public override void OnAction(GameControllerBase game) { base.OnAction(game); if (CalcDistance(transform.position, game.Avatar.transform.position) <= Distance && isVisible) { this.gameObject.renderer.enabled = false; isVisible = false; _readyToUse = false; ResetSpawn(); PlayerAnimator.playerAnimation.Animate(PBConstants.ANIM_PICKUP, AnimationAction.Play, WrapMode.Once, 1f, 0); StoreItem(); } else { WindowManager.CreateDialog("dlgItem", PBConstants.APP_TITLE, Lang.Localized("Jarak anda terlalu jauh untuk mengambil item ini!"), new string[] { "OK" }, (dlg, index) => { ((winDialog)dlg).Hide(); }).MakeCenter(300, 200); } }
public override void OnGUI(GameControllerBase mainGame) { base.OnGUI(mainGame); // Display Loading Progress //UIProgressBar.Instance.Update(_statusText, this.loadingProgress, PBConstants.LOADINGBAR_FONTSIZE); }
public override void OnAction(GameControllerBase game) { base.OnAction(game); float currentDistance = CalcDistance(gameObject.transform.position, game.Avatar.transform.position); _readyToUse = false; string contentText = QuestionText.Replace("{WorldName}", WorldName); if (currentDistance <= Distance) { if (WorldName != "") { WindowManager.CreateDialog("dlgPortalLoading", hintDescription, contentText, new string[] { YesAnswer, NoAnswer }, (dlg, choice) => { if (choice == 0) { // Store the spawn group name of this portal, so the game load will pickup once the game is reloaded var profile = PBDefaults.GetProfile(PBConstants.PROFILE_INGAME); profile.SetString(PBConstants.PREF_SPAWNGROUP, this.SpawnGroupName); Messenger<string>.Broadcast(Messages.LEVEL_CHANGE, WorldName); } else { _readyToUse = true; } dlg.Hide(); }).MakeCenter(300, 200); } } }
void Start() { gameController = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GameController)) as GameController; initialPosition = transform.position; z = 1; locked = true; moveInitial(); //moveInitial(Transform transform, float xDest, float yDest) }
private void Awake() { if (mapView == null || uiView == null) { Application.Quit(); } controller = new GameController(mapView, uiView, new MapModel(), new AStarPathFinder(), new MapSaver()); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { gameController = FindObjectOfType <GameControllerBase>(); gameController.trackingHandler.OnTrackFound += OnTrackFound; gameController.trackingHandler.OnTrackLost += OnTrackLost; placeObject.onClick.AddListener(PlaceObject); restartOnMain.onClick.AddListener(RestartGame); }
public GLRendererTestBase() { using (var tmxStream = FileStreams.FullTmxStream()) using (var tilesetTableStreamReader = new StreamReader(FileStreams.TilesetTableStream())) { var gameSetup = new GameSetup(tmxStream, tilesetTableStreamReader); m_gameController = ControllerFactory.GetController(gameSetup); m_gameController.Init(); } }
public override void OnGUI(GameControllerBase mainGame) { base.OnGUI(mainGame); /*if (PBGameMaster.GameState == GameStateType.EnterWorld) { UIProgressBar.Instance.Update(PBConstants.LOADINGBAR_LOADING, 0, PBConstants.LOADINGBAR_FONTSIZE); return; }*/ }
public void Dispose() { if (m_disposed) return; GameController.Dispose(); // Test repeated Dispose() GameController.Dispose(); GameController = null; m_disposed = true; }
public GameControllerTestBase() { var tmxMemoryStream = FileStreams.SmallTmx(); var tilesetTableMemoryStream = FileStreams.TilesetTableStream(); var tilesetTableStreamReader = new StreamReader(tilesetTableMemoryStream); var gameSetup = new GameSetup(tmxMemoryStream, tilesetTableStreamReader); GameController = GetController(gameSetup); GameController.Init(); }
private void Go() { isGoing = true; if (controllerBase == null) { controllerBase = target as GameControllerBase; } //创建数据 GameData sceneData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <GameData>(); if (sceneData != null) { = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name; sceneData.opNum = FindObjectsOfType <DiamantController>().Length; } else { isGoing = false; return; } string SceneDataPath = "Assets/Scripts/RubiksAndAngieBase/GameData"; string path; path = SceneDataPath + "/Data"; //检查保存路径 if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } //删除原有文件,生成新文件 string fullPath = path + "/" + + "_" + "GameData.asset"; UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(fullPath); UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(sceneData, fullPath); UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Refresh(); sceneData.DataName =; controllerBase.gameData = sceneData; //isError = false; isGoing = false; }
public override void OnConnect(GameControllerBase mainGame) { base.OnConnect(mainGame); Debug.Log("MainGame: Connected"); // Setup our Inventory and Quest Engine InventoryEngine.Instance.Initialize(mainGame); QuestEngine.Instance.Initialize(mainGame); DialogEngine.Instance.Initialize(mainGame); PBGameMaster.GameState = GameStateType.Connected; if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { mainGame.Game.Avatar.Token = "b184145cd5405aa0cadd91c724198613";//"f8caa53b14f9d5d35fdc84756c5ff8ba"; } else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) { mainGame.Game.Avatar.Token = "f61297bd64ce510052c3864b2fe22d02"; } if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer) { if (_loaderPref.GetInt(PBConstants.PREF_LOGGEDIN) == 1) { PBGameMaster.GameState = GameStateType.Authenticating; string username = _loaderPref.GetString(PBConstants.PREF_USERNAME); string password = _loaderPref.GetString(PBConstants.PREF_PASSWORD); Debug.Log("MainGame: Logging in with Username: "******", Password: "******"MainGame: Authenticating... with Token: " + mainGame.Game.Avatar.Token); mainGame.Game.Avatar.Authenticate(mainGame.Game.Avatar.Token); } }
public static MainController Get() { if (mainController == null) { mainController = new MainController { Configuration = Configuration.Load(), Logger = new LoggerService(), }; gameController = new MockGameController(); } return(mainController); }
public void Dispose() { if (m_disposed) { return; } GameController.Dispose(); // Test repeated Dispose() GameController.Dispose(); GameController = null; m_disposed = true; }
void Start() { gameController = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GameController)) as GameController; coroutine = waith(); StartCoroutine("waith"); x = transform.localScale.x; y = transform.localScale.y; //z = transform.localScale.z; xN = x * 2f; yN = y * 2f; locked = false; estaArrastando = false; }
void Start() { if (dinamico) { gameController = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GCEscreverDinamicoObjetos)) as GCEscreverDinamicoObjetos; } else { gameController = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GameController)) as GameController; } initialPosition = transform.position; z = 1; locked = true; moveInitial(); //moveInitial(Transform transform, float xDest, float yDest) }
public override void OnWorldEntered(GameControllerBase mainGame) { base.OnWorldEntered(mainGame); PBGameMaster.GameState = GameStateType.WorldEntered; WindowManager.IsVisible = true; mainGame.CreateAvatar(mainGame.Game); Operations.RadarSubscribe(mainGame.Game.Peer, mainGame.Game.WorldData.Name); // Unload unneeded assets Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); // Finished and removed our loading background MainController.SetLoadingFinished(); }
public override void OnWorldStartDownload(GameControllerBase mainGame) { base.OnWorldStartDownload(mainGame); Level level = mainGame.Game.WorldData.Level; MainController.SetLoadingText(PBConstants.LOADINGBAR_LOADING); mainGame.Game.Listener.LogDebug(mainGame.Game, string.Format("Tile ({0}, {1}), Grid ({2}, {3})", level.InterestArea[0], level.InterestArea[1], level.WorldSize[0], level.WorldSize[1])); try { PBGameMaster.GameTime = DateTime.Parse(level.StartDateTime); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogWarning("Invalid Game Time: " + level.StartDateTime + " => " + ex.ToString()); PBGameMaster.GameTime = DateTime.Now; } //loadingProgress = 0; MainController.SetLoadingProgess(0); MainController.SetLoadingText(PBConstants.LOADINGBAR_LOADING); _progress = 0; _isDownload = true; _downloadState = DownloadStateType.Level; //_statusText = PBConstants.LOADINGBAR_LOADING; // Register Gesticon Engine to the game data loader GesticonEngine.Instance.Register(); // Register the Inventory Engine into the game data loader InventoryEngine.Instance.Register(); // Register dialog engine into the game data loader DialogEngine.Instance.Register(); // Register our Quest engine into the game data loader QuestEngine.Instance.Register(); // Prepare all the data loaders GameDataLoader.Prepare(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { if (tipoDinamico.Equals("Cores")) { audioController = FindObjectOfType(typeof(AudioController)) as AudioController; gameController = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GameControllerDinamicoCores)) as GameControllerDinamicoCores; } else if (tipoDinamico.Equals("Sons")) { audioController = FindObjectOfType(typeof(AudioController)) as AudioController; gameController = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GameControllerDinamicoAnimais)) as GameControllerDinamicoAnimais; } if (playinicial) { //coroutine = playAudioEnumSon(); //StartCoroutine("playAudioEnumSon"); } }
public override void OnDisconnect(GameControllerBase mainGame, ExitGames.Client.Photon.StatusCode returnCode) { base.OnDisconnect(mainGame, returnCode); _isDisconnected = true; _counter = 10; // 10 seconds countdown Debug.Log("MainGame: Disconnected with returnCode " + returnCode); WindowManager.IsVisible = false; Messenger<string>.Broadcast(Messages.BANNER_CHANGE, "GUI/Banner/ditu_bg"); Messenger<bool>.Broadcast(Messages.BANNER_SETVISIBILITY, true); PBGameMaster.GameState = GameStateType.Disconnected; //mainGame.Clear(); _countdownTimer.Start(); }
public override void OnAction(GameControllerBase game) { base.OnAction(game); Transform position = GetAvailablePosition(); // Do not turn on the interaction hint _readyToUse = false; ItemInteractionType interactionType = ItemInteractionType.Sit; var target = position.gameObject.GetComponent<ItemInteractionTarget>(); if (target != null) { interactionType = target.interactionType; } if (position != null) { Messenger<ItemInteraction, Transform, ItemInteraction.ItemInteractionType>.Broadcast(Messages.PLAYER_INTERACTO, this, position, interactionType, MessengerMode.DONT_REQUIRE_LISTENER); } }
public override void OnRadarUpdate(GameControllerBase mainGame, string itemId, byte itemType, float[] position) { base.OnRadarUpdate(mainGame, itemId, itemType, position); itemId += itemType; if (position == null) { PBGameMaster.ItemPositions.Remove(itemId); return; } Vector3 pos = new Vector3(position[0], position[1], position.Length > 2 ? position[2] : 0f); if (PBGameMaster.ItemPositions.ContainsKey(itemId) == false) { PBGameMaster.ItemPositions.Add(itemId, pos); return; } PBGameMaster.ItemPositions[itemId] = pos; }
public override void OnAuthenticated(GameControllerBase mainGame, bool isAuth) { base.OnAuthenticated(mainGame, isAuth); if (isAuth == false) // not authenticated { if (mainGame.loginWindow == null) { mainGame.Game.Avatar.Disconnect(); } else { PBGameMaster.GameState = GameStateType.Disconnected; mainGame.loginWindow.InfoText = "Failed..."; _loaderPref.SetInt(PBConstants.PREF_LOGGEDIN, 0); mainGame.ShowLoginWindow(); } } else { if (mainGame.loginWindow != null) { mainGame.loginWindow.Hide(); } _loaderPref.SetInt(PBConstants.PREF_LOGGEDIN, 1); _loaderPref.SetString(PBConstants.PREF_USERNAME, mainGame.Game.Avatar.Username); _loaderPref.SetString(PBConstants.PREF_PASSWORD, mainGame.Game.Avatar.Password); mainGame.Game.Avatar.LoadWorld(mainGame.Game.Settings.IsPrivateRoom); PBGameMaster.GameState = GameStateType.Loading; } }
public override void OnReceivedChatMessage(GameControllerBase mainGame, PB.Client.Item item, string[] group, string message) { base.OnReceivedChatMessage(mainGame, item, group, message); }
public Detector(GameControllerBase game) { this.Game = game; }
public virtual void Initialize(GameControllerBase gameController) { this.GameController = gameController; }
protected void OnInstantiateSkybox(GameControllerBase mainGame, UnityEngine.Object obj) { RenderSettings.skybox = (Material)obj; try { // Setup the fog Fog fog = mainGame.Game.WorldData.Level.Fog; RenderSettings.fog =; RenderSettings.fogColor = new Color(fog.color.x, fog.color.y, fog.color.z, fog.color.w); RenderSettings.fogDensity = fog.density; RenderSettings.fogStartDistance = fog.startDistance; RenderSettings.fogEndDistance = fog.endDistance; RenderSettings.fogMode = (FogMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(FogMode), fog.fogMode); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError("IslandGame.OnInstantiateSkybox.Fog: " + ex.ToString()); } }
public override void OnGUI(GameControllerBase mainGame) { base.OnGUI(mainGame); //UIProgressBar.Instance.Update(PBConstants.LOADINGBAR_CONNECTING, 0, PBConstants.LOADINGBAR_FONTSIZE); }
public override void OnInventoriesReceived(GameControllerBase mainGame, Inventories inventories) { base.OnInventoriesReceived(mainGame, inventories); InventoryEngine.Instance.SetInventories(inventories); }
protected void OnInstantiateAudio(GameControllerBase mainGame, UnityEngine.Object obj) { _backgroundSound = (AudioClip)obj; mainGame.SetupBackgroundSound(_backgroundSound); }
protected void OnInstantiateLevelEntity(GameControllerBase mainGame, UnityEngine.Object obj, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotation, string tag, int lightmapIndex, Vector4 lightmapTilingOffset) { if (PopBloopSettings.useLogs) { Debug.Log(string.Format("MainGame: Instantiating object '{0}', Lightmap Index: {1}, LightmapTilingOffset: {2},{3},{4},{5}",, lightmapIndex, lightmapTilingOffset.x, lightmapTilingOffset.y, lightmapTilingOffset.z, lightmapTilingOffset.w)); } GameObject go = AssetsManager.Instantiate(obj); if (go != null) { go.transform.position = position; go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation); go.transform.tag = tag; if (PopBloopSettings.useLogs) { //Debug.Log("Lightmap Object: " + + " => Index: " + lightmapIndex.ToString()); } if (go.renderer != null && mainGame.Game.WorldData.Level.Lightmap.lightmaps.Count > 0) { go.renderer.lightmapIndex = lightmapIndex; go.renderer.lightmapTilingOffset = lightmapTilingOffset; } if (go.tag == LevelConstants.TagItem) { ItemBase item = go.GetComponent<ItemBase>(); if (item != null) { item.drawGizmo = false; } } if (go.tag == LevelConstants.TagNPC) { ItemNPC npc = go.GetComponent<ItemNPC>(); npc.drawGizmo = false; } if (go.tag == LevelConstants.TagSpawnPoints) { PBGameMaster.SpawnPoints.Add(go.transform); } if (PBGameMaster.Objects.ContainsKey( == false) { PBGameMaster.Objects.Add(, go); } } else { Debug.Log("MainGame: Instantiating " + + " failed"); } }
private void ReportProgress(GameControllerBase mainGame, int counter, int totalDownloads) { if (counter > totalDownloads) { counter = totalDownloads; } float newProgress = (float)counter / (float)totalDownloads; // Calculate progress and inform listener about the progress if (_progress != newProgress) { //this.loadingProgress = _progress; //Debug.Log(string.Format("Counter: {0}, Total: {1}, Progress: {2}", counter, totalDownloads, newProgress)); MainController.SetLoadingProgess(_progress); } _progress = newProgress; }
private int GetLevelTotalDownloads(GameControllerBase mainGame) { Level level = mainGame.Game.WorldData.Level; return level == null ? 0 : level.Lightmap.lightmaps.Count + level.Entities.Count + (level.Audio != "" ? 1 : 0) + (level.Skybox != "" ? 1 : 0) - 1; }
private bool DownloadWorldLevel(GameControllerBase mainGame) { WWW asset = null; if (mainGame.Game.WorldData.Level != null) { Level level = mainGame.Game.WorldData.Level; string path = PopBloopSettings.LevelAssetsUrl + level.Path + "/"; _counter = 0; int totalDownloads = GetLevelTotalDownloads(mainGame); // Download the skybox if (level.Skybox != "") { _counter++; ReportProgress(mainGame, _counter, totalDownloads); asset = AssetsManager.DownloadAssetBundleAbsolute(path + level.Skybox); if (asset.isDone == false) { return false; } if (asset.error != null) { Debug.LogError("LoadWorld: error downloading " + path + level.Skybox + "=> " + asset.error); asset = AssetsManager.RetryDownloadAssetBundleAbsolute(path + level.Skybox); return false; } } // Download the Lightmaps if (level.Lightmap.lightmaps.Count > 0) { foreach (LightmapDataInfo lmData in level.Lightmap.lightmaps) { _counter++; ReportProgress(mainGame, _counter, totalDownloads); if (lmData.nearLightmap != "") { string nearLightmap = string.Format("{0}{1}", path, lmData.nearLightmap); asset = AssetsManager.DownloadAssetBundle(nearLightmap); if (asset.isDone == false) { return false; } if (asset.error != null) { Debug.LogError("LoadWorld: error downloading " + nearLightmap + "=> " + asset.error); asset = AssetsManager.RetryDownloadAssetBundleAbsolute(nearLightmap); return false; } } if (lmData.farLightmap != "") { string farLightmap = string.Format("{0}{1}", path, lmData.farLightmap); asset = AssetsManager.DownloadAssetBundle(farLightmap); if (asset.isDone == false) { return false; } if (asset.error != null) { Debug.LogError("LoadWorld: error downloading " + farLightmap + "=> " + asset.error); asset = AssetsManager.RetryDownloadAssetBundleAbsolute(farLightmap); return false; } } } } // Download the audio if (level.Audio != "") { _counter++; ReportProgress(mainGame, _counter, totalDownloads); asset = AssetsManager.DownloadSoundAbsolute(path + level.Audio); if (asset.isDone == false) { return false; } if (asset.error != null) { Debug.LogError("LoadWorld: error downloading " + path + level.Skybox + "=> " + asset.error); asset = AssetsManager.RetryDownloadAssetBundleAbsolute(path + level.Audio); return false; } } // First, we download all the entities, don't instantiate it yet foreach (Entity entity in level.Entities) { _counter++; ReportProgress(mainGame, _counter, totalDownloads); string bundle = path + entity.FilePath; // return false if the download is not completed asset = AssetsManager.DownloadAssetBundleAbsolute(bundle); if (asset.isDone == false) { return false; } if (asset.error != null) { Debug.LogError("LoadWorld: error downloading " + path + level.Skybox + "=> " + asset.error); asset = AssetsManager.RetryDownloadAssetBundleAbsolute(bundle); return false; } } ReportProgress(mainGame, totalDownloads, totalDownloads); // Instantiate the skybox if (level.Skybox != "") { AssetBundle bundle = AssetsManager.Bundles[path + level.Skybox].assetBundle; UnityEngine.Object obj = bundle.mainAsset; OnInstantiateSkybox(mainGame, obj); bundle.Unload(false); } // Instantiate the Lightmaps if (level.Lightmap.lightmaps.Count > 0) { OnInstantiateLightmaps(mainGame, level.Lightmap); } // Insntatiate the audio if (level.Audio != "") { UnityEngine.Object obj = AssetsManager.Sounds[path + level.Audio].GetAudioClip(false); OnInstantiateAudio(mainGame, obj); } // Now, we have all the entities downloaded, instantiate them all foreach (Entity entity in level.Entities) { string bundlePath = path + entity.FilePath; AssetBundle bundle = AssetsManager.Bundles[bundlePath].assetBundle; UnityEngine.Object obj = bundle.mainAsset; // Set the entity position and rotation Vector3 pos = new Vector3(entity.Position.x, entity.Position.y, entity.Position.z); Vector3 rot = new Vector3(entity.Rotation.x, entity.Rotation.y, entity.Rotation.z); Vector4 tilingOffset = new Vector4(entity.LightmapTilingOffset.x, entity.LightmapTilingOffset.y, entity.LightmapTilingOffset.z, entity.LightmapTilingOffset.w); OnInstantiateLevelEntity(mainGame, obj, pos, rot, entity.Tag, entity.LightmapIndex, tilingOffset); bundle.Unload(false); } return true; } else { mainGame.Game.Listener.LogError(mainGame.Game, "Level " + mainGame.Game.WorldData.Name + " is invalid"); mainGame.Game.SetDisconnected(StatusCode.Exception); } return false; }
protected void OnWorldLoaded(GameControllerBase mainGame) { //loadingProgress = 0; MainController.SetLoadingProgess(0); // Setup the Inventories and Quests SetupInventoriesAndQuests(mainGame.Game); // Enter World only when we are not in the private room mainGame.Game.Avatar.EnterWorld(); PBGameMaster.GameState = GameStateType.EnterWorld; }
public void Initialize(GameControllerBase mainGame) { _gameController = mainGame; }
public override void Update(GameControllerBase mainGame) { base.Update(mainGame); if (_isDownload) { switch (_downloadState) { case DownloadStateType.Level: { if (DownloadWorldLevel(mainGame)) { _downloadState = DownloadStateType.GameData; } } break; case DownloadStateType.GameData: { //_statusText = GameDataLoader.GetCurrentStatusText; //loadingProgress = GameDataLoader.CurrentProgress; MainController.SetLoadingText(GameDataLoader.GetCurrentStatusText); MainController.SetLoadingProgess(GameDataLoader.CurrentProgress); if (GameDataLoader.Download()) { _isDownload = false; OnWorldLoaded(mainGame); } } break; } } }
public override void OnEquipmentsReceived(GameControllerBase mainGame, Equipments equipments) { base.OnEquipmentsReceived(mainGame, equipments); InventoryEngine.Instance.SetEquipments(equipments); }
public void SetGame(GameControllerBase controller) { gameController = controller; controller.HandleStartup(); }
protected void OnInstantiateLightmaps(GameControllerBase mainGame, PB.Common.LightmapInfo lightmap) { if (lightmap.lightmapsMode != "" && lightmap.lightmapsMode != null && lightmap.lightmaps.Count > 0) { LightmapsMode mode = (LightmapsMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(LightmapsMode), lightmap.lightmapsMode); LightmapSettings.lightmapsMode = mode; List<LightmapData> maps = new List<LightmapData>(); Level level = mainGame.Game.WorldData.Level; foreach (LightmapDataInfo lmData in level.Lightmap.lightmaps) { LightmapData data = new LightmapData(); string nearKey = string.Format("{0}{1}/{2}.unity3d", PopBloopSettings.LevelAssetsUrl, level.Path, lmData.nearLightmap); string farKey = string.Format("{0}{1}/{2}.unity3d", PopBloopSettings.LevelAssetsUrl, level.Path, lmData.farLightmap); if (lmData.nearLightmap != "" && AssetsManager.Bundles.ContainsKey(nearKey)) { WWW www = AssetsManager.Bundles[nearKey]; if (www.assetBundle != null) { data.lightmapNear = (Texture2D)www.assetBundle.mainAsset; } else { Debug.LogWarning("OnInstantiateLightmaps.NearLightMaps: AssetBundle not found on " + nearKey); } } // Setup Far Lightmap if there is if (lmData.farLightmap != "" && AssetsManager.Bundles.ContainsKey(farKey)) { WWW www = AssetsManager.Bundles[farKey]; if (www.assetBundle != null) { data.lightmapFar = (Texture2D)www.assetBundle.mainAsset; } else { Debug.LogWarning("OnInstantiateLightmaps.FarLightMaps: AssetBundle not found on " + farKey); } } maps.Add(data); } if (maps.Count > 0) { LightmapSettings.lightmaps = maps.ToArray(); } } }
public virtual void OnAction(GameControllerBase game) { }