Example #1
        private void OKButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //// this.slot.Item = Item;
            ////GUI.Windows.MessageBox mb = new GUI.Windows.MessageBox(this, "MessageBox test", "This is a test", GUI.Windows.MessageBox.ButtonOptions.OKCancel);
            //GUI.Windows.TextPrompt mb = new GUI.Windows.TextPrompt(this, "Text input", "Please enter text:", "default");
            ////so modals don't quite work like in winforms but should do the trick in our case:
            ////an active modal window prevents the mouse from doing anything except in the modal window,
            ////effectively ensuring the code in the callback attached to the event that fires when
            ////the window is closed by any means is executed before any other GUI actions can happen
            ////for example, a callback for a yes/no box may check the result and apply an action to its owner window
            ////such as proceeding/not proceeding with an action or making a choice
            ////here we simply change the title of this window based on which button was clicked
            ////a different modal window may ask for a text input or for a number
            //mb.ModalWindowClosed += Mb_ModalWindowClosed;
            ////lambdas are just as good
            ////mb.ModalWindowClosed+= new ModalWindow.ModalWindowClosedHandler((mbx,result,owner)=> owner.Title = result == ModalWindow.DialogResult.OK ? "Clicked OK" : "Clicked Cancel");
            ////this shows the modal, this MUST be the last line in the calling method unless you know what you're doing
            ////anything after this WILL execute BEFORE the modal is closed.
            GameObject.Item newmat = MakeRandomMat();
            newmat.StackSize = 10;
            if (Player.Inventory.AddItem(newmat) == null)

            // slot.Item = newmat;
Example #2
 void CheckItem(object sender, ItemSlot.ItemEventArgs e)
     GameObject.Item i = ((e as ItemSlot.ItemEventArgs).Item as GameObject.Item);
     if (i == null)
         e.Cancel = true;
Example #3
        ItemSlot makeslot(int id, GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.Player Player)
            ItemSlot s = new ItemSlot(Player.Equipment[id]);

            s.X                  = 0;
            s.Y                  = 0;
            s.CanGrab            = true;
            s.CanPut             = true;
            s.BeforeItemChanged += new ItemSlot.ItemEventHandler((sender, e) =>
                GameObject.Item item = (GameObject.Item)(e as ItemSlot.ItemEventArgs).Item;
                if ((item as GameObject.Items.ItemEquip) == null)
                    e.Cancel = true;
                    if (item == null)
                        Console.Write("^FF0000 No item.");
                        List <string> ToolTip = item.GetTooltip();
                        Console.WriteEx("^BEGINLINK " + GUI.Renderer.ColourToCode(item.NameColour) + "[" + item.GetName() + "] ^ENDLINK ^FF0000 is not a suitable item.", new List <Action> {
                            new Action(() => { GUI.ToolTipWindow tip = new GUI.ToolTipWindow(this.WM, ToolTip, WM.MouseX, WM.MouseY, false);
                                               WM.Add(tip); })
            s.ItemOut += new ItemSlot.ItemEventHandler((sender, e) =>
                int thisslot = id;
                GameObject.Items.ItemEquip item = (GameObject.Items.ItemEquip)(e as ItemSlot.ItemEventArgs).Item;
                List <string> ToolTip           = item.GetTooltip();
                Console.WriteEx("^BEGINLINK " + GUI.Renderer.ColourToCode(item.NameColour) + "[" + item.GetName() + "] ^ENDLINK ^FFFFFF is removed.", new List <Action> {
                    new Action(() => { GUI.ToolTipWindow tip = new GUI.ToolTipWindow(this.WM, ToolTip, WM.MouseX, WM.MouseY, false);
                                       WM.Add(tip); })
                Player.UnequipItem(item, thisslot);
            s.ItemIn += new ItemSlot.ItemEventHandler((sender, e) =>
                int thisslot = id;
                GameObject.Items.ItemEquip item = (GameObject.Items.ItemEquip)(e as ItemSlot.ItemEventArgs).Item;
                List <string> ToolTip           = item.GetTooltip();
                Console.WriteEx("^BEGINLINK " + GUI.Renderer.ColourToCode(item.NameColour) + "[" + item.GetName() + "] ^ENDLINK ^FFFFFF is equipped.", new List <Action> {
                    new Action(() => { GUI.ToolTipWindow tip = new GUI.ToolTipWindow(this.WM, ToolTip, WM.MouseX, WM.MouseY, false);
                                       WM.Add(tip); })
                Player.EquipItem(item, thisslot);

Example #4
        public InventoryControl(GUI.WindowManager WM, Inventory Inventory, int Width = 8)
            this.RowWidth = Width;
            int slotwidth = 40;

            this.Width     = RowWidth * slotwidth;
            this.Inventory = Inventory;
            int Rows = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)Inventory.Items.Length / (float)RowWidth);

            this.Height = Rows * slotwidth;
            for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < RowWidth; x++)
                    int      i = y * RowWidth + x;
                    ItemSlot s = new ItemSlot(Inventory.Items[i])
                        X       = x * slotwidth,
                        Y       = y * slotwidth,
                        CanGrab = true,
                        CanPut  = true
                    //s.BeforeItemChanged += new ItemSlot.ItemEventHandler((sender, e) => { if(((e as ItemSlot.ItemEventArgs).Item as GameObject.Item) ==null) e.Cancel=true; });
                    s.BeforeItemChanged += CheckItem;
                    s.ItemOut           += new ItemSlot.ItemEventHandler((sender, e) => { Inventory.Items[i] = s.Item as GameObject.Item;
                                                                                          Inventory.Changed = true; });
                    s.ItemIn += new ItemSlot.ItemEventHandler((sender, e) => {
                        GameObject.Item itemin = ((e as ItemSlot.ItemEventArgs).Item as GameObject.Item);

                        if (s.Item != null && itemin != null && itemin.CanStackWith(s.Item as GameObject.Item))
                            itemin.StackSize  += (s.Item as GameObject.Item).StackSize;
                            e.Cancel           = true;
                            s.Item             = itemin;
                            WM.MouseGrab       = null;
                            Inventory.Items[i] = (s.Item as GameObject.Item);
                            Inventory.Changed = true;
                            Inventory.AddItem(itemin, i);
Example #5
        private void MakeNewItem()
            GameObject.Item Item = MakeRandomMat();

            Item = MakeRandomEquip();
            Item = MakeRandomGem();
            List <string> ToolTip = Item.GetTooltip();

            this.slot.Item = Item;
            Console.WriteEx("New item is ^BEGINLINK " + Renderer.ColourToCode(Item.NameColour) + "[" + Item.GetName() + "] ^ENDLINK .^FFFFFF Click name to see more.", new List <Action> {
                new Action(() => { ToolTipWindow tip = new ToolTipWindow(this.WM, ToolTip, WM.MouseX, WM.MouseY, false);
                                   WM.Add(tip); })
Example #6
        void AddToBasket(int tab, int Index, int amount)
            Tuple <GameObject.Item, int, int> SellEntry = shop.Selling[tab].Item2[Index];

            GameObject.Item soldItem             = (GameObject.Item)SellEntry.Item1.Clone();
            int             price                = SellEntry.Item2 - ((int)(SellEntry.Item2 * (float)SellEntry.Item3 / 100f));
            Tuple <GameObject.Item, int> removed = null;
            bool stacked = false;

            foreach (Tuple <GameObject.Item, int> lineItem in _basket)
                if (lineItem.Item1.CanStackWith(soldItem))
                    lineItem.Item1.StackSize += amount;
                    stacked = true;
                    //if stack size is below 1, mark item to remove from basket - should never happen but you never know...
                    if (lineItem.Item1.StackSize <= 0)
                        removed = lineItem;
            //if new item and not full yet, add to basket
            if (!stacked && _basket.Count <= ShopWidth)
                _basket.Add(new Tuple <GameObject.Item, int>(soldItem, price));
            //remove zeroed item
            if (removed != null)

Example #7
        public StatusWindow(WindowManager WM, GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.Player Player)
            this.Player = Player;
            this.WM     = WM;
            this.Width  = 360;
            this.Height = 500;
            this.Title  = "Status";
            this.HPBar  = new GUI.Controls.ProgressBar
                DisplayLabel = true,
                Style        = 0,
                Height       = 16,
                Width        = 192,
                Colour       = new Color(255, 0, 80),
                X            = 3,
                Y            = 3
            this.MPBar = new GUI.Controls.ProgressBar
                DisplayLabel = true,
                Style        = 0,
                Height       = 16,
                Width        = 192,
                Colour       = new Color(25, 150, 255),
                X            = 3,
                Y            = 21
            this.EXPBar = new GUI.Controls.ProgressBar
                DisplayLabel = true,
                Style        = 0,
                Height       = 24,
                Width        = 192,
                Colour       = new Color(200, 100, 255),
                X            = 3,
                Y            = 39
            //all these will be moved to a separate GUI testing window someday ;_;

            this.OKButton          = new GUI.Controls.Button("Make something!");
            this.OKButton.Clicked += OKButton_Clicked;
            this.OKButton.Width    = 128;
            this.OKButton.Height   = 48;
            this.OKButton.X        = 0;
            this.OKButton.Y        = 300;

            this.slot   = new ItemSlot(null);
            this.slot.X = 0;
            this.slot.Y = 49;
            this.slot.Y = 0;
            //  this.Controls.Add(this.slot);

            GUI.Controls.TextBox box = new GUI.Controls.TextBox();
            box.Height = 20;
            box.Width  = 200;
            box.Y      = 100;
            box.Y      = 0;
            // AddControl(box);
            GUI.Controls.NumberBox nbox = new GUI.Controls.NumberBox();
            nbox.Height = 20;
            nbox.Width  = 200;
            nbox.Y      = 130;
            nbox.Y      = 0;
            nbox.Value  = 1204;
            // AddControl(nbox);

            recipe = new GameObject.ItemLogic.CraftingRecipe();
            GameObject.Item result       = MakeRandomEquip();
            GameObject.Item betterresult = (GameObject.Item)result.Clone();
            betterresult.NameColour = Color.Red;
            GameObject.Item comp  = MakeRandomMat();
            GameObject.Item comp2 = MakeRandomMat();
            comp.SubType  = 1;
            comp2.SubType = 2;
            recipe.Components.Add(new Tuple <GameObject.Item, int>(comp, 1));
            // recipe.Components.Add(new Tuple<GameObject.Item, int>(comp2, 1));
            recipe.Outputs[0] = new List <GameObject.Item>()
            recipe.Outputs[1] = new List <GameObject.Item>()
            recipe.Outputs[2] = new List <GameObject.Item>()

            rs          = new ItemSlot(result);
            rs.X        = 40;
            rs.CanGrab  = false;
            rs.CanPut   = false;
            cs          = new ItemSlot(comp);
            cs.X        = 10;
            cs.Y        = 50;
            cs.CanGrab  = false;
            cs.CanPut   = false;
            cs2         = new ItemSlot(comp2);
            cs2.X       = 60;
            cs2.Y       = 50;
            cs2.CanGrab = false;
            cs2.CanPut  = false;
            GUI.Controls.Button craftb = new GUI.Controls.Button("Craft");
            craftb.Y        = 100;
            craftb.Width    = 150;
            craftb.Height   = 32;
            craftb.OnClick += CraftTest;

            GUI.Controls.TabbedView tabs = new GUI.Controls.TabbedView();
            tabs.Width = 200;
            tabs.AddTab("first", new List <Control>()
            tabs.AddTab("second", new List <Control>()
                cs, cs2, rs, craftb
            tabs.AddTab("thirddd", new List <Control>()
            tabs.Y      = 100;
            tabs.Height = 152;
            // this.AddControl(Texst);