public void ProcessImage(GalleryImageItem image)
            String imageLocation       = image.FullImageFileLocation;
            String scaledImageLocation = image.ScaledImageFileLocation;
            String thumbImageLocation  = image.ThumbImageFileLocation;

            if (!File.Exists(scaledImageLocation))
                ScaleImage(_scaledImageScaleMode, imageLocation, scaledImageLocation, _scaledImageWidth, _scaledImagedHeight);
            if (!File.Exists(thumbImageLocation))
                ScaleImage(_thumbScaleMode, imageLocation, thumbImageLocation, _thumbImageWidth, _thumbImageHeight);
Example #2
 public void AddHostingUnit(BE.HostingUnit hostingUnit)
     hostingUnit.stSerialKey = Configuration.HostingUnitKey;
     //save images
     for (int i = 0; i < hostingUnit.TempImages.Count(); i++)
         int key = Configuration.ImageIdentity;
         GalleryImageItem ii = new GalleryImageItem()
             HostingUnitId = hostingUnit.stSerialKey,
             Id            = key,
             Url           = hostingUnit.TempImages[i].Url
     UpdateXml <HostingUnit>(HostingUnitsList);
     UpdateXml <GalleryImageItem>(GalleryList);
Example #3
        public void UpdatingHostingUnit(BE.HostingUnit hostingUnit)
            var h = GetHostingUnitById(hostingUnit.stSerialKey);

            if (h != null)
                h.HostingUnitName      = hostingUnit.HostingUnitName;
                h.Rooms                = hostingUnit.Rooms;
                h.SubArea              = hostingUnit.SubArea;
                h.OwnerId              = hostingUnit.OwnerId;
                h.Pool                 = hostingUnit.Pool;
                h.Adult                = hostingUnit.Adult;
                h.Area                 = hostingUnit.Area;
                h.Children             = hostingUnit.Children;
                h.ChildrensAttractions = hostingUnit.ChildrensAttractions;
                h.Garden               = hostingUnit.Garden;
                h.Status = hostingUnit.Status;
                //h.DiaryState = hostingUnit.DiaryState;

                //delete Prev items
                GalleryList.RemoveAll(c => c.HostingUnitId == hostingUnit.stSerialKey);
                for (int i = 0; i < hostingUnit.TempImages.Count(); i++)
                    int key = Configuration.ImageIdentity;
                    GalleryImageItem ii = new GalleryImageItem()
                        HostingUnitId = hostingUnit.stSerialKey,
                        Id            = key,
                        Url           = hostingUnit.TempImages[i].Url
                UpdateXml <HostingUnit>(HostingUnitsList);
                UpdateXml <GalleryImageItem>(GalleryList);
        public GalleriesModel BuildGalleriesModel()
            List <Gallery> galleries = new List <Gallery>();

            String[] galleryPaths = Directory.GetDirectories(_galleryContentRootFilePath);

            foreach (String galleryPath in galleryPaths)
                // Create a new gallery for each directory.
                Gallery gallery = new Gallery();

                // Get the directory name to use as the gallery name.
                DirectoryInfo galleryDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(galleryPath);
                gallery.FolderName = galleryDirectoryInfo.Name;
                gallery.Name       = galleryDirectoryInfo.Name;

                // We set the last updated time to now by default, but this will be read from the data file later if it exists.
                gallery.LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.Now;
                gallery.CreatedTime     = DateTime.Now;

                gallery.CoverImageHttpPath = Path.Combine(_galleryContentRootHttpPath, String.Format("{0}/{1}", gallery.FolderName, _galleryCoverFileName));
                gallery.FeedImageHttpPath  = _baseHttpUrl + Path.Combine(_galleryContentRootHttpPath, String.Format("{0}/{1}", gallery.FolderName, _galleryCoverFileName));
                gallery.CoverImageFilePath = Path.Combine(_galleryContentRootFilePath, String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", gallery.FolderName, _galleryCoverFileName));

                String   imagesPath     = Path.Combine(galleryPath, _galleryFolderOriginalImages);
                String[] imageFilePaths = Directory.GetFiles(imagesPath, _imageFileTypeFilter);

                // Create zip paths and files.
                String  zipFileNameLQ     = String.Format(_zipFileLQFormat, gallery.FolderName);
                String  zipFileNameHQ     = String.Format(_zipFileHQFormat, gallery.FolderName);
                String  zipFileFullPathLQ = Path.Combine(galleryPath, zipFileNameLQ);
                String  zipFileFullPathHQ = Path.Combine(galleryPath, zipFileNameHQ);
                ZipFile zipFileLQ         = null;
                ZipFile zipFileHQ         = null;
                if (!File.Exists(zipFileFullPathLQ))
                    zipFileLQ = new ZipFile(zipFileFullPathLQ);
                    zipFileLQ.CompressionLevel = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.BestCompression;
                if (!File.Exists(zipFileFullPathHQ))
                    zipFileHQ = new ZipFile(zipFileFullPathHQ);
                    zipFileHQ.CompressionLevel = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.BestCompression;

                // Loop over all of the images found in the path and create
                // items for each one with the required data.
                foreach (String imagePath in imageFilePaths)
                    GalleryImageItem image = new GalleryImageItem();
                    image.Name = Path.GetFileName(imagePath);

                    image.FullImageHttpPath   = Path.Combine(_galleryContentRootHttpPath, String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", gallery.FolderName, _galleryFolderOriginalImages, image.Name));
                    image.ScaledImageHttpPath = Path.Combine(_galleryContentRootHttpPath, String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", gallery.FolderName, _galleryFolderScaledImages, image.Name));
                    image.ThumbImageHttpPath  = Path.Combine(_galleryContentRootHttpPath, String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", gallery.FolderName, _galleryFolderThumbs, image.Name));

                    image.FullImageFileLocation   = Path.Combine(_galleryContentRootFilePath, String.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}", gallery.FolderName, _galleryFolderOriginalImages, image.Name));
                    image.ScaledImageFileLocation = Path.Combine(_galleryContentRootFilePath, String.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}", gallery.FolderName, _galleryFolderScaledImages, image.Name));
                    image.ThumbImageFileLocation  = Path.Combine(_galleryContentRootFilePath, String.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}", gallery.FolderName, _galleryFolderThumbs, image.Name));

                    // Alternative code that maps http paths to local file system.
                    //image.FullImageFileLocation = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(image.FullImageHttpPath);
                    //image.ScaledImageFileLocation = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(image.ScaledImageHttpPath);
                    //image.ThumbImageFileLocation = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(image.ThumbImageHttpPath);

                    // Process each image to create scaled copies and thumbnails.

                    // If zip files are required add each image to the appropriate zips (either scaled or full size).
                    if (zipFileLQ != null)
                        zipFileLQ.AddFile(image.ScaledImageFileLocation, String.Empty);
                    if (zipFileHQ != null)
                        zipFileHQ.AddFile(image.FullImageFileLocation, String.Empty);


                // Build the file path for the gallery data file.
                String galleryDataFileName = String.Format(Settings.Default.File_GalleryDataFileNameFormat, gallery.UrlFriendlyName);
                gallery.DataFilePath = Path.Combine(_galleryContentRootFilePath, galleryDataFileName);

                /* Attempt to read data from the data file.
                 * This data will extend information already
                 * gathered from the gallery paths and includes
                 * textual contant such as descriptions and comments.
                 * Note: This may potentially change the gallery name.
                 * The folder name will not be changed, but
                 * the display name and Url friendly name may
                 * be changed.

                gallery.GalleryExternalHttpPath         = String.Format(_galleryHttpPathFormat, _baseHttpUrl, gallery.UrlFriendlyName);
                gallery.GalleryInternalHttpPath         = String.Format(_galleryHttpPathFormat, String.Empty, gallery.UrlFriendlyName);
                gallery.GalleryExternalEnhancedHttpPath = String.Format(_galleryHttpEnhancedPathFormat, _baseHttpUrl, gallery.UrlFriendlyName);
                gallery.GalleryInternalEnhancedHttpPath = String.Format(_galleryHttpEnhancedPathFormat, String.Empty, gallery.UrlFriendlyName);

                // Check if we need to create a gallery cover.
                if (!File.Exists(gallery.CoverImageFilePath) && gallery.Items.Count > 0)
                    GalleryImageItem galleryCoverImage = null;

                    // First we attempt to resolve the gallery cover from the information known about the images.
                    galleryCoverImage = gallery.Items.FirstOrDefault(i =>
                        if (i.ItemType == GalleryItemType.Image)
                            var image = i as GalleryImageItem;
                            if (image != null)
                    }) as GalleryImageItem;

                    //if (galleryCoverImage == null)
                    //    // If the first attempt failed, next we try to resolve the image
                    //    // by looking for an image named:
                    //    //      Cover
                    //    //      GalleryCover

                    //    galleryCoverImage = gallery.Items.FirstOrDefault(i =>
                    //    {
                    //        if (i.ItemType == GalleryItemType.Image)
                    //        {
                    //            var image = i as GalleryImageItem;
                    //            if (String.Compare(image.Name, "cover.jpg", true) == 0 ||
                    //                String.Compare(image.Name, "gallerycover.jpg", true) == 0)
                    //            {
                    //                return image.IsCover;
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //        return false;
                    //    }) as GalleryImageItem;

                    if (galleryCoverImage == null)
                        // Finally, as a last resort to resolve the cover image, just select the first image in the gallery.
                        galleryCoverImage = (GalleryImageItem)gallery.Items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ItemType == GalleryItemType.Image);

                    if (galleryCoverImage != null)
                        // Now we have the image, render the cover from it.
                        _coverRenderer.GenerateCoverImage(gallery.Name, gallery.CoverImageFilePath, galleryCoverImage.FullImageFileLocation);

                        // Mark this as the cover image. (This will be written to the data file later to guide the administrator if they need to change the cover image.)
                        galleryCoverImage.IsCover = true;

                // If zip files are required, write the data out to disk.
                if (zipFileLQ != null)
                if (zipFileHQ != null)

                // Populate some information about the zips on the gallery object for use later when the gallery is displayed.
                gallery.ZipLQFileSizeBytes = new FileInfo(zipFileFullPathLQ).Length;
                gallery.ZipHQFileSizeBytes = new FileInfo(zipFileFullPathHQ).Length;
                gallery.ZipLQHttpPath      = Path.Combine(_galleryContentRootHttpPath, String.Format("{0}/{1}", gallery.FolderName, zipFileNameLQ));
                gallery.ZipHQHttpPath      = Path.Combine(_galleryContentRootHttpPath, String.Format("{0}/{1}", gallery.FolderName, zipFileNameHQ));
                gallery.ZipLQFileLocation  = Path.Combine(_galleryContentRootFilePath, String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", gallery.FolderName, zipFileNameLQ));
                gallery.ZipHQFileLocation  = Path.Combine(_galleryContentRootFilePath, String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", gallery.FolderName, zipFileNameHQ));


                // Add the gallery to the list.

            SyndicationFeed feed = _feedBuilder.BuildGalleryFeed(galleries);

            GalleriesModel model = new GalleriesModel(_galleriesIndexHttpPath, galleries, feed);
