/// <summary> /// Displays the number of red enemies roaming in real time, the number of successful hits, and the number left to destroy to move to the next level. /// </summary> /// <param name="existingEnemies">A list of Enemy objects, holding enemies available in the game.</param> /// <param name="enemiesHit">A list of Enemy objects, holding enemies that have been destroyed.</param> public static void DisplayEnemiesInfo(List <Enemy> existingEnemies, List <Enemy> enemiesHit) { SwinGame.DrawText("ENEMIES IN THIS LEVEL", Color.Yellow, openSansExtraBoldLarge, contentRightAlign, 15); SwinGame.DrawText("Red Enemies: " + existingEnemies.Count.ToString(), Color.Yellow, openSansExtraBoldNormal, contentRightAlign, 45); SwinGame.DrawText("Successful hits: " + enemiesHit.Count.ToString(), Color.Yellow, openSansExtraBoldNormal, contentRightAlign, 70); SwinGame.DrawText("Destroy " + (GameLevel.GetFormula() - enemiesHit.Count).ToString() + " more enemies.", Color.Yellow, openSansExtraBoldNormal, contentRightAlign, 100); }