internal static void DrawMiniToolbar() { GUILayout.BeginVertical("Toolbar", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); var issueCount = _gameRules.Sum(o => o.ignore == false ? o.issues.Count : 0); if (issueCount > 0) { GUI.color =; } else { GUI.color =; } if (GUILayout.Button(issueCount + " issues found in scene.", "toolbarbutton", GUILayout.Width(300))) { GameRulesWindow.ShowWindow(); } GUI.color = Color.white; if (ItemManager.itemDatabaseLookup.hasSelectedDatabase) { var style = UnityEditor.EditorStyles.centeredGreyMiniLabel; var r = new Rect(320, window.position.height - 18, window.position.width - 320, 20); GUI.Label(r, "Selected database: " + AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(ItemManager.database), style); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); }
public void OnGUI() { DrawToolbar(); if (InventoryScriptableObjectUtility.isPrefabsSaveFolderSet == false || InventoryScriptableObjectUtility.isPrefabsSaveFolderValid == false) { SettingsEditor.DrawSaveFolderPicker(); return; } if (_toolbarIndex < 0 || _toolbarIndex >= _editors.Count || _editors.Count == 0) { _toolbarIndex = 0; CreateEditors(); } if (_editors.Count == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No editor pages found"); if (GUILayout.Button("Force refresh")) { _toolbarIndex = 0; CreateEditors(); } return; } // Draw the editor _editors[_toolbarIndex].Draw(); DrawMiniToolbar(GameRulesWindow.GetAllActiveRules().ToList()); }
private void OnEnable() { minSize = new Vector2(600.0f, 400.0f); _toolbarIndex = 0; GameRulesWindow.CheckForIssues(); GameRulesWindow.OnIssuesUpdated += UpdateMiniToolbar; CreateEditors(); }
private void DrawStep5() { // All done GUILayout.Label("All done!"); if (GUILayout.Button("Check issue detector")) { GameRulesWindow.ShowWindow(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Close window")) { Close(); } }
private void OnEnable() { minSize = new Vector2(600.0f, 400.0f); toolbarIndex = 0; //if (ItemManager.database == null) // return; // _databasesInProject = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:" + typeof(InventoryItemDatabase).Name); GameRulesWindow.CheckForIssues(); GameRulesWindow.OnIssuesUpdated += UpdateMiniToolbar; CreateEditors(); }
public void OnGUI() { DrawToolbar(); // EditorPrefs.DeleteKey("InventorySystem_ItemPrefabPath"); if (QuestManager.instance != null) { Devdog.General.Editors.EditorUtility.ErrorIfEmpty(EditorPrefs.GetString(SettingsEditor.PrefabSaveKey) == string.Empty, "Prefab folder is not set, items cannot be saved."); if (EditorPrefs.GetString(SettingsEditor.PrefabSaveKey) == string.Empty) { GUI.enabled = true; toolbarIndex = editors.Count - 1; // Draw the editor editors[toolbarIndex].Draw(); if (GUI.changed) { UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(QuestManager.instance); // To make sure it gets saved. } GUI.enabled = false; return; } if (toolbarIndex < 0 || toolbarIndex >= editors.Count || editors.Count == 0) { toolbarIndex = 0; CreateEditors(); } // TODO: Error when no manager is present! // Draw the editor editors[toolbarIndex].Draw(); if (GUI.changed) { UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(QuestManager.instance); // To make sure it gets saved. } } DrawMiniToolbar(GameRulesWindow.GetAllActiveRules().ToList()); }
internal static void DrawMiniToolbar(List <IGameRule> issues) { GUILayout.BeginVertical("Toolbar", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); var issueCount = issues.Sum(o => o.ignore == false ? o.issues.Count : 0); if (issueCount > 0) { GUI.color =; } else { GUI.color =; } if (GUILayout.Button(issueCount + " issues found in scene.", "toolbarbutton", GUILayout.Width(300))) { GameRulesWindow.ShowWindow(); } GUI.color = Color.white; GUILayout.EndVertical(); }
private void menuItemGameRules_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { GameRulesWindow gameRulesWindow = new GameRulesWindow(); gameRulesWindow.Show(); }