public void UpdateStanceInput(GameMG game1, bool controlDown, bool shiftDown) { Action <int, float, int> changeStance = (int spherecount, float speed, int stancelabel) => { int delta = spherecount - bodyc; bodyc += delta; moveSpeed = speed; //move up or down for each sphere bodyState.pos += (Vector3.Up * (height / 6 * delta)) / 2; stance0 = stance; stance = stancelabel; stanceChanged = true; }; if (game1.kclick(Keys.C) && !controlDown) { if (stance == 0)//standing { //crouch changeStance(sphereBodyCount - 2, crouchSpeed, 1); } if (stance == 2) { //stand changeStance(sphereBodyCount - 2, crouchSpeed, 1); } } if (game1.kheld(Keys.C) && !controlDown) { if (stance == 0 || stance == 1) { if (!stanceChanged || stance0 == 0) //allow stand>crouch>prone but not prone>stand>prone { changeStance(sphereBodyCount - 4, crawlSpeed, 2); } } stancekeyheld = true; } if (game1.krelease(Keys.C) && !controlDown) { if (stance == 1 && !stancekeyheld && !stanceChanged) { changeStance(sphereBodyCount, standSpeed, 0); } stancekeyheld = false; stanceChanged = false; } }
public void Update(GraphicsDevice GraphicsDevice, GameMG game1, PhysicsState bodyState, CameraState playerCam, Vector3 drop, float dropValue) { bool controlDown = game1.kdown(Keys.LeftControl) || game1.kdown(Keys.RightControl); bool shiftDown = game1.kdown(Keys.LeftShift) || game1.kdown(Keys.RightShift); bool modifierDown = controlDown || shiftDown; // edit form if (game1.kclick(Keys.F8)) { OpenVariableEditor(); } if (!game1.IsActive) { return; } if (game1.kclick(Keys.E)) { = !; if (controlDown) { bodyState.pos = playerCam.pos - drop; } } if (! { return; } //edit pre-edit save if (levelUnedited) { string preEditCopyFilename = "most-recent-backup.txt"; fps.SaveLevel(preEditCopyFilename); levelUnedited = false; } //edit autosave bool wantAutoSave = false; string autoSaveFilename = "autosave-" + currentLevelFilename; if (!File.Exists(autoSaveFilename)) { wantAutoSave = true; } else { var lastSave = File.GetLastWriteTime(autoSaveFilename); var elapsed = DateTime.Now - lastSave; if (elapsed.TotalMinutes > 5) { wantAutoSave = true; } } if (wantAutoSave && File.Exists(currentLevelFilename)) { fps.SaveLevel(autoSaveFilename); } //edit ui // update mouse hit box //edit brush //toggle brush if (game1.kclick(Keys.B)) { editUseSelectionBrush = !editUseSelectionBrush; } //edit update mouse lock if (game1.kclick(Keys.Tab)) { fps.editMouseLocked = !fps.editMouseLocked; } Ray mouseray = playerCam.ScreenToRay(game1.mouseCurrent.Position.ToVector2(), GraphicsDevice.Viewport); float minboxhit = float.MaxValue; // edit hover edit.hoverbox0 = edit.hoverbox; edit.hoverbox = null; edit.hoverTarget = -1; editHoverGun = null; if (mouseUi.HasValue == false) { //TODO: speedup getZone(ray) to make this faster //hover box foreach (Box box in fps.allBoxes) { //if (box.isnew) //{ // box.isnew = false; // box.position0 = box.position; //} BoundingBox boxVolume = box.boundingBox; { float?hit = mouseray.Intersects(boxVolume); if (hit.HasValue && hit.Value < minboxhit && hit.Value > 0) { edit.hoverbox = box; minboxhit = hit.Value; Vector3 contact = mouseray.Position + mouseray.Direction * hit.Value; float pen = 0; Vector3 normal; SmallFPS.intersectBoxPoint(contact, boxVolume, out normal, out pen); edit.hoverboxContact = contact; edit.hoverboxNormal = normal; } } //Func<Vector3, Point> gp = (Vector3 pos) => //{ // return new Point( // (int)(pos.X / box.size.X), // (int)(pos.X / box.size.Z) // ); //}; //for (int b = 0; b < grenadebullets.Length; ++b) //{ // if (gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds % 0.1f > et) // continue; // Bullet B = grenadebullets[b]; // resolveDir = Vector3.Zero; // BoundingSphere bulletSV2 = new BoundingSphere(grenadebullets[b].p.pos, 0.1f); // if (gp(B.p.pos) == gp(box.position))// Vector3.Distance(B.p.pos, box.position) < box.size.Length() / 100) // { // resolveCollision(ref grenadebullets[b].p, bulletSV2, boxVolume); // } //resolveDirs[b] += resolveDir; //} //if(box.isdoor) //{ // BoundingBox bb = Game1.MakeBox(box.position0, box.size + new Vector3(0, 0, 10)); // box.color = monochrome(0.5f); // float targY = box.position0.Y; // if (bb.Contains(bodyState.pos) == ContainmentType.Contains) // { // targY = box.position0.Y - box.size.Y + 0.01f; // } // box.position.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(box.position.Y, targY, 0.1f); //} } //hover target var targets = fps.targets; for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; ++i) { //float? hit = mouseray.Intersects(targets[i]); BoundingSphere bs = new BoundingSphere(targets[i].Center, targets[i].Radius); float? hit = mouseray.Intersects(bs); if (hit.HasValue && hit.Value > 0 && hit.Value < minboxhit) { Vector3 contact = mouseray.Position + mouseray.Direction; Vector3 toContact = contact - targets[i].Center; float len = toContact.Length(); if (len > 0) { minboxhit = hit.Value; edit.hoverbox = null; edit.hoverTarget = i; edit.hoverboxNormal = toContact / len; edit.hoverboxContact = contact; } } } //hover gun var allguns = fps.allguns; for (int i = 0; i < allguns.Count; ++i) { ///gun float?hit = SmallFPS.IntersectRayGun(mouseray, allguns[i]); if (hit.HasValue && hit.Value > 0 && hit.Value < minboxhit) { minboxhit = hit.Value; edit.hoverbox = null; edit.hoverTarget = -1; editHoverGun = allguns[i]; } } } if (game1.kclick(Keys.O)) { editOutOfBody = !editOutOfBody; } //enter text mode game1.BeginUnrestrictedInput(); if (game1.kclick(Keys.OemTilde) && !game1.restrictedInput) { //filename = ""; RequestText(game1, levelFileTxt); } game1.EndUnrestrictedInput(); //edit selection bool ldown = game1.mouseCurrent.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed; bool ltap = ldown && game1.mouseOld.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released; if (ldown && !mouseUi.HasValue)// && clipboardBoxes.Count == 0) { if (edit.hoverbox != null) { List <Box> selectionBoxes = new List <Box>(); selectionBoxes.Add(edit.hoverbox); if (editUseSelectionBrush) { BoundingSphere cursor3d = new BoundingSphere(edit.hoverboxContact, editSelectionBrushRadius); Rectangle cursorZone = fps.getzone(cursor3d); List <Box> nearbyBoxes = fps.getBoxesInZone(cursorZone); foreach (Box b in nearbyBoxes) { if (b.boundingBox.Intersects(cursor3d)) { selectionBoxes.Add(b); } } } if (!shiftDown && ltap) { edit.boxes.Clear(); //edit.boxes.Add(edit.hoverbox); foreach (Box b in selectionBoxes) { if (!edit.boxes.Contains(b)) { edit.boxes.Add(b); } } = -1; editGun = null; } if (shiftDown) { //if the selection is fresh we can find out if the following //selections should be inclusive or exclusive if (ltap) { if (edit.boxes.Contains(edit.hoverbox)) { editMultiSelectInclusively = false; } else { editMultiSelectInclusively = true; } } if (edit.hoverbox != edit.hoverbox0 || ltap) { //if (!editMultiSelectInclusively && edit.boxes.Contains(edit.hoverbox)) //{ // edit.boxes.Remove(edit.hoverbox); //} //if (editMultiSelectInclusively && !edit.boxes.Contains(edit.hoverbox)) //{ // edit.boxes.Add(edit.hoverbox); //} foreach (Box b in selectionBoxes) { if (!editMultiSelectInclusively && edit.boxes.Contains(b)) { edit.boxes.Remove(b); } if (editMultiSelectInclusively && !edit.boxes.Contains(b)) { edit.boxes.Add(b); } } = -1; editGun = null; } } } if (edit.hoverTarget > -1) { if (!shiftDown) { edit.boxes.Clear(); editGun = null; } = edit.hoverTarget; } if (editHoverGun != null) { if (!shiftDown) { edit.boxes.Clear(); = -1; } editGun = editHoverGun; gunFiletxt = new Textbox((string text) => { editGun.filename = text; }, () => { return(editGun.filename); }); } } //edit deselect if (game1.rmouse && !game1.rmouseOld) { //if (clipboardBoxes.Count > 0) //{ // clipboardBoxes.Clear(); //} //else //{ edit.boxes.Clear(); = -1; editGun = null; //} } //edit spawn rotation { float rotateStepAngle = MathHelper.PiOver4 / 16; Vector3 start = fps.player.playerSpawnEuler; if (game1.kclickheld(Keys.OemPlus)) { fps.player.playerSpawnEuler.Y -= rotateStepAngle; } if (game1.kclickheld(Keys.OemMinus)) { fps.player.playerSpawnEuler.Y += rotateStepAngle; } if (start != fps.player.playerSpawnEuler) { edit.saveNeeded = true; } } if (edit.hoverbox != null && !modifierDown) { Vector3 boxTop = edit.hoverbox.position + Vector3.Up * (edit.hoverbox.size.Y / 2); // edit player, edit spawn point if (game1.kdown(Keys.D0)) { fps.player.playerSpawnPoint = boxTop + Vector3.Up * (fps.player.height / 2); } // edit add box if (game1.kclick(Keys.N)) { Box newBox = new Box(Vector3.One, edit.hoverboxContact + edit.hoverboxNormal * 0.5f); newBox.color = fps.monochrome(0.9f); fps.AddBox(newBox); } //edit place target, edit add target if (game1.kclick(Keys.T)) { fps.AddTarget(snap(edit.hoverboxContact + Vector3.Up * fps.player.dropValue / 2), fps.player.dropValue / 2); } //edit add gun, edit new gun, edit place gun if (game1.kclick(Keys.G)) { Gun gun = new Gun(); gun.pos = edit.hoverboxContact + Vector3.Up * gun.size.Y / 2 + edit.hoverboxNormal; //gun.AddBullets(allbullets); //allguns.Add(gun); fps.AddGun(gun); } //edit add bullet if (game1.kclick(Keys.M)) { Bullet bullet = new Bullet(); bullet.lifeSpan = 3; = true; bullet.phy.pos = edit.hoverboxContact + Vector3.Up * bullet.size / 2; fps.allbullets.Add(bullet); } } //edit draw box normal, edit draw gizmo game1.add3DLine(edit.hoverboxContact + edit.hoverboxNormal, edit.hoverboxContact + edit.hoverboxNormal * 2, Color.Purple); game1.add3DLine(edit.hoverboxContact, edit.hoverboxContact + Vector3.Right, Color.Red); game1.add3DLine(edit.hoverboxContact, edit.hoverboxContact + Vector3.Left, Color.Red); game1.add3DLine(edit.hoverboxContact, edit.hoverboxContact + Vector3.Up, Color.Green); game1.add3DLine(edit.hoverboxContact, edit.hoverboxContact + Vector3.Down, Color.Green); game1.add3DLine(edit.hoverboxContact, edit.hoverboxContact + Vector3.Forward, Color.Blue); game1.add3DLine(edit.hoverboxContact, edit.hoverboxContact + Vector3.Backward, Color.Blue); //edit transformation, edit translate, edit scale Vector3 transformation = Vector3.Zero; Vector3 translationTransform = Vector3.Zero; Vector3 rotationTransformation = Vector3.Zero; bool transformationIsTranslation = false; { transformationIsTranslation = !controlDown; Vector3 change = Vector3.Zero; if (game1.kclickheld(Keys.Left)) { change.X--; } if (game1.kclickheld(Keys.Right)) { change.X++; } if (game1.kclickheld(Keys.Up)) { change.Z++; } if (game1.kclickheld(Keys.Down)) { change.Z--; } float scroll = game1.mouseCurrent.ScrollWheelValue - game1.mouseOld.ScrollWheelValue; if (scroll != 0) { change.Y += (scroll / 120); } if (change.LengthSquared() > 0) { //float horizontalAmt = widthm; //float lateralAmt = depthm; //float verticalAmt = 1; //Vector3 changeScale = new Vector3(horizontalAmt, verticalAmt, lateralAmt); Vector3 changeScale = new Vector3(editSnapSize * 2 * 2 * 2); if (shiftDown) { changeScale /= 2; } transformation = change * changeScale / 2; transformation = snap(transformation); translationTransform = snap(transformation / 2); float rotationSnap = MathHelper.ToRadians(15); //45 float rotationScale = rotationSnap * 2; rotationTransformation = change * rotationScale; if (shiftDown) { rotationTransformation /= 2; } rotationTransformation = snap(rotationTransformation, rotationSnap); } } //edit boxes bool deleteClick = game1.kclick(Keys.Back); if (edit.boxes.Count > 0) { //edit scale, edit translate, edit move if (transformation.LengthSquared() > 0) { foreach (Box b in edit.boxes) { if (transformationIsTranslation) { b.position += translationTransform; b.position = snap(b.position, editSnapSize); } else { b.size += transformation; b.size = snap(b.size, editSnapSize * 2); } //if (change.X != 0 || change.Z != 0) fps.RefreshBox(b); } } if (game1.kclick(Keys.OemQuestion)) { editBoxesRequestFocus = true; } if (editOutOfBody && editBoxesRequestFocus) { editBoxesRequestFocus = false; playerCam.pos = edit.boxes[0].position; } // edit split, edit subdivide if (game1.kclick(Keys.J)) { editBoxesRequestSubdivide = true; } if (editBoxesRequestSubdivide) { editBoxesRequestSubdivide = false; for (int b = 0; b < edit.boxes.Count; ++b) { Box B = edit.boxes[b]; Vector3 quarterSize = B.size / 2; quarterSize.Y = B.size.Y; Vector3 planarOffset = quarterSize / 2; planarOffset.Y = 0; Vector3 up = Vector3.Up; Vector3 forward = GameMG.Abs(edit.hoverboxNormal); if (forward.Y != 0) { up = Vector3.Right; } Vector3 right = GameMG.Abs(Vector3.Cross(up, forward)); quarterSize = B.size * (up + right) / 2; planarOffset = quarterSize / 2; quarterSize += B.size * forward; Func <Vector3, Vector3, Color, Box> AddBox = fps.AddBox; Box n0 = AddBox(B.position - planarOffset, quarterSize, B.color); Box n1 = AddBox(B.position + planarOffset, quarterSize, B.color); Box n2 = AddBox(B.position - planarOffset + planarOffset * right * 2, quarterSize, B.color); Box n3 = AddBox(B.position - planarOffset + planarOffset * up * 2, quarterSize, B.color); //n0.type = n1.type = n2.type = n3.type = B.type; //n0.embedsBulletOnImpact = // n1.embedsBulletOnImpact = // n2.embedsBulletOnImpact = // n3.embedsBulletOnImpact = // B.embedsBulletOnImpact; edit.boxes.RemoveAt(b); RemoveBox(B); edit.boxes.Insert(b, n0); edit.boxes.Insert(b, n1); edit.boxes.Insert(b, n2); edit.boxes.Insert(b, n3); b += 3; } } //edit join/subtract boxes //if (game1.kclick(Keys.L)) //{ // if(shiftDown) // editBoxes //} //if (editBoxesRequestJoin || editBoxesRequestSubtract) if (game1.kclick(Keys.L)) { if (shiftDown) { if (edit.boxes.Count > 1) { List <BoundingBox> exteriorBoxes = new List <BoundingBox>(); Box targetBox = edit.boxes.Last(); exteriorBoxes.Add(targetBox.boundingBox); foreach (Box chisel in edit.boxes) { if (chisel == targetBox) { continue; } List <BoundingBox> positiveBoxes = new List <BoundingBox>(); foreach (BoundingBox initialBox in exteriorBoxes) { BoundingBox editBox = initialBox; if (editBox.Intersects(chisel.boundingBox) == false) { positiveBoxes.Add(editBox); continue; } //clip box on each axis for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { int side = -1; if (i < 2) { side = 0; } else if (i < 4) { side = 1; } else if (i < 6) { side = 2; } float direction = 1; if (i % 2 == 1) { direction = -1; } Vector3 chiselReference = chisel.position + chisel.size / 2 * direction; float d = GetVectorComponent(chiselReference, side); float min = GetVectorComponent(editBox.Min, side); float max = GetVectorComponent(editBox.Max, side); float sidemin = (min - d) * direction; float sidemax = (max - d) * direction; if (sidemin < 0 == sidemax < 0) //same sides of the plane { if (sidemin > 0 || sidemax > 0) //box is totally exterior on this axis { positiveBoxes.Add(editBox); } } else if (sidemin < 0 != sidemax < 0) //opposite sides of the plane { BoundingBox minBox = new BoundingBox(editBox.Min, editBox.Max); SetVectorComponent(ref minBox.Max, side, d); BoundingBox maxBox = new BoundingBox(editBox.Min, editBox.Max); SetVectorComponent(ref maxBox.Min, side, d); if (sidemin > 0) { positiveBoxes.Add(minBox); editBox = maxBox; } else if (sidemax > 0) { positiveBoxes.Add(maxBox); editBox = minBox; } } } //end for i //edit box now models the interior space of the initial box and will be left behind } //end foreach chisel // positive boxes should now model the exterior space entirely exteriorBoxes.Clear(); exteriorBoxes.AddRange(positiveBoxes); //discard this box if (!controlDown) { RemoveBox(chisel); } } //at this point exterior boxes should model the entire exterior space edit.boxes.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < exteriorBoxes.Count; ++i) { BoundingBox incomingBox = exteriorBoxes[i]; Vector3 size = incomingBox.Max - incomingBox.Min; Vector3 position = incomingBox.Min + size / 2; if (size.LengthSquared() == 0) { throw new Exception("Zero box created from subtraction!!"); } Box newBox = fps.AddBox(position, size, targetBox.color); edit.boxes.Add(newBox); } RemoveBox(targetBox); } } else { Vector3 min = Vector3.Zero, max = Vector3.Zero; bool init = false; foreach (Box b in edit.boxes) { if (!init) { min = b.boundingBox.Min; max = b.boundingBox.Max; init = true; } else { min = Vector3.Min(b.boundingBox.Min, min); max = Vector3.Max(b.boundingBox.Max, max); } } if (init) { Box box = new Box(edit.boxes[0]); box.size = max - min; box.position = min + box.size / 2; for (int i = 0; i < edit.boxes.Count; ++i) { RemoveBox(edit.boxes[i]); } edit.boxes.Clear(); fps.AddBox(box); edit.boxes.Add(box); } } } //edit hollow if (game1.kclick(Keys.OemSemicolon)) { List <Box> boxesToAdd = new List <Box>(); for (int i = 0; i < edit.boxes.Count; ++i) { Box B = edit.boxes[i]; Box left = new Box(new Vector3(editSnapSize * 2, B.size.Y, B.size.Z), new Vector3(B.boundingBox.Min.X + editSnapSize, B.position.Y, B.position.Z)); Box right = new Box(new Vector3(editSnapSize * 2, B.size.Y, B.size.Z), new Vector3(B.boundingBox.Max.X - editSnapSize, B.position.Y, B.position.Z)); Box top = new Box(new Vector3(B.size.X, editSnapSize * 2, B.size.Z), new Vector3(B.position.X, B.boundingBox.Max.Y - editSnapSize, B.position.Z)); Box bottom = new Box(new Vector3(B.size.X, editSnapSize * 2, B.size.Z), new Vector3(B.position.X, B.boundingBox.Min.Y + editSnapSize, B.position.Z)); Box forward = new Box(new Vector3(B.size.X, B.size.Y, editSnapSize * 2), new Vector3(B.position.X, B.position.Y, B.boundingBox.Min.Z + editSnapSize)); Box back = new Box(new Vector3(B.size.X, B.size.Y, editSnapSize * 2), new Vector3(B.position.X, B.position.Y, B.boundingBox.Max.Z - editSnapSize)); left.color = right.color = top.color = bottom.color = forward.color = back.color = B.color; Action <Box> AddBox = fps.AddBox; AddBox(left); AddBox(right); AddBox(top); AddBox(bottom); AddBox(forward); AddBox(back); RemoveBox(B); boxesToAdd.Add(left); boxesToAdd.Add(right); boxesToAdd.Add(top); boxesToAdd.Add(bottom); boxesToAdd.Add(forward); boxesToAdd.Add(back); } edit.boxes.Clear(); foreach (Box b in boxesToAdd) { edit.boxes.Add(b); } } //edit duplicate if (game1.kclick(Keys.V) && !controlDown) { List <Box> newBoxes = new List <Box>(); foreach (Box b in edit.boxes) { Box newBox = new Box(b); newBox.position += edit.hoverboxNormal * b.size; fps.AddBox(newBox); newBoxes.Add(newBox); } edit.boxes = newBoxes; } //edit delete if (deleteClick) { for (int i = 0; i < edit.boxes.Count; ++i) { RemoveBox(edit.boxes[i]); edit.boxes.RemoveAt(i--); } } //edit copy //if(game1.kclick(Keys.C) && controlDown && edit.boxes.Count > 0) //{ // clipboardBoxes.Clear(); // bool containerEdited = false; // Vector3 min = Vector3.Zero; // Vector3 max = Vector3.Zero; // foreach (Box box in edit.boxes) // { // clipboardBoxes.Add(new Box(box)); // if (!containerEdited) // { // min = box.boundingBox.Min; // max = box.boundingBox.Max; // containerEdited = true; // } // else // { // min = Vector3.Min(min, box.boundingBox.Min); // max = Vector3.Max(max, box.boundingBox.Max); // } // } // clipboardBoxContainerSize = max - min; // Vector3 center = min + clipboardBoxContainerSize / 2; // clipboardBoxOffsets = new Vector3[clipboardBoxes.Count]; // for(int i = 0; i < clipboardBoxes.Count; ++i) // { // Box box = clipboardBoxes[i]; // clipboardBoxOffsets[i] = box.position - center; // } // edit.boxes.Clear(); //} //edit color if (game1.kclick(Keys.U)) { foreach (Box b in edit.boxes) { b.color = fps.monochrome(1.0f, 0.25f); } } if (game1.kclick(Keys.Y)) { foreach (Box b in edit.boxes) { b.color = fps.monochrome(1.0f, 1.00f); } } } //edit clipboard //if (clipboardBoxes.Count > 0) //{ // //edit clipboard position // float axisOffset = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(clipboardBoxContainerSize, edit.hoverboxNormal)); // Vector3 axisOffsetVec = edit.hoverboxNormal * axisOffset/2; // Vector3 pivot = snap(edit.hoverboxContact + axisOffsetVec); // for (int i = 0; i < clipboardBoxes.Count;++i) // { // Box box = clipboardBoxes[i]; // box.position = snap(pivot + clipboardBoxOffsets[i]); // } // //edit paste // if (game1.lmouse && !game1.lmouseOld && clipboardBoxes.Count > 0) // { // foreach (Box box in clipboardBoxes) // { // AddBox(new Box(box)); // } // //clipboardBoxes.Clear(); // } // //edit clipboard deselect // if(game1.rmouse && !game1.rmouseOld) // { // clipboardBoxes.Clear(); // } //} //edit targets if ( > -1) { if (transformation.LengthSquared() > 0) { var targets = fps.targets; if (transformationIsTranslation) { targets[].Center += translationTransform; targets[].Center = snap(targets[].Center); fps.targetStarts[] = targets[].Center; } else { targets[].Radius += transformation.Y / 2; targets[].Radius = snap(targets[].Radius); } edit.saveNeeded = true; } //delete target if (deleteClick) { fps.RemoveTargetAt(; = -1; edit.hoverTarget = -1; edit.saveNeeded = true; } } //edit gun if (editGun != null) { Gun g = editGun; if (transformation.LengthSquared() > 0) { if (transformationIsTranslation) { g.pos += translationTransform; g.pos = snap(g.pos); } else { g.rot *= Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll( rotationTransformation.Y, rotationTransformation.X, rotationTransformation.Z); } edit.saveNeeded = true; } if (deleteClick) { fps.RemoveGun(g); editGun = null; } } //if (game1.ltap) //{ // if (uiGunReload == uiMouseHost) // { // for (int i = 0; i < editGun.bullets.Count; ++i) // { // Bullet b = editGun.bullets[i]; // = true; // } // } // if(uiControlButton == uiMouseHost) // { // uiControls.minimized = !uiControls.minimized; // } //} //if(game1.lmouse) //{ // if (uiGunJoin == uiMouseHost) // { // editGun.TriggerDown(new PhysicsState(1)); // } //} //edit save if (game1.kclick(Keys.S) && controlDown && !shiftDown) { fps.SaveLevel(currentLevelFilename); } //edit load if (game1.kclick(Keys.L) && controlDown && !shiftDown) { fps.loadlevel(); } var keys = game1.keyCurrent.GetPressedKeys(); foreach (Keys k in keys) { //edit save level, save map, save terrain if (game1.kclick(k) && (k >= Keys.D0 && k <= Keys.D9)) { string newFilename = string.Format("{0}.txt", (int)k); if (game1.kdown(Keys.LeftShift)) //SAVE { currentLevelFilename = newFilename; fps.SaveLevel(currentLevelFilename); } else if (game1.kdown(Keys.LeftControl) && File.Exists(currentLevelFilename)) //LOAD { currentLevelFilename = newFilename; fps.loadlevel(); } } //edit textbox if (game1.restrictedInput && currentTextbox == null) { game1.restrictedInput = false; } if (game1.restrictedInput) { game1.BeginUnrestrictedInput(); string text = currentTextbox.GetText(); string text0 = text; //string filename0 = filenam;e if (game1.kclickheld(k)) { char c = SmallFPS.KeyToChar(k, shiftDown); if (char.IsLetter(c) || char.IsNumber(c) || char.IsPunctuation(c)) { //filename += c; text += c; } if (k == Keys.Back && text.Length > 0) { //filename = filename.Substring(0, filename.Length - 1); text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 1); } if (k == Keys.Enter) { //edit end text, submit text game1.restrictedInput = false; currentTextbox = null; } } //if(filename0 != filename) //{ // edit.saveNeeded = true; // if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) // { // edit.saveNeeded = false; // } //} if (text != text0) { currentTextbox.setText(text); } game1.EndUnrestrictedInput(); } } //end editupdate }