/// <summary> /// Counts the number of files which LoadAllFiles will load. Used to set the max value of the progress bar. /// </summary> /// <returns>Total number of files that LoadAllFiles() will load.</returns> private int LoadAllFilesTotal() { int numIT = GamePathResolver.GetCharacterList()?.Count() ?? 0; numIT = numIT * 2; // Assuming that there is 1 stash file per character int numVaults = GamePathResolver.GetVaultList()?.Count() ?? 0; return(Math.Max(0, numIT + numVaults - 1)); }
/// <summary> /// Counts the number of files which LoadAllFiles will load. Used to set the max value of the progress bar. /// </summary> /// <returns>Total number of files that LoadAllFiles() will load.</returns> private int LoadAllFilesTotal() { string[] list; list = GamePathResolver.GetCharacterList(); int numIT = list?.Length ?? 0; list = GamePathResolver.GetVaultList(); int numVaults = list?.Length ?? 0; return(Math.Max(0, numIT + numVaults - 1)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the list of available vaults and loads them into the drop down list /// </summary> private void GetVaultList() { string[] vaults = GamePathResolver.GetVaultList(); // Make sure we have something to add. if (vaults != null && vaults.Length > 0) { // Put Main Vault at the top of the list only if it exists. if (Array.IndexOf(vaults, VaultService.MAINVAULT) != -1) { this.vaultListComboBox.Items.Add(VaultService.MAINVAULT); } foreach (string vault in vaults) { if (!vault.Equals(VaultService.MAINVAULT)) { // now add everything EXCEPT for main vault this.vaultListComboBox.Items.Add(vault); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of available player files and populates the drop down list. /// </summary> private void GetPlayerList() { // Initialize the character combo-box this.characterComboBox.Items.Clear(); string[] charactersIT = GamePathResolver.GetCharacterList(); int numIT = 0; if (charactersIT != null) { numIT = charactersIT.Length; } if (numIT == 0) { this.characterComboBox.Items.Add(Resources.MainFormNoCharacters); this.characterComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { this.characterComboBox.Items.Add(Resources.MainFormSelectCharacter); this.characterComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; string characterDesignator = string.Empty; // Modified by VillageIdiot // Added to support custom Maps if (GamePathResolver.IsCustom) { characterDesignator = string.Concat(characterDesignator, PlayerService.CustomDesignator); } string[] characters = charactersIT.Select(c => string.Concat(c, characterDesignator)).ToArray(); this.characterComboBox.Items.AddRange(characters); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of all of the custom maps. /// </summary> /// <returns>List of custom maps in a string array</returns> public static GamePathEntry[] GetCustomMapList() { return(GamePathResolver.ResolveTQModDirectories()); }
/// <summary> /// Background worker has finished /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">sender object</param> /// <param name="e">RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs data</param> private void BackgroundWorkerLoadAllFiles_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { // First, handle the case where an exception was thrown. if (e.Error != null) { Log.LogError(e.Error, $"resourcesLoaded = {this.resourcesLoaded}"); if (MessageBox.Show( string.Concat(e.Error.Message, Resources.Form1BadLanguage) , Resources.Form1ErrorLoadingResources , MessageBoxButtons.YesNo , MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation , MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1 , RightToLeftOptions) == DialogResult.Yes ) { Application.Restart(); } else { Application.Exit(); } } else if (e.Cancelled && !this.resourcesLoaded) { Application.Exit(); } else if (e.Result.Equals(true)) { this.loadingComplete = true; this.Enabled = true; this.LoadTransferStash(); this.LoadRelicVaultStash(); // Load last character here if selected if (Config.Settings.Default.LoadLastCharacter) { var lastPlayerSave = this.characterComboBox.Items.OfType <PlayerSave>() .FirstOrDefault(ps => ps.Name == Config.Settings.Default.LastCharacterName); if (lastPlayerSave != null) { this.characterComboBox.SelectedItem = lastPlayerSave; } } string currentVault = VaultService.MAINVAULT; // See if we should load the last loaded vault if (Config.Settings.Default.LoadLastVault) { currentVault = Config.Settings.Default.LastVaultName; // Make sure there is something in the config file to load else load the Main Vault // We do not want to create new here. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentVault) || !File.Exists(GamePathResolver.GetVaultFile(currentVault))) { currentVault = VaultService.MAINVAULT; } } this.vaultListComboBox.SelectedItem = currentVault; // Finally load Vault this.LoadVault(currentVault, false); this.splashScreen.UpdateText(); this.splashScreen.ShowMainForm = true; CommandLineArgs args = new CommandLineArgs(); // Allows skipping of title screen with setting if (args.IsAutomatic || Config.Settings.Default.SkipTitle == true) { string player = args.Player; int index = this.characterComboBox.FindStringExact(player); if (index != -1) { this.characterComboBox.SelectedIndex = index; } this.splashScreen.CloseForm(); } } else { Log.LogError(e.Error, $"resourcesLoaded = {this.resourcesLoaded}"); // If for some reason the loading failed, but there was no error raised. MessageBox.Show( Resources.Form1ErrorLoadingResources, Resources.Form1ErrorLoadingResources, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, RightToLeftOptions); Application.Exit(); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads all of the players, stashes, and vaults. /// Shows a progress dialog. /// Used for the searching function. /// </summary> private void LoadAllFiles() { // Check to see if we failed the last time we tried loading all of the files. // If we did fail then turn it off and skip it. if (!Config.Settings.Default.LoadAllFilesCompleted) { if (MessageBox.Show( Resources.MainFormDisableLoadAllFiles, Resources.MainFormDisableLoadAllFilesCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, RightToLeftOptions) == DialogResult.Yes) { Config.Settings.Default.LoadAllFilesCompleted = true; Config.Settings.Default.LoadAllFiles = false; Config.Settings.Default.Save(); return; } } string[] vaults = GamePathResolver.GetVaultList(); var charactersIT = this.characterComboBox.Items.OfType <PlayerSave>().ToArray(); int numIT = charactersIT?.Length ?? 0; int numVaults = vaults?.Length ?? 0; // Since this takes a while, show a progress dialog box. int total = numIT + numVaults - 1; if (total > 0) { // We were successful last time so we reset the flag for this attempt. Config.Settings.Default.LoadAllFilesCompleted = false; Config.Settings.Default.Save(); } else { return; } Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); // Load all of the Immortal Throne player files and stashes. var bagPlayer = new ConcurrentBag <LoadPlayerResult>(); var bagPlayerStashes = new ConcurrentBag <LoadPlayerStashResult>(); var bagVault = new ConcurrentBag <LoadVaultResult>(); var lambdacharactersIT = charactersIT.Select(c => (Action)(() => { // Get the player var result = this.playerService.LoadPlayer(c, true); bagPlayer.Add(result); this.backgroundWorkerLoadAllFiles.ReportProgress(1); })).ToArray(); var lambdacharacterStashes = charactersIT.Select(c => (Action)(() => { // Get the player's stash var result = this.stashService.LoadPlayerStash(c); bagPlayerStashes.Add(result); this.backgroundWorkerLoadAllFiles.ReportProgress(1); })).ToArray(); var lambdaVault = vaults.Select(c => (Action)(() => { // Load all of the vaults. var result = this.vaultService.LoadVault(c); bagVault.Add(result); this.backgroundWorkerLoadAllFiles.ReportProgress(1); })).ToArray(); Parallel.Invoke(lambdacharactersIT.Concat(lambdacharacterStashes).Concat(lambdaVault).ToArray()); // Parallel loading // Dispay errors bagPlayer.Where(p => p.Player.ArgumentException != null).ToList() .ForEach(result => { if (result.Player.ArgumentException != null) { string msg = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "{0}\n{1}\n{2}", Resources.MainFormPlayerReadError, result.PlayerFile, result.Player.ArgumentException.Message); MessageBox.Show(msg, Resources.GlobalError, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, RightToLeftOptions); } }); bagPlayerStashes.Where(p => p.Stash.ArgumentException != null).ToList() .ForEach(result => { if (result.Stash.ArgumentException != null) { string msg = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "{0}\n{1}\n{2}", Resources.MainFormPlayerReadError, result.StashFile, result.Stash.ArgumentException.Message); MessageBox.Show(msg, Resources.GlobalError, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, RightToLeftOptions); } }); bagVault.Where(p => p.ArgumentException != null).ToList() .ForEach(result => { if (result.ArgumentException != null) { string msg = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "{0}\n{1}\n{2}", Resources.MainFormPlayerReadError, result.Filename, result.ArgumentException.Message); MessageBox.Show(msg, Resources.GlobalError, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, RightToLeftOptions); } }); stopWatch.Stop(); // Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value. TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; // Format and display the TimeSpan value. Log.LogInformation("LoadTime {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds / 10); // We made it so set the flag to indicate we were successful. Config.Settings.Default.LoadAllFilesCompleted = true; Config.Settings.Default.Save(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the SettingsDialog class. /// </summary> public SettingsDialog(MainForm instance) : base(instance.ServiceProvider) { this.Owner = instance; this.InitializeComponent(); #region Apply custom font this.characterEditCheckBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.allowItemEditCheckBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.allowItemCopyCheckBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.skipTitleCheckBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.loadLastCharacterCheckBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.loadLastVaultCheckBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.vaultPathTextBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.vaultPathLabel.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.cancelButton.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(12F); this.okayButton.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(12F); this.resetButton.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(12F); this.vaultPathBrowseButton.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(12F); this.enableCustomMapsCheckBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.loadAllFilesCheckBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.suppressWarningsCheckBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.playerReadonlyCheckbox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.languageComboBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.languageLabel.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.detectLanguageCheckBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.titanQuestPathTextBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.titanQuestPathLabel.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.immortalThronePathLabel.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.immortalThronePathTextBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.detectGamePathsCheckBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.titanQuestPathBrowseButton.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(12F); this.immortalThronePathBrowseButton.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(12F); this.customMapLabel.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.mapListComboBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.baseFontLabel.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.baseFontComboBox.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F); this.Font = FontService.GetFontAlbertusMTLight(11.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, (byte)(0)); #endregion this.vaultPathLabel.Text = Resources.SettingsLabel1; this.languageLabel.Text = Resources.SettingsLabel2; this.titanQuestPathLabel.Text = Resources.SettingsLabel3; this.immortalThronePathLabel.Text = Resources.SettingsLabel4; this.customMapLabel.Text = Resources.SettingsLabel5; this.detectGamePathsCheckBox.Text = Resources.SettingsDetectGamePath; this.detectLanguageCheckBox.Text = Resources.SettingsDetectLanguage; this.enableCustomMapsCheckBox.Text = Resources.SettingsEnableMod; this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.enableCustomMapsCheckBox, Resources.SettingsEnableModTT); this.skipTitleCheckBox.Text = Resources.SettingsSkipTitle; this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.skipTitleCheckBox, Resources.SettingsSkipTitleTT); this.allowItemCopyCheckBox.Text = Resources.SettingsAllowCopy; this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.allowItemCopyCheckBox, Resources.SettingsAllowCopyTT); this.allowItemEditCheckBox.Text = Resources.SettingsAllowEdit; this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.allowItemEditCheckBox, Resources.SettingsAllowEdit); this.characterEditCheckBox.Text = Resources.SettingsAllowEditCE; this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.characterEditCheckBox, Resources.SettingsAllowEditCE); this.loadLastCharacterCheckBox.Text = Resources.SettingsLoadChar; this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.loadLastCharacterCheckBox, Resources.SettingsLoadCharTT); this.loadLastVaultCheckBox.Text = Resources.SettingsLoadVault; this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.loadLastVaultCheckBox, Resources.SettingsLoadVaultTT); this.loadAllFilesCheckBox.Text = Resources.SettingsPreLoad; this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.loadAllFilesCheckBox, Resources.SettingsPreLoadTT); this.suppressWarningsCheckBox.Text = Resources.SettingsNoWarning; this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.suppressWarningsCheckBox, Resources.SettingsNoWarningTT); this.playerReadonlyCheckbox.Text = Resources.SettingsPlayerReadonly; this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.playerReadonlyCheckbox, Resources.SettingsPlayerReadonlyTT); this.resetButton.Text = Resources.SettingsReset; this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.resetButton, Resources.SettingsResetTT); this.cancelButton.Text = Resources.GlobalCancel; this.okayButton.Text = Resources.GlobalOK; this.Text = Resources.SettingsTitle; this.DrawCustomBorder = true; this.mapListComboBox.Items.Clear(); var maps = GamePathResolver.GetCustomMapList(); if (maps?.Any() ?? false) { this.mapListComboBox.Items.AddRange(maps); } if (!Config.Settings.Default.AllowCheats) { this.allowItemEditCheckBox.Visible = false; this.allowItemCopyCheckBox.Visible = false; this.characterEditCheckBox.Visible = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of all available vault files and populates the drop down list. /// </summary> /// <param name="loadVault">Indicates whether the list will also load the last vault selected.</param> private void GetVaultList(bool loadVault) { string[] vaults = GamePathResolver.GetVaultList(); // Added by VillageIdiot // See if the Vault path was set during GetVaultList and update the key accordingly if (GamePathResolver.VaultFolderChanged) { this.vaultService.UpdateVaultPath(GamePathResolver.TQVaultSaveFolder); } // There was something already selected so we will save it. string currentVault = (this.vaultListComboBox.Items.Count > 0) ? this.vaultListComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() : VaultService.MAINVAULT; // Added by VillageIdiot // Clear the list before creating since this function can be called multiple times. this.vaultListComboBox.Items.Clear(); this.vaultListComboBox.Items.Add(Resources.MainFormMaintainVault); // Add Main Vault first if (this.secondaryVaultListComboBox.SelectedItem == null || this.secondaryVaultListComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() != VaultService.MAINVAULT) { this.vaultListComboBox.Items.Add(VaultService.MAINVAULT); } if ((vaults?.Length ?? 0) > 0) { // now add everything EXCEPT for main vault foreach (string vault in vaults) { if (!vault.Equals(VaultService.MAINVAULT)) { // we already added main vault if (this.secondaryVaultListComboBox.SelectedItem != null && vault.Equals(this.secondaryVaultListComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString()) && this.showSecondaryVault) { break; } this.vaultListComboBox.Items.Add(vault); } } } // See if we should load the last loaded vault if (Config.Settings.Default.LoadLastVault) { currentVault = Config.Settings.Default.LastVaultName; // Make sure there is something in the config file to load else load the Main Vault // We do not want to create new here. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentVault) || !File.Exists(GamePathResolver.GetVaultFile(currentVault))) { currentVault = VaultService.MAINVAULT; } } if (loadVault) { this.vaultListComboBox.SelectedItem = currentVault; // Finally load Vault this.LoadVault(currentVault, false); } }
/// <summary> /// Method for the maintain vault files dialog /// </summary> private void MaintainVaultFilesDialog() { try { this.SaveAllModifiedFiles(); var dlg = this.ServiceProvider.GetService <VaultMaintenanceDialog>(); dlg.Scale(new SizeF(UIService.Scale, UIService.Scale)); if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string newName = dlg.Target; string oldName = dlg.Source; bool handled = false; // Create a new vault? if (dlg.Action == VaultMaintenanceDialog.VaultMaintenance.New && newName != null) { // Add the name to the list this.vaultListComboBox.Items.Add(newName); // Select it this.vaultListComboBox.SelectedItem = newName; // Load it this.LoadVault(newName, false); handled = true; } else if (dlg.Action == VaultMaintenanceDialog.VaultMaintenance.Copy && newName != null && oldName != null) { string oldFilename = GamePathResolver.GetVaultFile(oldName); string newFilename = GamePathResolver.GetVaultFile(newName); // Make sure we save all modifications first. this.SaveAllModifiedFiles(); // Make sure the vault file to copy exists and the new name does not. if (File.Exists(oldFilename) && !File.Exists(newFilename)) { File.Copy(oldFilename, newFilename); // Add the new name to the list this.vaultListComboBox.Items.Add(newName); // Select the new name this.vaultListComboBox.SelectedItem = newName; // Load the new file. this.LoadVault(newName, false); handled = true; } } else if (dlg.Action == VaultMaintenanceDialog.VaultMaintenance.Delete && oldName != null) { string filename = GamePathResolver.GetVaultFile(oldName); // Make sure we save all modifications first. this.SaveAllModifiedFiles(); // Make sure the vault file to delete exists. if (File.Exists(filename)) { File.Delete(filename); } // Remove the file from the cache. userContext.Vaults.TryRemove(filename, out var remVault); // Remove the deleted file from the list. this.vaultListComboBox.Items.Remove(oldName); // Select the Main Vault since we know it's still there. this.vaultListComboBox.SelectedIndex = 1; handled = true; } else if (dlg.Action == VaultMaintenanceDialog.VaultMaintenance.Rename && newName != null && oldName != null) { string oldFilename = GamePathResolver.GetVaultFile(oldName); string newFilename = GamePathResolver.GetVaultFile(newName); // Make sure we save all modifications first. this.SaveAllModifiedFiles(); // Make sure the vault file to rename exists and the new name does not. if (File.Exists(oldFilename) && !File.Exists(newFilename)) { File.Move(oldFilename, newFilename); // Remove the old vault from the cache. userContext.Vaults.TryRemove(oldFilename, out var remOldVault); // Get rid of the old name from the list this.vaultListComboBox.Items.Remove(oldName); // If we renamed something to main vault we need to remove it, // since the list always contains Main Vault. if (newName == VaultService.MAINVAULT) { userContext.Vaults.TryRemove(newFilename, out var remMainVault); this.vaultListComboBox.Items.Remove(newName); } // Add the new name to the list this.vaultListComboBox.Items.Add(newName); // Select the new name this.vaultListComboBox.SelectedItem = newName; // Load the new file. this.LoadVault(newName, false); handled = true; } } if ((newName == null && oldName == null) || !handled) { // put the vault back to what it was if (this.vaultPanel.Player != null) { this.vaultListComboBox.SelectedItem = this.vaultPanel.Player.PlayerName; } } } else { // put the vault back to what it was if (this.vaultPanel.Player != null) { this.vaultListComboBox.SelectedItem = this.vaultPanel.Player.PlayerName; } } } catch (IOException exception) { Log.ErrorException(exception); MessageBox.Show(Log.FormatException(exception), Resources.GlobalError, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, RightToLeftOptions); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads all of the players, stashes, and vaults. /// Shows a progress dialog. /// Used for the searching function. /// </summary> private void LoadAllFiles() { // Check to see if we failed the last time we tried loading all of the files. // If we did fail then turn it off and skip it. if (!Config.Settings.Default.LoadAllFilesCompleted) { if (MessageBox.Show( Resources.MainFormDisableLoadAllFiles, Resources.MainFormDisableLoadAllFilesCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, RightToLeftOptions) == DialogResult.Yes) { Config.Settings.Default.LoadAllFilesCompleted = true; Config.Settings.Default.LoadAllFiles = false; Config.Settings.Default.Save(); return; } } string[] vaults = GamePathResolver.GetVaultList(); string[] charactersIT = GamePathResolver.GetCharacterList(); int numIT = charactersIT?.Length ?? 0; int numVaults = vaults?.Length ?? 0; // Since this takes a while, show a progress dialog box. int total = numIT + numVaults - 1; if (total > 0) { // We were successful last time so we reset the flag for this attempt. Config.Settings.Default.LoadAllFilesCompleted = false; Config.Settings.Default.Save(); } else { return; } // Load all of the Immortal Throne player files and stashes. for (int i = 0; i < numIT; ++i) { // Get the player & player's stash try { var result = this.playerService.LoadPlayer(charactersIT[i], true); if (result.PlayerArgumentException != null) { string msg = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "{0}\n{1}\n{2}", Resources.MainFormPlayerReadError, result.PlayerFile, result.PlayerArgumentException.Message); MessageBox.Show(msg, Resources.GlobalError, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, RightToLeftOptions); } if (result.StashArgumentException != null) { string msg = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "{0}\n{1}\n{2}", Resources.MainFormPlayerReadError, result.StashFile, result.StashArgumentException.Message); MessageBox.Show(msg, Resources.GlobalError, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, RightToLeftOptions); } } catch (IOException exception) { Log.ErrorException(exception); MessageBox.Show(Log.FormatException(exception), Resources.GlobalError, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, RightToLeftOptions); } this.backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(1); } // Load all of the vaults. for (int i = 0; i < numVaults; ++i) { var result = this.vaultService.LoadVault(vaults[i]); if (result.ArgumentException != null) { string msg = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "{0}\n{1}\n{2}", Resources.MainFormPlayerReadError, result.Filename, result.ArgumentException.Message); MessageBox.Show(msg, Resources.GlobalError, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, RightToLeftOptions); } this.backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(1); } // We made it so set the flag to indicate we were successful. Config.Settings.Default.LoadAllFilesCompleted = true; Config.Settings.Default.Save(); }