Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// User has change the unit.
 /// </summary>
 private void UnitTB_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
         GXDLMSDemandRegister r = (GXDLMSDemandRegister)Target;
         if (r.Unit != (Unit)UnitTB.SelectedItem)
             r.Unit = (Unit)UnitTB.SelectedItem;
             errorProvider1.SetError(UnitTB, Properties.Resources.ValueChangedTxt);
             Target.UpdateDirty(4, r.Unit);
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "Error",
                         MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// User has change the scaler.
 /// </summary>
 private void ScalerTB_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
         double v;
         if (!double.TryParse(ScalerTB.Text, out v))
             throw new Exception("Invalid scaler value.");
         GXDLMSDemandRegister r = (GXDLMSDemandRegister)Target;
         if (r.Scaler != v)
             r.Scaler = v;
             errorProvider1.SetError(ScalerTB, Properties.Resources.ValueChangedTxt);
             Target.UpdateDirty(4, r.Scaler);
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "Error",
                         MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Example #3
        void Init()
            Media.OnReceived           += new Gurux.Common.ReceivedEventHandler(OnReceived);
            Media.OnClientConnected    += new Gurux.Common.ClientConnectedEventHandler(OnClientConnected);
            Media.OnClientDisconnected += new Gurux.Common.ClientDisconnectedEventHandler(OnClientDisconnected);
            Media.OnError += new Gurux.Common.ErrorEventHandler(OnError);
            //Add Logical Device Name. 123456 is meter serial number.
            GXDLMSData ldn = new GXDLMSData("");

            ldn.Value = "Gurux123456";
            //Value is get as Octet String.
            ldn.SetDataType(2, DataType.OctetString);
            ldn.SetUIDataType(2, DataType.String);
            //Add firmware version.
            GXDLMSData fw = new GXDLMSData("");

            fw.Value = "Gurux FW 0.0.1";
            //Add Last average.
            GXDLMSRegister r = new GXDLMSRegister("");

            //Set access right. Client can't change average value.
            //Add default clock. Clock's Logical Name is
            GXDLMSClock clock = new GXDLMSClock();

            clock.Begin     = new GXDateTime(-1, 9, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1);
            clock.End       = new GXDateTime(-1, 3, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1);
            clock.Deviation = 0;
            //Add Tcp Udp setup. Default Logical Name is
            GXDLMSTcpUdpSetup tcp = new GXDLMSTcpUdpSetup();

            //Add Load profile.
            GXDLMSProfileGeneric pg = new GXDLMSProfileGeneric("");

            //Set capture period to 60 second.
            pg.CapturePeriod = 60;
            //Maximum row count.
            pg.ProfileEntries = 100000;
            pg.SortMethod     = SortMethod.FiFo;
            pg.SortObject     = clock;
            //Add columns.
            //Set saved attribute index.
            pg.CaptureObjects.Add(new GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(clock, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(2, 0)));
            //Set saved attribute index.
            pg.CaptureObjects.Add(new GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(r, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(2, 0)));
            //Add initial rows.
            //Generate Profile Generic data file
            lock (FileLock)
                using (var writer = File.CreateText(GetdataFile()))
                    //Create 10 000 rows for profile generic file.
                    //In example profile generic we have two columns.
                    //Date time and integer value.
                    int      rowCount = 10000;
                    DateTime dt       = DateTime.Now;
                    //Reset minutes and seconds to Zero.
                    dt = dt.AddSeconds(-dt.Second);
                    dt = dt.AddMinutes(-dt.Minute);
                    dt = dt.AddHours(-(rowCount - 1));
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int pos = 0; pos != rowCount; ++pos)
                        sb.AppendLine(Convert.ToString(pos + 1));
                        dt = dt.AddHours(1);
                    sb.Length -= 2;
            //Add Auto connect object.
            GXDLMSAutoConnect ac = new GXDLMSAutoConnect();

            ac.Mode            = AutoConnectMode.AutoDiallingAllowedAnytime;
            ac.Repetitions     = 10;
            ac.RepetitionDelay = 60;
            //Calling is allowed between 1am to 6am.
            ac.CallingWindow.Add(new KeyValuePair <GXDateTime, GXDateTime>(new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1), new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 6, 0, 0, -1)));
            ac.Destinations = new string[] { "www.gurux.org" };
            //Add Activity Calendar object.
            GXDLMSActivityCalendar activity = new GXDLMSActivityCalendar();

            activity.CalendarNameActive      = "Active";
            activity.SeasonProfileActive     = new GXDLMSSeasonProfile[] { new GXDLMSSeasonProfile("Summer time", new GXDateTime(-1, 3, 31, -1, -1, -1, -1), "") };
            activity.WeekProfileTableActive  = new GXDLMSWeekProfile[] { new GXDLMSWeekProfile("Monday", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) };
            activity.DayProfileTableActive   = new GXDLMSDayProfile[] { new GXDLMSDayProfile(1, new GXDLMSDayProfileAction[] { new GXDLMSDayProfileAction(new GXTime(DateTime.Now), "", 1) }) };
            activity.CalendarNamePassive     = "Passive";
            activity.SeasonProfilePassive    = new GXDLMSSeasonProfile[] { new GXDLMSSeasonProfile("Winter time", new GXDateTime(-1, 10, 30, -1, -1, -1, -1), "") };
            activity.WeekProfileTablePassive = new GXDLMSWeekProfile[] { new GXDLMSWeekProfile("Tuesday", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) };
            activity.DayProfileTablePassive  = new GXDLMSDayProfile[] { new GXDLMSDayProfile(1, new GXDLMSDayProfileAction[] { new GXDLMSDayProfileAction(new GXTime(DateTime.Now), "", 1) }) };
            activity.Time = new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now);
            //Add Optical Port Setup object.
            GXDLMSIECOpticalPortSetup optical = new GXDLMSIECOpticalPortSetup();

            optical.DefaultMode      = OpticalProtocolMode.Default;
            optical.ProposedBaudrate = BaudRate.Baudrate9600;
            optical.DefaultBaudrate  = BaudRate.Baudrate300;
            optical.ResponseTime     = LocalPortResponseTime.ms200;
            optical.DeviceAddress    = "Gurux";
            optical.Password1        = "Gurux1";
            optical.Password2        = "Gurux2";
            optical.Password5        = "Gurux5";
            //Add Demand Register object.
            GXDLMSDemandRegister dr = new GXDLMSDemandRegister();

            dr.LogicalName         = "";
            dr.CurrentAverageValue = (uint)10;
            dr.LastAverageValue    = (uint)20;
            dr.Status           = (byte)1;
            dr.StartTimeCurrent = dr.CaptureTime = new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now);
            dr.Period           = 10;
            dr.NumberOfPeriods  = 1;
            //Add Register Monitor object.
            GXDLMSRegisterMonitor rm = new GXDLMSRegisterMonitor();

            rm.LogicalName = "";
            rm.Thresholds  = new object[] { (int)0x1234, (int)0x5678 };
            GXDLMSActionSet set = new GXDLMSActionSet();

            set.ActionDown.LogicalName    = rm.LogicalName;
            set.ActionDown.ScriptSelector = 1;
            set.ActionUp.LogicalName      = rm.LogicalName;
            set.ActionUp.ScriptSelector   = 2;
            rm.Actions = new GXDLMSActionSet[] {
            rm.MonitoredValue.Update(r, 2);
            //Add Activate test mode Script table object.
            GXDLMSScriptTable st = new GXDLMSScriptTable("");
            GXDLMSScript      s  = new GXDLMSScript();

            s.Id = 1;
            GXDLMSScriptAction a = new GXDLMSScriptAction();

            a.Target = null;

            //Add action schedule object.
            GXDLMSActionSchedule actionS = new GXDLMSActionSchedule();

            actionS.Target = st;
            actionS.ExecutedScriptSelector = 1;
            actionS.Type          = SingleActionScheduleType.SingleActionScheduleType1;
            actionS.ExecutionTime = new GXDateTime[] { new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now) };
            //Add SAP Assignment object.
            GXDLMSSapAssignment sap = new GXDLMSSapAssignment();

            sap.SapAssignmentList.Add(new KeyValuePair <UInt16, string>(1, "Gurux"));
            sap.SapAssignmentList.Add(new KeyValuePair <UInt16, string>(16, "Gurux-2"));
            //Add Auto Answer object.
            GXDLMSAutoAnswer aa = new GXDLMSAutoAnswer();

            aa.Mode = AutoAnswerMode.Connected;
            aa.ListeningWindow.Add(new KeyValuePair <GXDateTime, GXDateTime>(new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 6, -1, -1, -1), new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1)));
            aa.Status        = AutoAnswerStatus.Inactive;
            aa.NumberOfCalls = 0;
            aa.NumberOfRingsInListeningWindow  = 1;
            aa.NumberOfRingsOutListeningWindow = 2;
            //Add Modem Configuration object.
            GXDLMSModemConfiguration mc = new GXDLMSModemConfiguration();

            mc.CommunicationSpeed = BaudRate.Baudrate57600;
            GXDLMSModemInitialisation init = new GXDLMSModemInitialisation();

            init.Request             = "AT";
            init.Response            = "OK";
            init.Delay               = 0;
            mc.InitialisationStrings = new GXDLMSModemInitialisation[] { init };

            //Add Mac Address Setup object.
            GXDLMSMacAddressSetup mac = new GXDLMSMacAddressSetup();

            mac.MacAddress = "00:11:22:33:44:55:66";

            //Add Image transfer object.
            GXDLMSImageTransfer i = new GXDLMSImageTransfer();

            //Add IP4 Setup object.
            GXDLMSIp4Setup ip4 = new GXDLMSIp4Setup();
            //Get local IP address.
            var host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());

            foreach (var ip in host.AddressList)
                if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                    ip4.IPAddress = ip.ToString();

            //Add Push Setup. (On Connectivity)
            GXDLMSPushSetup push = new GXDLMSPushSetup("");

            //Send Push messages to this address as default.
            push.Destination = ip4.IPAddress + ":7000";
            //Add push object itself. This is needed to tell structure of data to the Push listener.
            push.PushObjectList.Add(new KeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(push, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(2, 0)));
            //Add logical device name.
            push.PushObjectList.Add(new KeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(ldn, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(2, 0)));
            //Add . Ch. 0 IPv4 setup IP address.
            push.PushObjectList.Add(new KeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(ip4, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(3, 0)));

            Items.Add(new GXDLMSSpecialDaysTable());
            //Add  S-FSK objects
            Items.Add(new GXDLMSSFSKPhyMacSetUp());
            Items.Add(new GXDLMSSFSKActiveInitiator());
            Items.Add(new GXDLMSSFSKMacCounters());
            Items.Add(new GXDLMSSFSKMacSynchronizationTimeouts());
            ///Add G3-PLC objects.
            Items.Add(new GXDLMSG3Plc6LoWPan());
            Items.Add(new GXDLMSG3PlcMacLayerCounters());
            Items.Add(new GXDLMSG3PlcMacSetup());
            //Add security setup object
            Items.Add(new GXDLMSSecuritySetup());

            //Server must initialize after all objects are added.
Example #4
        void Init()
            Media.OnReceived           += new Gurux.Common.ReceivedEventHandler(OnReceived);
            Media.OnClientConnected    += new Gurux.Common.ClientConnectedEventHandler(OnClientConnected);
            Media.OnClientDisconnected += new Gurux.Common.ClientDisconnectedEventHandler(OnClientDisconnected);
            Media.OnError += new Gurux.Common.ErrorEventHandler(OnError);
            //Add Logical Device Name. 123456 is meter serial number.
            GXDLMSData d = new GXDLMSData("");

            d.Value = "Gurux123456";
            //Set access right. Client can't change Device name.
            d.SetAccess(2, AccessMode.ReadWrite);
            //Value is get as Octet String.
            d.SetDataType(2, DataType.OctetString);
            d.SetUIDataType(2, DataType.String);
            //Add Last average.
            GXDLMSRegister r = new GXDLMSRegister("");

            //Set access right. Client can't change average value.
            r.SetAccess(2, AccessMode.Read);
            //Add default clock. Clock's Logical Name is
            GXDLMSClock clock = new GXDLMSClock();

            clock.Begin     = new GXDateTime(-1, 9, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1);
            clock.End       = new GXDateTime(-1, 3, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1);
            clock.Deviation = 0;
            //Add Tcp Udp setup. Default Logical Name is
            GXDLMSTcpUdpSetup tcp = new GXDLMSTcpUdpSetup();

            //Add Load profile.
            GXDLMSProfileGeneric pg = new GXDLMSProfileGeneric("");

            //Set capture period to 60 second.
            pg.CapturePeriod = 60;
            //Maximum row count.
            pg.ProfileEntries = 100;
            pg.SortMethod     = SortMethod.FiFo;
            pg.SortObject     = clock;
            //Add columns.
            //Set saved attribute index.
            pg.CaptureObjects.Add(new GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(clock, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(2, 0)));
            //Set saved attribute index.
            pg.CaptureObjects.Add(new GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(r, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(2, 0)));
            //Add initial rows.
            pg.Buffer.Add(new object[] { DateTime.Now, (int)10 });
            //Add Auto connect object.
            GXDLMSAutoConnect ac = new GXDLMSAutoConnect();

            ac.Mode            = AutoConnectMode.AutoDiallingAllowedAnytime;
            ac.Repetitions     = 10;
            ac.RepetitionDelay = 60;
            //Calling is allowed between 1am to 6am.
            ac.CallingWindow.Add(new KeyValuePair <GXDateTime, GXDateTime>(new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1), new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 6, 0, 0, -1)));
            ac.Destinations = new string[] { "www.gurux.org" };

            //Add Activity Calendar object.
            GXDLMSActivityCalendar activity = new GXDLMSActivityCalendar();

            activity.CalendarNameActive      = "Active";
            activity.SeasonProfileActive     = new GXDLMSSeasonProfile[] { new GXDLMSSeasonProfile("Summer time", new GXDateTime(-1, 3, 31, -1, -1, -1, -1), "") };
            activity.WeekProfileTableActive  = new GXDLMSWeekProfile[] { new GXDLMSWeekProfile("Monday", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) };
            activity.DayProfileTableActive   = new GXDLMSDayProfile[] { new GXDLMSDayProfile(1, new GXDLMSDayProfileAction[] { new GXDLMSDayProfileAction(new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now), "test", 1) }) };
            activity.CalendarNamePassive     = "Passive";
            activity.SeasonProfilePassive    = new GXDLMSSeasonProfile[] { new GXDLMSSeasonProfile("Winter time", new GXDateTime(-1, 10, 30, -1, -1, -1, -1), "") };
            activity.WeekProfileTablePassive = new GXDLMSWeekProfile[] { new GXDLMSWeekProfile("Tuesday", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) };
            activity.DayProfileTablePassive  = new GXDLMSDayProfile[] { new GXDLMSDayProfile(1, new GXDLMSDayProfileAction[] { new GXDLMSDayProfileAction(new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now), "", 1) }) };
            activity.Time = new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now);

            //Add Optical Port Setup object.
            GXDLMSIECOpticalPortSetup optical = new GXDLMSIECOpticalPortSetup();

            optical.DefaultMode      = OpticalProtocolMode.Default;
            optical.ProposedBaudrate = BaudRate.Baudrate9600;
            optical.DefaultBaudrate  = BaudRate.Baudrate300;
            optical.ResponseTime     = LocalPortResponseTime.ms200;
            optical.DeviceAddress    = "Gurux";
            optical.Password1        = "Gurux1";
            optical.Password2        = "Gurux2";
            optical.Password5        = "Gurux5";

            //Add Demand Register object.
            GXDLMSDemandRegister dr = new GXDLMSDemandRegister();

            dr.LogicalName         = "";
            dr.CurrentAverageValue = (uint)10;
            dr.LastAverageValue    = (uint)20;
            dr.Status           = (byte)1;
            dr.StartTimeCurrent = dr.CaptureTime = new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now);
            dr.Period           = 10;
            dr.NumberOfPeriods  = 1;

            //Add Register Monitor object.
            GXDLMSRegisterMonitor rm = new GXDLMSRegisterMonitor();

            rm.LogicalName = "";
            rm.Thresholds  = new object[] { (int)0x1234, (int)0x5678 };
            GXDLMSActionSet set = new GXDLMSActionSet();

            set.ActionDown.LogicalName    = rm.LogicalName;
            set.ActionDown.ScriptSelector = 1;
            set.ActionUp.LogicalName      = rm.LogicalName;
            set.ActionUp.ScriptSelector   = 2;
            rm.Actions = new GXDLMSActionSet[] { set };
            rm.MonitoredValue.Update(r, 2);

            //Add action schedule object.
            GXDLMSActionSchedule actionS = new GXDLMSActionSchedule();

            actionS.LogicalName = "";
            actionS.ExecutedScriptLogicalName = "";
            actionS.ExecutedScriptSelector    = 1;
            actionS.Type          = SingleActionScheduleType.SingleActionScheduleType1;
            actionS.ExecutionTime = new GXDateTime[] { new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now) };

            //Add SAP Assignment object.
            GXDLMSSapAssignment sap = new GXDLMSSapAssignment();

            sap.SapAssignmentList.Add(new KeyValuePair <UInt16, string>(1, "Gurux"));
            sap.SapAssignmentList.Add(new KeyValuePair <UInt16, string>(16, "Gurux-2"));

            //Add Auto Answer object.
            GXDLMSAutoAnswer aa = new GXDLMSAutoAnswer();

            aa.Mode = AutoConnectMode.EmailSending;
            aa.ListeningWindow.Add(new KeyValuePair <GXDateTime, GXDateTime>(new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 6, -1, -1, -1), new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1)));
            aa.Status        = AutoAnswerStatus.Inactive;
            aa.NumberOfCalls = 0;
            aa.NumberOfRingsInListeningWindow  = 1;
            aa.NumberOfRingsOutListeningWindow = 2;

            //Add Modem Configuration object.
            GXDLMSModemConfiguration mc = new GXDLMSModemConfiguration();

            mc.CommunicationSpeed = BaudRate.Baudrate57600;
            GXDLMSModemInitialisation init = new GXDLMSModemInitialisation();

            init.Request             = "AT";
            init.Response            = "OK";
            init.Delay               = 0;
            mc.InitialisationStrings = new GXDLMSModemInitialisation[] { init };

            //Add Mac Address Setup object.
            GXDLMSMacAddressSetup mac = new GXDLMSMacAddressSetup();

            mac.MacAddress = "00:11:22:33:44:55:66";

            GXDLMSImageTransfer i = new GXDLMSImageTransfer();

            //Server must initialize after all objects are added.