.WriteLine("| Main Menu |".PadLeft(58)); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------".PadLeft(58)); Console.WriteLine("| Where to next: |".PadLeft(58)); Console.WriteLine("| 1. City |".PadLeft(58)); Console.WriteLine("| 2. Adventure Menu |".PadLeft(58)); Console.WriteLine("| 3. Character Information |".PadLeft(58)); Console.WriteLine("| |".PadLeft(58)); Console.WriteLine("| 9. Try and leave island |".PadLeft(58)); Console.WriteLine("| 0. Quit Game |".PadLeft(58)); Console.WriteLine("| |".PadLeft(58)); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------".PadLeft(58)); Console.SetCursorPosition(27, 18); inputAnswer = Console.ReadLine(); switch (inputAnswer) { case "1": CityMenu.InCityMenu(character, vendor); break; case "2": Adventure.AdventureMenu(character); break; case "3": Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(character.ClassPrintInformation()); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "9": Console.Clear(); inputAnswer = GameStory.Ending(character); break; case "0": Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Maybe be able to save.. then we have to have a menu in the biggining start game and load"); Console.ReadKey(); break; default: break; } } while (inputAnswer != "0"); }
public RpgLogic(SessionStorage session) { _sessionstorage = session; _gamestory = _sessionstorage.GameStory; }
public void PlayOffline(IPlayer offlinePlayer) { PlaySound("../../Core/Resources/music/singlePlayer.wav"); List <IEnemy> enemies = new List <IEnemy>(); IBoss boss = null; Random rnd = new Random(); int randX = 0; int counter = 0; while (true) { Console.Clear(); Console.CursorVisible = false; offlinePlayer.ShootedBullets.RemoveAll(b => b.ObjectPosition.Y == 0); offlinePlayer.ShootedBullets.ForEach(Screen.PrintObject); offlinePlayer.ShootedBullets.ForEach(b => b.Move()); randX = rnd.Next(0, Console.WindowWidth - 2); if (counter == 1000) { Instance.GameSpeed = 20; boss = InvadersFactory.Instance.CreateBoss(null, 10, null, ConsoleColor.Red, randX); boss.ObjectPosition.Y = 1; PlaySound("../../Core/Resources/music/bossMusic.wav"); } else if (counter < 1000 && counter % 10 == 0) { enemies.Add(InvadersFactory.Instance.CreateEnemy(null, 1, null, ConsoleColor.Green, randX)); Instance.GameSpeed++; } enemies.Remove(enemies.Find(i => i.ObjectPosition.Y == Console.WindowHeight)); Screen.PrintObject(offlinePlayer); Screen.PrintStats(offlinePlayer); if (boss != null) { if (counter % 5 == 0) { boss.Move(); } boss.ShootedBullets.RemoveAll(bull => bull.ObjectPosition.Y == Console.WindowHeight); boss.ShootedBullets.ForEach(b => { Screen.PrintObject(b); b.ObjectPosition.Y++; }); Screen.PrintObject(boss); HitCheck(offlinePlayer, null, null, boss); Screen.PrintStats(offlinePlayer, null, boss); if (boss.Health == 0) { Console.Clear(); GameStory.printGameComplete(); break; } } enemies.ForEach(Screen.PrintObject); enemies.ForEach(p => p.Move()); offlinePlayer.Move(); Instance.HitCheck(offlinePlayer, enemies); // Game end ----------- if (offlinePlayer.Health == 0) { Console.Clear(); GameStory.printGameOver(); break; } counter++; Thread.Sleep(100 - Instance.GameSpeed); } }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { story = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Story").GetComponent <GameStory>(); diary = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Diary"); enemies = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy").Length; }
void Awake() { story = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Story").GetComponent <GameStory>(); }