private static void GenerateTrees(System.Random lr, SZoneState zs, int h, int w)
        // Select 2 to 5 forest starting points
        // Populate them with a elliptical circle
        // Add random trees
        // Make sure to fix the z index later

        int forest_count = lr.Next(2, 5);

        for (int i = 0; i < forest_count; i++)
            Vector3Int forestCenter = new Vector3Int();
            forestCenter.x = lr.Next(w * 1 / 6, w * 5 / 6);
            forestCenter.y = lr.Next(h * 1 / 6, h * 5 / 6);

            int forest_xSpan = lr.Next(FOREST_MIN_RADIUS, FOREST_MAX_RADIUS);
            int forest_ySpan = lr.Next(FOREST_MIN_RADIUS, FOREST_MAX_RADIUS);

            int maxManhattan = (forest_xSpan + forest_ySpan) / 2;

            // Debug.Log($"{forestCenter} -- {forestRadius}");

            for (int x = forestCenter.x - forest_xSpan / 2; x <= forestCenter.x + forest_xSpan / 2; x++)
                for (int y = forestCenter.y - forest_ySpan / 2; y <= forestCenter.y + forest_ySpan / 2; y++)
                    var vPos = new Vector3Int(x, y, 0);

                    // TODO - check
                    if (entityGrid[x][y] || CloseToBounds(vPos, zs))

                    float manhattanDistance = Math.Abs(vPos.x - forestCenter.x) + Math.Abs(vPos.y - forestCenter.y);
                    float relativeMHD       = manhattanDistance / maxManhattan;

                    if (lr.NextDouble() > relativeMHD * 2)
                        entityGrid[x][y] = true;

                        GameEntityInfo e = new GameEntityInfo();
                        e.entityID   = AssetLoader.GetEntityID("prototypeTree");
                        e.pos        = new SVector3Int(x, y, 0);
                        e.entityType = EntityType.BREAKABLE;

    private static void AddPortalEntity(SZoneState zs, Vector3Int vPos, Vector3Int nextZone, Direction direction)
        PortalInfo p = new PortalInfo();

        GameEntityInfo e = new GameEntityInfo();

        e.entityID   = 2;
        e.entityType = EntityType.INTERACTABLE | EntityType.HOVERABLE;
        e.pos        = vPos;

        p.entityInfo    = e;
        p.nextZone      = nextZone;
        p.directionToGo = direction;
